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Exam/Interview Date : 

No of Rounds : Technical Round-2
Location : Chennai
Contributor Name : Jagan K
I am writing this to help all those preparing for TCS – Touchstone aptitude test. The test
consists of 35 questions with no verbal ability. Many think there is no verbal but the plan
of TCS is to test your verbal ability in the questions of aptitude itself. Because each of
the question contains atleast 5 – 6 lines with lot of stories & irrelevant data. The actual
question data will be not more than 1 line. 
So only if you are good in verbal ability you can understand the question & answer. I
attended online aptitude test on 18th sep on veltech Chennai.

Here are the questions I got.

I don’t remember the exact data but I give you the question model & how to solve.
Ramu & sangeetha went for biological analysis to a island which is 34km from
their place. They travelled in a boat which went at a speed of 2m/s. when they
are in half a distance in the boat sangeetha note there are 7 leg & 8 leg
octopuses under the water. Ramu counted the total number of legs of
octopuses and got 54. Sangeetha instantly said I know how many 7 leged
octopuses are there under the water. They both reached the island after 20 min
they left . How many seven leged octopuses does sangeetha calculate?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
Ans : Total number of legs of both 7 & 8 leged octobus = 54. Find number of 7 leged
Go from answer 
4(7 leged octobus) + X = 54.
5(7 leged octobus) + X = 54. Similarly do for all. The x you get should be exactly
divisible by 8. Only one answer will satisfy the condition.
Note : you may find lot of nonsense stuff to test verbal ability. Just take required data
alone. From the next question onwards I post necessary data only.

Total number of wheels of bicycles & 4 wheeled vechicles is 38. How many
bicycles are there? ( This question has more than 6 lines to test your verbal
Ans: similar to above. Go from answer
Choices from answer( 2 wheelers) + X = 38. X should be exactly divisible by 4 

Jumbled sentences given APPRAKEET. What is the meaning. 

Ans – Bird

Logical problem asking for the colour of beer

Ans : White

There are 14 spots. Each spot has 8 seats. 28 people seated in all the spots. No
similar number people sat in any spot. How many spots left with no people at
Ans : 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28. So remaning 7 spots has no people at all

Can A has milk. Can b had water. A spoon of milk from can A is added to Can B.
Then from the mixture same amount is taken from Can B and added to Can A.
Ans : Can A contains less item than item in Can B

There is a plane contains 32 points. All the 32 points have equal distance from
point x.
Which of the following is true
A:All the 32 points lie in circle.
B:The distance from x to all 32 points is less then the distance between each other
Ans : A only

Horse ran at speed of 34kmph. Pony started after 2 hours. Horse ran for 4
hours. What is the speed of pony?
Ans: (34*4)/(4+2) 

A clock gives 4 ticks consequetively. After days it has become defective & gives
only 2 ticks. What is the probability that clock produces 3 ticks consequetively.
1 out of ?
Ans : 1/8 

A person points to a photo and says the main in the picture is the son of my
fathers son. What is the relationship between him & person in the photo?
Ans : hehimself

There is a cloth of 153 yards length. X has to cut the cloth into 153 pieces. He
takes 5 seconds to cut each piece how much time he require to cut all 153
Ans: 152*5

Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports car. it

has enjoyed great success. If Mohan's Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old
MERCEDES wich gave him 35 kmph if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari the
hw much time(hours) he took??
Ans : 490/35*3

Jagan lies on Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Pradeep lies on Wednesday Thursday Saturday.
Jagan says I didn’t lie yesterday. Pradeep also says that I didn’t lie yesterday.
What day is today?
Ans : Sunday

The ratio of current age of X and Y is 5:7. After how many years their age
becomes 7:9?
Ans : Simple ratio
by using 1,2,3,4,5,how many 5 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by
4,repetation of no. is allowed?? 
Ans : 2500 (not sure)

XY=21 and X+Y=13.ans of X & Y will b in points..den x square+y square=??

Ans : Solve using quadratic eqn. you get x & y

Person travels from A- to b in 9km/hr, and B to A in 4 Km/hr. What is the

average speed?
Ans : 2(9*4)/9+4

Find total cost to build a robot. The cost of spare parts use to bulid it is in the
ratio 4:5:3. 
The cost of spare parts are $40, $50, $60. 
Ans : simple ratio. I don’t remember the question exactly but all you do is to add $40+
$50+$60 to get the answer

Pizza shops make pizza of same thickess and diff diamester. Cost of 8cm is 80,
12 cm is 240, 24 cm is 720. Which pizza gives best value for money?
Ans : Divide cost by cm & compare with others. Hint. Take smallest one and multiple till
you get the largest pizza. Then compare both you get the answer

Avg marks of 5 sub is 61. Six sub mark is 89. What is the average after adding
Ans : (61*5) + 89/6

Find number of 3’s between 1 & 100?

Ans : 19

A pipe can fill a tank at the rate 1 litre/hr, the tank is 1/32 filled in 6 hours.
After how many hows the tank is filled completely
Ans - 1/16, 1/8, ¼, ½, 1. After 5 hours.

Despite answering all the above questions right, to my greatest despair I

cannot get through the aptitude round.
I answered 27, out of which 18 gaurentee right, 5 - 90% right, 3 - smart guess.

I got 25th rank out of 261 in my batch. First 16 cleared. I don’t think they have cut off
marks. Because in other batches person who attended only 17 got cleared.

It’s all about luck if in your batch no one scored more than 15, even u get 16 you get
selected. In the worst case if more than 20 got above 30. Even if you score 29 you can’t
be selected.

I enquired atleast 10 people who cleared the aptitude test. They all said they are only
18-20 right.
My advice is answer only you know it is 100% right. Don’t guess. First attend all the
known questions. If you answered more than 17. Then leave all other you’ll be selected

3000 candidates attended the interview. They selected 15 for every 250. Totally 180 out
of 3000 clear the first round.

If a person goes to attend the test without knowing the above pattern, I guarantee he
cannot attend more than 10 even though he has extraordinary talents. The question I
given above may appear very simple to you..But actually I remember you all again that
no question has less than 5 lines.

Anyway thanks to other people who shared their experiences in the site. Also my sincere
thanks to

All the best for your carrer.

xam/Interview Date : 29-Aug-2010

No of Rounds : Aptitude Test, Technical Round-1
Contributor Name : SACHIN
PATTERN:- Total 35 questions .moajoriy of the questions are lengthy but dont havre to worry about that
.becoz the you jus hav to identify what the prob is .so practice Rs agarwal. Some of the quetions i remeber is.
1. The three sides of a triangle are given.18, 18 ,28 cms and this traingle is conveted into a
square .so what will be the area of the square generated?
Sol:- (17+18=28)/4..then you will get the 1 side of a square .. and now find the area of a ,side^2

2. An equation of the form 7x+17y+ 3z=54. findthe difference between x intercept and z intercept?
Hint :- :x/a+y/b+z/c=1
Solution:- convert the above equation to dis form. and see the difference between a and c then you ll get the

3. V=IR aplly dis equation ..

4. some age problems with ratio.

5. permutation problems..not remebering xactly..but it was almost like ..there are n people
siiting ..find the number of handshakes but no circle handshakes.

6.there are 12 children in a family .the youngest 1 is a boy.then find the probabality of finding boy
in the family.
d) 2!

Some more problms in probality.

7. Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable 2 hrs ago. And horse started to ran with average speed
64km/hr, ( in between so many unwanted stuffs). After traveling 6 hrs,. find the speed of the dog the speed of
first find the distance of horse by speed and time..64*6=384
then dis distance by the dogs time gives the avg speed of dog ie 384/(6+2)=

8.series problrm...but problem.. can find it easily..series of the type..n*2+1 and n*2+2...majority
are mixed sreis.

9.average probelms...(work out average section in rs agrawl quatitatve ...qns from 73 to 76)

10. 2 or 3 age realted ratio problems were dere.

11.Questions from area( jus one) length of a room is 10m and width is 6m .. How many tiles are required to fill
the entire patio if 44tiles/sq m?

12.Avg wt of class is (some number)kg ..after adding wt of the teacger avg wt of class becomes some number
kg then wat is the wt of the teacher??

13.A pizza shop ,there wer 2 kinds of pizzas avalable... but now they,ve introduces 8 new types...... a person
buy two diff type pizzas of new type how many ways he can select ?? 
Ans: 8 X 7=56

14. some ht problems ..logcal 1000 pillars nd some ssumption given have to see which staemnt
true,? (eventhogh question is lenghty answer is simple so dont skip.)

den some fo the age prolems repated..... by jus changing the values and story...

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