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Hayden Le

H (571) 228-8920 • B • Í

Employment History
Epic Systems Corporation Verona, WI
Software Developer Intern Summer 2018
MyChart, Proxies - Framework - Interoperability Team
{ Reduced technical service (TS) time spent assisting customers with customizing their MyChart instance’s strings near 90% by
implementing an in-browser strings customization system that does not require TS assistance to utilize (C#, Javascript, VB)
{ Collaborated with UX team to design and tailor application for MyChart not technically inclined
Walmart Retail Tech Bentonville, AR
Software Engineer Intern Summer 2017
Mobile Applications Department
{ Developed feedback application to capture store associates’ experience with an in-house application, allowing the development
team to better and more quickly respond to defects (AngularJS)
{ Implemented a live dashboard to visualize data collected from the feedback application in a meaningful manner (d3.js)

W&M Honors Fellowship Williamsburg, VA
Independent Researcher Spring 2018-present
{ Examining how social media and language features may predict whether a public figure accused of sexual misconduct will suffer
long-term reputation damage
{ Creating a framework leveraging machine learning and natural language processing to predict the potential reputation impact
from a news article, accusatory or supportive (Python)
Systematic Text Analysis for International Relations (STAIR) Lab Williamburg, VA
Researcher Fall 2018-present
{ Comparing how well Tensorflow, PyTorch, and fastText sentence embeddings function in the context of computational social
science research
{ Determining to what extent news articles about migrants, refugees, and human trafficking victims are semantically similar

Hack.UVA Charlottesville, VA
Hacker March 2018
{ Developed a web application (Equalyzer) that moderates team meetings such that typically underrepresented persons are ensured
fair speaking time
{ Runner-up for "Best Hack for Equality"
Pearl Hacks (UNC Hackathon) Chapel Hill, NC
Hacker Feb 2018
{ Led three first-time hackathon attendees in developing an Android application (bits) that facilities local community crowd-sourced
micro-loans for disadvantaged individuals
{ Implemented back-end with Amazon Cognito Users and DynamoDB
{ Won Red Hat’s "Best Open Source Hack" award

On-Campus Involvement
Social Science Research Methods Center (SSRMC) Williamsburg, VA
Technical Director and Data Science Teaching Assistant Fall 2018-present
Society of Women in Computing Williamsburg, VA
Public Relations Chair Spring 2018-present
Received Grace Hopper Celebration 2018 Scholarship, recognizing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in technology

College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA
Bachelor of Science, GPA: 3.80 Expected Graduation: May 2019
B.S. in Computer Science
B.S. in Computational and Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Python, Java, C#, Javascript, NodeJS, R, C

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