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Saint Estanislao Kostka College, Inc.

No. of Respondents: 62

percentage of teachers who perceive the school's level of

technology integration as Developing

agree that technology integration in instruction is clearly

anchored on the school's vision-mission

agree that the school's instructional leaders know the

approaches and strategies in appropriately using
instructional technology

agree that the school has a well-defined development plan

in technology integration in instruction.

technical skills that need improvement: extracting archived

files (ex. rar and zip files); protecting files from
unauthorized access and from malware/viruses,
troubleshooting basic hardware (ex. tv, laptop), and
Converting files from one format to another (ex. doc to
PDF, avi to mp4, etc.)
On the key insights from the faculty training that they can apply in instruction

The training-seminar provides new

insights on how to use appropriately the
technologies that are provided under the
program. It also orients us to different
tools that can be used to further bring the
content effectively to the learners.

Enlightening. It pushed me and inspired

me to really become the 21st century
teacher students need today.

With this training-seminar, i have already

the idea on what learning tools,
assessment, and activities to use and that
are appropriate to the learning
competencies on the subjects that i am

They help me discover new ways of

presenting my lesson even having new
activities suitable for the students’ need.
Articulation of the school's technology integration plan
(which includes all technology/digital resources the school
manages) should, therefore, be emphasized. The school-level
technology integration plan can be translated into subject- or
level-specific targets so teachers are guided as to
implementation and evaluation.

To reap the benefits of training, scheduling the

recommended number of hours for Aralinks training sessions
is highly encouraged. To further maximize training gains,
continuing subject-specific pocket training and opportunities
for mentoring are highly recommended.

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