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T£fJG anh

Lesson 6

Unit goals: BE and AE difference Elision 1

Assimilation Intonation

BE and AE Difference '

M o n o p h th o n g s-/ d / /& '■ /

Word BE AË ^

Chocolate / tjDklat/ / t/a:klat/

Clock /k\ok/ /k la .k /

Possible / pDsabl/ / pa.sabl/

Hot /hDt/ /h a :t/

Got /got/ /g a :t/

Sorry / ’s o r l / / 's a :r i/
Stop stop/ / sta:p /

BE and AE Difference t
t " ----------- ffc r m
M o n o p h th o n g s - / æ / * ^ / a /
Word BE AE
Pass /pa s/ /pass/
Class /kla s/ /klæs/
Ask /a sk/ /æsk/
Staff /sta f/ /stæf/
Example /ig ¿a mpl/ /igzæmpl/
Advantage /ad'va ntid3/ /ad'væntidj/ ^

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ancl AE Difference
m ttr.g anht
Monophthongs - /ju :/ + /u :/


/nju / /nu:/

Suit /sjut/ /su t/

Student /'stjudnt/ /'stu dnt/

produce /pra'djus/ /pra'du s/

Assume /a'sjum/ /a su m/

BF and AE D ifference a tien g anh\

, 1
e z il :
Diphthongs: /a u / /0 0 /

W o rd BE AE

/gau/ /gou/

/nau/ /noo/

/pra'maujn/ /pramoujn/

/grau0/ /grouG/

/raum æ ntik/ /rou'mæntik/



;smnecT by CamScanner
wo audio. Does the voice go up or down at the end?
n to dU
Li$te ^ partner to practice these questions
Where can I register for the Intermediate course?
Excuse me. v
" How much are the course fees?
' HoW long does the course last?
What time does the class usually start?
*. which floor is my classroom on?
6 where can I buy my course books?
7 Where can I buy coffee?
„ who will my teacher be?
9 When can I 9 ° to the next level?
10 how do I join the library?

dio Does the voice go up or down at the end? Work

Listen to the au • practice these questions
with your partner w k1

1. can I buy you a drink?

2 you married?
3 Are you a student.
4. Do you like your teacher?
5. Do you like the weather here?
6. Do you like spicy food? ?
7. Have you got any brothers or sisters.

8. Did you come here by bus?

9. Would you like a cigarette?
10. Is there a phone near here?

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---------------------------- , „ „ « c “ n , e ' S” ' " >"

A: Help, we re lost!
B: Where are you?
A: I don't know. There's a supermarket oih1 <■
. ^ r >n you see a bridge?
B: Oh, 1 think 1 know where you art i* V
A: Yes.
B: OK, well go across the bridge and turn right.
A: Turn right?
B: Uh uh. Now, can you see some trees on the left:
A: Yes
B: Turn left after the trees
A: What, in front of the bar?
B: Yes, in front of the bar. You'll see my house on the left.
A: I t ’s opposite the farm?
B: That’s it. Well done, you're here!

r— i

C o n t i n u in g and finishing tones

Continuing tones
V o ic e g o e s u p a t th e e n d
A: you know Max's grand father died?
B: Yes
A: well, he left all his m oney for the ch a rity
Finishing tones i
V o ic e g o e s d o w n a t th e e n d
A: you know Max's grand father died?
B: Oh
A: yeah, terrible, isn't it?

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Practice the following conversation

yoU know Angela?

I r*'
0. Ves­
: An(j you know her brother David?
0: Uh huh.
Well, you know he lives in Southside?
B; Mmm...
Well, somebody broke into his house last night?
B; oh, really?


Homework ■mtieng
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