Imaging of Genitourinary Trauma: Parvati Ramchandani Philip Michael Buckler

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G e n i t o u r i n a r y I m a g i n g • R ev i ew

Ramchandani and Buckler

Genitourinary Trauma

Genitourinary Imaging

Imaging of Genitourinary Trauma

Parvati Ramchandani OBJECTIVE. Blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma can cause significant injury to the
Philip Michael Buckler genitourinary organs, and radiologic imaging plays a critical role both in diagnosing these in-
juries and in determining the management. In this article, we describe and illustrate the spec-
Ramchandani P, Buckler PM trum of injuries that can occur in the genitourinary system in order to facilitate accurate and
rapid recognition of the significant injuries.
CONCLUSION. Imaging plays a crucial role in the evaluation of the genitourinary tract
in a patient who has suffered either blunt or penetrating trauma because multiorgan injury is
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

common in such patients. Contrast-enhanced CT is the primary imaging technique used to

evaluate the upper and lower urinary tract for trauma. Cystography and urethrography re-
main useful techniques in the initial evaluation and follow-up of trauma to the urinary blad-
der and urethra.

ide-impact blunt abdominal tients with blunt and penetrating renal trau-
trauma is responsible for most ma [1, 3]; the liver and the spleen are the
closed injuries of the genitouri- most common intraabdominal organs to be
nary organs, with motor vehicle injured with blunt trauma [8]. Patients who
crashes being the most common cause in the present with either gross hematuria or shock
Western hemisphere [1, 2]. The incidence of are apt to have nongenitourinary intraab-
penetrating trauma is also increasing, which dominal injury in 24% and 65% of cases, re-
is seen particularly in inner city trauma cen- spectively [9], attesting to the severity of
ters, and is becoming a major cause of renal the trauma.
injury [3, 4]. A European registry of road In this article, we discuss the role of imag-
traffic crash victims compiled between 1996 ing in the management of patients with geni-
and 2001 recorded trauma to the genitouri- tourinary trauma.
nary system in 0.46% of cases (199 of 43,056
cases) [2]. Motor vehicle crashes were most Adrenal Trauma
frequently associated with renal and bladder Incidence and Significance
injuries (43% and 16% of cases, respective- Trauma to the adrenal glands is unusual
Keywords: blunt trauma, genital trauma, genitourinary ly), whereas accidents involving two-wheeled because of their relatively well-protected po-
trauma, kidney, penetrating trauma, scrotum, testicle, motorized vehicles were associated with in- sition deep in the retroperitoneum, so injury
ureter jury to the male external genital organs in to these organs occurs in the setting of mas-
64% of cases, with testicular injury account- sive trauma [10, 11]. The incidence of adre-
ing for two thirds of cases, and renal injury nal injury in patients with blunt trauma is
Received January 30, 2009; accepted without revision in 28% of cases [2]. Other series have report- reported to be 0.15–4% in different series
January 30, 2009. ed renal trauma in 1.2% of 500,000 patients [10–13]. Rana et al. [11] reported traumatic
hospitalized for trauma in the United States adrenal hemorrhage in 5% of patients with
Both authors: Department of Radiology, University of
[5], and a 3% incidence of renal and testicu- an injury severity score (ISS) greater than
Pennsylvania Medical Center, 3400 Spruce St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. Address correspondence to lar trauma in 14,763 children evaluated in a 40 compared with a 0.4% incidence in pa-
P. Ramchandani ( U. S. emergency department [6]. In victims tients with an ISS of 0–19, whereas Stawicki
of penetrating trauma, renal injury may be et al. [10] reported that mean ISS scores were
AJR 2009; 192:1514–1523
seen in 3–5.7% of cases [3, 7]. more than two times higher in patients with
0361–803X/09/1926–1514 Associated multiorgan injury is common adrenal injury than in those without. Patients
with both blunt and penetrating renal trauma with adrenal gland trauma have a higher mor-
© American Roentgen Ray Society and may be seen in many as 80–95% of pa- tality rate than do trauma patients without

1514 AJR:192, June 2009

Genitourinary Trauma

adrenal injury, attesting to the severity of binger of a delayed adrenal hematoma [17]. assess for other associated injuries. Contrast-
the trauma. In the series by Stawicki et al., On follow-up CT examinations, hematomas enhanced MDCT is the imaging technique
patients with adrenal injury had a five times should decrease in size or resolve [11] (Figs. of choice to evaluate the entire urinary tract,
higher mortality rate than those without ad- 1A and 1B). Adrenal masses that remain un- including the renal vasculature, renal paren-
renal injury, and Rana et al. reported a 10% changed over several weeks may represent a chyma, and the collecting system [4, 22, 23].
mortality rate with adrenal injury compared disorder other than trauma—most often an The role of IV urography (IVU) is currently
with 4% without. It follows that multiorgan adenoma—and should be further evaluated relegated to situations in which CT may not
injury is common in these patients, although as deemed clinically appropriate [11]. Con- be available, or as a one-shot study in the op-
isolated adrenal injury may be seen in 2–6% versely, it is important to recognize that an erating room, where a film is obtained 10–15
of cases [11–15]. adrenal abnormality in the absence of a his- minutes after contrast injection to grossly as-
tory of significant trauma is unlikely to rep- sess symmetry of excretion and to look for
Imaging Features resent a traumatic adrenal injury [11, 13]. contrast extravasation that would indicate in-
Traumatic adrenal injuries tend to affect Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage, particular- jury to the collecting system [24]. The low
the right adrenal gland disproportionately, ly in the setting of minimal trauma, should sensitivity of IVU for detecting or character-
with only the right adrenal gland being af- prompt a search for an underlying coagula- izing injuries limits its usefulness in the rou-
fected in more than 70% of cases [10–15] tion abnormality. A preexisting adrenal dis- tine evaluation of a trauma patient [25].
(Fig. 1A). Isolated left adrenal injury is less order can predispose the adrenal gland to in-
common, and bilateral adrenal injury is the jury and hemorrhage with relatively minor Grading Injuries
least common, occurring in fewer than 1% of trauma [18]. The severity of renal injuries is graded
cases. It is speculated that the right adrenal Sonography is a particularly useful tech- from 1 to 5 (least to most severe) accord-
gland is more vulnerable to injury for sev- nique to evaluate children who have sus- ing to a classification system developed by
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

eral reasons: Its confined position allows di- tained trauma. The adrenal gland may be the Organ Injury Scaling Committee of the
rect compression of the right adrenal gland enlarged and may show hypoechoic areas of American Association for the Surgery of
between the liver and the spine, and the di- hemorrhage [19] (Fig. 1C). Trauma (AAST) and is called the organ in-
rect entry of the short right adrenal vein into Unilateral adrenal injury is of little clin- jury scale (OIS) [26–28]. The grading sys-
the inferior vena cava (IVC) contributes to ical significance, with therapeutic interven- tem was primarily devised as a clinical re-
an acute rise in intraadrenal venous pressure tions required only for the associated injuries search tool for 32 different organs and organ
during the abdominal compression associat- that commonly accompany adrenal trauma. systems, including the different parts of the
ed with blunt trauma [16]. Bilateral adrenal injury may rarely cause en- urinary tract, to ensure accurate and repro-
The typical appearance of a traumatic ad- docrine abnormalities such as adrenal insuf- ducible classification of injury severity. The
renal injury is an expansile, hyperattenuat- ficiency or posttraumatic pheochromocyto- grading system for renal injuries is yet to be
ing, round or oval hematoma with a mean ma-like syndrome [20, 21]. modified to better integrate abnormalities
diameter of 2.8 cm and mean attenuation of seen only on imaging, such as arterial con-
52–54 HU [11, 13] (Fig. 1A). Other findings Renal Trauma trast extravasation and quantification of he-
seen are irregularity or obliteration of the Role of Imaging matoma size [27].
gland by hemorrhage, periadrenal fat strand- The primary role of imaging in renal trau- Renal injuries are graded as follows [26–
ing, and mild to moderate enlargement of ma is to accurately assess the severity and 28]: Grade 1 injuries are characterized by
the gland due to edema or contusion. Active extent of injury, evaluate the injured kidney
adrenal hemorrhage may be seen. Mild en- for underlying disorders, evaluate the anato-
largement of the adrenal gland may be a har- my and function of the opposite kidney, and

Fig. 1—Traumatic adrenal hematoma.
A, 52-year-old man after motorcycle collision. Unenhanced CT scan reveals high-density right adrenal mass (arrow) suspected to be hematoma.
B, Follow-up contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained approximately 10 weeks later in same patient as in A shows resolution of right adrenal hematoma.
C, 12-year-old boy after motor vehicle collision who has right adrenal hemorrhage. Sagittal sonogram shows right adrenal gland to be enlarged and predominantly
hypoechoic, consistent with acute hemorrhage.

AJR:192, June 2009 1515

Ramchandani and Buckler

undergo radiographic evaluation if they have

gross hematuria or microhematuria and a
systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg [27];
12.5% of such patients have a major renal in-
jury [30]. Adult patients with blunt trauma
who have microhematuria and systolic blood
pressure > 90 mm Hg have only a 0.2% inci-
dence of major renal injury [30] and do not
require imaging evaluation. Additional pa-
tients in whom imaging evaluation should be
considered even in the absence of hematuria
are those with vertical deceleration injuries
A B (falls), those who were in high-speed motor
Fig. 2—Renal contusion and segmental arterial injury in two patients with blunt trauma.
vehicle collisions, and those with multiple
A, 43-year-old woman after fall from height. Enhanced CT scan reveals bilateral ill-defined foci of diminished associated injuries [27, 30, 31]. Radiologic
enhancement, consistent with renal contusions (arrows). Note perinephric hematoma on right (arrowheads). evaluation of all patients suffering penetrat-
B, 22-year-old man after fall from height. Enhanced CT scan reveals sharply demarcated perfusion defect, ing injury is recommended because there is
presumably due to segmental arterial injury. Note retroperitoneal hematoma in retrocaval region (arrow).
poor correlation between hematuria and se-
verity of injury [30].
Imaging abnormalities—Renal contusions
are seen as areas of ill-defined decreased en-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

hancement (Fig. 2A), whereas areas of seg-

mental infarction due to laceration, thrombo-
sis, or dissection of segmental arteries appear
as sharply demarcated linear or wedge-
shaped nonenhancing areas (Fig. 2B). Lacer-
ations appear as irregular or linear parenchy-
mal defects that may contain clot (Fig. 3A).
In a shattered kidney, foci of active arterial
extravasation should be distinguished from
islands of viable renal parenchyma that are
still enhancing (Fig. 3B). Subcapsular hema-
Fig. 3—Deep parenchymal injuries in two patients with renal trauma. tomas are seen as round or elliptical high-at-
A, 50-year-old woman after motor vehicle collision. Enhanced CT scan in nephrographic phase reveals deep left tenuation (40–70 HU) collections of clotted
renal lacerations and perinephric hematoma.
B, 28-year-old woman after gunshot wound. Nephrographic phase CT scan reveals linear cleft in medial blood [22, 23].
aspect of right kidney and surrounding hematoma. Densities in hematoma (black arrows) reflect active arterial When a renal laceration is detected on CT,
bleeding. Small locules of gas in right paraspinal muscles (white arrows) are related to track of shotgun wound. a 10-minute delayed scan should be obtained
to assess the collecting system and evaluate
renal contusion without a parenchymal lac- patients with renal trauma, Wessels et al. [5] for urinary extravasation (Figs. 4A–4C and
eration, and a nonexpanding subcapsular he- found contusions or hematomas in 64.4% of 5). Delayed images are also helpful for char-
matoma. Grade 2 injuries show superficial patients, lacerations in 26.3% (Fig. 3), paren- acterizing the nature of a perinephric fluid
cortical lacerations that are < 1 cm deep (and chymal disruption in 5.3%, and vascular in- collection and for distinguishing a hematoma
thus do not involve the collecting system) juries in 4% of cases (Figs. 2–6). Penetrating from a urinoma [32] (Fig. 5). UPJ injuries are
and a nonexpanding perinephric hematoma. trauma resulted in more severe renal injuries discussed later with other ureteral injuries.
Grade 3 injuries have deeper lacerations, > 1 than did blunt trauma, with a higher propor- Segmental arterial injuries may cause areas
cm deep, that do not extend into the collect- tion of lacerations, parenchymal disruption, of segmental infarction, pseudoaneurysms, or
ing system, and nonexpanding perinephric and vascular injury [5]. arteriovenous fistulae. Global infarction can
hematoma. Grade 4 injuries show lacera- be due to renal artery thrombosis related to
tions that extend into the collecting system Imaging Findings intimal dissection from a deceleration inju-
and injury to the main and segmental renal Indications for imaging—The degree of ry, or to renal artery avulsion, in which case
vessels. Grade 5 injuries show shattering of hematuria that should lead to radiologic eval- a perinephric hematoma should be present
the kidney and dispersion of the avulsed por- uation of the urinary tract in a victim of blunt (Fig. 6A). Venous injuries with blunt trauma
tions, avulsion, laceration or thrombosis of trauma is controversial because there is no are rare and usually occur in association with
the main renal vessels, hilar injury, and ure- absolute correlation between the presence or arterial pedicle injuries and severe parenchy-
teropelvic junction (UPJ) avulsion. degree of hematuria and the amount of re- mal injuries, although isolated renal venous
Most renal injuries are minor; contusions nal injury that is present [29]. Consensus re- injury without arterial or parenchymal injury
account for 64–81% of all renal injuries [5, view of experts indicates that hemodynami- has been reported with trauma sustained dur-
28] (Fig. 2A). In a multicenter study of 6,231 cally stable adults with blunt trauma should ing martial arts [33] (Fig. 6B).

1516 AJR:192, June 2009

Genitourinary Trauma

Fig. 4—Collecting system injury in 18-year-old man with blunt abdominal trauma shown on delayed excretory phase imaging.
A, Nephrographic phase CT scan shows severely lacerated right kidney and large surrounding fluid collection of hematoma and urinoma.
B, Excretory phase of CT urogram shows extravasation of urine from right kidney (arrows).
C, Sagittal multiplanar reformation of same study as in B shows numerous lacerations (arrows) in right kidney as well as extravasated urine (arrowheads).

Underlying renal parenchymal abnorma­

American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

lities can predispose the kidney to injury.

These abnormalities include cysts, tumors,
chronic hydronephrosis, and congenital anom­
alies such as a horseshoe kidney, ectop­ic kid-
ney, congenital UPJ obstruction, and poly-
cystic kidneys [25, 34] (Fig. 7). Trauma in
abnormal kidneys tends to be confined to the
kidneys, to occur with relatively minor trau-
ma, and to result in macrohematuria more
frequently. Children, particularly those with
congenital anomalies, have been considered
to be at greater risk for renal trauma, but in a
A B small published series [6] congenital anoma-
lies were not found to increase the incidence
Fig. 5—45-year-old woman with perinephric fluid who was involved in motor vehicle collision.
A, CT scan in early excretory phase shows right renal lacerations and perinephric fluid. of renal injuries.
B, Late excretory phase image shows that perinephric fluid is combination of hematoma and extravasated urine.
Nonoperative management is the accepted
standard of care for minor injuries. No fol-
low-up imaging is recommended for grades
1 and 2 injuries (minor renal injuries). Pa-
tients with grade 3 lacerations who are hemo-
dynamically stable and show no devitalized
fragments also require no follow-up imag-
ing [27]. Delayed or secondary hemorrhage
may occur from 2 to 38 days later in patients
with deep lacerations, particularly those due
to stab wounds, likely because of pseudoan-
eurysm or formation of an arteriovenous fis-
tula [35, 36]. These can usually be well man-
Fig. 6—Traumatic renal arterial and venous injury in two patients. aged with standard angiographic techniques.
A, 23-year-old man with vascular pedicle injury after motorcycle collision. Nephrographic phase CT scan
shows near total absence of enhancement in left kidney. Left renal artery (arrow) terminates abruptly. There
Grade 4 lacerations require follow-up CT at
was also left perinephric hematoma as well as hemoperitoneum from associated splenic injury (not shown). 36–72 hours to monitor extravasation from
B, 52-year-old man after blunt trauma during karate practice resulting in traumatic left renal vein thrombosis. the collecting system. Because urine extrava-
Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows large filling defect (white arrows) in left renal vein. Also note relatively sation resolves spontaneously in 80–90% of
delayed enhancement of left kidney, which is still in corticomedullary phase, compared with right kidney,
which already shows some contrast excretion into collecting system (black arrow). Left kidney is enlarged, and cases, expectant management is the appro-
perinephric fluid and stranding are present. priate therapy for most such patients [37]. If

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Ramchandani and Buckler

tal, general, or vascular surgery [43]; gyne- dominantly medial perirenal contrast ex-
cologic surgery accounts for more than half travasation in the absence of renal paren-
of all iatrogenic injuries [41]. The pelvic ure- chymal injury [45]. If the UPJ is lacerated,
ters are the most commonly affected, and contrast material will be present in the distal
preoperative imaging or ureteral stenting to ureter; and with transection, the distal ure-
facilitate intraoperative ureteral identifica- ter will not be opacified. In equivocal cases,
tion appear not to be helpful in preventing retrograde pyelography can be helpful in dis-
injury [41]. Patients may present with flank tinguishing partial laceration from complete
or abdominal pain, elevated serum blood transection [41]. The distinction is important
urea nitrogen and creatinine levels, vaginal because lacerations are managed with a ure-
urinary leakage, fever, or other nonspecific teral stent, whereas transections require sur-
symptoms. If the injury is recognized intra- gical repair.
operatively, the ureter can be repaired im-
Fig. 7—42-year-old woman with bleeding from left
renal angiomyolipoma after motor vehicle collision. mediately. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of Urinary Bladder Trauma
Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows large exophytic an iatrogenic ureteral injury can be delayed Classification
mass containing fat (white arrow) and multiple for several weeks until the patient becomes Bladder injuries are classified by the
foci of contrast extravasation (black arrows). Note
surrounding hematoma and anterior displacement symptomatic. AAST-OIS scale into five grades [44]; grade
of kidney. Hematuria is an unreliable indicator of 1, which includes contusion, intramural he-
ureteral trauma and may be absent in many matoma, and partial thickness laceration;
urine leaks persist, retrograde or antegrade patients [41, 42]. grade 2, extraperitoneal wall lacerations < 2
stenting may help to promote resolution of the cm; grade 3, extraperitoneal lacerations > 2
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

extravasation and avoid surgery [25]. Urino- Imaging Features cm and intraperitoneal lacerations < 2 cm;
mas that form as a complication of urine ex- The AAST-OIS grades of ureteral injuries grade 4, intraperitoneal lacerations > 2 cm;
travasation can also be successfully managed are as follows: grade 1, ureteral contusion; and grade 5, intraperitoneal or extraperito-
by percutaneous drainage [25]. Angiography grade 2, less than 50% partial transection; neal lacerations that extend into the bladder
is used largely to treat complications detected grade 3, more than 50% partial transection; neck or trigone. A second classification sys-
on CT, such as suspected renal artery throm- grade 4, complete transection; and grade 5, tem endorsed by a consensus panel of the So-
bosis or segmental arterial injury, in patients complete transection and extensive devascu- ciete Internationale D’Urologie [46] classifies
in whom stenting or embolization is feasible larization [44]. To our knowledge, no studies bladder injury into four types, which do not
[38]. Surgical management is considered in have compared imaging findings with opera- take into account the length or extent of the
patients with renal pedicle injury or a severe- tive findings to determine whether the grades bladder wall laceration: type 1 is bladder con-
ly damaged and shattered kidney [27]. of ureteral trauma can be recognized on ra- tusion; type 2, intraperitoneal rupture; type 3,
diographic imaging. extraperitoneal rupture; and type 4, combined
Sequelae of Renal Trauma Preoperative imaging may not be per- injury. Radiologic imaging is better suited to
Minor renal injuries (grades 1 and 2) heal formed in patients with penetrating trau- conform to the latter classification and is di-
completely and leave no residual change in ma because these patients are often rapidly rected toward determining whether there is a
the kidney on follow-up CT [39]. Higher- transferred to the operating room for explo- full-thickness tear of the bladder as judged by
grade injuries can cause permanent scars ration [42]. One-shot preoperative or intra- contrast extravasation on CT cystography or
in the affected kidney [39, 40]. Most (64%) operative IVU may show contrast extravasa-
grade 3 and all grades 4 and 5 injuries re- tion, but it is often not performed because of
sult in permanent parenchymal scarring of poor diagnostic performance and the delays
the kidneys. inherent in performing the examination in an
unstable patient [24, 41, 42]. In the delayed
Ureteral Trauma setting, complete IVU or contrast-enhanced
Causes CT with imaging in the delayed phase may
Ureteral injuries from external trauma are show contrast extravasation from the ure-
unusual but when they occur are usually re- ter or partial or complete ureteral obstruc-
lated to penetrating trauma, primarily gun- tion in patients with ureteral injury. CT may
shot wounds [41, 42]. As with all cases of also show urinary ascites or urinoma; a high
penetrating trauma, multiple associated in- index of suspicion should be maintained in
traabdominal organ injuries are often pres- postoperative patients with intraabdominal
ent [42]. Missile paths that are in proximity fluid collections to accurately assess the uri-
to the ureter can also cause significant tissue nary tract for urine leaks and to characterize Fig. 8—Right ureteral injury as a complication of
damage and may have a delayed presentation. any fluid collections (Fig . 8). hysterectomy in 51-year-old woman. Delayed axial
Blunt trauma usually affects the UPJ and is In patients with blunt trauma and sus- image from CT urography shows jet of contrast
related to rapid deceleration injury [41]. pected UPJ injury, CT with excretory phase material (arrow) extending from injured right ureter.
Large amount of urinomatous ascites is present,
Iatrogenic ureteral injuries can occur dur- imaging is a reliable tool for evaluation. with some layering of contrast material present
ing gynecologic, obstetric, urologic, colorec- Features that suggest UPJ injury include pre- dependently in pelvis.

1518 AJR:192, June 2009

Genitourinary Trauma

conventional cystography monitored by radi- peritoneal injury accounts for approximately Imaging
ography or fluoroscopy. one third of bladder injuries. Extraperitoneal Indications for imaging—Gross hematu-
ruptures account for approximately 60% of ria with pelvic fracture is an absolute indica-
Causes major bladder injuries and are usually asso- tion for evaluation of the bladder in a patient
The most frequent causes of bladder trauma ciated with pelvic fractures, although the ex- with trauma [51, 52] because such patients
are motor vehicle crashes (in which both seat act mechanism of injury remains the subject have a high likelihood of injury. Morey et
belt compression of the bladder and ejection of debate. The bladder injury may be relat- al. [52] reported that of their 53 patients with
injuries may be responsible), falls, crush in- ed either to direct laceration by sharp bony bladder injury, all had hematuria, and 85%
juries, and blows to the lower abdomen [46]. spicules of pelvic fractures or to a contra- had pelvic fractures. In the series by Quagli-
Sixty percent to 90% (mean, 80%) of patients coup mechanism caused by ligamentous in- ano et al. [51], 32% of patients with pelvic
with bladder injuries due to blunt trauma have jury and associated bladder tears. Extraperi- fracture and gross hematuria were found to
associated pelvic fractures [46], and approxi- toneal ruptures are further classified into two have bladder injury. Gross hematuria with-
mately 30% of patients with pelvic fractures groups, simple and complex, by Sandler et al. out pelvic fracture, microhematuria with pel-
will have some bladder injury, including blad- [50]. In simple extraperitoneal rupture, con- vic fracture, and isolated microhematuria are
der contusion [47]. Twenty-five percent of in- trast extravasation is confined to the pelvic considered relative indications for evaluation
traperitoneal bladder ruptures occur in patients extraperitoneal space; whereas in complex of the bladder, with imaging recommended
without a pelvic fracture [48]. Simultaneous extraperitoneal rupture, extravasated con- in patients with clinical symptoms such as
ruptures of the bladder and prostatomembra- trast material can disperse widely into the suprapubic pain or voiding difficulties [52].
neous urethra can occur in 10–29% of males anterior abdominal wall, the penis, the scro- Both CT cystography and conventional
undergoing trauma [49]. tum, and the perineum as a result of disrup- cystography are similar in their sensitivity
Bladder contusion is related to mucosal in- tion of the fascial planes of the pelvis by the and specificity for detecting and character-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

jury from trauma. No abnormalities are de- injury. Complex injuries may result in con- izing bladder injury [51, 53].
tectable on imaging studies [50]. Intraperito- fusion during image interpretation, causing Conventional cystography—The identifi-
neal rupture occurs when there is a blow to confined extraperitoneal injuries to be mis- cation of contrast material outside the con-
or compression of the lower abdomen in a pa- interpreted as combined extraperitoneal and fines of the urinary bladder confirms the
tient with a distended urinary bladder, caus- intraperitoneal injuries or to be mistaken for diagnosis of bladder rupture. With extraperi-
ing a sudden rise in the intraluminal pres- the presence of a coexisting urethral injury toneal leaks, the contrast agent remains con-
sure of the bladder and rupture of the dome, [50, 51]. fined to the pelvis (Fig. 9); with intraperitone-
which is the weakest portion of the bladder. The presence of both intraperitoneal and al leaks, contrast material may outline bowel
The dome of the distended bladder is cov- extraperitoneal bladder injuries is known as loops and extend into the paracolic gutters
ered by peritoneum, so an injury at this site a combined bladder injury and occurs in ap- and diffusely into the peritoneal cavity (Fig.
causes intraperitoneal extravasation. Intra­ proximately 5% of major bladder injuries. 10A). In a patient with blood at the urethral

Fig. 9—34-year-old man with extraperitoneal bladder rupture after motor vehicle collision. Extraluminal
bladder contrast is not seen when there is passive filling of bladder with excreted IV contrast material but is
visualized well when bladder is actively distended on CT cystogram.
A, Delayed axial image from contrast-enhanced CT of pelvis shows excreted contrast material (and Foley
catheter balloon) in bladder as well as small amount of surrounding fluid (arrows), but no extraluminal contrast
material is detected. Note that bladder appears quite distended.
B–D, CT cystograms show extraperitoneal rupture and large amount of contrast material in prevesical space
and extending into superficial soft tissues.


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meatus, there is a high likelihood of urethral tine diagnostic CT of the abdomen and pelvis of posterior urethral injuries [61]. A direct
injury, and retrograde urethrography should [57]. The absence of pelvic ascites is report- blow to the perineum compresses the ure-
be performed before bladder catheterization ed to be quite helpful in excluding bladder thra and corpus spongiosum between the ex-
[54]. The bladder should be distended until rupture [58]. ternal hard object and the inferior aspect of
a detrusor contraction is obtained in order to In extraperitoneal injuries, contrast mate- the symphysis pubis. In most cases, no pelvic
avoid a false-negative study. rial may be confined to the pelvis (a molar- fracture occurs. Straddle injuries can cause
Cystography has an accuracy rate of 85– tooth appearance may be seen to the pattern either partial or complete rupture of the bul-
100% for detecting bladder injury [50–52]. of contrast extravasation) or may extend be- bous urethra [48] (Fig. 11A).
Cystography should ideally be performed yond the perivesical space with a complex Posterior urethral injuries associated with
with fluoroscopic guidance. The minimal se- extraperitoneal injury (Fig. 10B). Intraperito- a pelvic fracture are classified into five types
quence of films for cystography is prelimi- neal injuries outline bowel loops and diffuse [48, 59, 60]: type I, posterior urethra stretched
nary radiography of the pelvis, a film of the through the mesenteric folds (Fig. 10A). but intact; type II, urethra disrupted at the
maximally filled bladder, and a postdrainage membranoprostatic junction above the uro-
film to detect extraluminal contrast leak from Urethral Trauma genital diaphragm (Fig. 11B); type III, mem-
a posterior wall injury that may be obscured Classification branous urethra disrupted, with extension to
on the filled film. Because these patients of- Male urethral trauma was originally clas- the proximal bulbous urethra or disruption of
ten have associated pelvic fractures, oblique sified by Colapinto and McCallum [59] on the urogenital diaphragm (most common);
views may not be feasible. Bladder injury the basis of the appearance of the urethra on type IV, bladder neck injury with extension
may be identified only on the postdrainage retrograde urethrography. This classification into the urethra; type IVa, injury of the base
film in approximately 10% of cases [48]. was subsequently modified and expanded to of the bladder and periurethral extravasation
CT cystography—Active distention of the better predict continence [60]. Male urethral simulating a true type IV urethral injury; and
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

urinary bladder with contrast material is es- injuries are primarily of two types, depend- type V, partial or complete pure anterior ure-
sential for a high-quality CT cystogram that ing on the cause of the trauma. They may thral injury. A European consensus commit-
is reliable in excluding a bladder leak [50– be associated with a fracture of the anterior tee [61] endorsed the Goldman classification
55]. It is important to recognize that passive pelvic arch and affect about 5% of men who [60] but recommended simplification; they
distention of the bladder, using excreted con- sustain a pelvic fracture. These injuries usu- suggested that assessment be aimed at de-
trast material only, during a routine abdom- ally involve the membranous urethra and are termining whether the injury is a partial or
inopelvic CT study cannot be relied on to due to shearing and rupturing of the pubo- complete disruption of the anterior or poste-
diagnose bladder rupture, even with clamp- prostatic ligaments. A hematoma forms in rior urethra, and whether posterior urethral
ing of a urethral catheter [50, 55, 56], even the retropubic and perivesical spaces [48]; injuries are complicated by extension to the
if the bladder appears to be distended (Fig. identification of this hematoma on CT scans bladder neck or rectum [61].
9). CT performed with excreted contrast ma- is an important clue to the presence of a ure-
terial only may show intraperitoneal or ex- thral injury. Imaging
traperitoneal fluid but cannot differentiate The second main type of injury results When a patient with pelvic trauma pres-
urine from ascites. A minimum of 300–350 from a straddle injury, which directly in- ents with blood at the urethral meatus, or
mL of diluted contrast media should be in- jures the bulbous urethra. The frequency when urethral injury is suspected clinically,
stilled into the bladder followed by axial CT of anterior urethral injuries is one third that retrograde urethrography is essential before
imaging of the pelvis [56]. Multiplanar ref-
ormation (MPR) may be helpful to better de-
lineate the site of the bladder rupture; Chan
et al. [53] found that additional sagittal and
coronal MPR images were particularly use-
ful in showing perforations at the dome of
the bladder. A postvoid or postdrainage film
is unnecessary and redundant in CT cystog-
raphy [53].
Quagliano et al. [51] reported sensitivity
and specificity of 95% and 100%, respective-
ly, for both CT cystography and convention-
al cystography. Other authors have reported
similar high sensitivity and specificity for
CT cystography [53, 57].
Quagliano et al. [51] distended the blad- A B
der with diluted contrast material before per- Fig. 10—Intraperitoneal bladder injury and complex extraperitoneal bladder injury in two patients.
forming routine abdominopelvic CT and re- A, 75-year-old woman with intraperitoneal bladder rupture after motor vehicle collision. CT cystogram shows
ported satisfactory results. Other authors defect in anterior bladder wall (arrow) as well as intraperitoneal contrast material outlining pelvic peritoneal
have reported performing CT cystography B, 60-year-old woman after motor vehicle collision. Contrast extravasation from complex extraperitoneal
on a second imaging series after initial rou- rupture is extending high into pelvis in space of Retzius.

1520 AJR:192, June 2009

Genitourinary Trauma

Fig. 11—Various types of urethral trauma in three patients.
A, 54-year-old man after straddle injury. Voiding cystourethrogram shows partial urethral transection and extravasation at bulbar urethra (type 5 injury, arrow).
B, 23-year-old man after motor vehicle collision. Pericatheter voiding cystourethrogram obtained a few days after admission shows leakage of urine above urogenital
diaphragm (type 2 injury, arrow). Note left pubic fractures and pear-shaped bladder caused by presence of surrounding hematoma.
C, 58-year-old male pedestrian struck by car. Enhanced CT scan shows balloon of Foley catheter positioned anterior to prostate and lateral to urethra (arrow). Note right
pubic fracture and urine and hematoma in periprostatic space.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2009.192:1514-1523.

attempting to catheterize the bladder [48, 60] with urethral injury but in only 10% without Testicular Trauma
to avoid traumatizing the urethra further and urethral injury. Hematoma of the obturator The testes can be injured with sporting ac-
potentially converting a partial tear into a internus muscle was seen in 53% with ure- tivities, which account for more than half of
complete injury [48] (Fig. 11C). Retrograde thral injury but in only 13% without urethral all cases of testicular injury [68]. Motor ve-
urethrography is the diagnostic procedure of injury (Fig. 11C). hicle collisions are also an important cause,
choice to evaluate patients with suspected Although MRI has no role in evaluating particularly two-wheeled motorized vehi-
urethral injury [48, 62, 63]. In patients with the urethra in the acute setting, it is useful cles, when the testes are crushed between the
significant trauma, a suprapubic catheter may in assessing posttraumatic pelvic anatomy, bony pelvis and the fuel tank [2].
be placed for bladder drainage. However, it is determining the position of the prostate and Imaging is useful in the triage of patients
not rare in modern trauma centers for a Foley the amount of pelvic fibrosis, and estimating for surgical or nonsurgical management.
catheter to be placed before retrograde ure- the length of the prostatomembraneous de- Clinical examination may not be able to ac-
thrography so that fluid intake and output can fect [62, 66]. curately determine the severity of injury be-
be accurately monitored. CT may precede Injuries to the female urethra are uncom- cause the ecchymosis and the degree of he-
retrograde urethrography by hours or even mon because of its short size and absence of matoma do not correlate accurately with the
days; it is therefore important to become fa- firm attachment to the pubic bone. Female severity of testicular injury [69]. High-fre-
miliar with findings on CT that are reportedly urethral injuries are often accompanied by quency sonography performed with a linear
seen with higher frequency in patients with vaginal and rectal injury [67]. array transducer is the imaging technique
posterior urethral injuries than in those with-
out [64, 65]. These findings include obscura-
tion of the urogenital diaphragmatic fat
plane, hematoma of the ischiocavernosus
and obturator internus muscles, obscuration
of the prostatic contour, and obscuration of
the bulbocavernosus muscle. Obscuration of
the urogenital diaphragm fat plane was seen
in 88% of patients with pelvic fracture and
urethral injury versus only 3% of those with
pelvic fracture but no urethral injury. Hema-
toma of the ischiocavernosus muscle was
seen in 88% of patients with urethral injury
but in only 17% without urethral injury. Ob- A B
scuration of the prostatic contour was seen in
59% with urethral injury but in only 7% Fig. 12—44-year-old man who heard popping sound during sexual intercourse.
A, Transverse sonogram of penis shows defect in tunica albuginea of left corpus cavernosum (arrows) and large
without urethral injury. Obscuration of the surrounding hematoma.
bulbocavernosus muscle was seen in 47% B, Photograph of penis shows ecchymosis, giving “eggplant” appearance to penis.

AJR:192, June 2009 1521

Ramchandani and Buckler

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