Chapter 8 Interactions Between Fungal Endophytes and Bacterial Colonizers of Fescue Grass

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Interactions between Fungal Endophytes and

Bacterial Colonizers of Fescue Grass

Elizabeth Lewis Roberts and Christopher Mark Adamchek


8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 109

8.2 Alkaloids..................................................................................................................................................................... 109
8.3 Bacterial Epiphytes ......................................................................................................................................................110
8.3.1 Phyllosphere.....................................................................................................................................................110
8.3.2 Rhizosphere .....................................................................................................................................................111
8.3.3 Seed Communities ...........................................................................................................................................111
8.4 Transfer of PGP Bacteria from Tall Fescue Seed to Rhizosphere...............................................................................111
8.5 Summary .....................................................................................................................................................................115
8.6 Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................................................115
References .............................................................................................................................................................................115

8.1 INTRODUCTION S. arundinaceus host has focused on the aboveground region

of the plant, as the fungus primarily resides in the intercel-
Endophytic clavicipitalean fungi (Ascomycota, Hypoc- lular spaces of the stems and leaf sheaths (White 1987; see
reales) are well known for their ability to increase fitness in Figure 8.1). However, as asexual Epichloë is vertically trans-
their C3 grass hosts (Poaceae). This relationship is defined mitted from mother plant to daughter plant, the endophyte
by the presence of asymptomatic hyphae that are mostly spends part of its life cycle within the seeds (Clay 1990).
observed in the intercellular spaces of the aboveground
tissues of the host plant. The endophytic fungus attains a
constant source of carbohydrates from the plant, and, in turn, 8.2 ALKALOIDS
it produces secondary metabolites, which have been attrib-
uted to decreasing susceptibility of the host plant to abiotic The mutualism between S. arundinaceus and Epichloë
stresses (Clay 1990; Malinowski and Belesky 2000; Schardl coenophialum is due in part to the four classes of alkaloids,
et al. 2004; Kuldau et al. 2008). which in the mature plant are known to limit mammalian
Additional benefits associated with endophyte infection and insect herbivores (Bush et al. 1993; Wilkinson et  al.
of tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) include decreased 2000; Ji et al. 2014). While the lolitrems ward off vertebrate
infection by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne mary- herbivores, the ergot alkaloids provide defense against both
landi) and inhibited reproduction by migratory nematodes vertebrate and invertebrates. Loline and peramine alka-
(Pratylenchus scribneri) (Elmi et al. 2000; Kimmons et al. loids only decrease herbivory by invertebrates. The asexual
1990). Endophyte infection is also attributed to increased phase of Epichloë, formerly referred to as Neotyphodium, is
growth of the host plant, which is well documented but poorly known to produce much higher levels of alkaloids than the
understood (Schardl et  al. 2004). Furthermore, researchers sexual phase (Schardl et al. 2012).
have surmised unclear effects of fungal-produced plant hor- While these alkaloids accumulate in the aboveground
mones on plant physiology (Clay 1990). vegetative tissue, where the fungus resides, these beneficial
Research on the unique relationship between clavicipital- alkaloids are produced in the seeds by the vertically trans-
ean fungi of the genus Epichloë (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. and their mitted endophyte. Further, alkaloid concentration varies


Seed head


Endophyte (Epichloë)
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Alkaloid-catabolizing bacteria
Burkholderia ambifaria
Psuedomonas aureofaciens


Figure 8.1 Epichloë endophytes colonize the intercellular spaces of cool season grasses. The endophytes produce alkaloids such as
N-formylloline, which leach out onto leaves and exude into the rhizosphere. Bacterial colonizers that catabolize the alkaloid
have increased fitness in the phyllosphere and rhizosphere of tall fescue.

within different plant tissues (Spiering et al. 2005). Of the sources (Mercier and Lindow 2000). Thus, many epiphytic
several loline alkaloids produced by Epichloë endophytes, microbes are limited by the amount of nutrients that escape
N-formylloline (NFL) is typically found in the highest con- onto the plant surface.
centrations (Justus et al. 1997). In some cases, the total con- N-formylloline exits from the plant interior and onto
centration of lolines exceeds 2% of the dry weight of the the leaf surface via guttation fluid and wounding, where it
grass (Blankenship et al. 2001). becomes available for consumption by epiphytes (Koulman
et al. 2007). In the phyllosphere of tall fescue, the presence of
NFL increases the fitness of bacteria that are able to catabo-
8.3 BACTERIAL EPIPHYTES lize the alkaloid, and these bacteria make up the majority
of the phyllosphere microbial community of endophyte-
8.3.1 Phyllosphere infected grasses (Roberts and Lindow 2014). 16S rRNA
sequencing of NFL-enrichment cultures from leaf surface
The surfaces of the aboveground tissues of plants samples identified Burkholderia ambifaria, Pseudomonas
(phyllosphere) are populated by bacteria, fungi, and proto- fluorescens, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Serratia
zoans. Carbohydrates, amino acids, and other organic com- proteamaculans as the dominant culturable phyllosphere
pounds, which passively leach onto the leaf surface, are bacteria. Additional analysis showed that the ability to catab-
considered the major source of carbon compounds for epi- olize NFL is a trait only found in bacteria associated with
phytic microbes. However, leachates account for less than loline-producing endophyte-infected turfgrasses. Coyote
10 μg/g of plant tissue and therefore are not abundant nutrient bush (Baccharis pilularis) and black sage (Salvia mellifera)

plants, growing in the California chaparral, which is devoid of bacterial community structure. Their analysis showed that
tall fescue, harbor no loline-catabolizing bacterial epiphytes there was little variation in the microbial communities of
(Roberts and Lindow 2014). Therefore, the presence of par- corn, cucumber, radish, and soybean seeds 96  hours after
ticular bacteria on tall fescue plants can be attributed to NFL. sowing, despite significantly different carbohydrate and
amino acid exudate production. Similarly, pyrosequencing
8.3.2 Rhizosphere of seed washes from Brassica and Triticum showed that nei-
ther epiphytic bacterial load nor community richness was
Rhizosphere-dwelling microorganisms experience more different between the two seed types (Links et  al. 2014).
stability in abiotic stresses and have greater access to nutri- However, the investigators used only a fragment of chapero-
ents than their phyllosphere counterparts. A continuous nin 60 (cpn60) as their molecular marker. More appropri-
supply of carbohydrates and mucilage are secreted into the ately, Barret et al. (2015) utilized the V4 region of 16S rRNA
rhizosphere by plant roots (Bais et  al. 2006). In clavicipi- and a portion of gyrB for bacterial taxa as well as ITS1 for
talean fungal infections of grasses, the endophyte mostly identification of fungal taxa to examine seed microbiomes
resides in the aerial parts of the plant, but the protective of different Brassicaceae plants. They concluded that host
alkaloids that they produce are translocated to the roots species affect fungal community composition but have no
(Kimmons et  al. 1990). Furthermore, Epichloë mycelium effect on bacterial seed communities.
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and loline alkaloids have been observed in tall fescue roots While the presence of seed-borne bacteria on cool
(Schardl and Moon 2003; Nagabhyru et al. 2013). In addi- season grasses has been previously examined, the studies
tion, in meadow fescue, 1937  μg/g of loline alkaloids has focused only on culturable bacteria (White et al. 2012; White
been observed in the roots (Patchett et al. 2008). Thus, NFL et al. 2015). By using culture-free methods, we analyzed the
is likely secreted in rhizosphere exudates. differences in bacteria from endophyte-infected (E+) and
Next-generation sequencing of total DNA from rhizo- endophyte-free (E–) tall fescue seeds. Because Epichloë
planes showed that bacterial community composition varies coenophiala is vertically transmitted, we hypothesized that
between endophyte-infected (E+) and endophyte-free (E–) the E+ tall fescue seeds would have unique microbiota.
tall fescue rhizospheres. Several beneficial plant-growth- Illumina sequencing of the V4  region of 16S rRNA
promoting bacteria were found in greater abundance in illustrated that the diversity of bacteria is higher (Shannon
the rhizospheres of E+ plants than in the rhizospheres of Diversity index = 3.7) on endophyte-infected tall fescue
E– plants (Roberts and Ferraro 2015). Similar to the phyl- seeds than on endophyte-free seeds (Shannon Diversity
losphere dwellers, loline-catabolizing rhizosphere bacteria index = 1.53) and that the E+ seeds have a distinct micro-
have increased fitness over bacteria that are not able to use flora from the E– seeds (Figure 8.2) (Adamchek and
the alkaloid as a nutrient source (Roberts and Ferraro 2015). Roberts 2015). Furthermore, the E+ bacterial communi-
In addition, seeding the E+ rhizospheres with loline- ties from seed surfaces and seed interiors have a higher
catabolizing strain B. ambifaria increased the population relative abundance of plant-growth-promoting bacte-
sizes of beneficial Bacillus strains by 15% as compared ria (Figure 8.3, Table 8.1). While Pseudomonas tolaasii
with controls (Roberts and Ferraro 2015). Plant-growth- dominated the interiors of E+ seeds, the seed surface had
promoting Bacillus strains produce auxin, siderophores, several equally distributed strains, with Rhizobium sp.,
ammonium, and proteases and are known for inorganic Pedobacter sp., Pantoea agglomerans, Agrobacterium sp.
phosphate solubilization (Hayat et  al. 2010). The increase and Enterobacter cowanii making up the majority of the
in plant-growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) could be quite community (Figure 8.3).
beneficial to the fescue plant, and this result indicates a clear
influence of the loline-catabolizing strain on tall fescue rhi-
zosphere community composition. 8.4 TRANSFER OF PGP BACTERIA FROM
8.3.3 Seed Communities
Seed-borne bacteria of agricultural plants have been
Studies of the microbial communities on seeds are shown to be sources of bacteria in host tissues (Hallmann
limited, with most of the literature focusing on seed-borne et al. 1997). Illumina sequencing of E+ seed coats and rhizo-
plant pathogens (Baker and Smith 1966; Darrasse et  al. spheres demonstrated a 44% similarity in bacterial commu-
2010). Some plants have been shown to harbor specific bac- nity composition (Figure 8.4). The most abundant phylum in
teria on seeds that later colonize the seedling (Ferreira et al. common from before planting (seed surface) to later growth
2008). Transmission from seed to seedling is not guaran- stages was Proteobacteria, with 68% washed from seed sur-
teed, as seed-borne microorganisms must compete with soil faces, 62% in the rhizospheres of 3-week-old plants, and 67%
microbes for the nutrients released from emerging seedlings by 6 weeks (Figure 8.5) (Adamchek and Roberts 2015).
during germination (Nelson 2004). However, Buyer et  al. Table 8.1  highlights the plant-growth-promoting prop-
(1999) found that seed exudates played a minimal role in erties of the dominant bacterial epiphytes found from tall


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Relative abundance

E+ seed coat E− seed coat

Figure 8.2 (See color insert.) Comparison of bacterial families washed from endophyte-infected (E+) and endophyte-free (E–) tall
fescue seeds.

fescue seeds and rhizospheres. Of the 15 most abundant combined with Pseudomonas sp. (Yin et al. 2013). Similarly,
bacteria, only two of the most abundant strains on the seeds volatile organic compounds produced by Xanthomonas vesi-
(Chryseobacterium indologenes and Chryseobacterium catoria have been shown to inhibit the growth of R. solani
spp.) have no published data that indicate plant growth pro- (Weise et al. 2012). Although this bacterium is less abundant
motion. Notably, Pedobacter sp., which makes up 7% of in the seed bacterial community, perhaps the presence of
the seed surface microbiome, has been shown to suppress X. vesicatoria is responsible for the reduction of Rhizoctonia,
the growth of the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani, when observed in endophyte-infected tall fescue (Gwinn and

Seed interior Seed surface

sp. (9 rium


a n toeaerans
P lom
agg Rhizobium sp. (8%)

co tero

wa b

ni act

agglomerans (9%)
Pseudomonas tolaasii (58%) i ( er




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Figure 8.3 Bacterial communities of tall fescue seed interiors and seed surfaces are dominated by plant-growth-promoting species.

Table 8.1 Plant-Growth-Promoting and Protection Properties of the Dominant Bacteria Found in the Rhizosphere and Seed
Surface of Tall Fescue Plants
Rhizosphere Auxin Siderophore Solubilizing Ammonium Chitinase
Bacillus sp. + + + + +
Stenotrophomonas sp. + + + + +
Burkholderia sp. + + +   −
Pseudomonas sp. + + + + +
Acidobacterium spp. − + − − −
Variovorax spp. − + − − −
Lysobacter spp. − − − − +
Nitrosomonas spp. − − + − −
Bradyrhizobium spp. − − − + −

Seed Surface Auxin Siderophore Solubilizing Ammonium Chitinase
Agrobacterium tumefaciens + + − − −
Brevundimonas vesicularis − + − − −
Chryseobacterium indologenes − − − − −
Chryseobacterium spp. − − − − −
Enterobacter cowanii − − − − +
Frigoribacterium spp. + + − − −
Hymenobacter spp. − − − − −
Massilia timonae + + − − +
Pantoea agglomerans + − − + −
Pedobacter aurantiacus − − − − −
Pseudomonas spp. + + + − −
Rhizobium spp. − − − + −
Rhodococcus fascians + − − − −
Sphingomonas spp. − − − + −
Xanthomonas vesicatoria − − − − +



Relative abundance


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Seed wash 3 wk rhizosphere 6 wk rhizosphere

Figure 8.4 (See color insert.) Relative abundance of the major bacterial phylum from seed surfaces, rhizospheres of 3-week-old E+ tall
fescue, and rhizospheres of 6-week-old (E+) tall fescue plants.


(Total 20642) RHIZOBIACEAE

Figure 8.5 (See color insert.) Overlap of three bacterial families from rhizosphere, seed interiors, and seed coats, based on operational
taxonomic units (OTU) (3% distance) and the taxonomic identities of the shared OTUs at the family level. The number in
parentheses represents the total OTUs for that community.

Gavin 1992). Pantoea agglomerans makes up 10% of the alkaloids may also act in recruitment of beneficial bacteria
bacterial community inside of seeds, and 9% of the seed to the fescue host.
surface community has been shown to produce two antibi- Similarly, the microbial community of tall fescue seeds
otics that control pathogenic Erwinia amylovora (Wright appears to be influenced by the presence of the endophyte
et  al. 2001). In addition, P. agglomerans is known for as well. Further analysis will need to be conducted to bet-
fixing nitrogen, limiting pathogenic infection, increasing ter understand the role of NFL on seed-colonizing bacteria.
drought tolerance, and producing auxin (indole-3-acetic However, as almost half of the PGPB that dominate tall fes-
acid [IAA]) on host plants (Lindow and Brandl 2003). cue seed also make up the majority of the rhizosphere com-
A  study by Rfaki et  al. (2014) found that Enterobacter munity, we surmise that plant-growth-promoting bacteria
cowanii on legumes solubilize phosphate, produce IAA, are vertically transmitted in tall fescue.
and have siderophores. As illustrated in Table 8.1, many of the plant-growth-
Loline catabolizer B. ambifaria is a common rhizosphere promoting bacteria associated with tall fescue solubilize
strain that is used as a biological control agent against fun- phosphorus and fix nitrogen. Conversely, while there is
gal pathogens (Coenye and Vandamme 2003; Li et al. 2002). an increase in alkaloid production with greater nitrogen
It has been found to promote plant growth via auxin, sid- and phosphorus availability, fungal biomass decreases
erophore production, and nitrogen fixation (Parra-Cota et al. (Malinowski  et  al. 1998; Rasmussen et  al. 2007). This is
Downloaded by [Agostina Virginia Marano] at 18:10 02 April 2017

2014). In addition, this bacterium has been found to solubilize perhaps an area where bacterial colonizers directly influ-
phosphate (Walpola et al. 2012). Furthermore, B. ambifaria ence the fungal endophyte, either by making those nutrients
outcompetes other bacteria in the rhizosphere, just as it does more available or by consuming the alkaloids and thus mak-
on the phyllosphere (Roberts and Ferraro 2014; Roberts and ing a sink for the excess nutrients.
Lindow 2015). Although dominant in the phyllosphere and
rhizosphere, this strain was not isolated from seed samples.

8.5 SUMMARY We would like to thank Jacqueline Desrosier and

Brendan Mormile for their diligent help in reviewing this
In many plants, the chemicals present in root exudates manuscript. Funding in support of this work was awarded
can act as substrates or signaling molecules (Badri et al. to Elizabeth Lewis Roberts through the SCSU Minority
2013; Bais et  al. 2006; Neal et  al. 2012). Plant-growth- Retention and Recruitment Committee and the Connecticut
promoting bacteria (PGPB) are known to inhabit rhizo- State University Grants program.
spheres owing to the presence of particular exudates. These
bacteria benefit the plant host by warding off microbial
pathogens through niche exclusion, induced systemic resis- REFERENCES
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