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INTRODUCTION Ss Nineroee Bulestria] operations require Ke detivnry of @ variable and conprllsel aineunt of electrical power ex: lighting , molar spesd corte, cheer walling , electric. peaking > Huw do we conto) she ameuat of Clee trical pruser eblivered to @ lead ? OPS veing 0 variable thant firmer tt create a variable teandary Coit voltage * bot in bt wer ratings Yang ble Daniperde fe, Og Siphyically Jarge expensive 3 nets frequen} Phikoance Py Using RHEOSTAT in series w/ the Onry cay mcoray In es oie -bot for gh purer ratings RHEOSTATS ate large * Cipencive 3 ned frequend maintenance > waite thergy SOWTION: Cree I960 % ekchanre device was intented wfc bas none af the frolte 4f RUEOAE & Vaemeee TRANSFORMERS, Te SCR» SCR - Silicon Conballed RecPpyer ~SCRe can Combo) eurrente of levers pvretecl amperes (> Cheon rang at veages iyber the faood: * ~SCRe are ery important in the freld of modern “due tral coef. fee 4 Sate: Racks a onecarion | CHARATERMTIC aes Rasince tea, de R Base Orr Owthode Coen ierfoh ~ VCR can algo be cosiiere) ot @ hekeh becoot H can stay on even If the corbas wearal th lormadd off oR or Operon OF ER TRRGERNG CCCP poutine erie +| adsttes| Gre stab Se —daed Gon clased xn ched St per Gp closed | Sp open ee of lace | eR -OnY B- off B~onw Bo or ctete Sq - oper . £4 -5per| =pback nigral sade, ocr - off Bote Cer commucrion & Teadearon SR Core reverion & TANNIN havwacenr crcorr Cmmett coumuco —Teansutor BaUUALEnT me SCR can dso cortrol the ave - coment flowing Hrsugh a load (laced i arler ty he lead) ag (ned = SCR rh a pechfier if paues amet SS iy Ble Bay hs ye 3 Se " Cwoverin anece Ly the ne. of eagrat of an ac eyce daring chee We ha A pool en. FING OBLAY ANOLE Le the ro- of atgtest sf an ac eye Fhat elapres befor phe SOR ix Us formed gn. (Aatz0 on wrAe Crees rime #360") COR _ManeroRne ‘urpty voLrAce oo in Suny META For = 62" S ropa = Io" et Shao" ? Fos RCA Aways TAL 180° FDA 1 CA = /80° ex) Which condition wovld cause the larger foacl current for an £cR, a firing delay angle of 40° or & fiting delay angie of 60°? Explain Mics Finng deley angle of 0; because He SR would then perl a greater portion of ine inthe ON tate he cycle The nore timespent the BNishete, the Greater Be avery Goad err ) Lf the camdoctin Aagh of an See 190" and if x dasited t0 devble te a loach cavren? , what 200 Conduction aingle 1x necessary 2 TH Supply voltage. Uf 0 AC 976 wave AMS: feo" Dooling the condochiom yng le davble; the average fone! Cotreat, becavte te frst 9" of a cine ware Js thn mage % the eeond 90" Gowers’ > eneray if ff Dat yee Bak Yrvbling the exrdechs» angle oll double oe Bweraye cubtent, Importer Siz VALLES. Loy ~ the amaved of gote ccorent peed pike Coven) a ser Vege Vola ge betutin Cate ancl catbea Le fermpale of SR PG ered pr frag fe SR Typical Value » Typ = teleling tavveat Te evbrimem Cores? needed toe fleas Hirrgs the trsin ermine (Ak) te tek the UR pull tay ON e088 Mf bee gaks cores 207g x) Fr Hee creer Behe thak Vifpsge 1 regorbed at soot Xb pire fe Coe? te gate Correst nuded b fire is 35m ler Norms Canetsshier ss Lofts “Sey ‘ Vek 2 0.74 Ter = 35mA Wea blog = Ter(260n) + 0-27. = 85x07 259) # 0-3 be = 9 ff SUYPLE _IRIGCERING Concer AC

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