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Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363

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A graphene aptasensor for biomarker detection in human serum

Xuejun Wang a, b, Yibo Zhu b, Timothy R. Olsen b, Na Sun c, Wenjun Zhang a, d, Renjun Pei c,
Qiao Lin b, *
Department of Mechanical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA
Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, S7N 5A9, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an affinity graphene nanosensor for detection of biomarkers in undiluted and non-
Received 24 April 2018 desalted human serum. The affinity nanosensor is a field-effect transistor in which graphene serves as
Received in revised form the conducting channel. The graphene surface is sequentially functionalized with a nanolayer of the
10 July 2018
polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG) and a biomarker-specific aptamer. The aptamer is able to specifically
Accepted 29 August 2018
bind with and capture unlabeled biomarkers in serum. A captured biomarker induces a change in the
Available online 13 September 2018
electric conductivity of the graphene, which is measured in a buffer of optimally chosen ionic strength to
determine the biomarker concentration. The PEG layer effectively rejects nonspecific adsorption of
Affinity sensing
background molecules in serum while still allowing the aptamer to be readily accessible to serum-borne
Biomarker detection biomarkers and increases the effective Debye screening length on the graphene surface. Thus, the
Graphene aptamer-biomarker binding sensitively changes the graphene conductivity, thereby achieving specific
Nonspecific binding and label-free detection of biomarkers with high sensitivity and without the need to dilute or desalt the
Human serum serum. Experimental results demonstrate that the graphene nanosensor is capable of specifically
capturing human immunoglobulin E (IgE), used as a representative biomarker, in human serum in the
concentration range of 50 pMe250 nM, with a resolution of 14.5 pM and a limit of detection of 47 pM.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction specific detection of target molecules of interest can be achieved

[14]. One important advance in graphene FET nanosensors involves
Early detection of disease biomarkers is highly sought after in using aptamers, single-strand oligonucleotides with high affinity
clinical diagnostics. Biosensors that utilize nanomaterials, such as and specificity to a biomarker, as the recognition element [4].
conducting polymer nanowires [1], semiconductor nanowires [2], Aptamers, compared to other receptor molecules such as anti-
carbon nanotubes [3], and graphene [4], offer attractive advantages bodies, have attractive advantages such as synthetic availability,
for biomarker detection. In particular, graphene, a two-dimensional small size, batch-to-batch uniformity, stability and long shelf life,
honeycomb lattice of carbon with a sp2 structure, offers unique for effective surface-based detection [15]. As a result, aptamer-
physical and chemical properties such as high intrinsic carrier based graphene FET devices have been used for the detection of a
mobility, large surface-area-to-volume ratio, low intrinsic noise, variety of biomarkers such as DNA [16], peptides [17], and proteins
and good biocompatibility [5e7]. Biosensors using graphene have [4].
been demonstrated on optical [8,9], optomechanical [10], and Previously reported aptameric FET sensors, however, have been
electrochemical [11,12] platforms. Of particular interest are field mostly limited to the detection of biomarkers in conditioned
effect transistor (FET) nanobiosensors using graphene as the con- buffers. In complex physiological media such as serum, plasma or
ducting channel [4,13], allowing target detection with high sensi- whole blood, abundant background molecules tend to adsorb
tivity. When combined with an appropriate recognition molecule, nonspecifically to the hydrophobic graphene surface [18] and thus
interfere with biomarker detection. Such interferences may cause
difficulties in accurately measuring biomarkers. For example, a
graphene oxide (a graphene derivative) FET nanosensor [19] was
* Corresponding author. employed to measure prostate cancer biomarker in serum, and
E-mail addresses: (X. Wang), (Q. Lin).
0013-4686/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Wang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363 357

although it was able to demonstrate the successful quantification, it for optimization of the adsorption rejection and detection sensi-
also experienced appreciable adsorption of serum proteins because tivity. Thus, when exposed to a serum sample, the functionalized
of the interaction between serum proteins and the reduced gra- PEG nanolayer reduces the nonspecific adsorption of background
phene oxide [20]. Moreover, either dilution or desalting of serum, molecules (Fig. 1) while the attached aptamer specifically captures
which may reduce the measurement sensitivity of low concentra- the biomarker in serum. As it binds to the biomarker, the aptamer
tion biomarkers or increase the complexity of the protocol while experiences a conformational change, bringing the biomarker into
potentially compromising the viability of the analyte, was neces- the proximity of the graphene surface. In this configuration, an
sary. Further challenging these sensors is the short Debye screening electrical double layer is formed at the interface of the graphene
length (<1 nm), the characteristic thickness of the electrical double and the electrolyte serves as the gate dielectric layer. The charged
layer, resulted from serum's high ionic strengths which can cause target molecule induces a change in the electrical conductance of
the binding events to occur outside the electrical double layer and the graphene through the electrical double layer, thereby produc-
drastically reduce the biomarker detection sensitivity [21]. Thus, ing a detectable signal. The graphene channel is formed between
despite its importance, the detection of biomarkers directly in drain and source electrodes on the SiO2 substrate as shown in
serum or in other forms of physiological media using graphene FET- Fig. 2(a). Target molecules are in solution (contained within a
based nanosensors has yet to be demonstrated. polydimethylsiloxane open well located above the sensor) and
This paper presents an affinity graphene nanosensor for the allowed to interact with the aptamer linked to the nanolayer of PEG
detection of biomarkers in undiluted and non-desalted human that is in-turn attached to the graphene surface. An Ag/AgCl wire
serum. The affinity nanosensor employs an FET-based design in inserted into the solution to forms the gate electrode. Given the
which graphene serves as the conducting channel. The graphene experimental scheme of graphene FET nanosensors where the
surface is sequentially functionalized with a nanolayer of the sample solution in the graphene sensing region is exposed to the
polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG) and a biomarker-specific ambient environment, the exposure of serum to air leads to the
aptamer. The aptamer binds with and captures biomarkers, which reduction of CO2 from the serum, changing the pH of serum over
are not tagged with any labeling groups, in serum. The captured the time. The pH variation, to which the graphene is highly sensi-
biomarker induces a change in the electric conductivity of the tive, brings inaccuracy to the biomarker detection. In this work, the
graphene, which is measured via a solution-gated FET formed in a nanosensor operates scheme that decouples the capture and
buffer of optimally chosen ionic strength to determine the detection of the biomarker. That is, the biomarker is sequentially
biomarker concentration. In this approach, the sequential attach- first captured by the aptamer in serum, which in general involves
ment of the aptamer and PEG to the graphene surface allows the diversely varying high ionic strength and pH ranges, and then
aptamer to be readily accessible to serum-borne biomarker mole- detected in conditioned buffer with well-controlled ionic strengths
cules, while the PEG effectively prevents nonspecific adsorption of and pH to enable optimized FET measurements [27].
background molecules in serum [22] and protects graphene from
the interferences of such molecules. In addition, the small size of 2.2. Device fabrication and surface functionalization
the aptamer facilitates the captured biomarker molecules to stay in
the close proximity of the graphene, and the immobilized PEG in- The device was fabricated using micro and nanofabrication
creases the effective Debye screening length [23e25]. Conse- techniques (see Fig. S1 in Supplementary Information). Graphene
quently, the biomarker is readily recognized in serum by the synthesized via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was transferred
aptamer, and their binding sensitively changes the graphene con- onto the target substrate using a poly methyl methacrylate carrier
ductivity, thereby achieving the specific and label-free detection of layer (PMMA), following a previously reported protocol [16], which
the biomarker with high sensitivity. pre-fabricated source and drain electrodes (Fig. 2(b)). Then the
The capability of the nanosensor is demonstrated by detection PMMA carrier layer was removed by acetone. The graphene then
of the protein immunoglobulin E (IgE), chosen as a representative was patterned to define the sensing region (See Fig. S2 in Supple-
biomarker, in undiluted and non-desalted human serum. Repro- mentary Information). Finally, a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
ducible measurements of IgE at concentrations ranging from 50 pM open well (~10 mL in volume) was stamped above the graphene
to 250 nM are made with an estimated resolution of 15.6 pM and sensing region to hold the target solution. Before the surface
limit of detection of 47 pM. These clinically relevant measurements functionalization, the graphene was verified to be of a monolayer
demonstrate the potential of our approach for biomarker detection via Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw inVia confocal Raman micro-
in human serum and other forms of physiological media. scope). The graphene channel was then biochemically functional-
ized (see details in Supplementary Information) to achieve the
2. Experimental method target molecule sensing in serum (Fig. 2(c)). PEG and aptamer were
serially functionalized on graphene surface via a 1-pyrenebutanoic
2.1. Principle and design acid succinimidyl ester (PASE) linker, which was already non-
covalently coupled to graphene surface by p-p interactions.
The graphene nanosensor is configured as a solution-gated
graphene FET, where the graphene conducting channel is sequen- 2.3. Testing procedure
tially functionalized first with a PEG nanolayer and then with
aptamer molecules. PEG is a hydrophilic, electrically neutral poly- During operation, the modified graphene conducting channel
mer that can inhibit nonspecific adsorption of background mole- was exposed to IgE-spiked serum solutions at different concen-
cules in physiological samples that are typically hydrophobic and trations for 10 min respectively. After this incubation period, the
charged [26]. The immobilized PEG polymer on graphene surface sensor was gently washed with buffer and the open chamber was
forms a porous and biomolecule permeable layer on the surface of filled with 0.01 fresh PBS buffer. A bias drain-source voltage Vds
FET while also changing the dielectric properties in aqueous solu- applied between the drain and source electrodes generated a drain-
tions, which increases the effective Debye screening length [24]. source current Ids through the graphene channel, and the Ids was
The aptamer is attached to the PEG that is in turn tethered to the controlled by the applied gate voltage Vg. Transfer characteristics
graphene surface, thereby leaving the aptamer exposed to (i.e., the functional dependence of Ids on Vg) of graphene was
biomarker molecules in the sample with the PEG thickness tunable measured by sweeping the Vg in a range of interest, and the Dirac
358 X. Wang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363

Fig. 1. Principle of nanosensing in serum. (a) PEG and aptamer immobilized graphene. (b) Serum introduction. (c) IgE capture and purification on the graphene surface, impurities
repelled by grafted PEG.

Fig. 2. Design, fabrication and functionalization of the graphene nanosenor. (a) The device is configured as a liquid-gated graphene FET. (b) Micrograph of a fabricated device. The
patterned graphene conducting channel connects the drain and source electrodes (Inset: photograph of the sensor chip). (c) Surface Functionalization of graphene. Pyrene-
terminated PASE linker molecules are coupled to graphene via p-p interactions. PEG and aptamer molecules are sequentially attached to the PASE by forming amide groups.

point VDirac, the voltage at which the Ids reached its minimum, were 2.4. Materials
measured. In the FET-based electrical measurement, both the drain
and gate voltage were supplied by sourcemeters (Keithley 2400, Graphene was synthesized via chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
Tektronix), and the drain-source current was simultaneously Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS, Sylgard-184) was purchased from
measured. The two sourcemeters were automatically controlled Dow Corning (Midland, MI) for PDMS well. 1-pyrenebutanoic acid
through a PC-based LabVIEW program. succinimidyl ester (PASE) linker and phosphate buffered saline
X. Wang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363 359

(PBS) were purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, and the aptamer-PEG-modified graphene. The height of graphene
MA). Amine-PEG-carboxylic acid, 50 -amino group modified IgE DNA sheet after surface functionalization had a significant increase from
aptamer D17.4 [28] (selective sequence 50 -NH2 GCG CGG GGC ACG 0.4 nm of pristine graphene in Fig. 4(a) to 6.1 nm of modified gra-
TTT ATC CGT CCC TCC TAG TGG CGT GCC CCG CGC-30 ) and its phene in Fig. 4(b). Such a morphology change illustrated a suc-
complementary DNA oligonucleotide (selective sequence 50 -FAM cessful functionalization of PEG and aptamer molecules.
GCG CGG GGC ACG CCA CTA GGA GGG ACG GAT AAA-30 ) were Furthermore, graphene surfaces functionalized with PEG and the
synthesized and purified by Integrated DNA Technologies (Coral- aptamer, and graphene functionalized with only PEG were incu-
ville, IA). Target molecule, Immunoglobulin E (IgE) and control bated with a solution containing fluorescently modified single-
molecule, Immunoglobulin G (IgG) were purchased from Athens stranded DNA complementary to the aptamer and washed with
Research and Technology (Athens, GA). 1-ethyl-3-(3- buffer. The background-subtracted fluorescent intensities of the
dimethylaminepropyl carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDCHCl) and graphene surfaces were measured. The graphene surface modified
N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide (NHS), Dimethylformamide, ethanol- with both PEG and the aptamer exhibited strong fluorescence in-
amine and PBS as well as other chemicals used in functionalization tensity after incubation with the single-stranded DNA (~28.8 a.u.),
and experiments were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). while the graphene surface functionalized with only PEG showed
Human serum was obtained from Dr. Worgall in the Department of negligible fluorescent intensity (~0.9 a.u.) (Fig. 5). Since the
Pathology and Cell Biology Medical, Columbia University. fluorescence-dyed single-stranded DNA only hybridized to the
complementary aptamer, the fluorescence signal presented in the
PEG and aptamer functionalized graphene confirmed the successful
3. Results and discussion
functionalization of PEG and aptamer on graphene.
3.1. Surface characterization
3.2. Rejection of nonspecific adsorption
Prior to functionalizing the graphene surface, we characterized
The ability of PEG to reject nonspecific adsorption of background
the properties of the graphene specimen used to fabricate the
nanosensor with a Raman microscope under the 532-nm laser molecules in serum to the nanosensor surface was characterized by
measuring the transfer characteristics of bare or PEG-coated gra-
excitation. In its Raman spectra (Fig. 3), the G band at 1587 cm1
and 2D band at 2679 cm1 are observed. These two bands were phene surface in PBS buffer before and after incubating the surface
in serum (Fig. 6). Incubation of bare graphene in serum reduced the
signature peaks of all graphitic sp2 materials. The intensity ratio of
2D band to the G band I2D =IG is 3.75, which was the further evi- Dirac point VDirac by approximately 50 mV (Fig. 6(a)), which was
believed to reflect the direct doping caused by the accumulated
dence of monolayer graphene [29]. The PASE functionalization
splits the G band (1587 and 1626 cm1), confirming the coupling of background molecules adsorbed to graphene surface. In contrast,
the PEG modified graphene did not exhibit any appreciable shift of
the graphene and pyrene groups on PASE [30]. The PASE immobi-
VDirac after serum incubation (Fig. 6(b)), suggesting a significant
lization shifted the 2D band to a higher wavenumber (from 2679 to
reduction of nonspecific adsorption. This demonstrates the effec-
2684 cm1), which was typical for PASE chemical doping [13]. In
tiveness of the PEG modification to repel non-target molecules. In
addition, the prominent D band at 1342 cm1 compared with
general, despite the same layout of devices, graphene sheet used in
pristine graphene indicated the enhanced disorder of the graphene
each device had different electronic properties (e.g., carrier density
structure after the coupling of PASE molecules.
and carrier mobility), leading to variations in the shape and
We next investigated the serial functionalization of the gra-
magnitude of the transport characteristic curves (Fig. 6). Fortu-
phene surface with the PEG and the IgE aptamer. Fig. 4 depicted
nately, such device-to-device variations did not significantly impact
atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of single-layer graphene
the VDirac, which was hence used as the primary sensor output.

3.3. IgE detection in serum

The graphene nanosenor was then used to quantitatively mea-

sure the concentration of IgE spiked in human serum. When the
device was exposed to serum solutions with increasing IgE con-
centrations from 50 pM to 250 nM as shown in Fig. 7(a) followed by
gentle buffer rinsing and measuring in buffer, the Dirac point VDirac
monotonically decreased towards the negative gate voltage from
0.298 to 0.268 V, suggesting that the binding of the aptamer to IgE
introduced n-type doping to the graphene. The measurements
were carried out in 0.01  PBS buffer, for which the Debye length
was estimated to be approximately 7.3 nm [31]. In our experiments,
the Debye length would be even larger than this value due to the
presence of the PEG layer [24]. On the other hand, AFM measure-
ment showed that the aptamer-IgE complex was roughly 5.7 nm
above the graphene surface (Fig. 4). Therefore, the binding of IgE
with the aptamer should have at least partially taken place within
the electrical double layer as evidenced by the sensor's sensitive
The physiochemical process involved in the IgE-aptamer bind-
ing is complex; thus the doping effects may be a result of two
Fig. 3. Raman spectra of graphene before and aptamer PASE functionalization.
molecular interactions involving graphene. Theses two possible
Signature peaks of p-p coupling between PASE and graphene are observed after PASE mechanisms, which combine to contribute to the observed sensor
treatment. response, are discussed below. Further studies are needed in the
360 X. Wang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363

Fig. 4. AFM images of graphene surface before and after PEG and aptamer functionalization. (a) AFM image of pristine graphene, the 0.4 nm height indicates single-layer graphene.
(b) AFM image of aptamer-PEG-modified graphene, the 6.1- nm thickness suggests the successful PEG and aptamer functionalization.

Fig. 5. Characterization of surface functionalization. Both PEG-modified graphene and

PEG-aptamer-modified surfaces is exposed to a fluorescence-labeled complementary
DNA sequence to IgE-specific aptamer. Complementary DNA sequence hybridizes to
the aptamer-PEG-graphene surface, but not the PEG-graphene surface.

future to understand and elucidate these mechanisms. First,

Detection of large biomarkers, such as proteins, using an
electrolyte-gated graphene FET is typically based on the electro-
static gating effect generated by the highly charged biomarkers on
graphene. Under these circumstances, the charges induced in gra-
phene are opposite to and hence in balance with the charges car-
ried by target molecules. In our experiments, as IgE is reported to
have overall positive charge at physiological pH [4], the binding of
IgE proteins to the aptamer induces charges in graphene that were
opposite to the charges carried by the target molecules, as a result
of electrostatic gating effect. As such, n-type doping of graphene
occurs. Second, upon the capture of IgE, the aptamer experiences a
large change in conformational structure, becoming a stable
compact structure. Conformational change of the aptamer brings
electron-rich aromatic nucleotides to a close proximity of the gra-
phene surface, resulting in direct interactions of nucleotide with
Fig. 6. Measured transfer characteristics of bare graphene and PEG-modified graphene
the graphene and making direct electron transfer more likely from
before and after serum incubation. (a) Bare graphene. Significant shift of VDirac in-
the backbone of aptamer into graphene through pep interactions dicates nonspecific adsorption of background molecules in serum onto graphene
between them [6,32]. Such a claim can be corroborated by the surface. (b) PEG-modified graphene. No appreciable shift occurs, demonstrating the
physical process observed in the DNA immobilization on carbon rejection of nonspecific adsorption by PEG nanolayer.
X. Wang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363 361

nanotube [33] and graphene oxide sheet [34], which possibly

serves as the underlying mechanism for the sensor response. As
such, despite the heavily negatively charged DNA aptamer, the
screening of DNA charge is believed to be negligible compared with
the direct electron transfer. The specificity of the graphene nano-
sensor was confirmed by examining its response in serum spiked
with immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA), which
were used as control molecules. IgG and IgA are similar to IgE in
structure and thus can serve as appropriate control proteins for the
aptamer binding specificity. The transport characteristic curves
showed negligible shift for both IgG and IgA molecules (See Fig. S4
in Supplementary Information), suggesting the specificity of the
graphene nanosensor to IgE molecules. This could be attributed to
the high specificity of the aptamer to IgE and the effective resis-
tance of PEG to nonspecific adsorption. The specificity of the
nanosensor was also supported by previous studies of the low
cross-reactivity (<5%) of the IgE-targeting D17.4 aptamer, which
was used to functionalize the nanosensor, to proteins that exist at
high concentrations in biological samples such as human serum
albumin and bovine serum albumin [35].
We performed the IgE capture in serum and FET measurement
in diluted PBS buffer. This use of different media required the
replacement of serum with diluted PBS buffer during the sensor
operation. Such an operation scheme could initiate the dissociation
of IgE molecules from the aptamer. Thus, we conducted a time-
resolved measurement of VDirac after the replacement by consec-
utively sweeping the gate voltage for 10 min and measuring the
drain current of the graphene conducting channel continuously
over time (see Fig. S5 in Supplementary Information). The experi-
mental results showed, over a period of 1 min, an overall shift in the
Dirac point that was 0.83% of that induced by IgE binding, As the
measurement of the graphene transport characteristic curve of was
completed well within 1 min, we concluded that the effect of IgE
dissociation from the aptamer during medium replacement was
negligible for purposes of IgE quantification. Such a negligible
dissociation we believe can be attributed to that, the electrical
measurement was performed in buffer at static flow conditions that
reduced dissociation since the process was limited by the time for
the dissociated IgE molecules to diffuse back to the bulk solution. It
has been studied that electrostatic interactions between salts ions
and negative-charged phosphate backbones of DNA facilitate the
dissociation of aptamer-IgE complex [36,37]. Hence, the diluted PBS
buffer with low salt-ionic strength used for measurements could
further lower the dissociation rate of the aptamer-IgE complex.
It can be observed in Fig. 7(a) that transconductance (dIds/dVg)
of both hole and electron conduction branches remain constant, at
~20.2 mS and ~16.3 mS respectively. Given that the ionic strength of
the buffer did not change, the electrical double layer capacitance
was also deemed unchanged by the IgE-aptamer binding [38]. We
also investigated the change of source-drain current Ids at fixed gate
voltage Vg. It was observed that the Ids either decreased or increased
monotonically with increasing IgE concentration depending on
whether the Vg was lower or higher than the VDirac, such reversed
electrical transport in different conduction band is due to the
ambipolar transport of graphene that can be described by the
following equation [39]:

Fig. 7. Quantitative measurement of IgE in human serum. (a) Measured transfer
Ids ¼ mðW=LÞCVds Vg  VDirac (1)
characteristics of the graphene nanosensor exposed to human serum spiked with IgE
(concentration range: 50 pM e250 nM). (b) Shift of the Dirac point (DVDirac) as a where C is the top-gate capacitance per unit area, m is the carrier
function of the IgE concentration (CIgE) (three devices tested). The solid curve shows a mobility, W and L are respectively the width and length of the
fit to the Hill-Langmuir equation, yielding an equilibrium dissociation constant of
graphene channel, and VDirac is voltage indicating Dirac point (Ids
KD ¼ 10.7 nM. (c) Linear fit of the drain-source current change DIds for the linear range
from 50 pM to 25 nM at fixed Vg ¼ 0.2 V.
reaches the minimum). Experiments with three different devices
were carried out to characterize the sensing performance of our
graphene nanosensor. The Dirac point shift (DVDirac) as a function of
362 X. Wang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 290 (2018) 356e363

IgE concentration (CIgE) is presented in Fig. 7(b). The error bars demonstrate the potential of the graphene nanosensor for specific,
represent standard deviations of DVDirac, which mainly resulted quantitative and label-free detection of biomarkers in physiological
from variations in the electrical and physicochemical properties of fluids.
the individual devices tested. It can be seen that DVDirac sharply
increased for CIgE ranging from 50 pM to 25 nM and then gradually Acknowledgements
reached the equilibrium state for CIgE above 160 nM. We fitted the
experimental results to the following Hill-Langmuir equation that This work was supported by the National Science Foundation,
describes the equilibrium ligand-receptor binding [4]. United States (Grant No. ECCS-1509760) and National Institutes of
Health (Grant No. 1R33CA196470-01A1). X. Wang gratefully ac-
DVDirac;max CIgE
DVDirac ¼ (2) knowledges a National Scholarship (Award No. 201406740003)
KD þ CIgE from the China Scholarship Council. The authors would also like to
thank Dr. Tilla S. Worgall at the Department of Pathology and Cell
where DVDirac,max and CIgE are the saturated shift of VDirac and IgE Biology, Columbia University, for providing human serum used in
concentration respectively. As the fitted Hill-Langmuir curve lied in the experiments.
the error bars, our graphene nanosensors show good repeatability
of the IgE detection in human serum. The fitted curve yielded an Appendix A. Supplementary data
equilibrium dissociation constant KD of 10.7 nM, in good agreement
with previously reported work [40]. We further studied the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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