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The Sunset Crusader

Volume 41 Issue 2 Miami Sunset Senior High OCTOBER 2018

Sunset Participates in Extraordinary International Collaboration Project

from a different country. Cultur-

By: Amanda Gomez
al differences and language bar-
riers can cause bumps, however
both Russia and the Sunset stu-
During the summer of
dents made it work.
2018, Miami Sunset’s Hospitality
Management & Information “The language barrier
Technology program engaged in and cultural differences was
a significant opportunity, by col- hard at first, but because every-
laborating with Russian high one was open-minded and un-
school students to better im- derstanding, we all made it work
prove tourism globally. and had great results.”

The project was spon- “We learned about the

sored by the Russian Federation, importance of deadlines, how to
U.S. corporation Global Initia- collaborate with people, and crit-
tives Inc., and Moscow State ical thinking skills, which will
Technical University. In addi- Russian partners to work on the adds. last with us for a long time.”
tion to improving tourism, the project. Genesis Torrez, 11th Torres says.
The winning idea to at-
purpose of the project was to grade, explained some of the tract tourism was to create an The winners of the pro-
emphasize the importance of struggles revolving around the amusement park, resort and a ject were rewarded with a trip to
STEM skills and how it can be project. mobile app. The winning teams San Franscio and to also meet
applied to the challenges of the “The time difference had included the following students, their Russian partners in person.
workforce, in this case being to be the most difficult part Ivan Espinoza and Britney Al- During this trip, the students
tourism. about this project. Their time meida in 1st place, Genesis Tor- met with a variety of companies
The project started in zone is about a seven-hour dif- rez and Yamig Torres in 2nd to learn more about hospitality
the beginning of the school year ference, so everyone in the class place and Felix Jaime and Kari- and tourism and as well as visit-
of 2017-2018. The Sunset and had to be ready to skype them by na Lola in 3rd. ing Stanford University
Russian students were divided the time school started early in “The purpose of the Although it was very re-
and mixed with around seven to the morning.” amusement park was to be edu- warding for the students of Sun-
eight students in per group. The complexity of the cational for the kids that partici- set to win during this collabora-
Each group competed against project really challenged the stu- pate, alongside with a resort to tion project, what was more
one another to create an innova- dents because they learned the go with the park for everyone in gratifying was the knowledge
tion that will improve tourism in process of coming up with plans the family to enjoy. The mobile and experience that came out of
Moscow, Russia and Miami, Flor- in relation to business/tourism. app would be linked to all at- it.
ida. “It was really interesting to learn tractions, waiting times for lines
For six months, Sunset’s the process behind making a and rides, restaurants.” Yamig
students and lead teacher of plan like this. Coming up with Torres explains.
Hospitality, Mrs. Milagros Pé- the ideas, making a business Projects can come with
rez, would have to be up early in plan, financing and budgeting, obstacles, especially when it
the morning skyping with their and marketing strategy,” Torrez comes to working with people

Miami Sunset School Spirit: Where Did It Go and Will It Return?

By: Emily Miranda
Staff Writer The few times student attend-
ance is respectable at games is be-
Miami Sunset Senior High is suf- cause a game starts during school
fering from a lack of school spirit and hours and it allows them to miss out
it is leaving everyone from teachers to on class. Once school is over, more
students searching for a cure. than half of the spectators leave,
proving they have no real interest in
School spirit is a big part of the
supporting their classmates and rep-
high school experience. It provides an
resenting their school.
escape from the mundane parts of
school and gives students something to Having an audience that sup-
look forward to. However, Sunset has ports the school’s sports team is im-
been low on spirit for so many years, it portant to the athletes. It makes
appears that nobody knows how to players more confident because they
bring it back. SGA and teachers showcasing the 2018-2019 Homecoming theme, “Electric Avenue.” have a support system.

In an interview with a group of stu- Being involved in high school activi- Wrestler Brent Alemany says, “Having
dents who wish to remain anonymous, one of ties, such as attending sporting events, is an audience is extremely important; it pushes
them said, “There is no school spirit, no one crucial in order for spirit to spread. It en- you to try harder to prove yourself. When I
participates in activities and they don’t go to courages performers that were supported to have a bigger audience, I feel like my time and
the games. This effects everyone.” Though go out and support other performers. It’s effort was worth it.”
this is a good point, when that person was how you build a community feel in a school. Baseball player Johnathan Ramallo adds,
asked if they participated in any school However, multiple students told the Crusad-
events, they said they were too busy and could er that the reason they don’t go to the games Continue on page 2
not. That is symptomatic of the problem. is because our teams “suck.”

School Spirit is Important to Our Student Athletes

Continued from page 1
In the past few years,
“It helps us become
pep rallies and spirit weeks have
more motivated, many of us can
failed to fulfill their purpose.
get nervous in the beginning
The student body didn’t do their
but by having that support, it
part to bring and encourage
helps us perform so much bet-
school spirit.
However, Sunset’s most
Although Sunset still has
recent pep rally has proven that
a dance team, “Synergy,” the
there is a lot of potential for the
school still has no cheerleading
future. Students who participat-
team or even a color guard.
ed in the pep rally had very pos-
That’s two less large teams to
itive feedback. Hurma Aziz, a
support our school athletes and
sophomore, says, “I thought this
motivate others to come to the
was the best pep rally since I’ve
been in the school. Many of my
Another issue is that stu-
upperclassman friends and I
dents don’t realize the true pur- discussed how great the pep ral-
pose of pep rallies. After doing school shirt and colors, and guson and Coral Reef. Schools ly was in comparison to the
a survey of a variety of stu- overall proud to be there. with smaller populations, like ones that they’ve seen.”
dents, it was discovered that Coral Reef Senior High Sunset, have really felt the
This year’s SGA is much
most don’t really know what School comes with their legs winds of change.
more involved and reliable when
pep rallies are supposed to ac- painted with their gradua- It seems like students it comes to their plans for the
complish. The majority claimed tion year, cudas drawn on would rather be at home and school year. Although, it isn’t
they didn’t really know, or they themselves, some go as far not be involved in school just just up to SGA to bring school
said that it was just for school as bringing wigs. “I love my to be on their phones, rather spirit back, the power comes
spirit. school, and ill do anything than experiencing the world from the students.
The purpose of pep ral- and everything to represent and what it has to offer.
it. It is who I am, I am cuda School spirit comes from
lies is to excite the student pop-
“Back when I was in the heart. No one can force that
ulation about their sports teams for life,” said Kaitlyn Fair-
Braddock, our school would out of students, but if instead of
and players, and motivate stu- cloth, a senior at Coral Reef.
have over a thousand students complaining about the lack of
dents to attend the games. Pep Part of the issue in the stands cheering on our school spirit, everyone should
Rallies are supposed to be a stems from the outbreak of football team regardless of take initiative and do something
very loud, exciting, and long social media. Ever since how good we were. Everyone about it. The only solution is
commercial promoting whatever smart phones became com- was excited to be there, it was for the students to solve it
game is happening that day or mon, school spirit has never like the social event of the themselves – if they really want
weekend. been the same. Some week and it didn’t even matter it.
Schools like John A. Fer- schools have been able to if you liked football or not,”
guson, have everyone in the hold it together, particularly Sunset English/Business teach-
stands cheering, wearing their the larger schools like Fer- er Will Cohen says.

Miami Sunset’s Band is Bigger and Better Than Ever Here’s the Scoop for Sunset’s
new batch of freshman not Drama Department
By: Emily Batista because they are stellar By: Victoria Landa
Staff Writer musicians, but because of Staff-Writer
their drive.” Miami Sunset Senior High’s drama
In recent years, teacher, Justin Conley, has revealed his plans
Miami Sunset Senior Hurma Aziz, a veteran per- for his drama classes that will be presented
High’s band has had an cussion player, is one of during the 2018-2019 school year.
exponential growth and the many students who
He had a chance to talk to us about
has surpassed expecta- stands out because of the some of the plays that his students will be
tions this year with more dedication she has for the participating in.
students who are eager to join. band. Laura Rodriguez, who plays the french
This year, he plans on producing two
horn, is another student who stands out, ac-
As well as upgrading in more ways major shows with his students that will be
cording to Smith. presented on December 2018 and April 2019.
than one, Sunset’s band has improved im-
mensely in the last couple of years within Smith also said, “I’m thrilled to see
For the winter show, the production
their music, students, and instruments. To how well the new students have taken to the will be called “Sound of the Season,” which
compare Sunset’s band to three years ago instruments.” will showcase on December 13. The show will
from today, the differences would be unrec- be about celebrating the diversity of winter
Another improvement for Sunset’s holidays and will also be in collaboration with
ognizable. band is their instruments. A couple of years the dance department.
As quoted by Matthew Hernandez, ago, the instruments were broken down and
beaten, or nearly destroyed. But with more The spring show will be based on a
one of the lead drummers in the band, “Our famous Broadway musical, popularly known
band has changed so much, we have better funding in play, fortunately new instruments as “Chicago,” which is a show based on the
instruments now and many more kids who have been added. 1920’s that gets into the details of the obses-
actually care about the band.” sion of getting to the top by any means neces-
“Mr. Lux has helped us greatly with
sary in show business.
This year, the band is starting fresh more instruments and repairs,” Said Smith.
with an almost all freshman band. That “More instruments equals more students, Alongside Conley’s production plans,
and new music is also coming our way.” he also wants to branch out more with his
means more untapped talent is waiting to be
classes. “This year I am focusing on them be-
exposed. Due to the assistance provided by the ing more professional, try to push the creativi-
However, not everything has to be school, Sunset’s band has many opportuni- ty, and try to leave their comfort zone.”
based on talent. Mr. Smith, Miami Sunset’s ties to open their horizons by upgrading the
If Conley’s plans come to fruition, the
band teacher said, “I am excited about the band like never before. Sunset drama program will be making the big-
gest impact it has in at least a decade.

The Best Films to Watch This Spooky Season

By: Angelina Buenaventura
Assistant Editor

Whether you’re a horror fanatic or a haunt you after the credits roll. ly spooky film that is great to watch in cele-
bit of scaredy-cat, most people enjoy getting bration of Halloween. In 1991, this movie
Some horror fans claim that over
into the Halloween spirt, even if it means jumped onto our screens giving us one of the
grabbing a bowl most iconic
of candy corn, families in film
turning on a and another
scary movie, or very recogniza-
just going ble theme
pumpkin pick- song. This
ing. movie show-
cases many
If you’re
looking for a
comedic per-
classic slasher
formances by
story, a modern
its actors. Line
terrifying tale, an underrated festive anthol-
time horror movies have lessened in quality after line there’s a hilarious joke about spi-
ogy, or even a family friendly film, this Hal-
and scare factor, but the 2016 film “The derwebs, ghosts, or graves. It is the perfect
loween movie list could be just what you’re
Conjuring 2,” directed by James Wan, proves balance of dark humor and loving family mo-
looking for.
that the genre still has it. This is one of the ments. The movies take you on a crazy ride
Let’s begin with the film that cata- with the ghoulish family as they get a visit
rare times where a sequel lives up to its orig-
pulted the slasher genre into the main- from their long-lost family member, Uncle
inal, and to some, even surpasses it. The
stream, “Halloween.” A 1978 film, directed Fester.
Conjuring 2 takes place in London, England
by John Carpenter, is always a great classic
in 1977, where a single mom and her three Last but not least is an underrated Hal-
to revisit. The masked killer, Michael Myers,
kids become the victims of a powerful de- loween themed horror film that is rarely
has become a sort of Halloween mascot over
mon. Experienced paranormal investigators talked about “Trick or Treat.” This anthology
the past four decades. This movie follows
Ed and Lorraine Warren try their best to help film truly captures the essence of the holiday.
the course of several babysitter murders on
the family vanquish the demon back to hell. It follows several different stories on the night
Halloween night. Halloween carries a con-
The release of this film disturbed many of Halloween that all comes together in a very
sistent feeling of suspense and anxiety as it
mostly due to the terrifying demonic nun interesting way in the end. Although it might
bounces from the killer’s point of view back
character. Unlike some modern horror mov- not fit the conventional mold of a horror mov-
to the victims. You might catch yourself an-
ies, this one has some great acting perfor- ie in such things like gore and scare factor, it
grily yelling at the oblivious characters since
mances which helps make the horrifying sto- surpasses expectations in its writing and
you know exactly what’s coming to them
ry even more believable. creepy storytelling.
when they make a wrong turn. This film also
gave birth to one of the most recognizable A perfect Halloween movie doesn’t One of the best ways to celebrate Hal-
movie themes, and the song will surely always have to give you nightmares. That’s loween is to indulge yourself in a night of
why “The Addams Family” is a family friend- movies and these flicks won’t disappoint.

Miami Sunset’s United Way Campaign

By: Victoria Landa
Staff Writer
On November 8th, it is
“Squad Day.” Students will
Starting Thursday, Octo- grab a group of friends and
ber 11th, Miami Sunset Senior coordinate outfits to show
High is granting its students who you are. All clothing must
the opportunity to participate be appropriate in length, cov-
in fundraising for the United erage, and subject matter. No
Way organization by having a disruptive outfits or props of
spirit week. any sort, leggings, ripped jeans
For the following few or skirts and dresses above
weeks, students will be al- On October 25th, stu- knee, open- toe shoes, strap-
from a variety of people,
lowed to dress out of uniform dents will be allowing to wear less or spaghetti straps, weap-
they have been able to
for the price of a dollar. Unit- sweat pants for one dollar. ons or replicas of weapons are
change the lives of millions
ed Way’s goal is to receive do- Sweat Pants and joggers will allowed at school at any time.
every year. A few projects
nations from students to help be permitted on that day, but And lastly, on Novem-
United Way has collaborated
the people in need. leggings or clothing with ber 15 , it will be “Sports Day.”
with are, supporting chil-
United Way is an organi- dren in Zambia, creating a holes will be not. Students will be allowed to
zation that is focused on creat- healthier environment in On October 31st, is wear their favorite sports
ing a community-based and India, and tutoring youth in “Halloween Day.” No masks team’s jersey, cheer bow, or
community-led solution that the Philippines. or face covering, weapons or team uniform for the entire
strengthens the cornerstones replicas of weapons, disrup- day.
On Thursday, Octo-
for a good quality of life, for tive costumes or props at any If you’re interested in
ber 11th, it is “Shorts Day.”
example, education and finan- sort, leggings, ripped jeans dressing out, or simply want
Students can wear knee
cial stability. The organization nor skirts and dresses above to donate to help the cause,
length shorts, basketball
is engaged in nearly 1,800 the knee, open-toe shoes, please remember to partici-
shorts, and Bermuda shorts.
communities across more than strapless or spaghetti straps, pate in United Way weeks,
However, students will not
40 countries and territories costumes with graphic gore, from October 11th, to Novem-
be allowed to wear short
worldwide. or vulgar saying will be al- ber 15th.
shorts, short with holes or
Due to the donations tears, legging or bike shorts. lowed at school.

Student of the Month Teacher of the Month Staff of The Month

Naeli Emad Carlos Hernandez Maria Castedo
- 12th Grade
-Weighted GPA: 4.2
What sports/clubs/
activities have you
been in or are you
currently in?
Over the past three
years, I have joined
many clubs like Key
Club, FBLA, Gardening Club, Interact Club,
SGA, Flag Football, and Women of Tomor-
row. Currently as a senior, this would be my Carlos Hernandez is a science teacher in
third year of playing Flag football and my Miami Sunset who teaches Zoology. Many
second year being in Women of Tomorrow,
now as the president. I am also the president students may know him for his laid back,
of SGA and have been a member since my humorous and easy-going personality. How long have you work at sunset?
junior (vice president) and sophomore When you walk into his classroom you I’ve worked at Miami Sunset Senior High
(Treasurer) year.
can immediately tell he loves what he for 21 years.
What do you plan on doing once you grad-
does and enjoys teaching his students.

Once I graduate I plan on continuing my Why did you decide to be a teacher? What is your job as a registrar?
classes at Miami Dade College to get my as- Being a Registrar is a very entertaining
sociate degree and from there transfer to I fell into it accidently. Once I graduated
job to do; a lot of diversity which I’m
University of Florida. from college, my friend offered me a po-
used to, since I was a Principal’s Secre-
What is your drive to succeed? sition as a teacher and I’ve been here ev-
tary. You deal with students, parents,
My drive to succeed is knowing that one day er since 1997. teachers, and staff. The main responsi-
I’ll become an ER Doctor, saving lives and
helping people. Did you always wanted to be a teacher, bility is the student’s registration,
what was your original career goal? which is a very detailed process.
Who is your role model?
My mom is my role model because she is a I originally wanted to be a pharmacist,
single mom who raised four kids all on her but school got too difficult and I got What is the easiest and hardest part of
own with no support and having several jobs your job?
to make sure she can give her kids every- tired. On top of all that, I really needed
thing she never had. money, so I got into teaching. The easiest part of my job is ordering
transcripts for the students; and, the
What teacher inspires you the most?
Why do you continue teaching? hardest is to assign courses for the stu-
My middle school teachers from Howard D.
McMillian, Mr. Adamson and Mr. Rimmer Once I got into it, I really ended up en- dents’ semester.
have inspired me to give my all into my work joying the job. One of the things I love in
and always believed in me.
this industry is the impact you can have Why do you like your job?
What lesson impacted you the most about on a student as a teacher, you can really I really like my job and the responsibili-
high school?
help change their lives for the better. ties that come with it. Also, I love to be
The lesson that has impacted me the most is
that my grades are a reflection of my effort, busy all the time. I do my job and keep
Who or what inspires you in teaching?
pushing me to give my all in everything I do. on trying to do my best.
Why are you so involved in school?
What inspires me to continue is when I
see that a student understands the con- What is it like working for Sunset?
I am so involved in school because I don’t
want to regret not participating in an event. cept and can apply it to life. It’s like, they
Working for Miami Sunset High School?
These are the last years where we can be a come in not knowing much of the mate-
kid and hang out with friends without so It’s lovely. I’ve enjoyed all these years
rial but when they leave your classroom, working for the school, getting to know
much stress and responsibility.
they leave with a set of skills that will everybody, obtaining and giv-
What has been your favorite memory or
moment so far in Sunset? greatly help them when they move on to ing respect from the faculty and staff.
My favorite memory in Sunset was attending college or the workforce.
Prom of 2017 with all my senior friends who
How do you keep your students en- Why did you choose this job?
graduated, dancing and having a good last
time together. gaged? I chose this job because I knew I was
What will you miss most about Sunset? I understand that it can be difficult capable of helping develop a better im-
I will miss all the memories I have made with sometimes for students to pay attention age for Miami Sunset Senior High
my friends and teachers throughout my high School, where my four sons graduated.
and I try to combat that through being
school years.
interactive with the students during my
Are there any accomplishments that you Does some of the things you have to
receive, that you are most proud of? lessons. I show them videos, I try to be
hands-on, and I continue to be on top of do require other people to help? I can
I am most proud of my Outstanding Junior
things so they can understand the con- always use some assistance.
Award I received as a Junior and my SGA
awards. cepts.
Is there a certain quote you live by?
Why did you choose science? SUNSET’S QUOTE OF THE
I live by two quotes, “Do one thing every
day that scares you,” - Eleanor Roosevelt It was either science or math, ha. But no, MONTH
and “Better to say, “oh well,” than wonder, really, I chose science because I really
“what if?” - Anonymous
think science is important to everyone. It
How do you manage to do all your extra- teaches people how the world works and “Learning is a treasure that will
curricular activities? the reasons why things function which I follow it's owner everywhere."
I am able to do all the extracurricular activi- think is amazing. There are so many stu-
ties that I enjoy, by managing my time wisely dents who come in asking questions and
-Chinese Proverb
on my schedule. This allows me to give all
my time and effort to every club on different
this is the subject that gives them their
day, so that I don't fall behind or overlap answers.

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