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MAY / 2018



MATRICULATION NO : 950221015409001
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 950221-01-5409
TELEPHONE NO. : 017-2635623



Title Pages
1.0 Introduction of JMM COOKIES (M) SDN BHD 3
2.0 Description of Formal, Informal and Mixed Whatsapp Group in 4-5
JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd
2.1 Formal Whatsapp Group
2.2 Informal Whatsapp Group
2.3 Mixed Whatsapp Group
3.0 Analysis on How Managing Whatsapp messenger Group is Used 6-7
As A Medium of Discussion, Communication, and Giving Instruction
3.1 Medium of Discussion
3.2 Medium of Communication
3.3 Giving Instruction
4.0 Analysis on How Leader Uses Whatsapp Messenger Group in 8-9
Managing Teamwork
4.1 Target setting
4.2 Allocation of Manpower
4.3 Motivation through Whatsapp
5.0 Recommendations For JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd 10-11
5.1 Provide Free Wi-fi
5.2 Workshop for Whatsapp Messenger Uses
5.3 Subsidy on Changing Smart Phone
6.0 Summary 12
7.0 References 13


1.0 Introduction of JMM COOKIES (M) SDN BHD

JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd , JMM Cookies, no. registration (1209685-H) started
the business since 2005 at Jalan Junid, Muar Johor. JMM Cookies is a private limited
company and there are two directors in this company Mr Hau and Madam Kan
(Founder of JMM Cookies). JMM Cookies manufactures variety of cookies including
traditional cookies and western cookies with high quality at various price points in
over 30 selling points in Malaysia. During festival such as Chinese New Year, Hari
Raya Aidilfitri, Mid-Autumn Festival and Christmas, JMM Cookies will set up booths
in shopping complex around Malaysia to ingratiate the demand of market. In 2015,
JMM Cookies success to export own products to Asia nations which including
Singapore, China, Hong Kong, and Indonesia due to the high demand of cookies. The
cookies made are more to pure butter cookies.
The vision of JMM Cookies is to become a world recognized brand in food
industry while the mission is to give customer a delicious and healthy food. At the
same time maintain the traditional culture of products innovation and promote the
local food to worldwide.
Head quarter of JMM Cookies is focusing on cookies quality, which includes
modernize the facilities, purchase the latest machines to improve the yield of products.
For local market initiatives include new cookies recipes and quality ingredients, most
of the ingredients are imported from Europe countries such as potato starch from
Poland, Chocolate bar and powder from Belgium. JMM Cookies marketing
department is more to focus on creating customer excitement through the promotion
and value of cookies, and implementing a strategy in branding which include
sponsorship to charity, advertisement through online, paper and radio. The cookies
include of Germany Potato Cookies, Belgium Dark Chocolate Cookies, Cheesy
Pineapple Tart, Special Melting Moment Cookies, Almond Cookies and other cookies.
JMM Cookies is categorized as Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME)
where the employee size also fulfilled the requirement of SME. There are 8
administration and marketing staffs and 20 full time production staffs employed by
JMM Cookies.


2.0 Description of Formal, Informal and Mixed Whatsapp Group in JMM

Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd
In JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd, whatsapp group created by the management for
the purpose of giving instruction and communicate with all the employees. The
whatsapp groups were created according to the department in organisation such as
production department, administration department, R&D department and marketing
department. Therefore, the formation of formal, informal and mixed whatsapp group
enable the management move smoothly.

2.1 Formal Whatsapp Group

The existing formal whatsapp group in JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd is used to
announce the official information and instruction of top management. In this
whtasapp group, all the members are not allowed to give comment or make discussion
in the whatsapp group. For example, the official notice such as holiday replacement,
announcement of meeting and so on. The group members consist of all department
head and executive of management. Usually, there is a weekly meeting announcement
which involve of the marketing department and production department. Besides, the
annual planning also announced through this group. In short, the function of this
formal group is used to announce official information.

2.2 Informal Whatsapp Group

The current informal whatsapp group in JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd is for those
employees to share their feelings, opinions and experience without related to the job.
For example, every week those employees will invite to play badminton during
weekend and sometime go for dinner together. Therefore, they share the information
and kick start a discussion on food and so on. Sometimes, they discuss also the place
to travel in the end of year. In year 2018, staffs of JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd plan to
go travel to Vietnam. So this whatsapp group is bustling with noise, everyone share
the information of interesting places to go. In short, the function of this informal
group is more to share experiences and express the feeling.

2.3 Mixed Whatsapp Group

The mixed whatsapp group in JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd is more on idea
sharing, comment, complaints and rise up the issue faced. When customer feedback


there is a QC error occurred such as wrong labeling to the products, then the
marketing department will rise up this issue and discuss in whatsapp group before
meeting as this is the fastest way to communicate among production and marketing
department. Moreover, employees may sometimes share the idea for new cookies
flavour to R&D department to innovate a new cookies. When the marketing staffs
found the competitor is offering similar products then they will share into this group
to rise the awareness so that to take action. In short, this group is set up purposely for
the discussion regarding to JMM Cookies.
Lastly, these formal, informal and mixed whatsapp group play an important role
to the organisation development. In fact, it enhance the relationship among employees
and the efficiency of sharing information.


3.0 Analysis on How Managing Whatsapp messenger Group is Used As A

Medium of Discussion, Communication, and Giving Instruction
JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd make uses of technology in daily management
process which every head of department independently managing the specific
whatsapp group.

3.1 Discussion
Head of marketing department create a whatsapp group for marketing staff to
discuss marketing strategy during festive promotion. For example, promoter should
alert to the promotion made by competitor then update in whatsapp group so company
will analyse and make another promotion. While production department tend to
discuss the problem faced in whatsapp group. Usually, the head of production will
discuss with the operators in which type of process flow may increase the efficiency
and yield of product. Then, the customer service always feedback the enquiry of
customers to the R&D department. Therefore, the information is delivered and shared
instant through out more than one department.

3.2 Communication
Meanwhile, marketing executives communicate with customers through
whatsapp group. There is a group of agents JMM Cookies and the marketing
executives. In the whatsapp group agents place order to JMM Cookies and then the
executives will update this order to production. Besides, executives also motivate
these agents every single day. For production department, the head of department
communicate with operators by using whatsapp group. For example, when there is
necessary for work overtime, she will inform to all operators then make sure how
many people able to work overtime. If there is an emergency occur, they will seek for
other people for replacement. Moreover, the weekly schedule on job is managed by
each department. For example, marketing team normally week 1 and week 3 will go
outstation for marketing job, then week 2 and week 4 follow up those potential
customers. Sometimes, they share the monthly sales in marketing group to motivate
the team members then team leader will treat them dinner together as a reward if the
target set is achieved.


3.3 Giving Instruction

Normally, manager of JMM Cookies will give instruction to each department
through whatsapp group messenger. For example, calling of meeting on every
Monday morning which involve of marketing and production department. In this case,
manager will emphasize what should they do and what should be take attention on
customer request in the whatsapp group. In fact, the head of production will brief all
the operator in their whatsapp group to ensure the minor mistake can be avoid during
cookies making process. In short, most of the employees in JMM Cookies give and
receive instruction through whatsapp group.


4.0 Analysis on How Leader Uses Whatsapp Messenger Group in Managing

Every team leader of JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd especially marketing leader
who able to generate teamwork by allocating job task very well through whatsapp. In
fact, it consist of target setting, allocation of manpower, and motivation to every

4.1 Set up a Target

During seasonal festive promotion, every leader of marketing will set up a target
to his team and lead them achieve that target. In Muar and Melacca area, the target
was set and bonus was offered to all promoter to ensure all of them united to fight the
higher sales figure. The target set for Dataran Pahlawan booth were RM 130,000 and
RM 160,000. Target for Jusco Bandaraya were the highest which is RM 220,000 and
RM 260,000. Target for Mahkota Parade were RM 110,000 and RM 150,000 and
Wetex Parade and TF Value Mart were RM 180,000 and RM 220,000. For example,
the first target for Mahkota Parade booth was set as RM 110,000 and second target
was RM 150,000. So the commission and target bonus is based on the actual sales
figure achieve by promoter. In fact, team leader will explain to every promoter before
start promotion, and they will know how much of salary will they get after achieving
those target. Furthermore, there is a positive competition among those promoters of
different booth to be the first team to achieve target. Definitely, the promoter will be
motivate and work hard to get a fruity salary.

4.2 Allocation of Manpower

The marketing leader should able to allocate and training promoter. In fact, leader
should manage the promoters according to their performance, ability and attitude.
Leader will select one of promoter as booth supervisor to guide the others. Definitely
the efficiency and result to proceed job task will be better and the tiny issue also can
be found immediately. Normally, there are 3-4 promoters allocated in a booth during
weekdays and 5-6 promoters during weekends. The reason is to make sure every
customer is served properly and the products of JMM Cookies are explain clearly.
Furthermore, leader will manage the off day for every promoter and announce through
whatsapp messenger. If the promoter wish to switch his off day with others then he
must discuss with the booth supervisor. In short, the teamwork can be built by a


proper manage of manpower as everyone will obey the rules and helping each other.

4.3 Motivation
Leader will always give spiritual motivation to all promoters. The reason is to
make sure all of them will not get down mood especially when the sales figure is not
satisfied. Leader will encourage promoters to think positive and put all effort to close
sales. Sometimes, leader will forward other booths result in whatsapp group with the
purpose to ignite the aspiration to get better sales from that. When there is a personnel
issue happened, leader will explain in whatsapp group to let them know the root of
problem. In fact, whatsapp messenger is an efficient tool to build teamwork as the
information is spread quickly.

In short, everyone in JMM Cookies communicate through whtasapp messenger

and the work efficiency also improved.


5.0 Recommendations For JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd to Improve Whatsapp
Messenger as a Medium of Managing Teams.
The whatsapp messenger play an important role in managing team and work as it
is an improvement of technology. Definitely, it will improve the communication of
management and employees. The recommendations for JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd
are providing free wi-fi to all staff, provide workshop on whatsapp messenger uses
and provide subsidy on changing smart phone.

5.1 Provide Free Wi-fi

JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd may consider to install few hot-spot in company so
the employees can connect wi-fi anytime. It will be more easier to improve the
whatsapp messenger in managing work as the information can be transfer to them
very fast. For example, employees who are not purchasing online data plan may
directly connect the public wi-fi and fully make use of it in transmit and receive
information. Moreover, the group member can on the spot pin out the question met
and the leader also can give instruction or comment immediately. This simple change
definitely will help improve the productivity and increase collaboration among team

5.2 Provide Workshop on Whatsapp Messenger Uses

Firstly, the management should conduct a workshop on the function of whatsapp
messenger to all employees and inform to them the next planning on managing team
by using whatsapp messenger. The purpose is to ensure employees able to access
whatsapp messenger and familiar with the new type of managing team. In this
workshop, the elder staffs are giving priority to learn how to make use whatsapp
messenger include of the features and the function. They have to learn the way to
upload video, voice mail and text as well. This consider an improvement to those
elder employees and they have to learn how to communicate with others by using
whatsapp messenger. For the younger employees of course no issue on practicing
whtasapp messenger management. As a result, whtasapp messenger become a
medium of JMM Cookies in managing teams.

5.3 Provide Subsidy on Changing Smart Phone

Top management of JMM Cookies may provide subsidy on changing smart


phone to encourage those elder employees to get a new smart phone so they can
download and install whatsapp messenger. This proposer will show the concern of top
management toward employees. Furthermore, there is no excuse for the employees to
refuse changing smart phone as it is another way of self improvement. The employees
also able to communicate with the younger employees by new phone device. As a
result, the generation gap in JMM Cookies will be smaller as everyone using the same
way of managing teams and work groups. When a new information found by team
member, it can be shared to the elder employees through whtasapp messenger too. So,
the top management may take attention on this proposer.


6.0 Summary
In a nutshell, JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd consists of formal, informal and mixed
groups. The formal group specialize for the official use only ; the informal group for
the personal use of the employees; and the mixed group for discussion and giving
order use. The employees prefer to give opinion on the mixed group so the
management will seen the needs and questions of employees. Every leader should
manage these group properly to take care of employees’ feels.
Then, the whatsapp groups are used as the medium of communication among
leader and the members. It improve the relationship among them and indirectly
improve the spirit of teamwork due to the sync of opinion. Moreover, these groups are
used to discuss issues found in organisation. In fact, every issue should be discuss to
get the best solution. Besides, the leader of every department also can use the
whtasapp group to give instruction to his members. Since all employees are in the
group, so this is the fastest and efficient way to give instruction and the problem also
can be pin out.
Furthermore, leaders are using whatsapp messenger to transfer the information
such as target of every booth to every promoter beside of allocate the time table for
them. Then, leaders also motivate their promoters which forward some inspired words
to them through whtasapp messenger.
Lastly, the recommendations of providing free wi-fi, provide whatsapp messenger
workshop and provide subsidy to employees will definitely improve the usage of
whatsapp messenger in JMM Cookies (M) Sdn Bhd.

( 2580 words )


7.0 References
Strang, A. J., Knott, B. A., Funke, G. J., Russell, S. M., Miller, B. T., Dukes, A. W.,
& ... Bolia, R. S. (2011). Collaboration Technologies Improve Performance and
Communication in Air Battle Management. Military Psychology (Taylor & Francis
Ltd), 23(4), 390-409. doi:10.1080/08995605.2011.589348


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