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“ I remember he said to me
‘please don’t let them take
my legs’, because he loved
walking on the beach and he
“ I have survived
and I have got
things to do.
I’m going to be
was worried that he would a father and a
never feel the sand under his husband again
feet again Chris Garlick
KArran Garlick

“Stories like Chris’s remind us of the

devastating human cost of sepsis.
Every day in the UK, individuals and
families have their lives torn apart by
hand and his thumb. the condition, but better awareness
Chris said: “I pleaded with him to could save thousands of lives a year.
save everything he could and he did. “Whenever there are signs of infec-
I’m very grateful for that. tion it’s crucial that the public seek
“When you think about all the tiny, medical attention immediately, and
miniscule things like buttering toast that healthcare professionals ‘think
or typing on a key board that you just sepsis’. With every hour that passes
take for granted,” he added. “Once before the right antibiotics are
you don’t have that it’s incredibly administered, risk of death increases.
painful. Earlier recognition and treatment
“But I’m so grateful for what I do can save lives.”
have left. It really does make you feel A Just Giving page set up during
humble.” the summer raised £2,000 to help
In the intervening seven weeks, support the family while Karran and ΖI\RXVHUYHGLQWKH5$)LQFOXGLQJ1DWLRQDO ;OLYLHYLZVTHU`^H`Z
Chris made faster progress than doc- Chris have been unable to work.
tors initially estimated. He wants to With extensive renovation needed 6HUYLFHRUDUHWKHZLIHRUSDUWQHURI /64,9,7(09:
be able to return home for Christmas to adapt their home for Chris’ needs (+(7;(;065:
and hopes he will soon be moved to in future, another Just Giving cam- VRPHERG\ZKRVHUYHGDQGQHHGRXUKHOS -05(5*0(3/,37
Rookwood Hospital in Cardiff to paign has been set up. 9,:70;,)9,(2:
begin more intensive rehabilitation. A coffee morning took place yes- WKHQSOHDVHJHWLQWRXFKWRGD\ *(9,05;/,/64,
“My goal is to be home for three terday to raise money to support the 46)030;@05(5+
days over the Christmas period. I’m family. 6<;:0+,;/,/64,

really focused on that. When I do my Chris said: “The generosity people
physiotherapy I get a lot of anger and have shown us is just unbelievable.
frustration out, but the positive is that You wouldn’t believe it in this day
I’m getting closer to going home.” and age. It makes me tearful not
Dr Ron Daniels BEM, chief execu- because I’m upset but because it’s
tive of the UK Sepsis Trust, said: amazing.” ^^^YHMIMVYNOLSW

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