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Course Title: Research Methodology & report preparation L T P/ SW/F TOTAL

4 0 - - 0
Course Code:

Credit Units:4

Course Objectives:
 To understand the way in which systematic research can be conducted to describe, explain, and predict phenomena of interest.
 To develop practical knowledge and skills to understand and carry out research projects .
 To develop understanding of the basic techniques and tools for conducting research.
 To develop contents and organization of both the written report and oral presentation for which the research study was done.

Pre-requisites: Students should have completed the course of basic statistics.

Student Learning Outcomes:


By the end of this course, students will be able to

 Analyze qualitative and , and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial hypothesis.
 Evaluate critically the quality of research by others
 Formulate research questions designed to test, refine, and build theories
 Identify and demonstrate facility in research designs and data that are most appropriate to a particular research project
 Formulate a complete and logical plan for data analysis that will adequately answer the research questions an probe alternative explanations
 Interpret research findings and draw appropriate conclusions

Course Contents/Syllabus:

Weightage (%)
Module I: Nature and Scope Of Research Methodology 20
Meaning and Importance Of Research, Hallmarks Of Scientific Research: Purposiveness, Rigor, Testability, Precision
and Confidence, Conceptualization and Formulation of a Research Problem, Scales and Measurements: Ordinal,
Nominal, Ratio, Interval, Likert.

Module II: Research Process 20

Preliminary Research: Literature Review, Field Work Procedure and Common Sources of Error; Research Design:
Exploratory, Descriptive, and Experimental, Construction of Hypotheses and Synopsis.

Module III: Data Collection Methods 20

Primary And Secondary Data; Data Collection Methods: Observation, Interview, Questionnaire; Steps In Constructing
Questionnaire, Type of Questions; Tabulation of Collected Data,

Nature of Sampling, Types of Sampling Design, Steps of Sampling Design, Sampling Frame, Sample Selection
Methods - Probability and Non Probability, Sample Size, Sampling Errors and Principles of Sampling.

Module IV: Data Analysis and Interpretation 20

Parametric tests of Hypothesis (z test, and t-test ) for single and two populations and F-test ;Non-
parametric tests of hypothesis (chi-square test), Test of significance based on normal distribution.

Module V: Report Writing 20

Report writing: pre-writing considerations and types of research report; Format of research report; Common problems
faced while preparing the research problem; presenting the research report.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: Lectures, Case studies, Discussions

The course will be a combination of theoretical and case based styles. Case studies, active participation in team exercises, and practical
information by Industry experts reinforce learning.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

30 70

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components CPA TP Q/S A ME
(Drop down)

Weightage (%) 5 5 5 5 10

Text and References:


Cooper D R, Schindler P S and Sharma J K (2012),Business Research Methods(11th edition), Tata McGraw-Hill,

Luck, David J and Rubin, Ronald S., Marketing Research(7th edition), Prentice Hall of India

Aaker, David A; Kumar V and George S., Marketing Research(6th edition), John Wiley & Sons
Boyd, Harper W, Westphall, Ralph & Stasch, Stanely F, Market Research : Text & Cases, Richard D. Irwin Inc.

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