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Explain all you know about matter and its properties

Matter is everything aroud us that has mass and takes up spaces.

Properties of matter, general properties are mass and volume specific properties, are different
for each type of matter colour, hardness, flexibility and density

What is volume? Write and example of how to measure it.

Is the amount of space that an object occupies.

Volume is measured in litres or millilitres, cubic centimetres can also be used to measure
volume 1cm is equal to 1 ml

What is density? Write an example

Is the concentration of matter in a particular volume.

An iron ball has higher density than a wooden ball of the same size

Which ones are the different states of matter? Write a short explanation
of each one
Solids have a fixed volume and shape are elastic, flexible, fragile strong

Liquids have a fixed volume but not a fixed shape are viscous and volatile

Gases do not have a fixed volume or shape, can flow and be compressed

Why an object can float and another one sinks?

When the density of an object is higher than the density of the liquid the object sinks. When
the density of an object is lower than the density of the liquid the object float

Example: the glass is denser than water, that is why it sinks

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