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Process Safety Management

eLearning Series

PSM: Overview (CPS005) PSM: Pre-Startup Safety Review (CPS011)


Heighten your employee’s awareness of Process Safety Management (PSM) Employees will hear about Pre-Startup Safety Reviews (PSSR) and the
with this course. Explore the importance and benefits of process safety, the consequences of not following this review. This course also describes how to
main components of the Process Safety Model, and operational discipline. implement PSSR and shows how it links with other parts of PSM.
Finally, review a case study of a notable fire incident and see how it could
PSM: Operating Procedures & Safe Practices (CPS012)

have been prevented.
Heighten employee awareness of Operating Procedures and Safe Practices
PSM: Process Technology (CPS006) (OP&SP), its purpose and the consequences of not following the requirements.

Help employees understand Process Safety Information, or PSI, and how its This course also identifies roles and responsibilities of personnel who maintain
implementation affects PSM. This course defines PSI and why it is important, compliance with OP&SP.
explains specific roles and responsibilities of PSI, and describes how PSI links
PSM: Contractor Safety (CPS013)

with other elements within PSM.

Gain an understanding of Contractor Safety Management (CSM) and how it
PSM: Quality Assurance (CPS007) links with other elements of PSM. This course defines contractor safety, its

How does the process of Quality Assurance (QA) and its implementation purpose, and the consequences of not following CSM requirements.
affect process safety? This course looks at the process of QA, specific roles and
PSM: Auditing (CPS014)

responsibilities within an organization, and how QA links with other process

safety elements. This course explores PSM Auditing and why it is vital to safe process operations.
It identifies the consequences of non-compliance and describes the three major
PSM: Process Hazard Analysis (CPS008) steps of PSM Auditing. It also explains linkages between PSM Auditing and

Give your employees a look at Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and how its other PSM elements and programs.
implementation affects process safety. This course describes the four steps
PSM: Management of Change –

involved in the process of PHA, explains specific roles and responsibilities, and
shows how it links with other elements within process safety. Technology & Facilities (CPS015)
Give employees an overview of Management of Change (MOC) as it pertains
PSM: Emergency Planning & Response (CPS009) to technology and facilities (MOC-T&F). Help them understand its purpose

Requirements of Emergency Response Planning (ERP) include elements and importance, how the MOC-T&F process works and how it links with other
like identifying emergency response scenarios, implementing preventive elements within PSM .
measures, and initializing training development drills. Give employees
PSM: Management of Change – Personnel (CPS016)

important information on the importance of ERP and how it links with PSM.
Help employees develop a deeper understanding of Management of Change
PSM: Mechanical Integrity (CPS010) – Personnel (MOC-P), its purpose and the consequences of not following

Show employees how Mechanical Integrity (MI) requirements help improve MOC-P requirements.
process safety. Give them a look specific roles and responsibilities within an
organization and how MI is linked with other process safety elements.

Series is available as interactive, customizable e-learning courses.

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