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OPENING SONG You are holy, holy

The universe declares Your majesty

God of Wonders You are holy, holy
Third Day Lord of Heaven and Earth
Lord of all creation Lord of Heaven and Earth
Of the water, earth and sky Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and earth
The Heavens are Your Tabernacle Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and earth
Glory to the Lord on high Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and earth
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy Holy, holy
You are holy, holy Holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy You are holy, holy
Lord of Heaven and Earth The universe declares Your majesty
Lord of Heaven and Earth You are holy, holy
Early in the morning God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
I will celebrate the light You are holy, holy
And when I stumble into darkness The universe declares Your majesty
I will call Your name by night You are holy, holy
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy Lord of Heaven and Earth
Lord of Heaven and Earth

Heavenly Father, we thank You for all the things You have given and showered upon us
even though a lot of us can’t appreciate Your creations. We also forget our role as the
stewards of your creations and forget to take care of things that is more important than
material things. At this moment, help us to absorb all the knowledge and realizations we
are to gain in this recollection and may we learn how to properly appreciate Your
masterpiece, the Universe. We are sincerely asking for forgiveness to all the destruction
we brought to this world you’ve created. Give us strength to encourage others to be
independent enough to take care of our environment of our own, and we do hope that
even though we do something like this over and over again, may you continue to guide
us to do the right thing all the time. All these we ask in Jesus name, Amen

FACILITATOR: (can be expressed in Tagalog/Filipino)

Good day everyone! (You may ask them interactive questions such as “have you had
your breakfast?”, “how are you doing?”, “Are there problems that trouble you lately?”,
then you may now briefly introduce yourself) Do you have any idea about our today’s
topic? (Proceed to activity)
Activity #1: Photo Scavenger Hunt
It is an activity that involves groups finding interesting things and capturing them using a

Materials Required: At least one camera (digital or smartphone camera is fine) per
group. Sheets of paper with the checklist of items.

ITEMS: (Ants, a cat, a flowering plant, a tree with a fruit, dried leaves, clear water, clear air, and
the clouds)

 Recommended Number of People: Groups of 3 work best.

 Time Required: 30 minutes for a quick activity

Playing the Photo Scavenger Hunt

Once the group is divided into smaller teams of 3 and are ready with sheets and cameras, they
are ready to be sent out into the world. Let them know the time limit and meeting place for
debriefing (30 minutes, depending on how long you want the activity to be. Groups must also
stay together at all times (no splitting up). Send everyone out to start photographing!

When time is up, allow each group to present their photos along with their checklist sheet. Each
group earns one point for each challenge successfully photographed and if you wish, extra
bonus points for creativity or effort.

FACILITATOR: What are your realizations after the activity? (Connect the game to topic)

Guide Questions: (to be flashed on the screen)

1. What item is the easiest to find and capture? Where did you find it?
2. What item is the most difficult to find? Were you able to find one?
3. Were you able to capture all? What were your styles/techniques when you take a shot?


All the items were part of our nature. There are some that are still present up until today,
but some items are already hard but still possible to find. This is the result of our continuous
careless attitude towards our nature. We are given everything we needed, yet we are still blind
to see its value since we thought that these things are present always. But what if one moment,
it all disappears? How are we supposed to live?
Lecture #1: Appreciating God’s Canvas (Nature)
First through a video (clip from a news) about destroyed nature due to human activity.
Then afterwards, proceed with the PowerPoint presentation.

5 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth

1. Pay attention to how you use water. The little things can make a big difference.
Every time you turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth, you're doing
something good. Got a leaky toilet? You might be wasting 200 gallons (757 liters) of
water a day. Try drinking tap water instead of bottled water, so you aren't wasting all
that packaging as well. Wash your clothes in cold water when you can.

2. Leave your car at home. If you can stay off the road just two days a week, you'll
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,590 pounds (721 kilograms) per
year. Combine your errands -- hit the post office, grocery store and shoe repair place in
one trip. It will save you gas and time.

3. Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You can reduce
greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health. If you can't
walk or bike, use mass transit or carpool. Every car not on the road makes a difference.

4. Recycle. You can help reduce pollution just by putting that soda can in a different
bin. If you're trying to choose between two products, pick the one with the least
packaging. If an office building of 7,000 workers recycled all of its office paper waste for
a year, it would be the equivalent of taking almost 400 cars off the road.

5. Compost. Think about how much trash you make in a year. Reducing the amount of
solid waste you produce in a year means taking up less space in landfills, so your tax
dollars can work somewhere else. Plus, compost makes a great natural
fertilizer. Composting is easier than you think.


God, I thank you for the healing rain that sprinkles the trees. I thank you for the
beams of sunlight that falls softly on our faces. I thank you for butterflies and
flowers, birds and fish, stars and trees, all of these beautiful things you created
for us. I pray that all of your children see and wonder at these, and that the joy of
these follows them through their lives now and forever. In your name we pray,
-------------------------------- (15 minutes snack break) ------------------------------------

FACILITATOR: (interact with the audience again, ask interactive questions. Once everyone’s
ready, proceed to the next activity)

Activity #2: Telephone Charades

Telephone Charades is a hilarious combination of the Telephone Game and Charades.

 Materials Required: Slips of paper with the clues written on them.

 Recommended Number of People: Groups of 6 are ideal.
 Time Required: About 10 minutes per clue.

How Do You Play Telephone Charades?



Keywords: Dog, Cat, Ostrich, Sea lion, Dolphin, Worm, Fox, Bee, Mosquito, Chicken, Knits,
Polar Bear,

Playing Telephone Charades

Show the clue to be acted out to only the last person in the line — let’s call him “Person
A”. Person A taps the shoulder of the next person in line (Person B), and Person B turns
around to watch. The first person (Person A) must act out the clue (without speaking or making
any noises) to the next person in line (Person B). Next, Person B taps on Person C’s shoulder
and after he turns around, acts out what he or she thinks is the clue to Person C. It’s possible
that the message gets warped or ruined along the way — but this simply makes the game
funnier. Once the acting goes down the line to the last person, the last person must guess what
the original clue was. If the team was successful in guessing the clue, the team gets a point.

FACILITATOR: (connect activity)

Guide Questions:

1. What are the strengths of your team? The weaknesses?

2. Was the activity easy or difficult?

3. What were your strategies to properly describe the keywords?

4. Why do you think animals are created by God? How do you think these animals are
important and needed in this world?


Animals have played an important role in human life for as long as they’ve all existed.
We benefit a lot from them because they’re our source of food, clothing, tools, medicine,
companionship, labor, happiness and a lot more. We must show respect to them since like us,
they’re also God’s creation as well as they’re also living and have feelings. We should love them
as how we love humans.

Lecture #2: Appreciating God’s and Man’s best friends (Animals)

Bible passage reading: (may be a video or bible reading)

Noah and the flood: Genesis 6:9-7:10 – Aboard 2 of every kind of creatures

(Then proceed to PowerPoint presentation)

FACILITATOR: (may discuss freely)

You love your pets and animals in general. You want to share that love and respect with
your children. Teaching others to respect animals can also help you teach them to care
for and respect other humans. Here are a few ways you can help others be kind and
caring to other creatures.

Be a Good Example

Kids learn by observing what the adults and other people around them do. One of the
best ways to get others to respect animals is to model behavior that respects animals. That
means not hitting or kicking pets and not yelling at your pets. You should also never say
negative things about animals.

Show Kindness to All Animals

Being kind to all animals can be a challenge. It means not killing bugs you find in the
house and using humane traps to catch mice or rodents. Doing these things might be less
convenient for you. But it sends a message to your kids that’s important to respect all
living creatures.
Visit a Zoo or a Farm

A lot has a limited daily exposure to animals, that’s why a visit to a local zoo or a farm can
be ideal.

Watch Animals in Nature

Part of teaching others to respect animals is teaching them to leave the animals alone.
Spend time observing animals in a natural setting. It can be in your backyard, at a nearby
park or on a camping trip.

Help the Animals Who Live In Your Backyard

If you have a cat, dog or other wild animal living in your backyard, work and find a way to
help it, without disturbing it.

Skip Entertainment that Harms Animals

You also want to skip any programs or toys that disrespect animals. Circuses that still use
elephants are an example. Circuses have been accused of mistreating their performing

Clean Up Litter That Can Harm Wildlife

Another way to teach your kids to respect animals is to teach them to make choices that
don’t harm wildlife. Take your kids to the park, beach or other public area and spend the
day picking up litter. Explain the risk of certain types of litter to your kids. Ducks can get
stuck in plastic soda can rings or small birds can chew and swallow pieces of plastic.


Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends; the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for animals that are overworked, underfed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals,
and so to share the blessings of the merciful.
------------------------------------- (LUNCH BREAK) ------------------------------------------

ACTIVITY #3: Say something about me!

On a piece of paper, copy the format below:

What others think about me (negative) What I think about myself (positive)

Ask at least 5 friends or seatmates to tell something about you. It may be your physical
features, characteristics, traits, abilities, etc. COMPLETELY ANYTHING ABOUT YOU.
Afterwards, fill in the column what you think about yourself. You will be given 20 minutes
for this activity.

Guide Questions:

1. Was the activity easy or difficult? What have you felt?

2. How many negative things were listed about you? The positives?
3. Were you hurt/affected by the negative comments listed about you?
4. Why do you think self-love is essential for an individual?


People around us will always have something to say. In our generation and
country, Filipinos make a “big deal” about everything. Whatever you do, there would still
be people bashing your actions. Sadly, that’s already part of our culture. It is necessary
that we will accept and love ourselves wholeheartedly as we face this life of ours that is
full of pride and prejudices.

Lecture #3: Appreciating Oneself

(A video about self-harm to self-acceptance. Ask about their reactions. Then proceed to
PowerPoint presentation)

Understand the difference between self-love and self-absorption.

If you find it easier to neglect yourself out of a fear of being too self-absorbed, it's important to
understand that self-love is nourishing and cherishing, while self-absorption is a form of
fantasizing and walling yourself off from other people. Self-love is a form of recognizing the
good things about yourself and making the most of those while still reaching out to other people
and being part of community. Indeed, it is important to love yourself before you can properly
love others. On the other hand, a self-absorbed person finds it very hard to reach out to others
because it's always about that person and other people threaten the spotlight they constantly

Be yourself. This doesn't mean putting yourself before others; it means trying to be authentic in
relevant situations. It doesn't mean being yourself when to do so would harm your prospects of
succeeding in life, such as throwing a tantrum, acting outraged because your sensibilities have
been offended or refusing to do something when it doesn't suit you. You need to know when to
play by the rules and when to stand up for yourself––there is a difference. Know how to finesse
your charm, skills and interactions with others according to the situations you find yourself in all
the time.

 Define your own style. Wear the clothes that you enjoy being seen in, that suit you and that
bring you comfort. Being a slave to fashion is really being a slave to the ideas of others.
Find your own niche amid all of that conformity.
 Trust your instincts about what scene is right for you, which people are right for you to be
with and what career to pursue. You know yourself best and how to make the most of what
you have to offer the world.

Remember that you have much to offer others. If you ever feel like curling up and hiding
away from others, think about the talents and abilities you'd be depriving other people of. Those
abilities are important to the world. Realize that you are important.
Appreciate what you have already. Often not appreciating yourself involves chasing after
what others have that you feel you need to have too. This can involve envy or it can be about
keeping up with others––whatever the cause, you're not being true to yourself when you fail to
appreciate what you already have.

 Take some time to sit back and appreciate all of your good qualities.
 Know and acknowledge all your positive attributes.
 Write down all your positive qualities.
 Speak about all the good you have done when asked.
 Have confidence in the choices you have made and will make.

Speak your mind. This requires knowing what your values are and what you consider matters
in life. You can never take a break from working these things out––be a lifelong learner and
allow for your own growth to cause you to think differently about things as you grow older.
That's how people mature throughout life, rather than being stuck at the age of 16. However,
there is a time and a place to speak your mind––as with "being yourself", don't speak out of turn
where it would harm others or harm your own prospects in life. Once again, all things in balance
and with an eye to the impact.

Be confident in your decisions and how you reach out to others. Being viewed as decisive
is attractive to people as uncertainty is a constant in life. This doesn't mean that all of your
decisions will be right––far from it. But a willingness to acknowledge when you get things wrong
and to try again will allow you to make decisions you consider are appropriate for the time and it
allows you to get on with things in life. Where your decisions impact others, include them in the
discussion and the outcome, showing yourself to be collaborative, considerate and sometimes

Learn to love yourself so others will love you in return. Equally, be with others who
appreciate who you are. There is nothing more demoralizing than hanging around people who
constantly grind you down. Remove yourself from their sphere as much as possible or learn
ways to hand back their negativity and patronizing attitudes, showing that you don't need their
validation to trust in yourself.

Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask that you help us to accept ourselves just the way we
are, without judgement. Help us to accept our mind the way it is, with all our emotions, our
hopes and dreams, our personality, our unique way of being. Help us to accept our body just the
way it is, with all its beauty and perfection. Let the love we have for ourselves be so strong that
we never again reject ourselves or sabotage our happiness, freedom, and love. Amen.

All of creation – MercyME And all of creation sing with me now

Lift up your voice and lay your burden down
Separated until the veil was torn And all of creation sing with me now
Fill up the heavens let his glory resound
The moment that hope was born Ohh ah ohhh... ohh ah ohhh
And guilt was pardoned once and for all The reason we breathe is to sing of his glory
Captivated but no longer bound by And for all he has done praise the father
chains praise the son and the spirit in one
Left at an empty grave And all of creation sing with me now
The sinner and the sacred resolved Lift up your voice and lay your burden down
And all of creation sing with me now And all of creation sing with me now
Fill up the heavens let his glory resound
Lift up your voice and lay your burden
down And all of creation sing with me now
And all of creation sing with me now Lift up your voice and lay your burden down
Fill up the heavens let his glory resound And all of creation sing with me now
Fill up the heavens let his glory resound
And every knee will bow oh and every tongue
Time has faded and we see him face to face praise the father praise the son and the spirit
Every doubt erased forever we will worship in one
the king


How to appreciate God’s creation: Just stop and look

Having read Genesis 1 so many times that we let its absolute wonder fade. Maybe one of
the first Bible verses we memorized as a child was Genesis 1:1--"In the beginning, God created
the heavens and the earth." Some of us may have been able to say that verse out loud before
you read it on the page because of how many times you've heard it. But do we realize the ultimate
power and magnitude behind those 10 words? God decided to create something good, and He
chose to create us. The word for "create" used in Genesis 1:1 is unique to God when He made
us, and it is only used to refer to His actions. God's creation is something that can never be
replicated or matched.

Appreciating God’s creation is not our duty. Hence, it is an obligation. An obligation as

God made us the stewards of His artwork. As Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God placed
man in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” God gave us all these forms of life to
take care of, not only ourselves. These creations are the manifestation of God’s love and care
for everything that He made. All of His creations benefit from each other, thus maintaining a
sense of equilibrium. But humans became too greedy and treated the world as if it’s their own.
We forgot that everything that we have, are from God’s hands as well. All we wanted was to
take something from the world and not give anything in return. We lack in valuing and
appreciating all of these abundant resources and overflowing graces from above. Another thing
is that, we are too busy to make a living to live our lives. We are always looking ahead and
forgot to stop for a while and look around to see the beauty of the world we live in.

Let us not downsize what God did when he made the world, and let's take advantage of
its awesome beauty! When we look around, we see the clear, blue sky filled with clouds
that will later water the Earth. We see the trees that pierce that blue sky, which are also
homes for birds and other animals. Right now, we see the salty ocean with its soothing
waves, a body of water that's so big that, from the beach, it almost looks like it never
ends. And we see people, people who were all made in the image of God. God's
creation is magnificent. Let's make sure that we take notice of that and constantly thank
Him for it.

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