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EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson

Integrated Numeracy and ICT Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: BMI and waist circumference calculation Year Level: 8

Duration: 50 minutes

Designed by: Emily Duck and Jess Green

Context Statement:
This class consists of 25 students of mixed race and varying levels of academic ability. There are a small
number of students with difficulties that affect their learning. This lesson is the first lesson of the third week
of semester 1, term 2. The unit focuses on Physical health and the development of a fitness plan through
the gathering of statistics and fitness testing. In terms of prior learning, students in this class have
knowledge on the skills and strategies that can be used to promote physical and mental health, safety and
wellbeing, which they will build upon in this lesson.

Teacher Content Knowledge (Australian Curriculum)
Learning Area, Strand Relevant Content Descriptors:
and Sub-Strand:
 Use feedback to improve body control and
 Health and Physical coordination when performing specialised
Education movement skills in a variety of
➢ Movement and situations ACPMP080
Physical Activity  Practise, apply and transfer movement
concepts and strategies with and without
equipment ACPMP082
 Participate in physical activities
that develop health-related and skill-
related fitness components,
and create and monitor personal fitness
plans ACPMP083
 Demonstrate and explain how the
elements of effort, space, time, objects and
people can enhance movement
sequences ACPMP084
 Participate in and investigate cultural and
historical significance of a range of
physical activities ACPMP085
 Practise and apply personal and social
skills when undertaking a range of roles in
physical activities ACPMP086
 Evaluate and justify reasons for decisions
and choices of action when
solving movement challenges (ACPMP087
 Modify rules and scoring systems to allow
for fair play, safety and inclusive
participation (ACPMP088

EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson

Links to Numeracy general Links to ICT general capability

The ICT capability will be incorporated in this
This lesson plan lesson as students will be involved in using
incorporates the numeracy programs on computers, such as excel, in order to
general capablelity as it present their data and results. Students will also
enables students to work develop their ability to practise and apply personal
with statistics and a range of and social skills when undertaking a range of roles
in physical activities ACPMP086 through the ICT
different numerical results.
capability, students will gain a deeper
Students will also be
understanding of the importance of health and
required to use graphs and
well-being. Students will have the ability to assist
tables to present their data.
their peers in this understanding and work together
Students will use the to determine what a healthy lifestyle entails.
feedback gained from the
BMI results in order to
improve their own body
Specific Learning
control Outcome(s):
and coordination
when do I want the students to be able to do, know or think at the end of this lesson
related to the content
performing specialised descriptors identified above?
movement skills in a variety
of studentsACPMP080.
must be able to: Calculate their BMI and waist circumference, and
understand how these measurements predict their health. Read graphs and results and
translate the numbers into qualitative information.

Most students should be able to: Justify the importance of having a healthy BMI and the
factors that may affect the BMI rating.

Some students could: Understand how this data can be used to guide future health
decisions and develop their understanding of health and well-being.

Teacher Technological Knowledge

What technology will be used in this lesson to expand curriculum,
learning opportunities for students in this lesson?

 The online BMI calculator is used to give students an understanding of
their weight through using their measurements and plotting them on
the BMI graph relevant for their age.
Teacher Numeracy Pedagogical Knowledge
See Australian Government WA brochure (available via FLO):
‘Numeracy: Demands and Opportunities Across the Curriculum’

EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson

Identify which of the following numeracy teaching strategies you will use in this lesson.

❏ Capturing the numeracy in the moment: Be open to the numeracy demands and flexible in
going with the students’ interests and learning needs in the experience.
❏ Being aware of possible numeracy demands when planning: Consider the numeracy
demands and the range in student strategies and approaches for handling the learning
experience across the curriculum.
❏ Allowing students to work it out: Provide students with both individual and collaborative
opportunities to work things out for themselves and engage with the numeracy demands.
❏ Giving Time: Be patient and flexible with time to allow students to engage with the numeracy
themselves, ask questions, fully understand the lesson and gain confidence in themselves as
❏ Questioning.
Facilitate discussion and support students’ deliberations by asking questions about their handling
of the task. Questioning can help students identify the numeracy and then use their mathematics.
Try to keep the questions open to encourage a willingness to participate.
❏ Motivating: Let students explore a concept driven by enthusiasm rather than teaching the
required skill prior to tackling the activity.
❏ Listening purposefully: Monitor students’ numeracy knowledge and skills by asking questions
and listening purposefully as students engage with numeracy in a moment.
❏ Debriefing the numeracy: Ask open questions that encourage students to reflect on the use of
mathematics in the situation and the role numeracy played in their learning, understanding and
problem solving.
Teacher Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Describe how this lesson draws together your teacher technological pedagogical
content knowledge.
 The ICT tool encourages students to use every day mathematical measurements such
as weight in kg and height in cm to determine results about their own health, and
make links to how a graph such as the BMI graph can show information about the
ways in which these calculated measurements can give both qualitative and
quantitative data
 Students are given the opportunity to use calculation and measurement to make
sense of their health and wellbeing, as well as interpret the numerical data they
receive to draw conclusions and inform their health behaviour and practices.
 Students are also shown how to accurately take body composition measurements
such as height and weight through the use of measurements tools including scales
and tape measures, therefore building on their numeracy capabilities
What will be the assessment strategies related to your identified lesson outcomes?

There will be authentic and ethical assessment types used in this lesson plan including; pre-assessment,
formative assessment and a future summative assessment. Where appropriate, educators can scaffold
of extend the scope of these task in order to support those students with diverse learning needs.
Pre-assessment: Students will be involved in a discussion about what they already know about
the topic- they will be given the opportunity to discuss in table groups and then share back with the
Formative assessment: Students will be formatively marked on how they can interpret the results
shown in the graph. Students will also be assessment through a Kahoot quiz at the end of the lesson.
Summative assessment: Use the health information they have gathered in order to create a
fitness and health plan with an aim of improving well-being.
• Part 1: inform about healthy behaviours to improve well-being.
• Part 2: write a nutrition plan - naming foods to avoid.

Required Resources

EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson

 Scales
 Measuring tape
 Pens and notebooks
 Computers (1 per person if possible)
 Smart Board or projector

Lesson Outline
Refer to
Connect / Starter
This should be for about 5 minutes.

 Watch YouTube video
 Whole class discussion on what BMI is and how what the results show

Activa te
This part of the lesson should take 15 minutes.

15. m  Students work with a partner and find their weight in kg and their height in cm
 Once the whole class has their measurements taken they then enter their details into the
BMI calculator ( )
 Students write down the result of their BMI test
 Once all BMIs have been calculated they are then anonymously entered into a Microsoft
Excel document on the teacher’s computer which will then be used to form a graph
depicting the overall health of the entire class
 Students then use the tape measure to measure their waist circumference and again write
down their result
 These results are entered into another Microsoft Excel document and used to form another

De monstra te (Assessment for Learning)

This part of the lesson should take 20 minutes.

EDUC3628 Numeracy and ICT (2017) - Assignment 3 Annotated Lesson

 The whole class results will be uploaded onto the smartboard

min  Students are then required to examine each set of results and write 2 statements about
the results for each graph
 Students will then go back on their computers and find the answers to these questions
(which will be listed on the whiteboard)
➢ What is the average BMI and waist circumference for our class?
➢ Are these within the healthy range?
➢ Find the mode, range and median BMI and waist circumference for our class
➢ Are most people within the healthy range?
➢ What does BMI not calculate?
➢ What are 2 risks involved with being overweight?
 Answer will then be discussed as a whole group

Consolidate / Plenary
This part of the lesson should take 10 minutes.

10 min  Kahoot quiz on BMI and waist circumference

 Full class discussion on ways you can improve your BMI
 Exit cards with 1 sentence on what was learn today and 1 question they still have

How will this lesson cater for the needs of all students?

 The instructions for the activity will be clearly stated and concise. They will be presented both verbally and visually
to cater to all individuals learning styles.
 Vision impairment: Assist through the use of appropriate font colours and font sizing - ensure student has a buddy.
 Hearing impairment - Use of visual cues and the encouragement of students to do the same.

What questions will you ask after the lesson to reflect on the design of the lesson; your
performance during its implementation, and on students’ achievements of the identified
learning outcomes?

 What did the students learn today?

 What questions do they still have?
 What did they particularly like about the lesson?
 Is there anything they didn’t like?
 Do they understand everything that was covered?

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