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MELG631 Physics and Modeling of Microelectronic Devices


Due Date: 7th September 2018 (in class 4pm)

Total =90points

Please indicate clearly what method was used for calculation and clearly explain your thinking, that way
partial points may be awarded to you even if the final answer is incorrect. The following physical constants
and material properties may be needed to complete this assignment. Please submit original work only – DO

q=1.6x10-19C h=6.63x10-34J-s k=1.38x10-23J/K m0(electron)=9.1x10-31kg

ε0=8.85x10-12F/m mn-DOS(Si)=1.182 mp-DOS(Si)=0.81
mn-DOS(GaAs)=0.065 mp-DOS(GaAs)=0.524 EG(Si)=1.12eV@300K EG(GaAs)=1.42eV@300K
Temperature dependent BG Parameters
EG(0)-Si=1.17eV αSi=4.73x10-4 βSi=636
EG(0)-GaAs=1.519eV αGaAs=5.405x10-4 βGaAs=204
μn(Si)=1350 cm /Vs
2 μp(Si)= 480 cm /Vs
2 μn(GaAs)=8500 cm2/Vs μp(GaAs)= 400 cm2/Vs

1. Consider a uniformly doped GaAs PN junction with doping concentrations of Na = 5 × 1018 cm−3 and Nd
= 5 × 1016 cm−3. Plot the built-in potential barrier Vbi versus temperature for 200K < T < 500K. (15 points)

2. The doping concentrations in a silicon pn junction are Nd = 5 × 1015 cm−3 and Na= 1017 cm−3. The zero-
bias junction capacitance is Cj0 = 0.60 pF. An inductance of 1.50 mH is connected in parallel with the pn
junction. (15 points)
Calculate the resonant frequency fo of the circuit for reverse-bias voltages of
(a) VR = 1 V, (b) VR = 3 V, and (c) VR = 5 V.

3. The Fig.1 is a plot of steady state carrier concentrations inside a pn junction diode maintained at room
temperature: (15 points)
(a) Is the diode forward biased or reverse biased? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
(b) Do low level injection conditions prevail in the quasi-neutral regions of the diode? Explain how you
arrived at your answer.
(c) Determine the applied voltage, VA.
(d) Determine the hole diffusion length, Lp.
(e) Determine the total current.
4. The slope of a 1/C2 versus V plot of Si P+N junction is 2 x 1023 F-2 V-1, the intercept is 0.84 V and the
area of the PN junction is 1 μm2. Find the lighter doping concentration and the heavier doping
concentration. If the intercept data has small experimental error of 60mV, what is the effect on Na and Nd?
(15 points)

5. Design a Si p-n junction to produce particular electron and hole concentrations at given forward bias
voltage at T = 300K. Design the diode such that Jn= 20 A/cm2 and Jp= 5 A/cm2 at Va=0.65 V. Other
parameters that can be used are: ni = 1.5 x 10^10 cm^-3, Dn= 25cm2 /s, Dp= 10cm2 /s and τn=τp= 5×10-7 s.
(15 points)

6. A silicon p-n junction is formed from N material doped with 2.5×10 21 donors/m3 and P material doped to
have the same impurity density. Assume ni= 1.5×1016 /m3 and is temperature independent. Find: a)
Thermal voltage and barrier voltage at 400C. b) To what temperature would the junction have to be raised
in order that the thermal voltage is 30mV? What would be the barrier voltage at this temperature? (15

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