Can Our Cities Learn From New York-Feb 2018

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18 hindustantimes H INDUSTAN T IMES , NEW DEL H I


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corrupt leader CanourcitieslearnfromNewYork?

Jaya’s picture in the assembly Business Improvement Districts can encourage have a hundred problems repeated a thou-
sand times. Each solution must be situation-

undermines probity in public life hyperlocal action by businesses and residents specificneedinglocaladaptation.Whatworks

in Mumbai will not in Meerut (indeed, what

worksinChandniChowkisunlikelyto inLaj-
t the first meeting of the Special largely from local merchants, property own- pat Nagar). Solutions will only be effective
t’s been more than a year since the death of former Tamil Purpose Vehicle for Benga- ers, andphilanthropists. Theprojectdemon- when they are locally defined, designed, and
Nadu chief minister, J Jayalalithaa. Two things stand out luru’s Smart City Plan last strates the link between the revival of public implemented. Cities are the wastelands of
month,themayorasked–‘What space, community benefits, and economic unkept government promises. With most
about the state government she headed and her party, the isthepurposeoftheAreaBased interest.Attheheartofthistransformationis municipalities starved offundsandallbereft
AIADMK: One, the government is yet to get back on track Development (ABD) boundary a new kind of public-private partnership -- ofqualifiedresources, municipalauthorities
requirement in the Smart City scheme?’ ‘Business Improvement Districts’ or BIDs. by themselves cannot solve our problems.
(and is moving from one controversy to the other). Second, Across SmartCityplans,thesizeandlocation ABIDisadefinedareawherelocalbusiness BIDsoffercredibleon-the-groundactionforat
the AIADMK leadership is desperately parameters for ABD vary vastly, and seem andpropertyownerspayan additionaltaxor least some of our pressing challenges.

hanging on to the legacy of Amma, as ourtake quite random. Contrast this with another
boundary evolvingforurbanredevelopment
fee to fund projects . BIDs identify localised
goals and shared priorities of the area, with-
BIDs don’t work in every location. There
must be substantial economic presence of
retail and commercial owners to engage in
Jayalalithaa was called by the party
BryantParkisa10-acre cityparklocatedin and delivery framework. While the city con- action.Butsuchengagementcanreleasegov-
cadre. On Monday, both these aspects were evident when a sev- theheartofNewYork.Likethemorefamous tinues to provide regular services, the BID n Bryant Park in New York City has become ernmentresourcesforotherdeservingareas.
Central Park, it, is considered a Manhattan community allocates funds towards these the pride of the community REUTERS From an operational standpoint, the success
en-foot portrait of Jayalalithaa was unveiled in the Tamil Nadu landmark.Thiswasnotalwaysthecase.Inthe priorities — capital improvement ones such of BIDs is dependent on well-defined institu-
assembly by Speaker P Dhanapal. The AIADMK government’s 1970s, ridden by incidents of crime, rape, and aswaterfronts,publicspaces,parks,andpub- tractionin theUK, CanadaandSouthAfrica. tional structures, representation and proce-
drug dealings, Bryant Park was notorious. It lic toilets, or improvement in civic services ThesuccessofBIDsisbecauseitisahyper- dures, functioning transparently. It is also
decision to put up the portrait in the face of reservations from the was popularly known as “Needle Park”. suchas traffic control, parkingsystems, and localaction,ledprimarilybysmallbusinesses dependentuponthebuy-infromamajorityof
Opposition, and when there is a PIL in the Madras High Court Attempts to close down the park failed, public safety. andsupportedbyresidents.Thecompactness residents and local businesses in the area.
until a revival wasundertaken, ledby stake- Currently there are over 1000 BIDs across of BIDs helps find a consensus around local BID is neither an idea we can rush to
against the display of photos of convicted leaders in government holders outside government. With initial America’scities.New Yorkitselfhas over75, priorities,aswellasthebestmeanstoachieve embrace, nor the panacea for all the challen-
buildings, is unfortunate. That Jayalalithaa was a leader who fundingfromtheRockefellers,thedesignand includingmorethan30%ofallretailbusiness, these withinareliabletimeframe.BIDscreate gesthatour citiesface.But itprovides citiesa
transformation of the park was spectacular. and 50% of all office space in the city. Mayor a unique opportunity for leadership and col- much-neededhyperlocalspatialfocusandthe
served time in jail on corruption charges amplifies the mistake. Today, Bryant Park is a jewel in the neigh- Bloomberghadthistosayabouttheimpactof laboration across the polity – government, ability to revitalise neighbourhoods. Hope-
bourhood,aprideofthecommunityandlocal BIDs,“BIDsrepresentpublic-privatepartner- business, and citizens – born of enlightened fully,somesmartstateswillpilotBIDswithin
The AIADMK’s argument that Jayalalithaa’s contribution to
businesses,boastingvibranteconomicactiv- ships at their very best. Time and again, they self-interest. Most importantly, they tapinto the ABD plans of their smart cities.
the state cannot be ignored is not acceptable. This is because in ity and land values. have proven effective in revitalising neigh- much needed money, skill and management Swati Ramanathan is chairperson of Jana Urban Space
It is now managed by a private not-for- bourhoods and improving business condi- capacities to address civic challenges. Foundation, and co­founder of Jana Group. She has pre­
all likelihood, had she been alive, Jayalalithaa would have been profitcompanycalledtheBryantParkCorpo- tionsincommercialdistricts–injectingvital- CanBIDsworkinIndia?India’scitiesdon’t pared the Benguluru Smart City Plan
in the Bengaluru Central Jail, like the three co-accused, ration (BPC), financed by private funds , ityinto thecommunity.” Theideahasgained have a hundred thousand problems; they The views expressed are personal
including close aide Sasikala, in the disproportionate assets case.
The Supreme Court’s observations in the case leave little room
for doubt about Jayalalithaa’s corruption. Given this, unveiling
The PM’s West Asia tour
was significant, historic
her portrait in the assembly compromises the essential principle
that probity in public life is non-negotiable. It also discredits
her party.
The portrait finding pride of place in the assembly in many New Delhi is redefining its ties and forging independent
ways whitewashes her image. It also sends out the message that
links, signalling continued engagement with the region
dishonesty and corruption are fine as long as the person con-
cerned is seen as a mass leader and a saviour of the poor. ANIL as labour rights, technology transfer, and
Had they not been driven by short-term gains, the AIADMK’s WADHWA cooperation in counter terrorism.
Important MoUs related to the energy
Palaniswami-Panneerselvam combine could have signalled sector, railways, manpower and financial
their intolerance of corruption in their own ranks. But they servicesweresignedduringthevisit.Signif-
icant among these is the MoU between an
chose to try and consolidate the AIADMK’s fragmented vote Indianconsortium(OVL,BPRL&IOCL)and

base and further sideline rebel leader TTV Dhinakaran. It would
hallmark of Prime Minister Nar- for the acquisition of 10% participating
seem then that like their late leader, the EPS-OPS government endra Modi’s visits abroad has interest for $600 million in Abu Dhabi’s off-
beentheemphasisonpluggingthe shoreLowerZakumconcessionfor40years
attaches little premium to raising the bar of probity in public life. n Pedestrians look at prices of virtual currencies at the Bithumb exchange office in Seoul, gaps in engagement with the out- —thefirstupstreaminvestmentbyIndiain
South Korea. While prices for the cryptocurrency are falling on exchanges around the world, sideworld,lookingforrenewedalignments, UAE’s oil sector.
nowhere have the declines been faster than in Asia’s fourth­largest economy. GETTY IMAGES investmentopportunitiesanddiasporaout- The joint statement reiterated the inten-

We can’t miss out on the

reach. As a part of this effort, Modi was on tion to hold the first-ever joint naval exer-

historicvisitsto Palestine,theUnitedArab cises in the Persian Gulf, deplored terror

Emirates (UAE) and Oman from February andstressedtheresponsibilityofallstatesto

Make it tough for NRIs to blockchain revolution

9 to 12. Thetransit,viaJordan,toPalestine,
afforded an opportunity for discussions
with King Abdullah on counter radicalisa-
control “non-State actors” operating from
their soil, a pointed reference to Pakistan.
Modi addressed the Indian community at

desert their wives

tion and regional developments. the Dubai Opera House and witnessed the
A traditional supporter of Palestinian ground breaking ceremony of the first
independence, India has been extending Hindutemple in AbuDhabi.Deliveringthe
Equating digital currency investments to ponzi schemes financial support for its reconstruction, keynoteaddressattheSixthWorldGovern-

TheStatemustchange thelawto shows a lack of understanding of these currencies

ing this first-ever visit by an Indian PM to
nology for Development”, he emphasised

confiscatepropertiesoferranthusbands ANIL K
Mining of data, however, consumes mas-
Abbas conferred the Grand Collar of the
the role of technology for progress as
opposed to destruction.

siveamountsofenergytorecordtransactions State of Palestine on Modi, the highest On his first visit to Oman as PM, he was
here are too many instances of marriages between an NRI ANTONY ontoblockchain. TheBitcoinnetworkislim- award in Palestine, reserved only for a received by the charismaticSultanQaboos
ANKUR ited to less than 10 transactions per second. select few world leaders. Palestine, which bin Said al Said, the ruler of Oman since
man and an Indian woman turning abusive and violent, Visa in comparison can support 40,000 trans- has turned away from a US-led mediation, early1970s,whoisastudentofformerPresi-
and numerous cases in which the man has, shortly after actions per second. This raises questions now counts on India to support a multi- dentShankar DayalSharmain Pune.Stay-
around how big the platform can be. countrymechanismtorealisethetwo-state ingneutralintheYemenconflict,Omanhas
the wedding, abandoned his wife. Stories of NRIs who abandon The overall value of the global cryptocur- solution. Modi stressed the importance of kept its options open in the intra-GCC con-

their wives but don’t give up custody of children and husbands rencymarketsurpassed$700billion thisyear. dialogue as opposed to violence, assuring flict with Qatar, while maintaining close
he income-tax department recently The trust verification technology of block- Abbas that “India is bound by a promise to links with Iran.
who seize the passports of their wives to prevent them from trav- clamped down on cryptocurrency chain can further revolutionise multiple takecareofPalestinianpeoples’interests”. IndiannavalshipsregularlyvisitSalalah
exchangesduetofearsthatthesecur- industries such as insurance, real estate and Six new agreements worth nearly $50 mil- andDuqmforoperationalturnaroundwhile
elling to India are familiar to all of us. Once the woman is away
rencies may be used to launder art. Tron, a startup working on a blockchain lioninhealth,agriculture,ITandeducation engaging in anti-piracy operations in the
from her familiar surroundings in a new country, it is often diffi- money. This is understandable: Cryptocur- project, will let digital content creators have were signed during the visit. Gulf of Aden. Cooperation in trade and
rencytransactionsarehigh-riskinvestments controlandownershipofthedatatheycreate. ThenextstopwastheUAE.ItwasModi’s investment, energy, defence and security,
cult for her to break the cycle of abuse. Also, owing to lack of and their prices are volatile. Due to a lack of With these impending innovations, it is not secondvisitthere,highlightingtheserious- food security and regional issues was dis-
awareness about legal options, fighting in the courts against regulation,insidertradingiswidespread.Bit- hard to envision a more evenly distributed ness with which he is pursuing the Look cussed resultingin eight agreements in the
coincrashedfromanall-timehighof$20,000in economy in the future, in which every Inter- West policy in the near neighbourhood. military, legal and judicial cooperation,
unscrupulous men becomes tough for the families of the women. November to $9,000 by mid-January. netusercouldreceivemicropaymentsforany HometoninemillionIndians,theGulfCoop- health, tourism and outer space sectors.
It comes as no surprise then that the government is considering Stillequatingdigitalcurrencyinvestments original data they share in the digital space eration Council (GCC) has emerged as a While Adani Ports and Duqm Special Eco-
to “ponzi schemes” shows a lack of under- such as ratings, reviews and blog posts. strategically and commercially important nomic Zone Authority already signed an
changes in the criminal law that will allow confiscation of the standingofdigitalcurrenciesandblockchain, During his budget speech, Finance Minis- region for India. Modi’s vision of SAGAR agreement in 2017, India would also like to
property of NRI men for deserting their wives and not respond- the technology behind it. While it’s an over- terArunJaitleyindicatedgovernmentinter- and developing the blue economy with lit- useDuqmforlogisticspurposes.Ahighlight
simplification,blockchaincanbedescribedas est in exploring possible blockchain applica- torals in the Indian Ocean requires strong of the visit was Modi’s address to 30,000
ing to notices issued to them. a way for people to share the extra space and tions.Thisisapositive.However,withseveral partnerships. Equally, a developing India members of the Indian community.
computational power in their computers to countries including the US, Japan, Russia, hasemergedasanimportantmarketforthe Newdevelopmentsandalignmentsinthe
The ministry of external affairs (MEA) has written to the
createaglobalsupercomputerthatisaccessi- UAE and Saudi Arabia reportedly contem- Gulf oil economies, their aviation compa- world have allowed India to dehyphenate
home ministry, proposing changes to the Code of Criminal Pro- bletoeveryone.Inlaymanterms,blockchain plating the creation of state-backed crypto- nies,aproviderofappropriate andcheaper ties with Israel and Palestine on the one
doesforcomputerswhatUberandAirbnbdo currencies, India risks lagging behind on technologyandhumanresources,resulting hand, and forge independent links with
cedure (CrPC) that will allow summons posted on the website of for drivers and homeowners respectively. what has the potential to be the biggest wave estranged players in the region such as
the MEA to be considered legally tenable. If three such notices Bitcoin is the first successful application of of innovation since the Internet became MODI’S VISION OF SAGAR AND Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Iran on
have been served on the site and the offender doesn’t respond, he
blockchaintechnology.Everycomputercon- popular in the 1980s. DEVELOPING THE BLUE the other. King Abdullah of Jordan and
nectedtotheBitcoinnetworkisreferredtoas Anil K. Antony is executive director of Cyber India and PresidentHassanRouhaniofIranwillbein
will be treated as an absconder. Enforcement agencies can then anode,andmaintainsanup-to-datecopyofall the Vice President of Navoothan Foundation; Ankur ECONOMY WITH LITTORALS IN New Delhi shortly, signalling a continued

attach the properties of such persons and their families.

transactions in the network.Thisis different Prasad is head of marketing at Amazon App Store and THE INDIAN OCEAN REQUIRES Indian engagement with the region.
from a bank, where only a trusted authority
maintains records.
partner at Exa­Hash that invests in blockchain startups.
The views expressed are personal
STRONG PARTNERSHIPS Anil Wadhwa is former Indian ambassador to Oman
The views expressed are personal
Although there is no consolidated data available with the gov-
ernment on the number of women who marry NRIs every year,
on December 21, 2017, minister of state for external affairs minis-
Bidyut Kumar Sanyal But with this great ability comes great But words also have the power to heal. A
ter, VK Singh, told Rajya Sabha that Indian missions abroad had responsibility. Words have the power to few well-chosen words spoken in sympa-
Speaking is an art. When delivered in an hurt, and also to heal. thy and affection can help someone recover
received 3,328 complaints from Indian women about marital dis-
putes with their NRI spouses since 2015.
innervoice artistic manner, it has the capacity to
enthrall us. Even an insignificant matter
Therefore, it is important to use our
words and speech judiciously. The conse-
from even the most grievous hurt. We
must, therefore, try our best to use this
when spoken of in a certain way, becomes quences of ill-thought-out speech can be power as much as we can.
Modifications in the CrPC to ensure that such NRIs appear
before law enforcement agencies are welcome. Bringing the men
THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK effective and can touch our hearts. An able
speaker can articulate the most compli-
devastating in many ways, and we might
end up paying a great price for it.
By using our words judiciously, we can
not only help in healing some of the hurt in

to book is one part of the solution. But families also ought to exer- FOR YOUR WORDS CAN HURT cated of arguments, and make it easy
enough for lay people to understand.
Many times, we end up speaking without
thinking, and in doing so we may cause a
the world; but can avoid spreading more
hurt in the world. It is indeed a great power.
cise diligence when arranging weddings with NRI grooms. AS WELL AS HEAL Speech is one of our most potent means
of communication, the thing that sets us
lot of pain to someone else. The important
thing is to always consider the effect that
Inner Voice comprises contributions from our
readers. The views expressed are personal
apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. our words can have on those around us. n

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