Richard Rubin LOR

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Andalusian Place
Tucson, Arizona 85748

C 520-241-9545
W 520-289-7982

October 6, 2018

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Shelby King, and I am the Director of Tucson Summer Music. This is a letter of recom-
mendation for Richard Rubin. I know Richard because of his participation in Tucson Summer Music
as a volunteer music teacher for the past 3 years. Tucson Summer Music is a nonprofit that provides
free music education to low-income families.

Richard is one of our best teachers. He is extremely reliable and punctual, and pays strong attention
to detail. I know that I can always count on Richard to carefully read all communications from Tucson
Summer Music and to respond promptly. Oftentimes, Richard is even a few steps ahead of me. I nev-
er have to ask him to do anything twice. He is always early and prepared for lessons, recitals, and
meetings. I am so thankful that he has continued to volunteer with Tucson Summer Music over the
years because he makes my job so easy.

In addition to being a reliable volunteer, Richard is also a very experienced music teacher. Richard
has spent a lot of time teaching beginner and young students. Teaching beginner students is of
course challenging because the teacher must think back and find a way to clearly describe both how
to play the instrument and how to read music. Further, teaching very young students is challenging
because of the size and attention span of the students, especially on an instrument like the saxo-
phone. He has done a great job of teaching the fundamentals to all of his students.

Richard is also persistent when working with his students. If they don’t understand something the first
time, then he continues to work with them until they succeed. When I am assigning students to volun-
teers each year, I have no doubt that Richard can successfully teach all students that I assign him.

It is clear that Richard is extremely dedicated to enriching children’s lives by sharing the gift of music.
He has chosen to donate countless hours of his valuable time to teach our students. This dedication
illustrates his passion for music. I more than highly recommend him for any position in music educa-

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I’m happy to help.


Shelby King

Tucson Summer Music

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