Plan For The Future But Develop For Now-Mar 2018

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14 hindustantimes H INDUSTAN TIMES , NEW D EL HI

TU ES DAY, MARCH 20, 2018

e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24


traffic fatalities Plan for the future but develop for now
Severe and certain penalties can Master plans must be utilised to improve the The second project is the revitalisation of
the city’s 17 km-long water channel (Lutiya

deter offenders on the road quality of life and pride associated with the city nallah),thatisalsodesignedtoprovide175ha

and cycling trails linking the three sub-cen-

tres. The third project is the development of
n Saturday night, three young doctors from the All ne hundred and eighty master exhaustive data gathering, the final draft thecorridorconnectingthetigersanctuaryto
India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) were plans had been produced by the SawaiMadhopurSDP2035wascompletedon the tourist centre, as a tourist walking trail
townplanningdepartment(TPD) November30,2016,andsubmittedtotheTPD. zoned for green establishments.
killed on the Yamuna Expressway when their car ofRajasthaninthespanofbarely Itisacomprehensiveroadmapforthegrowth, Detailedprojectreportsforthesehavebeen
crashed into a truck carrying protruding metal twoyears,withverylittlescience conservation, and development of the Sawai developed, and are prioritised from a larger
or scrutiny. “We need to ensure Madhopurcityregion.Threespecificfeatures listing of development projects in the SDP
rods. Although the expressway is notorious for its that master plans translate into something of the plan are highlighted below. 2035.Behindthisistheunderstandingthatthe
record on fatalities – with a reported 100 concrete on the ground,” said the Rajasthan First,isthereplacementofone-size-fits-all role of the planner is expanding to cover not

deaths every year since it opened in ourtake chiefministerduringourmeetingonmaster-

plans. “Let us showcase the impact of good
planning in one city.”
standard regulation, with those specific to
one but three roles: bringing technical capa-
2012 – road accidents in India are not
SawaiMadhopurbecamethefront-runner developedtoenableindividualpropertyown- ning professionals need to also engage with
limited to this stretch alone. In 2016, according to the Union min- for three reasons: first, with a population of ers to view zoning regulations for their par- thedetailsofimplementation, aswell aswith
150,000,itcouldbethemodelforsmallercities; cels of land, thereby bringing the plan to life. the challenges of enforcement of proposed
istry of road transport and highways, 150,785 deaths were second, with Ranthambore Fort and the Second,theregulationof“landuse”iscom- regulations. The sealing of illegal construc-
reported in India owing to road mishaps. famed tiger sanctuary, it had cultural and binedwith“cityform”toovercometheusual n A labourer at work, Gandhinagar, Gujarat tions in Delhi, is an example of failed zoning
environmentalsignificance;andthird,itscur- haphazardnatureofdevelopment.Thedesign (Representative Photo) REUTERS that results in enforcement challenges.
One way to make our roads safer would be to implement traf- rent master plan was due for revision. ofform-basedregulationisinformedbyevolv- While each city is unique, the Sawai Mad-
fic norms with zero tolerance for violators. A deterrent for Iwasentrustedwiththepreparationofthe ing global theories of “new urbanism” that purpose of this zoning is to bring alive the hopur SDP 2035could serveas a template not
masterplanforSawaiMadhopur.Discussions emphasise compact growth and neighbour- symbioticrelationship betweenurban-rural just for Rajasthan to get the best of the twin-
offenders could be the passage of the Motor Vehicle Act (Amend- were held with the MLA from Sawai Madho- hoodcommunities.TheSDP2035codifiesboth linkages of agricultural demand and supply, objectiveof‘planningforthefuture,butdevel-
ment) Bill 2017, which proposes stiff penalties for routine viola- pur and government officials, where we land use and city form, using a conceptual whilesimultaneouslyreducingtheecological oping for the present’, but also other Indian
agreed on a two-fold goal: first, to produce a frameworkcalled“ONELandZoning”(Open footprint of food from farm-to-table. cities. It can help urban planners come up
tions. Awaiting the Rajya Sabha’s nod since last year, one of its progressive,integratedSpatialDevelopment protected zoning, New growth zoning, Exist- Inlinewiththesecondobjectiveof“develop with master plans that impact citizens in
Plan(SDP)2035;second,toidentifykeydevel- ing redevelopment and infill zoning). The for the present”, three projects have been termsofthequalityoflifeandleisurethatthey
proposals is to raise the fine for drink driving from ₹2,000 to
opment projects for immediate implementa- framework enables zoning to create a visible designed in detail. The first is a road develop- enjoyin theirneighbourhoods,andthe pride
₹10,000. Another recommendation is a three-year jail for parents tion.Mymandatewasessentiallyto“planfor distinctioninformanddensitybetweenrural, mentproject,strengtheningthecentralspine of identity with the city they live in.
the future, but develop for the present”. peripheral and core city spaces. connecting three sub-centres (Old Town, Swati Ramanathan is chairperson, Jana Urban Space
of minor drivers who have caused fatal accidents. After multiple workshops, consultations Third is the introduction of a new land use Alanpur, andMantown),andintegratingthe Foundation, and co­founder, Jana Group
Although the Act has a number of tough recommendations, withthepeopleandtheirrepresentatives,and classification — “Urban Agriculture”. The networked services along the spine. The views expressed are personal
it is silent on deaths caused by overloaded or badly loaded vehi-
cles. According to the ministry of road transport and highways,
overloaded trucks kill 100 people every day on India’s roads. Sim-
States will benefit from
an independent PCA
ilarly, trucks with protruding loads – such as those that killed the
doctors from AIIMS – are a common sight on our roads. In 2014,
the government deleted the provision in the Central Motor Vehi-
cle Rules that allowed protrusions up to one metre and banned The proposal to create a single­tier Police Complaints
vehicles from carrying rods or any material extending beyond
the body frame. Despite this, lax implementation and the collu-
Authority for Delhi has too many gaps
sion of transport officials, who let offenders without documenta- PAVANI well over 500 complaints each. Looking at
tion get away with murder, means that 17 people lose their lives NAGARAJA thevolumeofcomplaints, asinglePCAwith
four members will be insufficient.
in road accidents in India every hour. Since 2014, the BJP govern- In the present structure, undue restric-
ment has been promising a law to replace the Motor Vehicles Act tions are placed on complainants in two
of 1988. It is time the Opposition and the party in power shed their

from the victim, someone on the victim’s
n independent Police Complaints behalf,theNationalHumanRightsCommis-
differences to enact a legislation that assures the certainty and
Authority (PCA) is being consti- sion(NHRC),thelieutenantgovernororthe
severity of punishment. Every four minutes we delay acting on tutedforDelhitoinquireintocom- chief secretary (home) of Delhi. There is no
plaints by the public against the justificationforrestrictionsonwhocansub-
this, one more person will die on the country’s roads. police. This comes 11 years after the mitacomplaint.Thisshouldbeamendedin
n President Ram Nath Kovind looks on as First Lady Savita Kovind offers sweets to students Supreme Court issued a directive to all the notification. Second, it unnecessarily
during their ceremonial welcome on his arrival in Madagascar, March 14 PTI states and union territories to set up com- mandates the submission of a complaint

Why the Indian Ocean is

plaintsauthoritiesasoneofthesevendirect- through a sworn affidavit. This creates a
ives in what is popularly known as the Pra- burden,particularlyonthepoorandvulner-

Putin’s politics may hurt

kash Singh Case. able. Most important, it suggests a distrust
In 2015, the Commonwealth Human of potential complainants. In fact, every-

central to our geopolitics

Rights Initiative (CHRI) filed a petition in thing is stacked against the complainant

Moscow’s interests
the Delhi High Court seeking the quashing whofacesasdauntingataskasfilingacom-
ofanexistingordermandatingDelhi’sPub- plaint against a police officer.
licGrievancesCommissiontofunction asa In states with functional complaints
PCA.Beingcontrarytothecourt’sdirective, authorities, complaints are generally sub-
After the Maldives crisis, India’s ability to deliver in a
Hisshort-sightedpolicesareunlikelyto CHRIwantedafreshnotificationcreatinga
free-standing,independent PCA.Aftertwo
mitted in the form of letters which describe
thenature ofallegations. Independent bod-
region critical to its strategic interests is under scrutiny years in court, the lieutenant governor ies, such as the NHRC, do not prescribe the
stemRussia’sgradualbutsteadydecline issuedadraftnotificationonJanuary31,set- submissionofcomplaintswithswornaffida-

India has been keen to underscore that it ting out an independent PCA. The high vits and allow any person to submit com-
he least surprising political victory of the year would HARSH is not merely an Indian Ocean and South court’sapprovalisapositivestepincreating plaints through letters. It is important to
V PANT Asian power but one which has the capacity amechanismtoaddresspolicemisconduct. retain this process to keep a complaints
have to be the re-election of Vladimir Putin as president and increasingly the intent to shape the PCAismandatedto lookintoallegations body as accessible as possible.
of Russia for another six-year term. Mr Putin had wider strategic realities in the region. India’s of police misconduct such as custodial tor- Theproposalisalsosilentonthepowerto
self-defined strategic interests now straddle ture, rape, death, extortion and any other appointandutilisetheservicesofindepend-
banned most of his Opposition from running for office. How- the wider Indo-Pacific, stretching from serious abuse of authority. While the pro- entinvestigators.TheSupremeCourtstated
established framework in the Indian Ocean, posalsubmittedtothecourtisbroadlycom- thattheauthoritieshavethepowertoutilise
ever, he is genuinely popular among many Russians. The

to its expanding interests in the South China pliant with the Prakash Singh directive, it theservicesofretiredinvestigatorsfromthe
greater concern for countries like India is whether he can stem resident Ram Nath Kovind is visit- Sea, and indeed into the South/West Pacific. has substantial gaps. CID, intelligence, vigilance or any other
ing Mauritius andMadagascar, two And this understanding of Indian strategic Theapexcourthasdirectedthesettingup organisation for field inquiries. This is
the gradual but steady decline of Russian power. Unlike most key island nations in the Indian reach is now being widely accepted. The US ofPCAsatstateanddistrictlevelsforstates. essentialtokeepPCA’sinquiryroleatarm’s
western countries, New Delhi supports a powerful, independ- Ocean region. India has announced has welcomed this growing footprint but However,asingle-tierPCAforDelhiisbeing length from the police department.
a new $100 million line of credit for other major powers have also responded pos- set up with a chairperson and three mem- Without its own investigators, PCA will
ent Russia and sees this as important to the development of a defence procurement by Mauritius. A itively. The re-emergence of Quad, involving bers,presumably with jurisdiction over all inevitably have to depend on the Delhi
multipolar global order. Mr Putin was able to bring an end to defence cooperation agreement with Mada- the US, Japan, Australia and India is also a ranks of personnel in the Delhi Police. The Police to gather and corroborate facts and
gascar is also on the anvil. This visit comes reflection of this growing consensus. national capital is a sprawling area with a information which can lead to both delays
the post-Soviet economic chaos and gave Russians a sense of days after India and France, eyes firmly on Yet as the crisis in the Maldives has indi- population of over 25 million. It has one of and compromised inquiries. Other states
that superpower status they once had. But he was assisted by the Indian Ocean, signed the “reciprocal cated, India’s position in the Indian Ocean is thebiggestpolicedepartmentsinIndiawith have good practices to emulate —Tripura
logistics support” agreement as part of which being challenged in unprecedented ways. over82,000personneland13policedistricts. andAssamPCAshaveappointedindepend-
the oil price surge of the 2000s. His failure was to use this period warships of both the nations would have Merely stating the intent is no longer enough. Ithasthedubiousdistinctionofreceiving ent investigators, and the annual report of
access to each other’s naval bases. China is challenging India in the Indian the highest number of complaints against Uttarakhand PCA stresses their necessity.
of plenty to invest in Russia’s ageing industrial plant, funnel his
With the Indian Ocean channels carrying Ocean region in ways few would have antici- personnelcomparedtoothermegacities.In Further, in complete violation of the
people’s intellectual abilities into high-technology sectors and two-thirds of the world’s oil shipments, a pated even a few years back. And India’s 2014, data revealed that the Delhi Police Supreme Court directive, the present draft
third of the bulk cargo and half of all con- credibility to emerge as a net security pro- received 12,872 complaints against its per- says that the PCA’s decision is binding
otherwise lay the seeds for a sustained Russian revival. tainer traffic, the region’s strategic signifi- vider in the region is on the line. While unlessthegovernmentreversesoraltersthe
Mr Putin’s politics in the past few years has been about con- cance remains well established. China’s rise India’s commitment to shape the futureofthe decision. The apex court directive is une-
has added another dimension where tradi- region is a welcome shift in New Delhi’s tra- WITHOUT ITS OWN quivocal that the PCA’s recommendations
structing a popular narrative that ensured his people rallied tional power equations are now in a flux. For ditionally diffident posturing, India’s ability INVESTIGATORS, PCA WILL orderingdepartmentalinquiryorregistra-
round him even as Russia’s hydrocarbon earnings began fall- India, which sits astride the Indian Ocean as
its pre-eminent power, this is an important
to deliver on the ground is being scrutinised
more carefully now, both by the resident and
INEVITABLY HAVE TO DEPEND ON tion of FIR against police personnel should
bebinding.By givingthe governmentcom-
ing. His politics has been remarkably successful. Taking over phase in the evolution of its thinking on the extra regional powers. It is for New Delhi to THE DELHI POLICE TO GATHER pletediscretiontoaltertheauthority’sdeci-
a bit of the Ukraine, deliberately provoking the US and Europe region. The Modi government has been giv-
ing the Indian Ocean due attention with
live up to the expectations it has generated.
Harsh V Pant is professor, King’s College London and
FACTS AND INFORMATION WHICH sions, the draft goes against the spirit and
letter of an effective PCA for Delhi.
by interfering in their politics, and conceding economic suze- former foreign secretary S. Jaishankar argu- distinguished fellow, Observer Research Foundation, CAN LEAD TO BOTH DELAYS AND Pavani Nagaraja is project officer, Police
rainty of Central Asia to China has allowed him to blame west- ing in favour of “reviving the Indian Ocean as
a geopolitical concept.”
New Delhi
The views expressed are personal
The views expressed are personal
ern hostility for his economic failures and political regression.
Yet there is a short-sightedness about much of this. As many
of these policies have been designed to help Mr Putin stay in PP Wangchuk home and outside are love. love, and that she seeks no returns. But she
J Krishnamurti says, when someone knows that the little boy will be a man one
power, they have been at the cost of Russia’s long-term inter- What is love? Well, that may be a silly ques- says he loves his country, his god, his day and will take care of her in her old age.
ests. Russia’s GDP today is half of that of India’s and continues innervoice tion. But, think for a minute, and try to
come to a good and an acceptable defini-
pleasure, etc, it is just an idea and ‘absolute
nonsense’ because, when you love god, you
Of course, there is nothing wrong in this
kind of selfish interest. It is like your love
down a path of relative decline. Moscow’s closeness to Beijing tion. Think, and now ask the question once are worshipping yourself, and that isn’t for a plant that you have taken care to let it
has meant greater distance from New Delhi. The odds are he TRUE LOVE IS WHEN YOU more: What is love?
At least I could not because various
The best definition of love I can think of
grow with great love because you know it
will bear sweet fruits, one day.
will continue a path of mild repression, provocative national-
ism and minimal economic reform. This is good for Mr Putin,
GIVE MORE LOVE TO thoughts crisscrossed my mind and that
made me feel confused all the more.
is: Love is when you think of the happiness
of the person you love more than yours. (Inner Voice comprises

but not so good for Russia. SOMEONE THAN YOU GET Loving your parents, friends, relatives
or even a stranger in the marketplace, and
But let us agree that there can be no love
without any kind of selfish interest. We say
contributions from our readers
The views expressed are personal)
some of the pets and objects within your a mother’s love for her son is the purest n

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