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ENGR 201 Statistics for Engineers HW8 Due:

December 6, 2017

1. (Problem 8-14 in book) The life in hours of a 75-watt light bulb is known to be normally
distributed with σ =20 hours. A random sample of 30 bulbs has a mean life of
x́=1014 hours?
a. Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the mean life?
b. Construct a 95% lower-confidence bound on the mean life. Compare the lower
bound of this confidence interval with the one in part (a).

2. (Problem 8-27 in book) A research engineer for a tire manufacturer is investigating tire
life for a new rubber compound and has built 16 tires and tested them to end-of-life in a
road test. The sample mean and standard deviation are 57,389.6 and 3645.94 km. Find
95% confidence interval on mean life.
ENGR 201 Statistics for Engineers HW8 Due:
December 6, 2017

3. (Problem 8-38 in book) A machine produces metal rods used in an automobile

suspension system. A random sample of 15 rods is selected, and the diameter is measured.
The resulting data (in mm) are as follows:
8.24 8.25 8.20 8.23 8.24
8.21 8.26 8.26 8.20 8.25
8.23 8.23 8.19 8.28 8.24
a. Check the assumption of normality for rod diameter.
b. Calculate a 95% two-sided confidence interval on mean rod diameter.
c. Calculate a 95% upper confidence bound on the mean. Compare this bound with
the upper bound of the two-sided confidence interval and discuss why they are
ENGR 201 Statistics for Engineers HW8 Due:
December 6, 2017

4. (Problem 8-47 in book) The percentage of titanium in an alloy used in aerospace casting
is measured in 51 randomly selected parts. The sample standard deviation is s = 0.28.
Construct a 95% two-sided confidence interval for σ .

5. (Problem 8-52 in book) An article in the Australian Journal of Agriculture Research

[“Non-Starch Polysaccarides and Boiler Performance on Diets Containing Soybean Meal
as the Sole Protein Concentrate” (1993, Vol. 44(8), pp. 1483-1499] determined that the
essential amino acid (Lysine) composition level of soybean meals is as shown here (g/kg)
22.2 24.7 20.9 26.0 27.0

24.8 26.5 23.8 25.6 23.9

a. Construct a 99% two-sided confidence interval for σ 2 .

b. Construct a 99% lower confidence bound for σ 2 .
c. Construct a 90% lower confidence bound for σ 2 .
d. Compare the intervals that you have computed.
ENGR 201 Statistics for Engineers HW8 Due:
December 6, 2017

6. (Problem 8-56 in book) Of 1500 randomly selected cases of lung cancer, 850 resulted in
death within 10 years.
a. Calculate a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the death rate from lung cancer.
b. Using the point estimator of p obtained from the preliminary sample, what sample
size is needed to be 95% confident that the error in estimating the true value of p is
less than 0.03?
c. How large must the sample be if you wish to be at least 95% confident that the
error in estimating p is less than 0.03, regardless of the true value of p?

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