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16 hindustantimes H INDUSTAN TIMES , NEW D EL HI

TH URS DAY, APRIL 1 9, 2018

e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24


mustberesolved Let us opt for the peasant food web

The State and RBI should defuse Enabling food policies can ensure that important ticides; diversity in seed banks; small land-
holdings by farmers and growers; and prox-

the problem immediately experiments don’t become innovation fireflies imity to end consumer markets.

A shift from using unhealthy chemicals as
well as genetically modified seeds requires

determined champions to continue their pol-
ith reports of ATMs running dry in many ven as India witnesses persistent as transportation and processing systems. icy advocacy to find the right solutions and
parts of the country, fears of cash shortage agricultural distress and farmer The chain controls the policy environment of political leadership. Establishing enabling
protests, there is a food revolution our food. food policies is critical to ensure that experi-
witnessed in the post-demonetisation period underway across the world. It is a The peasant food web (PFW) is made of ments don’t become innovation fireflies.
have come back. Both the government and David (or more accurately, small-scale producers, usually family or The second two components are inter-
Davids) versus Goliath story, of what is women-led, that include farmers, livestock- linked to regional land zoning plans, and
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have stepped called the peasant food web, taking on the keepers and urban/peri-urban producers. demand sideurban economics.For the model
in to allay such concerns. A statement industrial food chain. This revolution isn’t While some peasants do use chemicals for to work, there is a minimum catchment of

by the Ministry of Finance underlines ourtake happening in any one place, but all across the
world. Like most revolutions, it is a fight that
is being fuelled by grassroots activism. This
commercial produce, most of what PWF pro-
duces is de facto organic.
The statistics about the relative share of
demand, and a local geographic footprint to
the supply. The success of the model depends
upon a critical mass of urban consumers who
the government’s commitment to sup-
is why it is bound to succeed. these two food systems in feeding the world are demanding better quality food. Com-
ply necessary additional cash. RBI has cited recalibration of The terms industrial food chain and peas- are quite stunning: The PFW caters to more binedwithadequatedemand,minimisingthe
ant food web were coined to contrast two than 70% of the world’s food needs, compared farm to table distance is critical to ensure the
ATMs and logistical reasons behind the crisis. At the same time competing food systems, in a report titled to 30% by the IFC, and yet only consumes 25% economics of the approach.
it has also ordered an increase in printing of currency notes to ‘Who will feed us?’ published in 2017 by the of the energy for this, compared to 75% of n The scientific community has supported With adequate incentives, farmers will
ETC Group, a research institution working energy consumed by the IFC. And yet, advo- the food web as a sustainable practice MINT switch their growing practices, and be able to
address the problem. These statements raise a question. If the on ecology, technology and economics. The cates of the IFC have so far won most of the quickly see the economic gain from doing so.
problem is due to logistical reasons, which would mean a mis- report says the peasant food web is not a policy battles, defining government regula- inherent quality of the soil and final produce. Such a localised food system allows all four
pseudonym for agro-ecology, organic farm- tions in virtually every country. Our solu- Second, from a new force not evident a dec- components to work together. When there is
match between supply and demand of cash across states, what is ing, permaculture, or any other production tions for food systems are tilted towards IFC- ade earlier — the increasing sustainable food adequate policy support, this local, ‘small is
the need to print more currency notes? system. Were organic farming employed based solutions: larger and more commercial movement atthe grassroots, aimed at provid- beautiful’ food web approach may be able to
throughout food production, we would be farms, more mechanisation, more chemical ing a viable alternative to feed the world. The build a quiet foundation, which grows organ-
This question is important because the cash-GDP ratio in the closer to food security but not necessarily fertiliser and pesticides, etc. scientific community which earlier was an ically over time to take an increasing share of
closer to food sovereignty. But change is coming from two independ- ally of the industrial chain system, is now the food wallet of the urban consumer.
economy came down after demonetisation. We were told that
The industrial food chain (IFC) refers to ent streams: first, from the growing aware- more frequent in its support of the food web. (The second part of this article
this was owing to an increased preference for cashless methods. the various components of the links running ness of the long-term negative consequences What are the components of a successful will appear next week.)
from production inputs to consumption out- of adopting IFC — such as monoculture ‘food web’ approach? Four key elements may Swati Ramanathan is chairperson, Jana Urban
Currency in circulation came back to its pre-demonetisation lev- comes, and includes crop and livestock (growing only one crop), or the impact of be considered as critical components of this Space Foundation, and co­founder, Jana Group.
els early this year. But if cash preferences are converging back genomics, pesticides and fertilisers, as well chemical fertilisers and pesticides on the model: no use of chemical fertilisers and pes- The views expressed are personal
to their pre-demonetisation levels, the currency in circulation
would need to be increased significantly. Was there an error on
judgment on part of RBI while deciding on the amount of cur-
The Kathua victim must
be called by her name
rency to be supplied in the economy?
There could be other reasons for the cash crunch as well.
These include the onset of elections, revival in economic growth
and hoarding of cash. Irrespective of what factors have led to the The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
current shortage of cash, the government and RBI should make
sure that the situation is addressed at the earliest. Demonetisa-
appears to have forgotten its primary responsibility
child being violated.
tion was meant to encourage people to adopt digital transactions. KRISHNA Six years ago, when a young woman was
There was considerable short-term pain in the pursuit of this KUMAR brutalised in a Delhi bus, thousands of
young people assembled at Rajpath, pro-
goal. The manner in which the policy was implemented also testing against lax laws and policing. The
raised questions on the efficacy of RBI. The debate on successes State acted quickly and drafted new, more
stringent laws.
and failures of demonetisation is bound to be mired in political

That young woman was supposed to
small girl has slipped through remain anonymous, but the story of her
controversy. This rancour should at no cost be allowed to pre-
the protective arms of the State. last-minute fight turned her into a symbol.
vent all that is necessary to ensure that there is adequate supply Now the National Commission This suggested that even though they live
for Protection of Child Rights under constant threat, girls and women
of cash in the economy. (NCPCR) has reminded us that we are not need not live a life of fear. Posthumous
n An accident site near Gurugram. A proactive approach is required to apprehend offenders free to identify her by name. This belated naming enabled the nation to redeem
on the move with interceptors rather than the static checking of documents SANJEEV VERMA/HT sense of duty puzzles me. The girl suffered some of its cultural dignity. The fact that

Safety education should

forced confinement, bestial assault and girls must always live in fear, and do,

was finally killed. remained concealed like a precious secret

She was born in a community that that we couldn’t afford to make public. It

On entrepreneurship, be a part of the curriculum

enjoys a special status in the Constitution.
That provision, however, could not help
her in any manner. After being kidnapped,
would have hurt national pride just as the
banned BBC documentary Daughters of
India did.

listen to Infosys’ Murthy

she was alive for a week, but remained Now we are faced by Kathua. This is not
untraced. Now the National Commission the first time that a child has suffered at
for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) the hands of men determined and free to be
Nations that have designed safer vehicles and improved is keen to grant her the rights she missed barbaric. If you look at newspapers of the

TheIndiastoryof joblessgrowthwon’t their road culture have seen a steep fall in road accidents
when she was alive.
One of the rights the NCPCR wants to
past few years, you will find reports about
victims as young as three to six years of

changeunlessbasichurdlesareremoved conductedinIndiatorolloutmeasurestopre-
give her posthumously is the right to
remain unknown, nominally. Hadn’t she
age. During a spate of such incidents, a
judge had asked, ‘Have our people gone

YASHOVARDHAN vent mishaps. already earned it? Anonymity is part of mad?’ What distinguishes Kathua is the
n January, speaking at the 22nd National Youth Festival in AZAD Many Delhi roads have flawed designs. being ordinary, and that is who she was. political environment surrounding it. The
Specialguidelinesareneededtodesignround- So, exercising the right to keep her name same is true of Unnao. As common citi-
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said aboutsandservicelanesalongintercityhigh- hidden will pose no problem. zens, we need not feel aghast at the politi-
that his government was willing to hand-hold young entre- waysandforeffectivespeedcontrol.Thelack As an organisation set up to protect chil- cal response, its initial inertia and subse-
of proper pedestrian crossings, faulty foot- dren and their civic rights, the NCPCR has quent speedy recovery of familiar
preneurs. While his support for aspiring entrepreneurs is com- bridgedesign,dingysubways,lackofsignage failed to justify its name. If it is closed reflexes. In the end, it sounds inane and

mendable, the plan could run aground because, as Chairman andencroachedfootpathsareamongtherea- down, no one will miss it. cold. Between shaming and defence, there
ife is too precious to be lost on a kerb- sons that lead to accidents. The finance ministry will be pleased is plenty to stage and prolong the debate. It
Emeritus, Infosys Limited NR Narayana Murthy, warned on stone. Recently, a 22-year-old motor- Owing to the population boom, limitation that some wasteful expenditure can be is not clear though that anyone knows
cyclistlosthislifehitbyacarin Delhi. oncarusagecanbeoneofthesolutionsimple- avoided. As a custodian of children’s what the debate is about.
Tuesday, India is facing a huge talent crunch, which, in turn, is
There can be no consolation for lives mented to create order out of chaos. An inte- rights, the NCPCR has a noble responsibil- Is it about inadequate policing? Is it
affecting entrepreneurship. lost so early, and so easily. gratedmultimodaltransportplanconsisting ity which it has forgotten. Its protective about the state’s reflexes? Or, about the
Around 46% of the Road Traffic Accident ofroad,railandmetro-railnetworkshouldbe umbrella does not reach out to India’s vul- state’s Constitutional role to intervene in
The reasons behind this talent crunch are well known: first, (RTA) victims in India are below 35, the eco- evolved to make travel convenient. nerable children. culture through social policy laws and
the obsolete education system, which still focuses on rote learn- nomic,societalandemotionalcostofwhichis Subways and footbridges lie unused as After the Kathua incident came to light, their implementation? Any debate on
enormous. In consonance with the Brasilia commuterssticktotheiroldpractices.Worse, the NCPCR chose to blame the media for Kathua must cover all these questions. If
ing and does not encourage students to think independently ; sec- Declaration on Road Safety adopted in 2015, pedestrians often cross heavy traffic zones not following the norms it has laid down. there is widespread misogyny in society,
ond, as Mr Murthy pointed out, “unless we become an open soci- Indiahasresolvedtohalveroadaccidentsand insteadofusingsubwaysandfootbridges.The It is the media that turned Kathua into a who will address it and how?
fatalitiesby2020.However,with16 roadacci- frequency of casualties can be reduced by moment of national introspection. The Cultural characteristics tend to repro-
ety with an open mind, I don’t think we will be in a position to dent deaths every hour, India clearly has a imposing fines on jaywalking. NCPCR also objected to the girl’s face duce themselves. So does misogyny. What
help our youngsters become better entrepreneurs”. Third, we long way to go. The traffic police deserve a better deal in being shown. Like a part and parcel of can intercept the reproductive cycle of a
A country is known by its capital and the termsofmanpowerandresources.Vacancies bureaucracy, the Commission was more deep-set tendency like that? The Constitu-
need to link the education system with industry to develop the city byits traffic.It mirrorsthecollectivedis- need to be filled and a boost given to projects concerned about rules than about the tion mandated the state to engage with
cipline or the lack of it. Our national capital such as the Delhi Traffic Police’s Accident society and culture.
skills of young people and give them the right exposure so that
tops the country in road fatalities, according Crash Lab. A proactive approach is required But the Constitution seems like a lonely
they have the requisite knowledge to decide on their future to the government’s Road Accidents in India to apprehend offenders on the move with DURING A SPATE OF SUCH voice today. In Kathua, the state has failed
careers. Fourth, India does not have a policy on apprenticeship;
2016report.Thisisadragontheemergenceof interceptors rather than static checking of INCIDENTS, A JUDGE HAD ASKED, the Constitution. A Scheduled Tribe girl’s

and fifth, the government has to be largest enabler for the entre-
Brand India on the global stage.
Most traffic crashes are predictable and
documents at traffic intersections.
For an improved road culture, safety edu-
‘HAVE OUR PEOPLE GONE MAD?’ right to grow up with dignity and receive
education has been violated.
preneurial ecosystem. But many state governments are failing
preventable. International road safety cation should be a part of the school curricu- WHAT DISTINGUISHES KATHUA IS The least we can do now is to remember
research has come up with some innovative
ideas. Nations that have designed safer vehi-
lum. Only then can the road safety norms
become part of the popular DNA.
THE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT her by name rather than call her the eight-
year old gang-rape victim of Kathua as the
to push through the Skills India and Start-up India programmes.
clesandroadsandimplementedeffectivetraf- Yashovardhan Azad is a retired IPS officer and Central SURROUNDING IT. THE SAME IS NCPCR desires.
This needs to change. ficmanagementsystemshaveseenasteepfall
Information Commissioner, Government of India
The views expressed are personal
TRUE OF UNNAO. Krishna Kumar is former director, NCERT
The views expressed are personal
Since jobs are hard to come by — a report on Tuesday said
doctors, MBAs and engineers are in a race to become constables
in the Mumbai police — India’s future depends on young entre-
Sant Rajinder Singh injustice. We can either react out of anger, Through daily meditation, leading a calm,
preneurs. It is not that it is not happening; there are hundreds of or we can overcome and replace the anger peaceful life becomes a habit. Over time, a
There is plenty of anger and violence in the with love. habit turns into our nature. Day by day, we
small tech firms that are providing solutions to India’s multifari-
ous problems, from transport to sanitation, and employing peo-
innervoice world. In every town and village, in every
home, one finds explosions of anger. Some-
We do not put out the fire by fanning the
flames; we have to smother the fire. Simi-
transform ourselves into peaceful, non-vio-
lent and calm people and radiate that to
times we become angry when someone larly, we can smother the fire of anger with others. The ripple effect of our calmnessand
ple. Then there are NGOs which are financing and training
entrepreneurs. But these efforts will not bear fruit unless the
LET US OVERCOME VIOLENCE hurts or offends us. There are other instan-
ces in which we become angry when we see
love. It takes a lot of energy to respond in
anger. The response tends to deplete and
equipoise spreads and it will not be long
before we have a peaceful family, commu-

basic issues that prevent young people from becoming successful IN THE WORLD WITH others being hurt.
We may find cases of social injustice in
drain us. But if we use our energy to respond
lovingly, we will not only bring harmony to
nity, and world.
(Inner Voice comprises contributions from
entrepreneurs are not taken care of. THE POWER OF LOVE which a group of people in society is being
treated unfairly.
the situation, we will be energised by that
love. When we act lovingly, we are opening
our readers.)
The views expressed are personal
The difference is in how we respond to the door for God’s love to flow through us. n

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