Training Guide: This Unit Is Intended To Introduce You To Some of The Common Navigational Elements in Peoplesoft

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Training Guide

Introduction to PeopleSoft

Navigating in PeopleSoft

This unit is intended to introduce you to some of the common navigational elements in

Step Action
1. Once you have entered your BGNet username and password on the HCM Sign-In
screen, click the Sign In button.

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Training Guide
Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
2. On the left-hand side of the screen is the menu. The items available in your menu will
be determined by your PeopleSoft Security. Menu items with triangles next to them
can be expanded and collapsed.

The BGSU Menu has customized BGSU applications.

Click the BGSU Menu link to expand it.

3. Click the Human Resources link to expand it.

4. Blue links with an underline indicate the final level of the menu. These pages can be
opened by clicking the link.
Click the Student E-Hire link.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
5. Many screens in PeopleSoft have a small magnifying glass icon. This indicates that a
lookup table is available. This means that you can search through valid values instead
of just typing in the required information.

Click the icon to use this lookup table.

Click the Look up EmplID (Alt+5) button.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
6. A search page appears at the top, and a list of names at the bottom, of this page. You
can search these results by the Employee ID, first name and last name fields.
Click in the Last Name field.

7. Enter the desired information into the Last Name field. Enter "Baker".
8. Click the Look Up button.

9. Rows matching your search will be displayed. Click on one of the links to select that
Click the Search Results table.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
10. Many screens have tabs that indicate that there are multiple pages where information
can be entered. The active tab will be white with black text. Clicking one of the
inactive tabs will bring that page to the front.
Click the Find an Existing Value tab.

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Step Action
11. This is another search page. You see that you have multiple fields that you can use to
search for data. This is an Advanced Search page. Notice the drop-down menus
between the field name and the text box. This allows you to change the condition type
from "begins with," to "contains," "equals," and several other condition types.

You can switch back and forth between the Advanced Search and the Basic Search by
using the appropriate links.
Click the Basic Search link.

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Step Action
12. Now you see a simple search.

If you decide to go back to an earlier page, it is very important that you do not use the
Back button of your web browser!

This will sometimes log you out or cause you to lose data. Instead, navigate with links
on the PeopleSoft interface. For example, click a link in the menu to return to that
Click the Student E-Hire link.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
13. You can add screens you use frequently to your Favorites list. This is not the same as
the bookmarks you set up through your web browser. When you use PeopleSoft
Favorites, they are stored with your PeopleSoft user profile and will be available any
time you log in with your username and password, even if you are logging on from a
different machine than you normally use.
Click the Add to Favorites link.

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Step Action
14. You will be asked to provide a name for your new favorite menu item. You can leave
the name as is or change it.
Click in the *Description field.

15. Enter the desired information into the *Description field to customize the name of the
favorite. Enter " Screen" at the end of the name of the favorite.
16. Click the OK button.

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Step Action
17. You can always click Home to return to the main menu.
Click the Home link.

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Step Action
18. Click the My Favorites link.

19. You now see the screen you just added in your Favorites.
Click the Student E-Hire link.

20. Using favorites makes navigating to frequently-used screens simpler. You can also
edit the favorites to remove screens you no longer use.
Click the Edit Favorites link.

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Step Action
21. Click the Delete row 1 (Alt+8) button.
This deletes the entry from your Favorites menu. The screen is still available for you
to view using the normal navigation, but you no longer have a shortcut to it.

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Step Action
22. You will be asked to confirm your intention to delete the favorite.
Click the OK button to proceed.

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Step Action
23. You have to save to make your changes final.
Click the Save button.

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Step Action
24. Click the Home link.
This will return you to the main menu again.

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Step Action
25. Click My Favorites on the menu.

26. Now there are no more favorites on your menu.

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Step Action
27. PeopleSoft provides context-sensitive help. This means that the online manual, or
PeopleBook, will automatically open to content appropriate to the page you are on
when you click help.
Click the Help link.

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Step Action
28. Since you clicked help from the "Customize Favorites" page, the help that appears is
relevant to that topic. You can browse through the help window that appears in the
same way as any normal web page.

The help appears in a new window. When you close it, you will still see your
PeopleSoft window.
Click the Close button.

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Step Action
29. Click the Home link.

30. You can customize some of the content in PeopleSoft.

Click the Content link.

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Step Action
31. A list of available applications appears. Check a box to add it to your PeopleSoft
Click the PeopleSoft Applications option.

32. Click the Save button.

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Step Action
33. The My Reports application appears under the Menu. You can change this layout.
Click the Layout link.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
34. You can personalize the layout to fit your personal preference.
Click the My Reports entry.

35. There are four arrows that allow you to move the selected item up, down, left, or right.
Click the Move Right button.

36. You have a choice of layouts.

Click the 2 column option.

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Step Action
37. Click the Save button.

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Step Action
38. Now My Reports appears to the right of the menu.
Click the Content link.

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Step Action
39. Deselect My Reports to remove it from your layout.
Click the PeopleSoft Applications option.

40. Click the Save button.

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Step Action
41. Now you no longer have the My Reports application on your homepage.
Click the Reporting Tools link.

42. Click the Query link.

43. Click the Query Viewer link.

Query Viewer allows you to run queries even if your security profile doesn't allow you
to write them.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
44. You will see a simple search page. If you know the name of the query, you can search
for it by entering the name or the beginning of the name.
Enter the desired information into the parameter field. Enter "em".
45. Click the Perform Search button.

46. Select the query you want from the results.

Click the Run to HTML link.

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Step Action
47. A new web page opens with the report you selected. Only the first page of entries will
be displayed. The forward and back arrows allow you to scroll through the results.
Clicking the First or Last links will take you to the beginning or end of the report.

Click the Last button.

48. To go back a page, you can click the Show previous rows button.

49. Click the Show previous rows button.

50. You can also export your results to a spreadsheet.

Click the Excel SpreadSheet link.

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Step Action
51. You will get a security alert asking if you want to open the spreadsheet.
Click the Open button.

Press [Alt+O].

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Step Action
52. A new window will appear with the spreadsheet of the results. You can save it to your
computer and edit it like any other spreadsheet.

Click the Close button to close this new window when you are finished with it.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
53. If you need to, you can always open a new PeopleSoft window by clicking this link.
This allows you to quickly look something up without losing what you are doing on
the current page. You can open multiple windows.
Click the New Window link.

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Step Action
54. Click the Home link.

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Step Action
55. Once you have finished with the window you opened, you can close it to go back to
your original window. Or you can keep them both open and switch back and forth
between them.
Click the Close button.

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Introduction to PeopleSoft

Step Action
56. When searching queries, you can search by fields other than the name by using an
Advanced Search.
Click the Advanced Search link.

57. You can search by a record used in the query, for example.
Click in the Uses Record Name field.

58. Enter the desired information into the Uses Record Name field. Enter
59. Click the Perform Search button.

60. Click the View All link.

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Step Action
61. You can move the menu out of the way by collapsing it.
Click the Collapse (Ctrl+Y) button.

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Step Action
62. All the queries using PERSONAL_DATA are displayed, sorted in order by name.
You can click one of the headings to sort by that heading.
Click the Description link.

63. The results are sorted in Ascending order by Description. Clicking it again changes
the order to Decending.
Click the Description link.

64. Click another heading to sort by that heading.

Click the Query Name link.

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Step Action
65. From any page, you can return to the Home page by clicking the Home link.
Click the Home link.

66. When you are all finished using PeopleSoft, you need to make sure to Sign Out,
especially if you use a computer that is shared with others. Your connection will
expire after 60 minutes of inactivity if you do not sign out.
Click the Sign out link.

67. Hopefully this introduction to PeopleSoft navigation has been helpful. Keep these
basics in mind as you go on to other PeopleSoft Training.
End of Procedure.

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