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Quiz 1

Name: Date:

A.Write the answers and numbers: (10pts)

1). Two + eleven = …………...……..….. 6). 100 = ...............................................
2). Seventy + twelve = …………….....….. 7). 17 = .................................................
3). Sixty + thirty-two = …………..…….. 8). 55 = .................................................
4). Nineteen + ten = ……………...…...... 9). 12 = .................................................
5). Seventy-one – nine= ……....….....…. 10). 24 = ................................................

B. Correct the sentences ( 5 pts)

a) I'm from Russia. are you from?

b) What name is your?
c) Nice is meet you, too.
d) Carlos from Madrid.
e) Where are you from UK?
C. Write complete answers for these questions.(10 pts)

1.What’s your name? ..................................................................

2. How old are you? ...................................................

3.What's your email address? .................................................

4.What's your phone number? ...................................................

5. Where are you from? .…………………………….

D. Complete the dialogue with one word. (15pts)

Tony: Hi, I .............. Tony. I’m 15 years…………… . I’m ................ Italy.

Satoshi:Hello! Tony. Nice to…..…….you . ............. am Satoshi. I’m ............. Japan.
Tony: Where ................. ................. ................... ............... Japan?
Satoshi: I'm ............ Tokyo. Where ................. ................. ................... ............... Italy?
Tony: I'm ............... Rome. Satoshi, .................. is my brother Jack.
Satoshi: .......... Jack ! Nice to meet you.
Jack : Hi Satoshi. Nice to .......... ......... ...........
Tony and Jack: Ok. Bye ! ................ you later !
Satoshi: ...................... !

E. Write ajectives and numbers.(10 pts)

Adjectives Numbers
1) 1)
2) 2)
3) 3)
4) 4)
5) 5)

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