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Topic 2 - Variety of Teaching Strategies


Repeating a task in the same manner for long periods is draining monotonous experience that
actively attempts to put me to sleep and destroys all motivation towards completing that task. The
ability to be efficient in repetitive tasks is increasingly difficult with boredom a crippling state of
mental liaise.


It would have a disinteresting effect and actually hurt learning achieved in the subject with little
attention paid to what is said past a certain point. Read and listening to information leads to lesser
internalisation of information than implementing it into an activity or strategy.

Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:

 alcohol and other drugs

 body image
 fast food
 road safety
 relationships

(ACPPS092 opens in new window)

The three learning opportunities :

1. Watch a talk show and a tv series show and critique the images and messages portrayed in
those media mediums. Establish why the show wants to portray these images and
evaluating how these images can be interpreted. To be completed as a mind-map or similar
tool to break down the media’s presentation.
Guideline questions would shape the student learning ensure that students could achieve a
zone of proximal growth. If it is needed can be done in pairs to allow peer scaffolding. This
could lead into a presentation or written work depending on the need.

2. In pairs students are to look at the surrounding area and analyse the available fast food
outlets and look for that company’s current or one of their media campaign online. The
students are then to choose those products promoted and to take the DRI of the products
and their own personal DI and work out if there is a surplus or energy and if all nutritional
targets are achieved. They are then to present in a poster or other format how this
compares to the media representation of the product.

3. Watch the short film Drive and choose one character out of the film and evaluate the impact
on life that their risk taking behaviour has. Identify the personal, social, environmental and
cultural factors that influenced this behaviour. To be presented on a poster in format
showing this influences on the character.

Task 1 : To show several shows or clips and to break down the analysis for the class with leading
questions, asking for thoughts and discussing the concepts with the class. To then break down a
different clip with the class together using mostly questions to shape the process. Lay out an order
of operations eg :

Who are the people talking – what is their agenda, company or affiliation?

What does that mean about what they are saying – what does the “agenda” want

Does that mean they are credible talking about this subject?

What imagery is used? It is honestly representative and relatable

What context and views do we personally bring to this topic – Influences etc


Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others

(ACPPS091 opens in new window)
Understand that people’s evaluations of texts are influenced by their value
systems, the contextand the purpose and mode of
communication (ACELA1565)
Use comprehension strategies to compare and contrast information within and
between texts, identifying and analysing embedded perspectives, and
evaluating supporting evidence (ACELY1754)

Gardner’s Examples of brief outlines for tasks facilitating
Multiple Intelligences learning about ACPPS092

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
Mathematical-Logical Intelligence Do a mathematical breakdown of the DRI for
individuals and the food showing on a chart the
different options and energy surplus
Musical Intelligence Listen to the music of the adverts/ shows
discuss the influence of them
Visual-Spatial Intelligence Analyze the media imagery and discusss the
influence this attempts/ has on the viewer
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Create a short play showing the affects on one
character from the short film drive after it ends
Interpersonal Intelligence Create an interview with your role as
interviewer of one character from the short
film drive
Intrapersonal Intelligence Imagine your in the short film how would the
events of it affect you
Naturalist Intelligence Research how the natural environment /
geography and related influences, shape what
happens in the short film
Existential Intelligence Write down a reflection on what your views on
the issue was before the discussion show, if any
have changed and why. How does this relate to

7) Reflection


Reflective practice is necessary to access any process and improve, without recognising what has
occurred it is difficult to change and adapt. Sometimes a 2nd point of view is helpful to reveal
something you can’t see yourself in reflection, an open mind is needed


A range of teaching strategies are needed to be a efficient teacher that engages their students. From
the book learining is boring and monotonous and the more varied and multi topic we can develop
the class plans to be the better development seen from the student, all within reason.

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