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-Assed Lussak-
Student of Department of International Relations Studies
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences – Universitas Gadjah Mada

Environmental problem has grown up as a very important issue in this period of time.
Variety level of community later on demand for improvement and preservation of ecology and
along the way prevent the negative influence of economic productivity. In the end of it, this issue
transforms into a basic form of sustainable development concept, as the best alternative to
response the problem. This advanced concept keeps economic growth in particular safe level,
without damaging the balance of environment and comfort interaction, even make sure that those
two basic elements sustain as part of the next generation. Come up with sustainable development
concept, Sukunan Village able to be one of very great examples for application of this concept.


The paper will further look at how Sukunan people are able to form a unique pattern of
sustainable development in their living area, how the always develop themselves better. As
compliment to be review, why Pengelolaan Sampah Mandiri (PSM, autonomous waste
management) -later turned into ecotourism- can be used as the best and real example of
community empowerment, in part of sustainable development.
Sukunan Village is selected to review because it has shown tremendous evidence to
empower its society based on sustainable development character. Foreign universities even
recommend Sukunan Village as example to build a kind of sustainable living programme.
Another reason to choose Sukunan Village is about its development; from just a waste-
processing village, women empowerment, until forming an ecotourism village. Openess of this
village, eager to spread out their thinking, represents a spirit to develop many better
Both qualitative and quantitative research method will help getting complete analysis
in answering research question. Quantitative data gives parameter to assume how far PSM
can empower society and turned people to a better life condition economically . This will
explain much because undoubtedly, community want to take part and develop a programme
if there is incentives structure. Incentives structure here consists of all gain in financial,
social, and cultural aspect. Empiric data will prove those gains, so waste-management in
Sukunan keeps moving and getting better. Field observation and interview, in line with
looking for accounting data, will make sure the data gotten.
In other side, qualitative research will answer our question in measurement and
development of Sukunan autonomous waste management. This issue will lead us to find
actual reason why Sukunan people want to implement PSM policy seriously. We use
observation to get Sukunan Village mechanism in processing waste to complete quantitative and
qualitative research. The data is gotten from several previous and future visitations. Our
observation will test theory by an observational study or field study, to prove information gotten
from literature. Interview then be used to get information on Sukunan people’s reason to propose
such as good-waste management and keep develop it. In here, we use semi-structured interview
that allowing new questions to be brought up during the interview as a result of what the
interviewee says. The questions will explore more on how the initiator able to reach others.
Sukunan development in their ‘sustainability’ also becomes another key point needed to explore.

Sustainable development is a kind development that meets needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Furthermore, other
scholars improve the definition onto promoting progress and eliminating poverty by empowering
people through decentralised ownership and property rights. Sustainability itself means high
level of productive activity without endanger the natural system of support life. Sustainability
also means that the world is generally improving and that the rich world in particular has
adopted, for the most part, institutions and policies that are sustainable.
Hence, sustainable development can only come through the adoption of institution that
enable people to engage in economic activities that create wealth and lead to technological
progress. Then, sustainable development suggests that economic growth, human wellbeing, and a
clean environment will go hand-in-hand. Increased wealth is associated with improvements in
nearly every aspect of human well-being and environment quality. Economic development and
the associated increases in wealth, enhanced technologies and improved infrastructure have been
the primary drivers of the improvement in the lives of people globally.
The paper will also use David Easton theory in order to obtain comprehensive analysis.
Easton reviewed how a policy-making is determined by internal and external factors of the
environment. His thought will provide assistance to understand how political culture of
participants contributed a lot to the development of Sukunan Village.
Then, review on incentives structure will be used to observe sustainable development
continuity in Sukunan Village. Incentive structure will indicate supporting factors of that
sustainability. Later, Sukunan Village can establish themselves as an eco-tourism village to stand
example for others. These developments clearly proved the existence of sustainable development
for all ecology levels in Sukunan Village.

As part of the sustainable development definition above, later conclusion can be divided
into eight main characters from a sustainable development. These character of sustainable
development are, reviving growth, improvement of growth quality, synchronization the fulfil of
need, ensuring a sustainable level of population, keep and preserve conservation of natural
source, also reorientation of technology development and risk management. Come up as an
element of policy and institution, sustainable development from community require a review
upon economic component and environment in deciding policy process also establishment of
balance, comprehensive and transparent institution. For addition, David Easton will provide
assistance to understand how political culture of participant gives a lot for the development of
Sukunan Village. Easton Third assumption also thesis disequilibrium highly shows a clear
picture of the sustainable development continuity in Sukunan Village.
According to the conceptual platform of autonomic waste management in Sukunan
village, it clearly shows the going implementation and continue development pattern. Analysis
show the fact that waste management in Sukunan Village has apply the eight component of
sustainable development and one additional requirement of UN-Habitat. Sukunan also provides
three important studies as a part of community development with environment preservation
platform. First, waste management has thought community if sharing idea and experience are the
important point to maintain the development. Instead of that, the ownership and belonging
feeling of the community in fact has to be maintaining to support and make the easier process of
sharing idea. The last point is, the feeling of care and concern become an important part of
Sukunan Comunity in a process of initiation on autonomic waste management program. Good
will to develop every component of community also growth as a strong force for comprehensive
development of Sukunan Village.

Sukunan Village shows how institution is undoubtedly important to support sustainable
development. Every policy appeared in variety of stage becomes the key for community interest
finding solution in unity. So then, synchronization between people characters with legitimate
institution guaranties the existence of a continuous sustainable development with high level of
innovation. Recommendation after Sukunan Village observation appears in three areas. First,
autonomous waste management in Sukunan Village has to be a pilot project for other region in
Indonesia. Then, sustainable tourism development should be established using local value as its
basic platform. The last but not least, Sukunan is used as projection for government to improve
their concern about sustainable development characteristics in other sides of policy-making. So
after all, economic high productivity will not stand across against environmental preservation,
but together become part of ecology; establishing welfare for community.

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