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Scenario 1:

For enabling button through scripts:

(The button need to enable when we select any particular value in a field other wise it
should disable)

AppletServer ScriptPrecan InvokeMethod

function WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod (MethodName, &CanInvoke)

//DESC:When ever the "Test Field" == "Reversed As Required" then the Test button will
Enable other wise it will disable

if (((MethodName == "Test") && (this.BusComp().GetFieldValue("Test Field") ==

"Reversed As Requested")) || MethodName =="Test")
CanInvoke = "TRUE";
return (ContinueOperation);

If you want to enable a button through Applet User Properties (With out scripting)

Create an Applet User Property

Solution: we need to create the “Named Method” user property under Applet UP

Name Val.ue
Named Method: Test 'INVOKE', ' Test '

After enabling the button what need to happen if we click on the button.

We need to writ a script in pre invoke method event

Scenario 2:

If you want to make the field as required at UI Level and you need to get the popup

Applet  Browser Script 

function Applet_PreInvokeMethod (name, inputPropSet)


if(actBC.GetFieldValue("Field Name")=="")
theApplication().SWEAlert("Please enter the So and so field");

if(actBC.GetFieldValue("Field Name")=="")
theApplication().SWEAlert("Please enter the so and field name");
} //END:

Browser script at action BC

var actBC = this.BusComp();
var stat = actBC.GetFieldValue("Status");
if(stat == "Cancelled")
theApplication().SWEAlert("Te record is already

Use of Set and Get Profiles:

We will use it in scripts and calculated fileds.

We will declare the Set Profiles like this


In the above condition if condition is satisfied the profile attribute will set as “1”

Then we will use that profile attribute by getting that

var syscre = TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("ConSysCreated");

if ((syscre = "1") && (Type == "Concessions"))
{ ErrorMsg(); }}//end
We need to display the follow up service requests based on Due Date = Today + 2

Current functionality is: It will display the non closed and cancelled and rejected Service
requests only. For this the search spec is

[Status Show]='Y' AND [Status] <> 'Closed' AND [Status] <> 'Cancelled' AND [Status]
<> 'Rejected' AND [Status] <> 'Not-Satisfactory'

For adding the additional Search spec for filtering based on Today + 2

([Respond By] <= (Today() + 2)) AND [Status Show]='Y' AND [Status] <> 'Closed'
AND [Status] <> 'Cancelled' AND [Status] <> Rejected ' AND [Status] <> 'Not-
function WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod (MethodName, &CanInvoke)
/*if (MethodName == "TestRide")
CanInvoke = "TRUE";
return (CancelOperation);
if (MethodName == "TestAddress")
CanInvoke = "TRUE";
return (CancelOperation);
if (MethodName == "NewQuery" || MethodName == "RefineQuery")
CanInvoke = "FALSE";
return (CancelOperation);
return (ContinueOperation);

Calling WorkFlow through Applet level Server Script

var svc = app.GetService("Workflow Process Manager");

var Input = app.NewPropertySet();
var Output = app.NewPropertySet();
var rowId = actBC.GetFieldValue("Id");
Input.SetProperty("ProcessName", "Workflow Name");
Input.SetProperty("Object Id", rowId);
Input.SetProperty("Process Property Name",Value);

Calling a BS from the BC level server script:

var svc = TheApplication().GetService("Business Service Name");
var inputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var outputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
svc.InvokeMethod("Method Name in BS",inputs,outputs);
var prompt = outputs.GetProperty("prompt");
var svc = null;
var inputs = null;
var outputs = null;
var prompt = null;

Application Pre Navigate Event script:

if(BO.Name() == "Service Request")

var currView = TheApplication().ActiveViewName();
if(currView == 'Service Request Detail View' && DestViewName ==
'Personal Service Request List View')
var SRBC = BO.GetBusComp("Service
var ActBC = BO.GetBusComp("Action");
var status = CaseBC.GetFieldValue("Status");

if (status != "Closed" && status != "Cancelled")


TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Put Some text for the alert message.");


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