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List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................. 3

List of Tables................................................................................................................................................ 4

1 Background .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Rationale ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Local Government Unit of Carmona, Cavite Profile ....................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Geographical Location ........................................................................................................... 6
1.2.2 Barangay Subdivision ............................................................................................................ 7
1.2.3 Topography and Slope ........................................................................................................... 7
1.2.4 Climate ................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.5 Land Area ............................................................................................................................ 10
1.2.6 Population ............................................................................................................................ 10
1.2.7 Land Use .............................................................................................................................. 12
1.2.8 Water Resources ................................................................................................................. 15
1.2.9 Major Transportation Routes and Traffic Conditions ............................................................ 15
1.2.10 Economy .............................................................................................................................. 15
1.3 Planning Context .......................................................................................................................... 16
1.3.1 LGU development priorities .................................................................................................. 16
1.3.2 Current climate change plans and programs ....................................................................... 17
1.4 Planning Approach....................................................................................................................... 20
1.4.1 The Planning Framework ..................................................................................................... 20
1.4.2 Guiding Principles ................................................................................................................ 20
1.5 Institutional Arrangements ........................................................................................................... 22
1.5.1 Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) Planning Team .............................................. 22
1.5.2 Climate Change Core Working Committee .......................................................................... 25

2 Vulnerability assessment .................................................................................................................. 30

2.1 Historical Occurrences ................................................................................................................. 30
2.2 Climate-Related Hazards and their Impacts................................................................................. 32
2.2.1 Low Productivity in Agriculture ............................................................................................. 32
2.2.2 Increase in Temperature ...................................................................................................... 34
2.2.3 Insufficiency in Basic Utilities ............................................................................................... 36
2.2.4 Flooding ............................................................................................................................... 40
2.2.5 Droughts .............................................................................................................................. 42

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2.2.6 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 42
2.3 Identifying climate change vulnerability through the CCVI ........................................................... 45
2.3.1 Exposure .............................................................................................................................. 47
2.3.2 Floods .................................................................................................................................. 51
2.3.3 Sensitivity ............................................................................................................................. 57
2.3.4 Adaptive Capacity ................................................................................................................ 60
2.4 Key Development Issues ............................................................................................................. 67
2.4.1 Implications of greenhouse gas inventory ............................................................................ 67
2.4.2 Climate change adaptation mainstreaming to development plans ....................................... 67
2.4.3 Identifying Institutional linkages and empowerment ............................................................. 68
2.4.4 Costs and Financing ............................................................................................................ 69

3 LCCAP Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 70

4 Adaptation .......................................................................................................................................... 72

5 Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................................................ 91

APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................... 105

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


Figure 1. Barangay boundaries of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 7

Figure 2. Slope map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 9
Figure 3. Land use map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 14
Figure 4. Comparison of affected households per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 31
Figure 5. Households with decrease crop harvest in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 33
Figure 6. Households who experienced increase in temperature in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 35
Figure 7. Households who experienced more frequent brownouts in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 37
Figure 8. Households who experienced decrease in water supply in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 39
Figure 9. Households who experienced more frequent flooding in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 41
Figure 10. Households who experienced more frequents droughts in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 43
Figure 11. Summary of households affected by various climate-related hazards in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite 44
Figure 12. CCVI map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 46
Figure 13. Landslide intensity map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite. 47
Figure 14. Exposure index map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 48
Figure 15. Rain-induced landslide hazard map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 49
Figure 16. Flood susceptibility map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 51
Figure 17. Flood hazard map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 52
Figure 18. Barangay 1 flood susceptibility map 53
Figure 19. Barangay Maduya susceptibility map 54
Figure 20. Barangay Cabilang Baybay susceptibility map 55
Figure 21. Barangay Milagrosa flood susceptibility map 56
Figure 22. Adaptive capacity map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 61

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 1. Slope characteristics per category in the Province of Cavite 8
Table 2. Distribution of slope classification per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 8
Table 3. Area and percent distribution of slope per classification in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 8
Table 4. Land area by Barangay and Municipal level of Carmona, Cavite 10
Table 5. Population and average growth rate of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 11
Table 6. Population by gender of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite, 2012 11
Table 7. Population by age group of Municipality of Carmona, Cavite, 2012 12
Table 8. Projected population of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite, 2012-2022 13
Table 9. Matrix of Disasters/Calamities in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 30
Table 10. Households per Barangay engaged in agriculture in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 32
Table 11. Reasons for low harvest in the agriculture sector in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 32
Table 12. Households who experienced increase in temperature by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite 34
Table 13. Households who experienced more frequent brownouts by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite 36
Table 14. Households who experienced decrease in water supply by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite 38
Table 15. Households who experienced more frequent flooding by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite 40
Table 16. Households who experienced more frequent droughts by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite 42
Table 17. Climate change vulnerability index per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 45
Table 18. Characterization of rain-indunced landslide in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 50
Table 19. Ecological sensitivity per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 58
Table 20. Livelihood at Risk by Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 58
Table 21. Population at risk per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite 59
Table 22. Characterization of adaptive capacity for CCVI 60
Table 23.Economic resources and distribution category for adaptive capacity 62
Table 24. Skills category data for adaptive capacity 63
Table 25. Information and technology category data for adaptive capacity 64
Table 26. Infrastructure and service facilities category data for adaptive capacity 65
Table 27. Institutions category data for adaptive capacity 66
Table 28. Specific objectives for the Local Climate Change Action Plan 70
Table 29. Local Climate Change Adaptation Measures 72
Table 30. Indicative budget and implementation schedule 82
Table 31. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for the LCCAP 2015-2024. 91

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


Climate change without a doubt is the most serious global environmental challenge we are facing. It is
estimated that the worldwide average temperatures rose by 0.7°C in the last century. Further, the period of
2001-2011 was recorded as the hottest by various meteorological services around the world. Climate models
shows that global warming is more likely to increase and exceed the projected 2°C, with a possible 4°C
increase as early as 2060 causing severe impacts to global, regional, and national conditions (The World
Bank, 2012).

As the third most vulnerable country in the world to weather-related extreme events, earth quakes, and sea
level rise, we are already experiencing the consequences brought about by climate change. We are very
much directly exposed to multiple climate-related hazards such as typhoons (i.e. Pepeng, Ondoy, Yolanda),
floods (i.e. Rizal, Metro Manila), landslides (i.e. Quezon, Leyte), and droughts (i.e. 1997-1998, 2010). Among
the most affected are those living in coastal communities and the lower rung urban communities that lack
awareness on proper disaster preparedness measure to take. The urban poor in informal settlements are
also considered the most vulnerable group due in part to additional pressure on urban systems created by
rapidly increasing population growth.

The increasing levels of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that form in our atmosphere is said to be the
major contributor to global warming. While we in the Philippines are minor producers of such relative to other
countries, our GHG emissions are projected to quadruple in the energy sector and double in the transport
sector by 2030 due to growing economy, urbanization and motorization. Human-induced environmental
deterioration and unsustainable development practices that aggravate the country’s climate vulnerability has
been more rampant and also extensive, adding more to our dilemma.

In response to the urgency to act on climate change, the Republic Act 9729, otherwise known as the Climate
Change Act of 2009 paved the way for the establishment of the Climate Change Commission (CCC), a policy-
making body that will coordinate, monitor and evaluate climate change programs and action plans in the
country. The National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (NFSCC) 2010-2022 was then created to
denote the guiding principles that envision “…a climate risk-resilient Philippines with healthy, safe,
prosperous and self-reliant communities with thriving and productive ecosystems…” carried out through the
development of the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011-2028.

However, although the Climate Change Act and the NCCAP represent a clear evolution of priorities for our
country, climate policy reform efforts are only partially aligned with development plan outcomes, thus limiting
their effectiveness. National, sectoral, and local plans and policies are not fully aligned with the NCCAP,
creating difficulties in monitoring climate activities and hampering coordination and convergence across all
levels of government. More importantly, there were insufficient provisions of technical and financial
assistance to Local Government Units (LGUs) to formulate their own Local Climate Change Actions Plans

As abatement, the People’s Survival Fund (PSF) was created to finance adaptation programs and projects
that are directly supportive of the objectives enumerated in the NCCAP and LCCAP of LGUs and

Through the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), a memorandum circular no. 2014-135
dated October 21, 2014 provided the LGUs with the guidelines on formulating their own LCCAP and another
unnumbered memorandum dated October 3, 2014 provides the framework for mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR) and climate change in Local Development Plans (LDP).

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


Carmona, in the olden times was a barrio of Silang. Because of its vast plains, it was called “Latag”,
a tagalog word referring to the geographic characteristics of the place. Early settlers found the area
suitable to till the lands and build a community.

In 1823, a movement from Silang started (from the Spanish text from the Arzobispado de Manila believed to
be brought about by the settlers desire to have their own access to religious services). On February 20, 1857
by virtue of a decree issued by then Gov. Gen. Ramon Montero of the Superior Gobierno delas Islas Filipinas,
Latag became a town and named Carmona.

With this recognition came the desire of the people to prove their worth. As they made the soil productive,
questions on land ownership became an issue thus, the agricultural land was declared communal and divided
into parcels. These parcels of land were then raffled among the family heads. Having found the arrangement
satisfactory and equitable both to the townspeople and officials, lottery of the lots previously known as
Subasta delas Tierras Communales del Pueblo de Carmona” or “Subasta ng Bukid” became the tradition.
Later, the term “SORTEO” was used to denote the unique practice and tradition in Carmona held every three
years where communal ricelands are raffled among the native citizens of the town and for a period of 3 years
the lucky winner of a parcel is recognized as its owner.

1.2.1 Geographical Location

Carmona, a first class municipality, in the Province of Cavite, Region IV-A (CALABARZON), is in the Luzon
Island. Approximately 36 kilometers south of Manila and 38 kilometers from the Provincial Capitol of Trece
Martires City. It is located within the geographical coordinates of 120 03’ latitude and 14109’ longitude.

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

1.2.2 Barangay Subdivision

Carmona is considered urban in its entirety, composed of fourteen (14) barangays with eight (8)
barangays situated in the Poblacion area. In terms of land area, Barangay 13- Lantic is the biggest
with 1698 hectares while the smallest is the whole Poblacion at 62 hectares.

Figure 1. Barangay boundaries of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

1.2.3 Topography and Slope

The topography of Carmona is generally flat to strongly sloping. There are six (6) categories of slopes found
in the whole municipality (Table 1). These slopes are classified to indicate the probable limits of various types
of land uses. As to slope classification, Carmona has slopes ranging from 0 to 25% of the total land area.
Slope A (0-2.5%) can be found in portions of Barangay Cabilang Baybay, Lantic, Mabuhay, Maduya,
Milagrosa and the whole Poblacion (Table 2). This represents 32% of the total land area.

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 1. Slope characteristics per category in the Province of Cavite


A 0 – 2.5% Level to nearly level
B 2.6 – 5% Very gently sloping or undulating
C 5.1 – 10% Gently sloping or undulating
D 10.1 – 18% Moderately sloping or rolling
E 18.1 – 25% Strongly sloping or strongly rolling
F 25.1 & above Highly to mountainous

Table 2. Distribution of slope classification per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


LAND 0 – 2.5 2.6 – 5 5.1 – 10 10.1– 18 18.1– 25
Bancal 520 - 160 240 240 -
Cabilang 315 228 54 3 30 -
Lantic 1698 395 157 466 322 358
Mabuhay 245 83 23 101 38 -
Maduya 182 182 - - - -
Milagrosa 70 70 - - - -
Barangay 1- 8 62 62 - - - -
TOTAL 3092 1020 394 810 510 358

Table 3. Area and percent distribution of slope per classification in the Municipality of Carmona,


A 1020 32
B 394 13
C 810 26
D 510 17
E 358 12
TOTAL 3092 100

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 2. Slope map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

1.2.4 Climate

Carmona is under Type I climate characterized by two (2) pronounced seasons: dry from November to April
and wet during the rest of the year. Maximum rainfall usually occurs from June to September. The average
annual rainfall is 200 millimeters with a peak of 400 millimeters in the month of August.

The annual temperature is 27.2oC. The highest temperature occurs during the month of May while the lowest
occurs during the month of January.

The predominant wind direction comes from the Southwest during the months of June to September and
from the Northwest during the month of October to January, while from February to April, the wind direction
is from the Southeast which predominantly comes in the month of May.

The average humidity of Carmona is 81%. This makes the municipality’s climate cooler than Metropolitan
Manila where the average humidity is higher.

1.2.5 Land Area

The Municipality has a total land area of 3,092 hectares representing 2.18% of the total land area of Cavite.
It is divided into two categories, the upland and the lowland. The lowland areas are devoted to rice and
vegetables. These areas are utilized for two cropping period. Third cropping area is possible in some areas
where rice, green corn, root crops are planted. Other upland crops are grown in Barangay Bancal and upland
area of Barangay Lantic (Table 4).

Table 4. Land area by Barangay and Municipal level of Carmona, Cavite


Barangay 1 – 8 (Poblacion) 62 2.0

Barangay 9 – Maduya 182 6.0
Barangay 10 – Cabilang Baybay 315 10.0
Barangay 11 – Mabuhay 245 8.0
Barangay 12 – Milagrosa 70 2.0
Barangay 13 – Lantic 1698 55.0
Barangay 14 - Bancal 520 17.0
TOTAL 3,092 100%

1.2.6 Population

Carmona’s population exponentially increases through time with a growth rate pattern not higher than 8%
every year. The total population of Carmona as of 2012 is 75,020 with an average growth rate of 7% (Table
5). Its household population is 19,589 with an average size of 4 people per residence. Brgy 12 or Milagrosa
has the highest number of population and Brgy 2 has the least among others. The female population is
greater than males (Table 6). Of the total population, about 24,520 or 32.69% comprises the child & youth
group (0-14 y/o), the productive or working age group is about (15-64 y/o) 48,514 or 64.67% (Table 7).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 5. Population and average growth rate of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


1903 2606 - -
1918 2818 212 0.52
1939 5394 2576 3.14
1948 5597 203 0.41
1960 8212 2615 3.25
1970 16123 7911 6.98
1980 21014 4891 2.68
1990 28247 7233 3
1995 35686 7439 4.79
1998 42212 6526 5.76
2000 47706 5494 6.31
2002 53650 5944 6.05
2004 56307 2657 2.45
2006 57652 1345 1.19
2008 64372 6720 5.67
2010 69430 5058 7.85
2012 75020 5590 8.05

Table 6. Population by gender of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite, 2012


1 1430 1443 2873 735 4
2 187 222 409 115 4
3 235 287 522 133 4
4 261 297 558 167 3
5 273 315 588 172 3
6 326 346 672 186 4
7 288 352 640 150 4
8 1310 1374 1310 734 4
Maduya 4453 4520 8973 2516 4
Cabilang Baybay 3260 3428 6688 1624 4
Mabuhay 4563 4757 9320 2228 4
Milagrosa 10781 20988 21769 5018 4
Lantic 4270 4537 8807 2283 4
Bancal 5880 6011 11891 3528 3
TOTAL 37517 48877 75020 19589 4


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 7. Population by age group of Municipality of Carmona, Cavite, 2012


0-4 years old 4655 4188 8843

5-9 years old 4281 3968 8249
10-14 years old 3820 3608 7428
15-19 eyars old 3416 3509 6925
20-24 years old 3677 4059 7736
25-29 years old 3842 4286 8129
30-39 years old 6167 6353 12520
40-49 eyars old 3885 3959 7844
50-59 years old 2060 2173 4234
60-64 years old 520 606 1126
65 years old & above 753 1233 1986
TOTAL 37076 37944 75020

By the year 2020, the total population of Carmona is expected to be 147,576. The projection is attributed with
factors such as natural increase of population attributed by natality and emigration, and urbanization. With
this expected growth of population there is a need to improve and increase the educational, social, and
economic services of the municipality (Table 8).

1.2.7 Land Use

The Municipality of Carmona with an over-all land area of 3,092 hectares is intended for numerous forms of
land uses. Large portion of its land is intended for further development, next to it is agricultural and the rest
are open spaces, residential and commercial lots correspondingly (Figure 3).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 8. Projected population of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite, 2012-2022


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 2873 3074 3289 3520 3766 4030 4312 4613 4936 5282 5652

2 409 438 468 501 536 574 614 657 703 752 805

3 522 559 598 639 684 732 783 838 897 960 1027

4 558 597 639 684 731 783 837 896 959 1026 1098

5 588 629 673 720 771 825 882 944 1010 1081 1157

6 672 719 769 823 881 943 1008 1079 1155 1235 1322

7 640 685 733 784 839 898 960 1028 1100 1177 1259

8 1310 1402 1500 1605 1717 1837 1966 2104 2251 2408 2577

Maduya 8973 9601 10273 10992 11762 12585 13466 14409 15417 16496 17651

Cabilang Baybay 6688 7156 7657 8193 8767 9380 10037 10739 11491 12296 13156

Mabuhay 9320 9972 10670 11417 12217 13072 13987 14966 16013 17134 18334

Milagrosa 21769 23293 24923 26668 28535 30532 32669 34956 37403 40021 42823

Lantic 8807 9423 10083 10789 11544 12352 13217 14142 15132 16191 17325

Bancal 11891 12723 13614 14567 15587 16678 17845 19094 20431 21861 23391

TOTAL 75,020 80,271 85,890 91,903 98,336 105,219 112,585 120,466 128,898 137,921 147,576

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 3. Land use map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

1.2.8 Water Resources

The hydrological system of the Municipality is composed of 3 tributaries namely: Soro-soro, Carmona and
Biñan-Calabuso Rivers that generally directed from Silang watershed going to tributaries in Biñan and
eventually to Laguna bay. Carmona Rivers are generally utilized to irrigate farmlands. Groundwater is the
main source of potable water of the municipality, which is systematically extracted and delivered to some
constituents by the Carmona Water District (CWD); private wells for some residences and commercial

1.2.9 Major Transportation Routes and Traffic Conditions

The major transportation routes of the Municipality include: JM Loyola St covering Barangay Maduya, 4, 5,
and Mabuhay converging with Governor’s Drive as its main Municipal Road.

On the other hand, the Governor’s Drive its major National/Provincial Road connects the City of Biñan in
Laguna, Carmona, and General Mariano Alvarez (GMA) in Cavite.

With regards to chokepoints, the SLEX-Carmona Exit intersection and Cabilang Baybay – Brgy 7 (near
Macaria) are the major areas were traffic conditions transpire moderate to heavy.

1.2.10 Economy

Cottage industries include metal works, metalcraft, footwear industries, concrete products, tricycle assembly,
rattan handicrafts and bakeries. Manufacturing firms engaged in handicraft (bags and shoes), furniture
making, business retailing, personal and business services, and food based enterprises contribute to the
municipality’s trade and commerce. Mercantile activities in the municipality are concentrated at the Poblacion
area and along Governor’s Drive. Carmona has been classified as a first class municipality since July 1996,
brought about by industrialization, real estate development and commercial activities.

Carmona’s progress accelerated after the conversion of more than fifty hectares of farmlands into industrial
areas in 1998. Garment industries, steel fabrication, microchips and semi-conductors, tool fabrication, bus
assembly, bulb factories, die casting and other small and medium-scale industries currently operate in the
municipality. These investments continue to provide local employment, generate export earnings, increase
municipal revenues and serve as vehicles for technology transfer. Foreign investments are pouring in as
export-oriented industries continue to flourish.

Industrialization in the 90s account for the rapid growth of Carmona's business community from an otherwise
quaint agricultural town in the 1950s. Brought about by huge capital from the national government, the
industrial complexes bolstered the increase of the municipality's revenues and the change in the people's

Strewn along the Governor's Drive, in a total of 419.31 hectares, making up 13.56% of the towns land area
are the eight (8) industrial complexes namely; Golden Mile Business Park, People's Technology Complex
Special Economic Zone, Welborne Industrial Park, Southcoast Industrial Estate, Mountview I and II Industrial
Complexes, Sterling Technopark, and Granville Industrial Estate, where more than 200 factories are in


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


1.3.1 LGU development priorities

The Municipality of Carmona has jumped from a mere third class to first class LGU in less than a decade
through rigorous industrialization leading to economic development. A key to which is its political
transformation that resulted to a more harmonious administration.

A former “Basurahan ng Maynila” due to the operation of the Carmona Sanitary Landfill by the Metro Manila
Development Authority (MMDA) in the Municipality, the LGU have strived to improve its environmental
condition more so, its peoples’ well-being even before the institution of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) in 2000. The MDGs nevertheless gave the LGU the framework to reinforce its goals and reach its
targets not only based on its own priorities but more so on a global measure.

Since time immemorial Carmona have strived to reach and maintain it’s over reaching vision, to be “A premier
investment and sports hub in the province of Cavite with ecologically-balanced community and fast-growing
economy steered by empowered citizenry and dynamic leadership” with goals as follows:

1. A peaceful community that supports a well-balanced ecosystem;

2. A progressive Municipality which is committed to attain a sustainable development for a better

life for its citizenry; and

3. A responsive governance that promotes transparency and accountability.

Desired Qualities of the Citizenry

1. Empowered citizenry – Carmona residents are knowledgeable with what is happening to their
local government and the community; they participate and are involved in the development
planning process; they could voice out their right in every sectoral consultations.

2. Disaster-resilient – Carmona residents are prepared in whatever disaster to come. They are
ready for the effects derived from climate change; they are even aware who and where the
vulnerable are – people and place; the less adaptive, the most sensitive and the most exposed

3. Less household below poverty line – Carmona residents are self-reliant, able to provide for the
basic needs of their families. They are able to adopt the local government’s trend on
employment and livelihood resources. They are able to build and increase their capability to
uplift their standard of living.

Desire Status of the Local Economy

1. Sustained ecologically-balanced community – properly planned, regulated, and delineated

land-uses wherein urban expansion area is adequate for future growth and development; there
is optimal land utilization without sacrificing its future needs.

2. Fast growing economy – low crime rates is evident; adequate facilities for police services are
in place; more infrastructure and utilities are developed; additional investments came in due to
favorable and conducive investment hub.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Desired Qualities of the Local Leadership

1. Dynamic leaders – committed leaders who are able to utilize resources and deliver best
services more appropriately; working under transparent and accountable local governance.

2. Strengthened public-private partnership – Carmona’s local economy is boosted by partnership

to attain its maximum development this, fulfilling the needs of the community in terms of social,
economic, environment and infrastructure and utilities; there is an established active and
participative collaboration between the local government, the investors, and the community.
There is an adequate, appropriate and efficiently managed/co-managed transport and
infrastructure support facilities

1.3.2 Current climate change plans and programs

In most instances, climate change adaptation has been downloaded to the respective environmental offices
of each local government units. In Carmona, a separate Municipal Environment & Natural Resources Office
(MENRO) was created to facilitate management of the local environment, climate change adaptation
measures included. However, other departments are also included wherein projects are aligned based on
their functions such as the Municipal Engineering Office for infrastructure development.

Programs related to climate change adaptation can be classified into three (3): (i) carbon sequestration, (ii)
emission reduction, and (iii) rehabilitation.

The Puno ng Bayan: Tree Planting

Program is the main carbon
sequestration program of Carmona. It
was created and implemented in 2011 in
support of the Malacañang’s National
Greening Program (NGP) that aims to
plant 1.5 billion trees covering 1.5 million
hectares of land for a period of six years
from 2011 – 2016, and the DILG’s Billion
Trees Program, which is also a support
effort to the NGP. The Puno ng Bayan
requires all local government employees
including those at the Barangay to plant
at least ten (10) seedling annually. A
verification card is used as proof of tree planting. Seedlings on the other are either purchased, solicited from
other government agencies such as the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) and DENR, or donated
by various companies in the Municipality such as ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. (REPI) and ON
Semiconductors Philippines among others. Other groups such as the Taiwan Chamber of the South
Philippines conducts their own tree planting activities.

With limited land area for tree planting, a total of 20,342 seedlings of various species have been planted from
2011-2014 with an estimated survival rate of 60%.

In terms of emission reduction, management of solid waste according to studies contributes a small amount
of GHG emission reductions on a post-consumer point of reference. However, if waste reduction and
recycling leading to lesser production of materials, usage of raw resources, and conversation to energy are
calculate, results cannot be undermined.

Solid waste management has been the Municipality’s prime environmental effort in the last decade or so.
Carmona in the early 1990’s has been a dumping area of Metro Manila’s waste due the establishment of the
Carmona Sanitary Landfill own and operated by the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) in the
area. Due to management and environmental issues thru the leadership of local officials, the landfill was

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

force closed. As early as 1997, the LGU were able to craft and implement its very own Comprehensive Solid
Waste Management Ordinance (MO 003-97) prior to the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

A local program Balik Inang Kalikasan, Balik Amang Pabrika (BIKBAP), a recycling and composting program
was recognized as among the best programs in the country in 2002 thru the Gawad Galing Pook 2002. More
improvements were done and as the rest as they say, is history.

At present, the LGU thru the MENRO still holds a

highly recognized best practice in solid waste
management not only in the Province of Cavite but
in the Region as well. Spearheading the program
on managing solid waste is the recycling program
Basura Palit Gamit Atbp. (BPGA). In BPGA
recyclables are collected just like in the regular
junkshops but instead of direct payments, a
passbook that serves as a record book is kept.
After collecting certain amount of recyclables
equivalent to Php 50.00 or Php 100.00, a
passbook holder can redeem basic commodities
such as cooking oil, sugar, rice among others and
school supplies instead of cash.

However, due to insistent demand of participants

and clamor for other commodities that seemed
tedious for the program to provide, a 50% cash redemption was then allowed. Aside from the hundreds of
metric tons collected since its inception in 2008, more than Php 5 million has been generated by the program.

The program although a LGU program was co-managed by a NGO, the Samahan ng Nagkakaisang
Kababaihan ng Carmona, Inc. (SNKCI). The facilities such as Barangay MRF and Central MRF including
transport support and seed money are provided by the LGU, but the operations and all financial matters are
tasked to the SNKCI. The BPGA aside from being a recycling program is also an income-generating activity
for the community.

The LGU also has a biodegradable waste management program. For years, a 4 2-tonner rotary drum
composters were used to process biodegradable wastes
and produced composts, however in 2013, a 500-kg
bioreactor was acquired that dramatically, improved the
program. For a time, the LGU has also ventured in
vermicomposting as a trial aimed for agricultural wastes
but did not materialized.

Other waste reduction and recycling programs that the

LGU is implementing include the ecoBag ni Mayor Loyola,
which promotes the use of recyclable and reusable bags
backed up by Municipal Ordinance No. 004-9, otherwise
known as the Selective Plastic Ban and ecobag
ordinance; the ecolivelihood program that produces the
recycled bags but also various products such as
doormats, plant baskets, bean bags and lanterns out of
recycled materials.

An industrial area, the LGU also implemented a program

that manages the wastes on the business side, the Waste
Transportation program which based on an ordinance,
MO 006-05. Thru the program, waste haulers of various
industries are required to secure registration from the
MENRO before they can transact business within the


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Municipality. Such as well was then included as a requirement of the businesses
in securing business permits. Registered vehicles under the program are issued
stickers and are required to have tickets per trip. What the program does is it
ensures the private sector to manage their wastes appropriately, if not, they are
given Notice of Violation (NOV) or in some cases, closure orders.

Currently, there are more than 100 registered waste haulers transacting
businesses in the Municipality. The program has also generated an income close
to Php 3 million with about Php 200,000.00 as incentives to accredited enforcers
monitoring the waste haulers.

In terms of information, education and dissemination (IEC), a holistic effort Ako

Basurero Campaign was launched in 2013 to spread knowledge on proper waste
management. Primarily aimed at instituting basic waste management concepts
and know-how, the campaign targets students’ participation. Composed of a
mascot, jingle, and an oath, Ako Basurero Campaign has been collecting
signatures as part of its program.

In terms of energy consumption, the LGU has also implemented LED lights
installation in all government owned and operated facilities. Hundreds of
incandescent and CFL lights were already replaced since 2010 this along with
gradual replacement of other equipment such as airconditioning units to inverter types that reduces energy
consumption and minimizes pollution.

The LGU has also been consistently participating annually on Earth Hour since 2009. Earth Hour is a
worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) that encourages individuals,
communities, households and businesses to turn their non-essential lights and other electronic gadget for
one hour, from 8:30-9:30 pm on the last Saturday in March as a symbol of commitment in fighting global
warming. Yearly the MENRO conducts public addresses and sends invitations to various sectors to
participate in the event.

With regards to rehabilitation, infrastructure wise, the LGU thru its Municipal Engineering Office (MEO) as
fund by the National Government has been implementing improvements such as construction and
rehabilitation of drainages within the municipality. The MEO is also in charge with regular cleaning of such
existing facilities to ensure that they are not clogged especially during heavy downpours to avoid flooding.

And finally, the MENRO has been consistently improving the conditions of the Municipality’s waterways by
conducting river cleanups.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


Adaptation prevents or moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities, by making changes in natural or
human systems in the context of climate change impacts. The impacts of climate change are already
occurring, and because they are projected to become even more severe in the future, it is essential to
undertake short-, medium- and long-term adaptation measures. Short-term adaptation measures are
required immediately in order to prevent and moderate impacts that are already experienced, while medium-
and long-term adaptation measures are to prevent and mitigate projected future impacts.

Such concepts are widely applied today in a variety of sectors. The key feature of climate change adaptation
is in its proactive nature, including responses to the occurring impacts. These efforts thus should be based
on projections of future climate, impacts, and societal trends. Because these projections involve uncertainty,
the challenge is how to formulate adaptation planning under such uncertainties.

The preparation of the basic conditions for adaptation planning and implementation is essential.

These efforts include accumulating information, raising public awareness, and arranging institutional
frameworks for organized initiatives. In particular, as medium- and long-term adaptation is a proactive
response, it requires development of institutional arrangements and methodologies for gathering, storing,
managing, and utilizing basic information on the target regions and sectors. Discussions about global
warming tend to focus on mitigation strategies such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions like carbon
dioxide, and interest in adaptation measures is typically not very high. Nevertheless, to control the adverse
impacts until climate change mitigation actually becomes effective, it is essential to promote both mitigation
and adaptation measures in an integrated way. It is also important to view these measures in the context of
future regional and community development. To promote these types of measures, it is important to aim for
greater awareness about adaptation measures - among not only government departments (including local
governments), but also at every level of society.

1.4.1 The Planning Framework

This plan serves as supplement and integrates existing CLUP, Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP),
Annual Investment Plans (AIP) and other planning processes and development activities the LGU is engaged
into taking into considerations the following:

1. Minimizing risk and improving land development activities that occur in or near flood, slope or
coastal hazard areas.

2. Improving infrastructure for storm water management, solid waste management, access to
safe drinking water, and the movement of goods and people.

3. Protecting ecosystems and environmentally sensitive areas in and around the Municipality.

4. Improving disaster risk reduction, including the improvement of response capacities for

5. Supporting local economic development to reduce poverty and improve quality of life.

1.4.2 Guiding Principles

In general, consistent with the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011-2028, this LCCAP adopts
the following NFSCC guiding principles:


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

1. The Framework envisions a climate risk-resilient local government with healthy, sage,
prosperous and self-reliant communities, and thriving productive ecosystems.

2. The goal is to build the adaptive capacity of communities and increase the resilience of natural
ecosystems to climate change, and optimize mitigation opportunities towards sustainable

3. The Municipality is committed to its core principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
and respective capabilities.

4. The precautionary principle guides the LGU’s climate change framework and shall take
precautionary measures to anticipate, prevent or minimize the causes of climate change and
its adverse effects. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full
scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing such measures.

5. The Framework is risk-based, and strategies/activities shall be formulated, with decisions

made based on the causes, magnitude and impacts of risks.

6. Climate change knowledge is science-based, and shall be formulated, with decisions made
based on the causes, magnitude and impacts of risks.

7. The local priorities shall be adaptation and mitigation, with an emphasis on adaptation as the
anchor strategy. Whenever applicable, mitigation actions shall also be pursued as a function
of adaptation.
8. Adaptation measures shall be based on equity, in accordance with common but differentiated
responsibility; special attention must be given to ensure equal and equitable protection of the
poor, women, children and other vulnerable and disadvantage sectors.

9. Even with inadequate scientific information, anticipatory adaptation measures should be

undertaken to prevent or minimize the causes and potential impacts of climate change,
whenever necessary.

10. The Framework adopts the Philippine Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development, to fulfill human
needs while maintain the quality of the natural environment for current and future generations.

11. The principle of complementation shall be observed to ensure that climate change initiatives
by one sector do not restrict the adaptation of other sectors.

12. The Framework recognizes the value of forming multi-stakeholder participation and
partnerships in climate change initiatives, including with civil society, private sector and local
government, and especially with indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups most
vulnerable to climate change impacts.

13. Policy and incentive mechanisms to facilitate private sector participation in addressing
adaptation and mitigation objectives shall be promoted and supported.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


1.5.1 Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) Planning Team

By virtue of Executive Order No. 01-2015 in accordance with DILG Memorandum dated October 21, 2014,
the current Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC) shall also be known as
the Climate Change Adaptation – Disaster Risk reduction (CCA-DRR) Planning Team with the members as

Chairperson : Dr. Dahlia A. Loyola

Municipal Mayor

Members : Hon. Elmer M. Reyes

Vice Mayor
SB Chairman, Peace, Public Order and Safety Council

Bernie A. Ortiz
SB Chairman, Health Environment & Disaster Management

Mildred M. Purificacion
Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator’s Officer

Rommel DL. Peneyra

MDRRM Officer
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer

Carmen T. Sarita
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer

Dr. Homer L. Aguinaldo

Municipal Health Officer

Nenita L. Ernacio
Municipal Agriculturist

Engr. Fedelino L. Mapanoo

Municipal Engineer

Domingo C. Flores
Municipal Budget Officer

Edgardo T. De Guzman
Zoning Administrator

Angelo A. Macha
Information Technology Officer

Glenn P. San Diego

Administrative Officer V
Human Resources and Management Office

Dave A. Peñano
Local Economic and Investment Promotion Officer

Engr. Seramel Jay V. De Guzman


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Building Official

Joanne B. Bawalan
Municipal Information Officer

Armando M. Canita

Marivic M. Pakingan
SB Secretary

Wilhelmina Magboo
District Supervisor - Carmona

PCI Jigger S. Noceda

Chief, PNP Carmona

FCI Rosalinda T. Sta Ana

Municipal Fire Marshal, BFP Carmona

Hon. Fermin M. Levardo

President, Liga ng mga Barangay

Divinamor T. Depano
MLGOO Carmona

Edison L. Sarmiento
General Manager, Carmona Water District

Julie C. Diago
President, Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Kababaihan ng Carmona, Inc.
Non-Government Organization

Alvin S. Nuque
President, Red Cross 143
Non-Government Organization

Jose V. Hernandez
President, Assistance Life Emergency Rescue Team (ALERT) / Brgy
Captain - Brgy 4
Non-Government Organization

Cezarie A. Martinez
Founder, Philippine Guardians Brotherhood Inc. (PGBI) – Carmona
Non-Government Organization

Jovencio R. Calica
President, Carmona Business Club
Private Sector Representative

Angelina F. Pe
President, Senior Citizens Association

Jesusa M. Halnin
President, Kilusan Kabalikat ng may Kapansanan Para sa Kinabukasan


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Edgar De Jesus
Managing Director, PTC Locators Association

Robert dela Victoria

President, Golden Mile Business Park Association

Bismarck Simundac
President, Carmona Tourism Alliance Officers

Virginia Mabini
President, Carmona Private Schools Association

In accord with the DILG Memorandum Circular No.2014-135, the CCA-DRR Planning Team shall perform
the following functions:

1. Ensure that a LCCAP will be drafted, approved, implemented, monitored and updated when

2. Conduct a climate change orientation for LGU officials, LGU functionaries and other key stakeholders
such as the private sector, NGOs, community-based groups, the academe, media and other civil
society representatives to be more informed and have a better understanding of the relevance and
importance of climate change adaptation planning to LGU’s sustainable development;

3. Agree on the purpose and scope of climate change adaptation planning;

4. In accordance with Section 2 (c) of the Local Government Code, LGU which requires LGUs to always
consult their constituents in planning and policy/decision making, identify the stakeholders who
should be involved along with their interest, capacity and influence to the planning process;

5. Seek assistance if needed from DILG Regional/Field Office for Training on the Formulation of

6. Ensure funds for the preparation and implementation of LCCAP. Section 20 of RA 9729 (as amended
by RA 10174) states that the fund (People’s Survival Fund) shall be used to support adaptation
activities of local government and communities. The LGU may submit copy of their LCCAP to Climate
Change Commission (CCC) for possible funding; and

7. The NDRRMC-DBM-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 dated March 25, 2013 stipulates
the allocation and utilization of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF)
for the following:

 Conduct of risk assessment, vulnerability analysis, and other science-based

technology and methodologies to enhance LGU ecological profile, sectoral studies and
maintain DRRM activities/climate change adaptation in CLUP and CDP (Item 5.1.1);

 Capability building (train, equip, organize, provide funding, sustain) on mainstreaming

DRRM/CCA in development planning, investment programming/financing, and project
evaluation and development (Item 5.1.3)

 Conduct of activities to review and integrate DRRM/CCA into various environmental

policies, plans, programs and project (Item 5.1.4)


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

1.5.2 Climate Change Core Working Committee

In the same basis, the CCA Working Committee (CTWC) was also created as one of the MDRRMC
Working Committee with the following composition:

Chair : Rommel DL. Peneyra

Municipal Environment & Natural Resources Officer

Vice – Chair : Chris Harold M. Barlam

Municipal Environment & Natural Resources Office

Members : Jojemar O. Tenedero

Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

Melanie Camama
Mayor’s Office

Evelyn Papa
Mayor’s Office

Aldrin Alcedo
Sanguniang Bayan ng Carmona

Florabel Manalo
Municipal Planning and Development Office

Ruby Rosales
Municipal Social Welfare and Development

Estelita Cadiente
Municipal Health Office

Edwin Cortez
Municipal Agriculture Office

Engr. Allen Lebrudo

Municipal Engineering Office

Norman Bautista
Municipal Budget Office

Nerisa Lorenzo
Municipal Assessor Office

Don Johnson Barretto

Land Management Office
Wilfredo Concha
Information Technology Unit

Ramil Mapanoo
Office of the Building Official

Julie De Guzman
Municipal Information Office

Noralyn Trinidad
Municipal Development and Housing Office

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

SFO1 Linaflor Villanueva
Bureau of Fire Protection

Teresita Samante
Municipal Local Government Operations Office

Engr. Francis Tamayo

Carmona Water District

Carlos Gullez
Senior Citizens Association

Aileen Dearoz
Kilusan Kabalikat ng may Kapansanan para sa Kinabukasan

Oscar Javier
PTC Locators’ Association

Eric Obias
Golden Mile Business Park Association

Rizalina Malana
Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Kababaihan ng Carmona, Inc.

Mr. Armand Arboleda

Carmona Tourism Alliance Officers

Bituin Ilagan
Carmona Private Schools Association

Heidee Legacion Luna

DepEd District of Carmona

As a working committee, they performs the following functions in accordance with the DILG Memorandum
Circular No. 2014-135:

1. Revisit the LGU vision in the context of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
planning and see whether CCA-DRR agenda is already included, if not, it is recommended to include
CCA-DRR elements;

2. Prior to the assessment, gathering of relevant data from the local government, relevant national
government agencies and private source is imperative and would be very helpful. Some of the
important data and information that must be gathered, but not limited to, are the following:

 LGU Ecological Profile (using the most recent CBMS data)

 Local Development Indicators System (LDIS)
 Current/Updated CLUP, CDP, LDIP and ELA
 Local weather & climate data (form PAGASA or DOST)
 Hazard and risk maps (check PHILVOCS for geophysical hazards. MGB for other
geohazard maps such as rainfall-induced landslides, storm surges, liquefaction and
other development analysis from local scientific institutions from Universities and


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Colleges (local, national, international), the private sector, NGOs and projects funded by
development partners).
 National and LGU produced GIS maps
 Other thematic maps held by government agencies
 Economic, Agriculture and Health data
 Inventory of existing infrastructures
 News clippings of climate & disaster events (if available, for a span of 20-30 years)
 Provincial, City, Municipal Climate Projections(refer to PAGASA and CCC websites)
 Other relevant information needed for vulnerability and adaptation assessment

3. Make use of other available tools and audit forms of other government agencies which are currently
being used by LGUs to assess their current governance and management situation may also be
used to gather additional data and information that can be used to assess and measure vulnerability
of certain places, elements and sectors. Some of these tools and audit forms are:

 Infrastructure Audit (this is particularly important in assessing vulnerability and

sensitivity of schools and other government buildings being used as evacuation
centers and command response centers)
 Disaster Preparedness Audit
 Environmental Compliance Audit

4. Identify climate-related hazards, climate trends, anomalies and abnormalities that your LGU has
observed and experienced (30 years span);

5. Conduct vulnerability adaptation assessment (VAA) by looking at three factors namely: exposure,
sensitivity and adaptive capacity

 Exposure is to identify elements, places, people & sectors exposed to the climate related
and geologic hazards
 Sensitivity is to determine the degree to which exposed people, places, institutions and
sectors are impacted by climate change hazards today and in the future
 Adaptive capacity is to determine the coping/adaptive capacity of the people, institutions
places and sectors to the identified climate hazards

The purpose of VAA is to provide LGUs with information relevant in defending their adaptation
priorities and plans. The VAA will also provides guidance in identifying where and programs,
project and activities are needed to effectively manage the un-avoidable impacts of climate

6. Ask the help of a climate science expert or Resource Persons (e.g. Climate Change Commission,
scientific institutions and other Private Organizations focused on CCA/DRR issues and/or from Local
Academic & Research Institutions) to interpret and translate local climate change related data and
information (maybe provincial or regional in scope) into climate trends and identify/create climate
change projections to be used in the different stage of LCCAP formulation

7. Prepare the result of the VAA taking into consideration the limitations in terms of scope and agreed
objectives at the beginning of the assessment process. It also important to include maps generated
and all data gather as part of the annexes or attachments. The list of people, sectors and institutions
who participated in the VAA process must also be included in the report for future follo-up or
involvement in the implementation of adaptation options and plans.

8. Refer to the result of the VAA and Risk Analysis to determine what CC risks you want to reduce and
what coping/adaptive capacities you want to enhance;


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

9. Check with the goals, objectives and targets of the LGU for the period (short term, medium terms &
long term goals) as stated in the CLUP, CDP & ELA. Refer to the National Climate Change Action
Plan (NCCAP), LGU mandates and current thrusts of the national and local government for project
ideas and objectives;

10. Enhance the objectives of the sectors (social, economic, infrastructure, environmental and
institutional) by re-stating the current objective or create additional objectives that would address the
identified vulnerabilities and risks from projected climate hazards;

11. Check with the list of PPAs and legislations as stated in the CLUP, CDP & ELA, and then refer to the
result of the VAA and Risk Analysis to determine what climate change options you want to implement
in the short, medium and long term plans which should include program, project and policy actions
to reduce LGU’s vulnerability, develop its adaptive capacity and to build its overall resilience to
climate change;

12. Although priority is given to the identification of the adaptation options, it is also strongly suggested
to identify mitigation options (such as but not limited to energy and water conservation, improvements
in energy and water efficiency and overall greening) to help reduce carbon footprints of the LGU and
communities and contribute to the efforts of reducing our impact to the world’s climate;

13. Prioritize programs, projects and activities and identify appropriate timeline for each, then
recommend policies that would enable the implementation of the prioritized adaptation and mitigation

14. LGU may opt to use an alternative set of criteria as given below for prioritizing adaptation and
mitigation options.


Urgent  Projects that cannot reasonably postponed
 Projects that would remedy conditions dangerous to public
health, safety and welfare
 Projects needed to maintain critically needed programs
 Projects needed to meet emergency situations
Essential  Projects required to complete or make usable a major public
 Project required to maintain minimum standards as part of
ongoing program
 Desirable self-liquidating projects
 Repair on maintenance projects to prolong life of existing
Necessary  Projects that should be carried out to meet clearly identified and
anticipated needs
 Projects to replace obsolete or unsatisfactory facilities
Repair or maintenance projects to prolong life of existing
Desirable  Projects needed for expansion of current programs
 Projects designed to initiate new programs considered
appropriate for a progressive community
Acceptable  Projects that can be postponed without detriment to present
operations if budget cuts are necessary
Deferrable  Projects recommended for postponement or elimination from
immediate consideration in the current LDIP
 Projects that are questionable in terms of over-all needs,
adequate planning, or proper timing


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

In addition, it may also help the LGUs if they can classify their projects as climate proofing of
development projects or discrete climate change adaptation projects such as rainwater harvesting,
identification and designation of no build zones.

Furthermore a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis that also considers indirect costs and benefits,
non-monetary values and externalities or other tools can also be used for prioritizing options.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024



Listed below are the disasters and calamities that struck the Municipality of Carmona in recent years. As can
be observed, flooding primarily near the river and canals are common whenever there is high precipitation
due to typhoons and monsoon rains.

Table 9. Matrix of Disasters/Calamities in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Barangay Nature of Date Affected Remarks

Disaster Specific Population/ Structure
Location households
1 Flood due to Proper 20 HHs 20 houses
2 Flood due to Extension 7 HHs 7 houses
3 Fire incidence 02/2009 B3 3 HHs 3
4 Fire Incidence 11-27-2011 444 JM 3 HHs 3 houses due to
Loyola overheat of
5 flood due to 537 JM 1 HHs 1 house damaged
Typhoon Loyola roofing
6 flood due to No cases of affected HHs
7 flood due to 09-2010 road 15 HHs 15 houses rain water
clogged entered the
canals affected
damage on
8 flood due to 2007 J. Zamora 2 HHs 2 House rain water
Typhoon St. entered the
Milenyo affected
flood due to 2009 J. Zamora 2 HHs 2 House houses
Typhoon St.
9 Flood due to 2007 Altarez 2 Hhs 2 Houses Water
typhoon Village entered
Milenyo inside the
flood due to 9-2009 Vizcarra St. 2 HHs 2 Houses house
Typhoon Bo. S. 1 HHs 1 Houses because of
Ondoy Altarez the growth
8-07-2012 Viscarra St. 4 HHs 4 Houses of river


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Barangay Nature of Date Affected Remarks
Disaster Specific Population/ Structure
Location households
Flood due to Gumamela 6 HHs 6 houses Along
Habagat St.- Baybay riverbanks
J.M/ Loyola 3 HHs 3 Houses
Dahlia St. 1 HHs 1 Houses
Fire Incidence 9-14-2009 Paseo C.A. 1 HHs 1 Houses
10 Flood due to 2001 San Pablo 388 HH 388 Clogged
Typhoon St.-Silangan houses drainage
Milenyo canals
Flood due to 2006 443 HH 443 caused by
Pedring houses backflowing
Flood due to 2009 77 HH 77 houses of water
Flood due to 2012 50 HH 50 houses
11 Flood due to 09-28-2006 Mabuhay houses

Bancal 0
Lantic 21
Milagrosa 322
Mabuhay 0
C.Baybay 958
Maduya 20
Brgy 8 4
Brgy 7 15
Brgy 6 0
Brgy 5 1
Brgy 4 3
Brgy 3 3
Brgy 2 0
Brgy 1 20

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200

Figure 4. Comparison of affected households per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Shown in Figure 4 is a comparison of affected households per barangay of all the listed disasters/calamities
in Table 9. More than half or 958 households come from Barangay Cabilang Baybay which is situated near
Soro-soro and Cabilang Baybay River.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

A Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) study in 2011-2012 conducted by the Municipal Planning,
Development and Coordinating Office (MPDO) included sets of questions that identified the vulnerability of
the Municipality in climate-related hazards and their impacts, which are then used in this section.

2.2.1 Low Productivity in Agriculture

Agriculture and fisheries are highly dependent on specific climate conditions, thus understanding the overall
effect on food supply can be very difficult. The Municipality of Carmona from agriculture has shifted
dramatically to industrial and residential in recent years, be as it may percentages of lands are still allotted
to such activities. Table 10 shows the remaining 127 or 0.65% of households still engaged in agriculture
utilizing about 29% of the total land area. On the other hand, Table 11 shows what climate-related hazards
affects the low productivity.

Table 10. Households per Barangay engaged in agriculture in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Barangay number of Households engaged in agriculture*

Magnitude* Proportion**
CARMONA 19589 127 0.65
Bancal 3528 20 0.57
Cabilang Baybay 1624 7 0.43
Lantic 2283 29 1.27
Mabuhay 2228 22 0.99
Maduya 2516 20 0.79
Milagrosa 5018 21 0.42
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 735 6 0.82
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 115 0 0.00
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 133 0 0.00
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 167 0 0.00
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172 0 0.00
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 186 1 0.54
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 150 0 0.00
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 734 1 0.14

Table 11. Reasons for low harvest in the agriculture sector in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Municipality Household Reason for low harvest*

Magnitude* Proportion**
Increase in cost of farm inputs such as seeds, 14 56.00
fertilizer, pesticides, etc.
Affected by drought 5 20.00
Affected by typhoon 4 16.00
Affected by flood 1 4.00
Affected by pests 3 12.00
Decrease in supply of water from the irrigation 0 0.00
Change in primary occupation of member 0 0.00
Others, Specify 0 0.00


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 5. Households with decrease crop harvest in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2.2.2 Increase in Temperature

Warming of the climate system is unequivocal and is now evident from observations of increases in global
average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea
level. In Carmona, an urbanizing municipality has been experiencing a so-called Urban Heat Island (UHI)
effect or the rise in temperature of any man-made area, resulting in a well-defined, distinct “warm island”
among the “cool sea” represented by the lower temperature of the areas nearby natural landscape.

Shown in Table 12 is a summary of households that observed increase in temperature of their environment.
About 37% of the total households’ number of the Municipality experiences the UHI effect with Barangay
Milagrosa with the highest quantity. Consequently has the highest number of population and households
given its relatively small land area.

Table 12. Households who experienced increase in temperature by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite

Barangay number of Households who experienced increase in temperature*

Magnitude* Proportion**
CARMONA 19589 7214 36.82
Bancal 3528 964 27.32
Cabilang Baybay 1624 546 33.62
Lantic 2283 568 24.88
Mabuhay 2228 1139 51.12
Maduya 2516 966 38.39
Milagrosa 5018 2363 47.09
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 735 47 6.39
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 115 115 100.00
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 133 121 90.98
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 167 8 4.79
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172 0 0.00
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 186 4 2.15
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 150 0 0.00
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 734 373 50.82

Illustrated in Figure 6 are the households who felt increases in their environmental temperature.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024
Figure 6. Households who experienced increase in temperature in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

2.2.3 Insufficiency in Basic Utilities

The country’s entire energy system is vulnerable to increasingly severe and costly weather events driven by
climate change. A concrete illustrations are the areas left devastated by Typhoon Yolanda wherein electric
lines and posts were destroyed and took weeks and months before it was restored. Although the Municipality
have not experienced such prolonged and severe power outages, such impacts are inevitable.

A total of 275 households or 1.4% experiences more frequent brownouts (Table 13). Among these
households, about 73% are located in Barangay Milagrosa. An Illustration of the households are shown in
Figure 7.

Table 13. Households who experienced more frequent brownouts by Barangay in the Municipality
of Carmona, Cavite

Barangay number of Households who experienced more frequent

households brownouts*
Magnitude* Proportion**
CARMONA 19589 275 1.40
Bancal 3528 8 0.23
Cabilang Baybay 1624 2 0.12
Lantic 2283 41 1.80
Mabuhay 2228 6 0.27
Maduya 2516 14 0.56
Milagrosa 5018 201 4.01
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 735 0 0.00
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 115 0 0.00
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 133 0 0.00
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 167 1 0.60
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172 0 0.00
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 186 1 0.54
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 150 0 0.00
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 734 1 0.14


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024
Figure 7. Households who experienced more frequent brownouts in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

As temperature continues to rise, significant impact on fresh water supplies can be expected. As temperature
increase, evaporation increases, sometimes resulting in droughts. The natural water cycle is disrupted hence
ground water reserves are no longer recharged coupled by continuous destruction of watersheds.

The Municipality of Carmona has yet to experience prevalent decrease in water supply. However, without a
natural recharge source, such condition is unavoidable. Currently, less than 1% of the total household size
experienced decrease in their water supply coming from Barangays Milagrosa, Mabuhay and Poblacion 1.

Table 14 shows the summary of the households per Barangay while Figure 8 depicts their location.

Table 14. Households who experienced decrease in water supply by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite

Barangay number of Households who experienced decrease in water supply*

Magnitude* Proportion**
CARMONA 19589 91 0.46
Bancal 3528 3 0.09
Cabilang Baybay 1624 0 0.00
Lantic 2283 4 0.18
Mabuhay 2228 22 0.99
Maduya 2516 4 0.16
Milagrosa 5018 40 0.80
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 735 17 2.31
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 115 1 0.87
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 133 0 0.00
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 167 0 0.00
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172 0 0.00
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 186 0 0.00
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 150 0 0.00
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 734 0 0.00


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024
Figure 8. Households who experienced decrease in water supply in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

2.2.4 Flooding

In recent years, the country has experienced more and more devastating inundations in growing number of
areas, the Municipality of Carmona included. The Habagat in 2013 is an example of a cumulative effect of
high moisture, clogged river systems and poor drainage systems among others.

With areas close to river systems, Barangay Cabilang Baybay and Maduya are most susceptible to flooding
as shown in Table 15 and Illustrated in Figure 9.

Table 15. Households who experienced more frequent flooding by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite

Barangay number of Households who experienced more frequent flooding*

Magnitude* Proportion**
CARMONA 19589 220 1.12
Bancal 3528 1 0.03
Cabilang Baybay 1624 183 11.27
Lantic 2283 1 0.04
Mabuhay 2228 4 0.18
Maduya 2516 24 0.95
Milagrosa 5018 3 0.06
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 735 1 0.14
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 115 0 0.00
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 133 0 0.00
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 167 0 0.00
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172 0 0.00
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 186 0 0.00
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 150 0 0.00
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 734 3 0.41


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024
Figure 9. Households who experienced more frequent flooding in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

2.2.5 Droughts

Global warming also affects evapotranspiration, the movement of water into the atmosphere from land and
water surfaces and plants due to evaporation and transpiration. With increasing temperature, we can expect
increased droughts in dry areas and seasons that may lead to below normal levels of rivers, lakes and
groundwater. It may also result to lack of enough soil moisture in agricultural areas that in turn affects

With dwindling areas for agriculture, the Municipality anticipates low number of affected households.
However, it is expected that water supply for basic needs will be compromised. Shown in Table 16 is the
data that shows the number of households who experienced more frequent droughts in recent years.
Although less than 1% of the total households, it is expected to increase in the coming years. An illustration
is shown in Figure 10.

Table 16. Households who experienced more frequent droughts by Barangay in the Municipality of
Carmona, Cavite

Barangay number of Households who experienced more frequent

households droughts*
Magnitude* Proportion**
CARMONA 19589 73 0.37
Bancal 3528 7 0.20
Cabilang Baybay 1624 1 0.06
Lantic 2283 40 1.75
Mabuhay 2228 4 0.18
Maduya 2516 16 0.64
Milagrosa 5018 3 0.06
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 735 1 0.14
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 115 0 0.00
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 133 0 0.00
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 167 1 0.60
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172 0 0.00
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 186 0 0.00
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 150 0 0.00
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 734 0 0.00

2.2.6 Summary

A summary of the affected households by various climate-related hazards is shown in Figure 11.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024
Figure 10. Households who experienced more frequents droughts in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024
Figure 11. Summary of households affected by various climate-related hazards in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

The Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) is a methodology based on a set of common or “core”
indicators for measuring, monitoring and evaluating local vulnerability and adaptation being developed based
on the NCCAP’s thematic priorities. Its objective is to support the development of a coherent and practical
metrics or indicators for vulnerability and adaptation assessment that can be consistently applied at the
national and subnational levels.

The CCVI is comprised by three (3) general sub-indices: (1) exposure to climate hazards, (2) sensitivity
indicators, and (3) adaptive capacity indicators. The data used for such CCVI was derived from the
aforementioned CBMS study wherein only those climate change –related hazards were extrapolated for this
Plan. However, the data for the CCVI still contains those that are not.

Using the CCVI, the vulnerability of the Municipality by Barangay was identified (Table 17). As shown,
Barangay 1 was identified to be the most exposed to various hazards with Barangay Lantic as the least. In
terms of sensitivity, Barangay Milagrosa is the most sensitive and Barangay 3 as the least. Finally, in terms
of their capacity to adapt to such hazards, Barangay 6 was determined to have the highest likelihood to adapt
to various hazards while Barangay Maduya with lowest. In summary, Barangay 1 has the highest CCVI with
Barangay Mabuhay with the lowest. Further explanations on the above CCVI are located in the succeeding

Table 17. Climate change vulnerability index per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


Barangay 1 0.4648251217 0.3873501688 0.6416606514 0.5064661085 1

Barangay 7 0.4242197581 0.3106198852 0.6480760628 0.4723178047 2

Lantic 0.3918053621 0.4576598917 0.5450215188 0.4674196136 3
Barangay 2 0.4219382845 0.3418794484 0.6005569851 0.4634632476 4

Barangay 6 0.4263052167 0.2173918581 0.6826458624 0.4579472547 5

Milagrosa 0.4229584441 0.4634848131 0.4700902956 0.4522444143 6

Bancal 0.3924506832 0.3648150228 0.5765181311 0.4515537324 7

Barangay 5 0.4269112732 0.2141118337 0.6407192742 0.4418425011 8

Barangay 3 0.4233745967 0.1639545206 0.6462567701 0.4277642973 9

Barangay 8 0.3994383774 0.2190405911 0.6194383601 0.4262671534 10

Maduya 0.4020603018 0.4439977945 0.4026625349 0.4147484958 11

Barangay 4 0.4226811404 0.1924817945 0.5873701182 0.4144750834 12

Cabilang Baybay 0.3937010991 0.252938883 0.5615256254 0.4132313009 13

Mabuhay 0.4076686756 0.2572839799 0.5320329568 0.4084433949 14


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 12. CCVI map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2.3.1 Exposure

Exposure refers to the coverage of a system of interest to stimuli that act on that system. This can be readily
conceptualized as climate variability and/or the various changes in the climate system that are often of
concern to stakeholders: temperature increases, rainfall variability and change (including extremes), or
changes in the frequency or intensity of tropical cyclones. Two hazards, namely (i) Landslides and (ii) Floods
are identified for this plan. The Exposure Index Map is shown in Figure 14

Increasing rainfall intensities and frequencies, coupled with population growth can drastically increase
landslide-associated casualties, especially in developing countries such as our country, where pressure on
land resources often lead to slope cultivation and agriculture. Such as activities are very much prone to
landslide disasters.

Figure 13 shows the landslide intensity map of the Municipality wherein Low Intensity Landslide (LIL) can be
expected at the upper part and the rest of upland Cavite. Four (4) Barangays with 8 puroks are low
susceptible to rain induced landslides. Affected lots are deposition areas in Barangays Lantic, Bancal,
Mabuhay and Cabilang Baybay which consist of 172 hectares (Figure 15; Table 18).

Figure 13. Landslide intensity map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 14. Exposure index map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 15. Rain-induced landslide hazard map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 18. Characterization of rain-indunced landslide in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Susceptibility Levels Total Total Age Group Disabled Total Land

High Moderate Low Population HH 60+ 6-16 0-5 Area
- Purok 01 1757 396 39 454 326 12 47.77
- Purok 15 3658 806 105 975 659 12 4.70
- Purok 07 - - - - - - 20.17
- Purok 08 268 65 12 71 47 1 16.57
- Purok 09 694 158 21 195 105 3 43.36
- Purok 01 417 96 13 108 88 0 29.80
- Purok 02 13 3 2 3 2 0 3.28
- Purok 03 68 14 1 17 13 0 6.47
Total 6875 1538 193 1823 1240 28 172.11

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2.3.2 Floods

With warmer atmosphere comes more moisture although that does not automatically mean heavier rainfall
since complex weather patterns govern the amount, timing and distribution of rainfall. But, it does mean that
with more water in the atmosphere, the volume of rainfall may increase when it does pour.

Low-level floods can be expected at the Northeast portion of the Municipality or that nearing the Biñan area
(Figure 16). Thirteen(13) barangays composed of 43 puroks are low susceptible to flooding. These consist
of more or less 177 hectares covering almost all Barangays of the Municipality due to clogged drainage lines
and waterways (Figure 17). While four (4) Barangays with 10 puroks are high susceptible to flooding and
consist an area of 18 hectares. These include the low lying areas of Carmona such as Barangays Cabilang
Baybay Maduya, Rosario and Milagrosa. Flood in Cabilang Baybay were caused by back flowing of water
from Binan City (Laguna de Bay). The rest are due to insufficient outfalls and drainage lines that makes the
area as the water basin of upper areas.

Figure 16. Flood susceptibility map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 17. Flood hazard map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 18. Barangay 1 flood susceptibility map

In Barangay 1 with a total of 608, 186 households are located along riverbanks (Figure 18).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 19. Barangay Maduya susceptibility map

In Barangay Maduya with 1,804 households, 547 are located along riverbanks (Figure 19).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 20. Barangay Cabilang Baybay susceptibility map

A total of 160 out of the 1,425 households from Barangay Cabilang Baybay are located near riverbanks
(Figure 20).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 21. Barangay Milagrosa flood susceptibility map

About 933 households from Barangay Milagrosa are susceptible to floods due its location near river banks
(Figure 21).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2.3.3 Sensitivity

Sensitivity refers to the responsiveness of a system to climate hazards. This is often represented conceptually
as a dose-response model – the more sensitive a system, the larger the rate or magnitude of an adverse
response to a given hazard. Sensitivity may vary considerably from one system, sector or population to

The most sensitive Barangay is Brgy Milagrosa with a sensitivity index of 0.46348 followed by Brgy Lantic
with an index of 0.4576. Since Milagrosa is the most populated barangay, all sensitivity indicators contributed
much to gain higher index.The most helpless population such as the children, elderly, and persons with
disability are outnumbered compared with other Barangays.There are no ecological areas like protecetd
areas and heritage sites that contribute to its sensitivity.However, there are little livelihood at risk because
there is little agricultural and industrial areas which might be affected during disaster. Figure 22 summarizes
the exposure indices per Barangay of the Municipality.

Shown in Table 19 is the ecological sensitivity per Barangay derived from the CCVI. Among the indicators
from this category are proportion of protected areas and, number of local heritage sites. there is a very low
sensitivity in this area at Carmona since there is very little protected areas and no heritage area in the
Municipality. On the other hand, among the indicators for livelihood at risk category are percentage of
agricultural lands, percentage of industrial lands and commercial lands, and proportion of househoulds
engaged in fishing. Most agricultural lands are located outside the poblacion areas with Barangay Lantic,
Maduya and Milagrosa with the highest proportions while in terms of industrial and commercial lands,
Barangay Lantic has the highest proportion with almost 50% (Table 20).

Finally, Barangay Milagrosa followed by Barangay Lantic then Barangay Maduya resulted to be the
Barangays with population highly at risks towards climate-related hazards. These barangays are among the
most populated barangays (Table 21).


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 19. Ecological sensitivity per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Ecological Sensitivity
proc_ars proc_ars_nor heri_sites heri_sites_nor Subtotal
Bancal 0.21 1.000 0 0 0.112
Cabilang Baybay 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Lantic 0.15 0.715 0 0 0.080
Mabuhay 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Maduya 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Milagrosa 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 1 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 2 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 3 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 4 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 5 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 6 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 7 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000
Barangay 8 0.00 0.000 0 0 0.000

Table 20. Livelihood at Risk by Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Livelihood at Risk
% % % % % ff %ff_nor Subtotal
agriland agriland_nor indusland indusland_nor
Bancal 21.10 0.289 5.42 0.107 0.00 0.000 0.049
Cabilang Baybay 19.41 0.266 17.81 0.359 0.00 0.000 0.060
Lantic 71.20 0.976 49.4 1.000 0.00 0.000 0.203
Mabuhay 10.68 0.146 17.58 0.354 0.00 0.000 0.043
Maduya 72.85 0.999 9.3 0.186 0.00 0.000 0.157
Milagrosa 72.94 1.000 0.81 0.014 0.00 0.000 0.146
Barangay 1 0.00 0.000 0.19 0.001 0.00 0.000 0.000
Barangay 2 0.00 0.000 0.99 0.017 0.00 0.000 0.001
Barangay 3 0.00 0.000 0.84 0.014 0.00 0.000 0.001
Barangay 4 0.00 0.000 1.04 0.018 0.00 0.000 0.001
Barangay 5 0.00 0.000 0.92 0.016 0.00 0.000 0.001
Barangay 6 0.00 0.000 0.14 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000
Barangay 7 0.00 0.000 0.85 0.014 0.00 0.000 0.001
Barangay 8 0.00 0.000 1.57 0.029 0.00 0.000 0.002


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 21. Population at risk per Barangay in the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Population at Risk Total
popden popden %eldrs %eldrs_ % %childrn %PWDs %PWDs Subtotal
_nor nor childrn _nor _nor
Bancal 16.48 0.035 2.64 0.000 32.96 0.837 0.60 0.549 0.204 0.365
Cabilang Baybay 19.28 0.042 3 0.040 32.07 0.785 0.53 0.486 0.192 0.253
Lantic 2.39 0.000 3.64 0.110 33.18 0.850 0.32 0.295 0.175 0.458
Mabuhay 35.80 0.083 4.34 0.187 33.08 0.844 0.47 0.431 0.214 0.257
Maduya 43.74 0.103 4.55 0.211 31.33 0.741 1.03 0.950 0.287 0.444
Milagrosa 292.20 0.719 3.57 0.103 35.75 1.000 0.56 0.518 0.317 0.463
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 405.41 1.000 5.79 0.347 29.93 0.659 0.93 0.855 0.387 0.387
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 95.45 0.231 11.71 1.000 23.21 0.266 1.08 1.000 0.341 0.342
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 116.67 0.284 10.29 0.843 18.67 0.000 0.19 0.176 0.163 0.164
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 97.48 0.236 10.33 0.848 26.38 0.451 0.00 0.000 0.191 0.192
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 172.40 0.422 11.19 0.943 21.69 0.177 0.17 0.159 0.213 0.214
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 175.96 0.431 10.29 0.843 20.57 0.111 0.34 0.311 0.217 0.217
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 191.03 0.468 10.61 0.879 21.39 0.159 0.87 0.802 0.310 0.311
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 85.97 0.207 5.19 0.281 28.26 0.561 0.57 0.524 0.217 0.219

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2.3.4 Adaptive Capacity

Adaptive Capacity is the ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and
extremes), to moderate the potential damage from it, to take advantage of its opportunities, or to cope with
its consequences. It is categorized into five (5) with various indicators as shown in Table 22.

Table 22. Characterization of adaptive capacity for CCVI


Adaptive Economic Resource Average income per capita
Capacity and Distribution Average number of assets per household
Financial resources for disaster risk reduction (peso per
Poverty gap
Proportion of population below the poverty threshold
Income inequality (Gini coefficient)
Skills Number of trained persons on DRR per 100 population
Average number of years in school (15 years old and above)
Proportion of employed persons with skills
Number of health workers per 100 population
Literacy rate
Information and Proportion of households with access to landline or mobile
Technology phone
Number of DRR communication equipment
Infrastructure Number of health facilities
Number of buildings for evacuations (except health facilities)
Length of dikes
Number of dams
Number of DRR equipment (except communication
Length of good quality road in kilometers
Institutions Proportion of population who are members of community
Number of regulations on Climate Change
Presence of early warning system
Presence of DRR plans
Proportion of voters
Proportion of adult population (15 – 29 years old)

As mentioned earlier, the least adaptive Barangay is Barangay 6 with an capacity index of 0.68264 while
Maduya is the most adaptive Barangay. Due to its contiguity to the Municipal Hall, almost all the facilities and
services are immediately provided without the services of the Barangay. The residents could immediately
utilize the town plaza as the nearest evacuation area as well as its emergency equipments. The available
skilled and literate residents contributed less percentage due to its low population density.

Further, Barangay 6 has low economic resources since its Internal Revenue Allotment is low and has no
income-generating projects. Shown in Figure 22 is a reference map for adaptive capacity of the Municipality.

Table 23 – 27 shows the results for adaptive capacity per identified category.


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Figure 22. Adaptive capacity map of the Municipality of Carmona, Cavite

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 23.Economic resources and distribution category for adaptive capacity

Economic Resources and distribution
pci pci_ asset Assets fundsDRR Funds povgap Pov povp povp_n ineq ineq_n Subtotal
nor _nor _ppp DRR_ gap_ or or
ppp_nor nor
Bancal 49427.54 0.228 6.52 0.000 405,656.85 0.872 0.0601 0.361 19.06 0.506 0.42985 0.517 0.090

Cabilang 41892.31 0.000 7.89 0.254 339,850 0.712 0.06326 0.391 18.88 0.498 0.38518 0.131 0.071
Lantic 53730.98 0.359 7.98 0.271 290,093 0.590 0.06253 0.384 19.92 0.545 0.45317 0.719 0.100

Mabuhay 52681.7 0.327 7.82 0.240 223,640.95 0.428 0.06143 0.373 17.21 0.423 0.44248 0.627 0.084

Maduya 45220.57 0.101 7.84 0.244 455,003.35 0.993 0.07357 0.488 20.45 0.568 0.40914 0.338 0.098

Milagrosa 46099.56 0.128 7.69 0.217 457,884.30 1.000 0.08042 0.553 23.08 0.686 0.48567 1.000 0.123

Barangay 1 42765.54 0.026 7.72 0.222 97,072 0.119 0.12768 1.000 30.1 1.000 0.47159 0.878 0.115

Barangay 2 59674.68 0.539 11.06 0.840 52,698.95 0.011 0.04352 0.204 10.53 0.124 0.37001 0.000 0.057

Barangay 3 70241.16 0.859 11.93 1.000 55,309.25 0.017 0.03529 0.126 8.53 0.035 0.40276 0.283 0.076

Barangay 4 61248.8 0.587 9.29 0.513 48,295.15 0.000 0.03986 0.169 12.86 0.229 0.4211 0.442 0.066

Barangay 5 59427.73 0.531 9.65 0.579 59,856.85 0.028 0.04859 0.252 15.48 0.346 0.46944 0.860 0.085

Barangay 6 62360.13 0.620 9.65 0.578 52,362 0.010 0.0523 0.287 11.76 0.179 0.42386 0.466 0.072

Barangay 7 74888.35 1.000 8.91 0.442 55,820.75 0.018 0.02197 0.000 7.75 0.000 0.4736 0.896 0.078

Barangay 8 49552.05 0.232 8.77 0.417 95,830.35 0.116 0.04663 0.233 14.69 0.311 0.38479 0.128 0.050

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 24. Skills category data for adaptive capacity

#DDR #DDRskills sch_yrs sch_yrs %skilled %skilled #hw #hw %lit %lit Subtotal
skills _nor _nor wkrs wkrs_nor _nor _nor
Bancal 2 0.111 11.63359 0.137 81.26 0.413 0.560 0.060 98.77 0.505 0.041
Cabilang Baybay 4 0.333 11.57309 0.104 79.71 0.355 0.710 0.076 98.47 0.352 0.048
Lantic 3 0.222 11.47663 0.052 73.3 0.115 0.570 0.061 98.69 0.464 0.034
Mabuhay 3 0.222 11.88978 0.275 80.96 0.402 0.510 0.055 97.78 0.000 0.037
Maduya 10 1.000 11.53485 0.083 81.84 0.435 0.930 0.100 98.48 0.357 0.093
Milagrosa 5 0.444 11.37978 0.000 76.16 0.222 0.790 0.085 98.21 0.219 0.045
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 3 0.222 11.42456 0.024 78.33 0.303 0.820 0.088 98.01 0.117 0.032
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 2 0.111 12.79379 0.761 85.5 0.572 9.330 1.000 99.74 1.000 0.115
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 1 0.000 12.48009 0.592 96.91 1.000 0.000 0.000 99.35 0.801 0.072
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 7 0.667 13.05514 0.902 91.18 0.785 2.950 0.316 99.55 0.903 0.128
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 1 0.000 13.23736 1.000 88.32 0.678 0.000 0.000 98.8 0.520 0.062
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 1 0.000 12.67728 0.698 75.9 0.212 0.000 0.000 99.41 0.832 0.047
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 1 0.000 12.62168 0.669 84.19 0.523 0.000 0.000 98.62 0.429 0.046
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 1 0.000 11.80676 0.230 70.24 0.000 1.020 0.109 98.97 0.607 0.027

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 25. Information and technology category data for adaptive capacity

Information and Technology
%Hhsphone %Hhsphone_nor #DRRcomeqpts #DRRcomeqpts_nor Subtotal
Bancal 74.3 0.817 10 0.583 0.096
Cabilang Baybay 72 0.712 10 0.583 0.090
Lantic 63.67 0.331 8 0.417 0.055
Mabuhay 70.63 0.650 10 0.583 0.087
Maduya 68.4 0.548 10 0.583 0.081
Milagrosa 66.5 0.461 15 1.000 0.115
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 76.81 0.932 3 0.000 0.049
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 69.3 0.589 3 0.000 0.031
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 68.22 0.539 3 0.000 0.028
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 56.43 0.000 3 0.000 0.000
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 71.43 0.686 3 0.000 0.036
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 66.91 0.479 3 0.000 0.025
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 78.29 1.000 3 0.000 0.052
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 69.98 0.620 8 0.417 0.070

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 26. Infrastructure and service facilities category data for adaptive capacity

Infrastructures and Service Facilities
#hf #hf #bldge #bldge Lg Lgdike #dams #dams #DRR #DRR lggdrds Lggdrds Subtotal
_nor cav cav_nor dikes s_nor _nor eqpts eqpts_nor _nor
Bancal 1.000 0.091 1 0.500 0 0.000 0 0.000 3 0.200 4.17 0.260 0.052
Cabilang 3.000 0.273 1 0.500 0 0.000 0 0.000 5 0.600 3.25 0.199 0.087
Lantic 2.000 0.182 2 1.000 0 0.000 2 1.000 3 0.200 9.73 0.628 0.116
Mabuhay 7.000 0.636 1 0.500 0 0.000 0 0.000 3 0.200 15.34 1.000 0.102
Maduya 11.000 1.000 1 0.500 0 0.000 0 0.000 7 1.000 10.83 0.701 0.166
Milagrosa 7.000 0.636 2 1.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 8.5 0.547 0.099
Barangay 1 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 1.8 0.103 0.003
Barangay 2 5.000 0.455 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 0.56 0.021 0.022
Barangay 3 2.000 0.182 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 0.51 0.017 0.009
Barangay 4 11.000 1.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 0.7 0.030 0.047
Barangay 5 1.000 0.091 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 0.7 0.030 0.005
Barangay 6 3.000 0.273 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 0.25 0.000 0.013
Barangay 7 3.000 0.273 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.000 1.3 0.070 0.015
Barangay 8 1.000 0.091 2 1.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 3 0.200 1.44 0.079 0.072

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Table 27. Institutions category data for adaptive capacity

Institutions Total
% %assoc regCC regCC EWS DRR % % %adult %adult Subtotal
assoc _nor _nor plans voters voters pop pop_nor
Bancal 3.75 0.002 7 1.000 1 1 83.68 0.459 64.4 0.359 0.144 0.577
Cabilang Baybay 3.73 0.000 7 1.000 1 1 80.23 0.314 64.94 0.411 0.141 0.562
Lantic 7.05 0.258 7 1.000 1 1 80.27 0.315 63.18 0.241 0.149 0.545
Mabuhay 10.26 0.508 7 1.000 1 1 84.03 0.473 62.57 0.182 0.158 0.532
Maduya 11.15 0.577 7 1.000 1 1 83.35 0.445 64.13 0.333 0.160 0.403
Milagrosa 9.18 0.424 7 1.000 1 1 72.77 0.000 60.68 0.000 0.149 0.470
Barangay 1 (Pob.) 10.51 0.528 7 1.000 1 1 85.65 0.541 64.28 0.347 0.160 0.642
Barangay 2 (Pob.) 16.58 1.000 7 1.000 1 1 87.32 0.612 65.08 0.424 0.174 0.601
Barangay 3 (Pob.) 11.5 0.605 7 1.000 1 1 96.56 1.000 71.05 1.000 0.169 0.646
Barangay 4 (Pob.) 12.92 0.715 7 1.000 1 1 94.75 0.924 63.28 0.251 0.171 0.587
Barangay 5 (Pob.) 13.03 0.724 7 1.000 1 1 95.13 0.940 67.13 0.622 0.171 0.641
Barangay 6 (Pob.) 9.8 0.472 7 1.000 1 1 88.77 0.673 69.14 0.816 0.160 0.683
Barangay 7 (Pob.) 9.23 0.428 7 1.000 1 1 90.68 0.753 68 0.706 0.160 0.648
Barangay 8 (Pob.) 11.07 0.571 7 1.000 1 1 86.17 0.563 66.55 0.566 0.161 0.619

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

The vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate change depends not only on the magnitude of
climate stress, but more so the sensitivity and capacity of affected individual to adapt or cope with such strain.
The capacity to adapt and cope depends upon many factors, including wealth, technology, education,
institutions, information, skills and access to resources, which are generally scarce in poor communities.
Thus, vulnerability recognizes that socio-economic systems play a role in intensifying or moderating the
impacts of climate change.

The problem of rapid climate change is inseparably entwined with the challenges of development. As an
example, although high-income countries first created the problem through the uncontrolled emissions of
greenhouse gas, poor people in the developing worlds are feeling the impacts first and worst. Moreover,
some developing countries are now major emitters, and the developing world accounts for more than half of
all current greenhouse gases. Therefore, for responses to climate change to be successful, we must address
developing countries’ needs including the right to development. The greatest challenge is to explore more
possibilities to improve efforts toward greenhouse gas mitigation and abatement in line with the thrusts on
sustainable development, such as low carbon lifestyles.

2.4.1 Implications of greenhouse gas inventory

GHG emissions are one of the most widely accepted sustainability performance indicators developed. It is
an essential link between science and policy-making for various reasons thus its absence undermine
developmental efforts.

Mitigation options are evaluated paving the way for assessing the effectiveness of policies and measures.
Estimating GHG emissions enables local governments to create an emissions baseline, monitoring progress,
assess the relative contributions of emission sources, communicate with stakeholders, and create and
informed mitigation strategy based on such information. The scope of GHG emissions can help inform the
development of a climate action plan or the implementation of climate policies.

Thru the inventory, sectors, sources and activities within the locality that are responsible for greenhouse gas
emissions can be identified. Emission trends can now be understood through tracking the reduction progress
while setting goals and targets for future reductions. However, due to its tedious nature and often confusing
scope and limitations, most local governments begin reducing GHG emissions before or during the
completion of a formal inventory.

2.4.2 Climate change adaptation mainstreaming to development plans

Based on the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), mainstreaming climate change adaptation
is the iterative process of integrating considerations of climate change adaptation into policy-making,
budgeting implementation and monitoring processes at national, sector and subnational levels. It is a multi -
year, multi-stakeholder effort grounded in the contribution of climate change adaptation to human well-being,
pro-poor economic growth, and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It entails
working with a range of government and non-governmental actors and other players in the development field.

The importance of climate change adaptation can be achieved into two main objectives, (i) reducing the risks
posed by climate change to project activities, stakeholders, and results to sometimes referred to as climate-
proofing, and (ii) ensuring that project or program activities maximize their contribution to adaptive capacity
of target populations and do not inadvertently increase vulnerability to climate change, which can be achieved
through interventions designed to build resilience while achieving development goals.

Climate-proofing is primarily concerned with protecting development investments and outcomes from the
impacts of climate change. Projects sustainability is increased by analyzing the risks posed by climate change


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

to project activities, stakeholders, and results, then modifying and/or adjusting project designs or
implementation plans to mitigate those risks.

On the other hand, mainstreaming adaptation recognizes that development activities that seek to reduce
poverty can build the adaptive capacity of target populations to climate impacts or unconsciously constraint
it. By analyzing vulnerability of these populations to climate change and adjusting project activities to
maximize their contribution to resilience, the impact of development projects can be significantly increased.

Therefore in essence, achieving the MDGs is tantamount to climate change adaptation and vice versa.

Most impacts of climate change are foreseen to impact poverty reductions and other MDG achievements.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) denotes that the existing pattern of failure in
achieving the MDGs correlates with areas where high climate vulnerabilities are observed and expected.
These impacts are based on the premise of continuous changes in climatic conditions and accompanied
climate-related extreme events. However, while MDG progress and reduction in vulnerability to climate
change are closely related, they are not synonymous. Poverty reduction does not automatically reduce the
vulnerability of the poor to climate stressors. Similarly, some climate-related adaptation policies do not reduce
the vulnerability of the poor, in some cases they could even render some groups more susceptive. Therefore,
it is required to consider the factors that affect vulnerability and identify measures targeted specifically at
vulnerability of the poor in both the MDG and the climate debate. Applying a pro-poor focus in all three areas
– the MDGs, the mitigation and the adaptation processes, can generate substantial synergies.

2.4.3 Identifying Institutional linkages and empowerment

Institutions have been defined by many as systems of rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that
give rise to social practices, assign roles to the participants in these practices, and guide interactions among
the occupants of the relevant roles. It also refers to organization as a formalized pattern of rules and decision-

There are three (3) types of institutions relevant to local adaptation that can be defined: civic, public and
private in their formal and informal forms: (i) local public institutions (e.g. LGUs, local agencies or other arms
of higher levels of government operating at local levels), (ii) civil society institutions (e.g. rural producer
organizations, cooperatives, savings and loan groups), and (iii) private institutions (e.g. service organizations
such as NGOs, private businesses). They shape the livelihood impacts of climate hazards through a range
of indispensable functions they perform in rural contexts such as information gathering and dissemination,
resource mobilization and allocation, skills development and capacity building, providing leadership, and
networking with other decision makers and institutions. In broad explanation, they shape the ability of
households to respond to climate impacts and pursue different adaptation practices and they mediate the
flow of external interventions in the context of adaptation.

The capacity of a particular institution is important in how they affect climate change adaptation. But equally
important are linkages and interconnections they have with each other and households; these affect flow of
resources and decision-making power among social groups, and thus their capacity to adapt. There are two
(2) types of linkages relevant to adaptation capacity and outcomes that can be identified: (i) linkages to
institutions, which is the degree to which different households are linked to various institutions in their locality
impacts their access to resources and decision-making, and thereby their capacity to adapt. Institutional
connections provide households and communities greater flexibility in their choice of diversification and
adaptation strategies. And, (ii) linkages between institutions, the effectiveness of a particular institution in
coordinating and responding to climate change is shaped by its connections with other local and external
institutions. Connections between local and higher level institutions allow residents of a given locality to
leverage their membership of local institutions for gains from outside the locality.

Henceforth, to be able to maximize the potential of identifying and empowering institutions and their linkages,
greater capacity to adapt locally and nationally should focus on the following:


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

1. A greater role for institutional partnerships in facilitating adaptation is needed. Institutional
partnerships are crucial to local adaptation practices. Support for such partnerships can greatly
enhance informal institutional processes through which adaptation occurs.

2. Enhancing the capacity of local institutions. A critical step, is ensuring that capacity of these
institutions are enhanced. The intensity of adverse future climate impacts is likely to increase
thereby also increasing current climate vulnerability and reducing existing adaptive capacity.

3. Understanding the roles of local institutions and their linkages.

4. Improve institutional coordination across scales for better planning and implementation.

5. Focus on territorial development strategies taking both vulnerabilities and capacities into
account. Interventions for improving adaptive capacity in the context of development projects
need to attend better to adaptation practices facilitated by different forms of external support.

6. Adopt an adaptive perspective on institutional development. The development of greater

adaptive capacity will require willingness to experiment, tolerate mistakes, and promote social
learning and behavioral change in terms of increasing risk management.

2.4.4 Costs and Financing

Estimating the costs of climate change impacts and adaptation is fundamentally problematic as evidenced
by the lack of quantified data and the variety in the scale estimates that have been undertaken. Further, such
estimates have tended to be based on strong assumptions, such as perfect foresight, and there are very few
cross-sector studies that look at cumulative effects within counties or the wider macro-economic
consequences of impacts or adaptation.

A number of organizations such as the World Bank have attempted to calculate the costs of adaptation in
developing countries. The estimates shows that climate proofing development investments, including Official
Development Assistance (ODA) and concessional finance, foreign direct investment and gross domestic
investment in developing countries alone will cost between 10 to 40 billion US dollars annually. This does not
even account the costs of climate proofing existing supplies of natural and physical capital where no new
investment is planned, the cost of financing new investments specifically to deal with climate change, or the
costs to households and communities to fund their own adaptation needs.

The main source of international funding for adaptation is the UNFCCC divided into four (4): the Least
Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), the Global Environment
Facility (GEF), and the Adaptation Fund (AF), which sits under the Kyoto Protocol. These funds however are
not adequate to meet adaptation needs in developing countries alone. Moreover, many developing countries
have expressed concern over the unclear guidance and high transaction costs attached to the GEF funding
mechanisms. In addition, although funding through the GEF is not formally conditional, requirements attached
to funding include burdensome reporting and co-financing criteria.

At the local scene, adaptation finance has grown significantly and represents a growing section of the
country’s total international funding flows. With such, several issues and concerns have emerged particularly
on the issue of disbursement, to which, sectors, and methodologies. Furthermore, a World Bank study in
2013 showed that the country’s budget on climate change adaptation and mitigation fell below international
standards despite dramatic increase in recent years. Sources of financing for climate change activities stem
primarily from domestic sources through the GAA, Special Purpose Funds (SPFs) and Special Accounts in
General Funds (SAGF). Several large climate activities that should have contributed to resilient communities
are underfunded or not funded at all. Provinces and Municipalities that are at greatest risk of being affected
by climate hazards have lower total income per capita with about 70 percent if their income derived from the
Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA). Funds sources that should have abated the current dilemma at the local
level are observed to have different sets of rules and processes, eligibility criteria, and cost-sharing
requirements that all the more make it difficult for LGUs to plan, mobilize resources, and monitor and report
on results.

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


In accord with the various development intentions of the LGU satisfying the NCCAP seven major priorities,
the following are the specific objectives for this LCCAP:

Table 28. Specific objectives for the Local Climate Change Action Plan


1. Social Services
Education and Socially protective and safe LGU  Knowledge and
Manpower capacity
Development  To increase completion/survival rate in all development
year level
 To increase achievement level in all
subject areas
 To reduce drop-out rate by at least 2%
 To provide different enhancement
programs for children with disabilities
 To develop teachers’ competencies
 To mainstream CCA in instructional

Health,  To improve the nutritional status of  Human Security

Nutrition and children
Population  To provide the populace with adequate
Control medical services and affordable quality
medicines and health goods
 To lower incidence of communicable
 To widen PhilHealth coverage
 To sustain and expand coverage on social
health insurance
 To implement family planning program

Labor and  To increase employment rate  Climate-friendly

Employment  To address underemployment industries and
 To ensure employment of infrastructure services

Housing and  To minimize number of informal settlers  Human Security

Community  To minimize number of makeshift houses
Social Security,  To provide means of livelihood to out-of-  Human Security
Social Services school and indigent families and  Knowledge and
and Welfare individuals capacity
 To address gender sensitivity programs development
 Implement programs for the elderly
 Implement programs for the persons with
 Implement programs for DRRM

Environmental  To rehabilitate polluted rivers  Ecological and

Management  To provide clear waterways and drainage Environmental
lines Stability
 To ensure water supply for years to come


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

 To adopt special waste collection scheme,  Water
methodologies and disposal Sufficiency
 To monitor greenhouse gas emission
 To establish and equip an anti-smoke
belching unit to monitor vehicular

2. Economic Competitive and business-friendly LGU  Food Security

Services  Climate-friendly
 To increase crop production by 20% industries and
 To provide and maintain internal and services
external linkages


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Outlined in this chapter are the planned ways to reduce the negative impacts climate change thru the
development of adaptation measures. The included activities are based on options identified through local
plans such as AIP, CLUP and CDP among others. Individual outputs per sector were also collected and

In terms of format, a design proposed by the Local Climate Change Adaptation for Development (LLCAD) in
partnership with the Local Government Academy (LGA) and the DILG was utilized. The chosen measures
address both that of climate change adaptation and achieving the MDGs.

Table 29. Local Climate Change Adaptation Measures


Education and Decrease access Improve  Improvement of  DepEd
Manpower to quality educational preparatory  DepEd-
Development education services facilities for Carmona
children 6 years  LGU
below  Sangguniang
Bayan (SB)

 Strengthen and  LGU

expand  SB

1. Iskolar ng
Bayan ng
Cavite (IBCC)
2. Expanded
 Implement  LGU
Alternative  SB
Learning System  DepEd-
(ALS) for Out-of- Carmona
School youths
 Recognize  LGU
exemplary  SB
students thru the
Annual Gintong
Butil Awards
 Implement other  LGU
education-related  SB
program under the  LGU-MSWD
Program: Carmona
 DepEd
1. ALS for PWD  PDAO


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

2. Informal
3. Project MAMA
4. Computer-
5. Open High
 Implementation of  LGU-MENRO
a school-based  DepEd-
education program Carmona
such as YES-O
Club that will
climate change
Health, Increase morbidity Improve  Improvement of  LGU-MHO
Nutrition and on regular community’s health and
Population consultation of general health medical services
Control respiratory, and well-being of Municipal
infectious and Health Office
notifiable diseases (MHO) and
during calamities Barangay Health
 Implementation of  LGU-MHO
the Expanded  DOH
Program on
(EPI) to prevent
infectious and
notifiable diseases
in children
 Enrollment of poor  LGU-MHO
families to  LGU-MSWD
PhilHeath thru the
PhilHealth para sa
Masa program
 Flu immunization  LGU-MHO
for senior citizens
 Increase in the  LGU-MHO
provision of Other  Philippine Red
Professional Cross
Services (OPD  DOH
Doctors to handle
increasing out-
patient cases)
 Provision of  LGU-ITU
access to  LGU-MHO

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

PhilHealth online  PhilHealth
services (e.g.
Member Data
 Mass  LGU-MHO
Immunization for
Measles, Rubella
and Oral Polio
 Food safety  LGU- MHO
training for MSWD  LGU-MENRO
staff, community  LGU-MDRRMO
members and
others engaged in
preparing food in
special conditions
where water and
electricity are not
Presence of Improvement of  Implementation of  LGU-MHO
increasing general services Dengue  Pamahalaang
numbers of for health Prevention and Barangay
health cases Control program  NGOs
clustering and
 Implementation of  LGU-MHO
10% buffer stock  LGU-MDRRMO
to be used during
calamities of
health and
medical services
for MHO and BHS
 Procurement of  LGU-MHO
medical, dental
and laboratory
supplies as 10%
buffer stock to be
used during
 Improvement of  LGU-MHO
BHS  Pamanahalaang
 Implementation of  LGU-MHO
Pambata program
 Conduct training  LGU-MHO
of Barangay  LGU-MDRRMO
Health Emergency  Office of the
Response Team Civil Defense
 National
Disaster Risk
Reduction and


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

Presence of Improvement of  Provision of water  LGU-MHO
health hazards other health- and toilet facilities  LGU-
related facilities to communities Engineering
with none Office
 Pamahalaang
 Establishment of a  LGU-MHO
Community Health  Barangay
Team Health Workers
 Family Health
Workers (FHW)
 Pamahalaang
 NGOs
 Creation of an  SB
population for
Livelihood and Vulnerability of the Improvement of  Provision and  LGU-PESO
Employment work force to lose working improvement of  LGU-MDRMMO
jobs during conditions personal  DOLE
occurrence of protective  Carmona
calamities equipment (PPE) Business Club
 Individual
Industrial Park
 Improvement of  LGU-Building
working areas Official (BO)
adaptive to climate  LGU-PESO
variability such as  CBC
extreme low and  IIPA
high temperature
and precipitation.
 Improvement of  DOLE
social protection  LGU-PESO
schemes,  SB
including active  CBC
labor market  IIPA
policies (e.g.
social security,
maintenance and
job replacement
Stimulate new  Promote and  DOLE
work provide training  TESDA
opportunities and skills LGU-PESO

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

development for
 Encourage  LGU-LEIPO
capitalists to have  CBC
sound investments  LGU
in low-emission
and labor-
technologies and
sectors thru
incentives and the
 Provide capital for  LGU-LEIPO
small and  LGU-MSWD
medium-scale  LGU-PESO
business  NGOs
opportunities  Banks and
 Implement Self-  LGU-MSWD
Kaunlaran – SEAK
Facilitation Track)
Provide means of  Conduct livelihood  LGU-MSWD
livelihood to out- trainings  LGU-PESO
of-school and  TESDA
indigent families
and individuals
 Implement Unlad  LGU-MSWD
programs such as
distribution of
Housing and Communities Provision of  Provide affordable  LGU-Municipal
Community living in makeshift settlements for housing options Development
Development houses and informal settlers and Housing
informal settlers and those living Office (MDHO)
with little to no in makeshift  SB
infrastructure that houses  LGU-MPDC
provide protection.  LGU-
 National
Authority (NHA)
 Housing and
Land Use
Board (HLURB)
Damages to Improvement of  Provide guidelines  LGU-Municipal
human human for climate change Development
settlements due to settlements proofing of

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

inappropriate settlements such and Housing
location, design as: Office (MDHO)
and materials  SB
used. 1. Incorporating  LGU-MPDC
protection  LGU-
against flooding Engineering
and storms  LGU-BO
2. More efficient  National
water systems in Housing
anticipation of Authority (NHA)
drought  Housing and
3. Cool areas to Land Use
minimize the Regulatory
need for air Board (HLURB
4. Heath reflective
surfaces in
external areas
5. Damp proofing to
prevent mosquito
 Assessment and  LGU-MPDC
identification of  LGU-MDRRMO
development  LGU-Assessor
areas for Office (AO)
Develop  Develop and  LGU-MDRRMO
mitigating install early  LGU-
activities for more warning systems Engineering
frequent climate- to minimize Office
related calamities property damages  LGU-ITU
such as CCTV,  LGU-MIO
devices and
subscription to
for massive text
 Develop plans to  LGU-MDRRMC
evacuate and
rehouse where
settlements are
Social Security, Disruption in the Develop  Implementation of  LGU-MSWD
Social Service provision of programs that are special social  OSCA
and Welfare social-related gender-sensitive service for the
services due to relating to elderly Elderly under RA
presence of 9994:
calamities 1. Munting Regalo
Para sa
Kaarawan MO
2. Recreational


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

3. Celebration of
OSCA Month
4. Burial Assistance

Develop  Participate in the  PDAO

programs that are National Autism
gender sensitive Consciousness
relating to Week
persons with
 Participate in the  PDAO
National Down
 Conduct Summer  PDAO
Class for Children
with Special
 Implementation of  PDAO
Tatay Ko, Nanay
Ko Program
 Conduct of  PDAO
Speech Therapy
 Conduct of  PDAO
 Conduct of risk  PDAO
mapping to  LGU-MDRRMO
identify vulnerable
 Conduct of  PDAO
Nutrition Programs
Develop  Conduct capability  LGU-MDRRMO
programs that are building programs
gender sensitive for DRRM Team,
relating to DRRM Barangay
Officials, parents,
teachers and
 Acquisition of  LGU-MDRRMO
rescue and heavy
 Purchase of PPE  LGU-MDRRMO
 Conduct  LGU-MDRRMO
information and
reporting of DRRM
related activities

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

 Implement flood  LGU-MDRRMO
control projects:  LGU-
1. Rehabilitation of Engineering
System at
2. Construction of
Box Culvert at
3. Construction of
Canal Lining at
4. Cala Lining and
Concreting of
Alleys at
 Construction of a  LGU-MDRRMO
Multi-purpose  SB
Coliseum to serve  LGU-
as main Engineering
evacuation center
during calamities
Environmental Disruption in Develop  Conduct river  LGU-MENRO
Management environmental programs that will cleanup activities  Pamahalaang
sustainability enhance the to rehabilitate Barangay
conditions of local polluted rivers  NGOs
environment.  POs
 Industrial
 Conduct  LGU-MENRO
community  LGU-
cleanups to clear Engineering
other waterways  Pamahalaang
and drainage lines Barangay
 NGOs
 POs
 Industrial
 Strengthen waste  LGU-MENRO
collection thru  Pamahalaang
improvements of Barangay
SWM programs
thru saturation of
participation of
programs such as
Basura Palit Gamit


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

 Improve industrial  LGU-MENRO
waste  IIPA
 Conduct  LGU-MENRO
greenhouse gas  IIPA
emission inventory  CBC
and reduction
 Implement air-  LGU-MENRO
related programs  CARTMO
such as ASBU
 Establishment of  LGU-MENRO
Multipartite  IIPA
monitoring team
for Industrial Parks
that will oversee
performances vis-
à-vis national and
local regulations
 Conduct greening  LGU-MENRO
activities as  NGOs
carbon  Industrial
sequestration Establishments
measures through  Pamahalaang
the Puno ng Barangay
Bayan Program
 Installation of LED  LGU-
lights for offices Engineering
and other
including LED
Street lights at
various barangays
(mainroad &
Implement  Establish a water  Carmona Water
programs and impounding dam District (CWD)
projects that will at Pasong  LGU
ensure water Buhangin  National
sufficiency in the Government
 Establish  LGU
rainwater  CWD
harvesting system  NGO
in all government  IIPA
buildings and
facilities and
promotion among
residential and


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

 Source other  CWD
water sources  LGU
such as Laguna
de Bay
Economic Low productivity Capacitate  Conduct Farmer’s  LGU-MAO
Services of agriculture farming Forum on CCA  LGU-MDRRMO
areas for rice, communities strategies
high value crops toward climate
and local livestock change
 Adopt rice/crop  LGU-MAO
varieties/animal  DA
breeds resilient to  Carmona
climate change Farmers’
 PhilRice
 Implement an  LGU-MAO
Integrated Pest  DA
Management  CFA
(IPM) program
 Revise and/or  LGU-MAO
develop new  CFA
planting calendar
and/or farming
Improve  Repair and  LGU-MAO
structural rehabilitate  LGU-
conditions of communal Engineering
irrigation facilities irrigation system
and canals
 Construction of  LGU-MAO
water impounding  LGU-
dams (low land), Engineering
rainwater  CFA
harvesting facility
and water storage
 Replacement of  LGU-MAO
existing pumps  DOST
with more energy  LGU-
efficient ones Engineering
Improve local  Establishment of  LGU-LEIPO
economic and Industrial mapping  LGU-AO
investment and information  IIPA
promotion system
 Conduct capacity  LGU-LEIPO
development for  LGU-PESO
marketing and


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

 Conduct investor  LGU-LEIPO
related activities
such as trade
investor’s night
 Conduct seminar  LGU-LEIPO
 Conduct quarterly  LGU-LEIPO
consultation  CBC
meeting with
private business

Table 30. Indicative budget and implementation schedule


Short Medium Long Term Continuing
DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

Education and  Improvement of  Php 750,000.00 

Manpower preparatory
Development facilities for children
6 years below
 Strengthen and
expand scholarship

1. Iskolar ng  Php 1,500,000.00

Bayan ng (annually) 
Cavite (IBCC)
2. Expanded  Php 3,600,000.00 
Scholarship (annually)
 Implement  Php 200,00.00 
Alternative (annually)
Learning System
(ALS) for Out-of-
School youths
 Recognize  Php 400,000.00 
exemplary students (annually)
thru the Annual
Gintong Butil
 Implement other  Php 2,000,000.00 
education-related (annually)
program under the


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

1. ALS for PWD

2. Informal
3. Project MAMA
4. Computer-
5. Open High
 Implementation of a  Php 200,000.00 
school-based (annually)
education program
such as YES-O
Club that will
mainstream climate
change adaptation
Health,  Improvement of  Php 9,000,000.00 
Nutrition and health and medical
Population services of
Control Municipal Health
Office (MHO) and
Barangay Health
 Implementation of  Php 200,000.00 
the Expanded (annually)
Program on
Immunization (EPI)
to prevent
infectious and
notifiable diseases
in children
 Enrollment of poor  Php 4,800,000.00 
families to (annually)
PhilHeath thru the
PhilHealth para sa
Masa program
 Flu immunization  Php 550,000.00 
for senior citizens (annually)
 Increase in the  Php 2,500,000.00 
provision of Other (annually)
Services (OPD
Doctors to handle
increasing out-
patient cases)
 Provision of access  Php 70,000.00 
to PhilHealth online (annually)
services (e.g.

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

Member Data
 Mass Immunization  Php 1,500,000.00 
for Measles, (annually)
Rubella and Oral
 Food safety training  Php 200,000.00 
for MSWD staff, (as the need
community arises)
members and
others engaged in
preparing food in
special conditions
where water and
electricity are not
 Implementation of  Php 135,000.00 
Dengue Prevention (annually)
and Control
 Implementation of  Php 9,000,000.00 
10% buffer stock to
be used during
calamities of health
and medical
services for MHO
and BHS
 Procurement of  Php 4,000,000.00 
medical, dental and
laboratory supplies
as 10% buffer stock
to be used during
 Improvement of Php 500,000.00 
 Implementation of  Php 20,000.00 
Garantisadong (annually)
Pambata program
 Conduct training of  Php 250,000.00 
Barangay Health (basic + refresher)
Response Team
 Provision of water  Php 125,000.00 
and toilet facilities (annually)
to communities with
 Establishment of a  Php 50,000.00 
Community Health (annually)
 Creation of an  Php 100,000.00 

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

population for
Livelihood and  Provision and  Php 2,500,000.00 
Employment improvement of (LGU only)
personal protective
equipment (PPE)  Php 10,000,000.00 
(other sectors)
 Improvement of  Php 50,000,000.00 
working areas (other sectors)
adaptive to climate
variability such as
extreme low and
high temperature
and precipitation.
 Improvement of  Php 1,000,000.00 
social protection
schemes, including
active labor market
policies (e.g. social
maintenance and
job replacement
 Promote and  Php 1,000,000.00 
provide training and (as the need
skills development arises)
for workers
 Encourage  Php 2,000,000.00 
capitalists to have (annually)
sound investments
in low-emission and
technologies and
sectors thru
incentives and the
 Provide capital for  Php 2,000,000.00 
small and medium- (annually + as the
scale business need arises)
 Implement Self-  Php 1,000,000.00 
employment (annually)
Kaunlaran – SEAK
Facilitation Track)
 Conduct livelihood  Php 1,400,000.00 
trainings (annually)
 Implement Unlad  Php 120,000.00 
Pangkabuhayan (annually)
programs such as


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

distribution of
Housing and  Provide affordable  Php 
Community housing options 300,000,000.00
 Provide guidelines  Php 1,000,000.00 
for climate change
proofing of
settlements such

1. Incorporating
protection against
flooding and
2. More efficient
water systems in
anticipation of
3. Cool areas to
minimize the need
for air conditioning
4. Heath reflective
surfaces in
external areas
5. Damp proofing to
prevent mosquito
 Assessment and  Php 5,000,000.00 
identification of
development areas
for settlements
 Develop and install  Php 15,000,000.00 
early warning
systems to
minimize property
damages such as
CCTV, solar-
powered devices
and subscription to
for massive text
 Develop plans to  Php 1,000,000.00 
evacuate and
rehouse where
settlements are
Social Security,  Implementation of
Social Service special social
and Welfare service for the
Elderly under RA


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

1. Munting Regalo  Php 4,000,000.00 

Para sa Kaarawan (annually)
2. Recreational  Php 100,000.00
materials (annually)
3. Celebration of  Php 150,000.00
OSCA Month (annually)
4. Burial Assistance  Php 500,000.00
 Participate in the  Php 100,000.00 
National Autism (annually)
 Participate in the  Php 100,000.00 
National Down (annually)
 Conduct Summer  Php 50,000.00 
Class for Children (annually)
with Special Needs
 Implementation of  Php 100,000.00 
Tatay Ko, Nanay (annually)
Ko Program
 Conduct of Speech  Php 200,000.00 
Therapy Program (annually)
 Conduct of  Php 50,000.00 
Community-Based (annually)
 Conduct of risk  Php 1,000,000.00 
mapping to identify
 Conduct of  Php 2,000,000.00 
Nutrition Programs (annually)
 Conduct capability  Php 1,000,000.00 
building programs (annually)
for DRRM Team,
Barangay Officials,
parents, teachers
and community
 Acquisition of  Php 7,000,000.00 
emergency, rescue
and heavy
 Purchase of PPE  Php 300,000.00 
 Conduct  Php 375,000.00 
communication, (one basic +
warning, refresher or as the
information and need arises)
reporting of DRRM
related activities

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

 Implement flood
control projects:
5. Rehabilitation of  Php 2,000,000.00 
Drainage System
at Barangay
Cabilang Baybay
6. Construction of  Php1,500,000.00 
Box Culvert at
7. Construction of  Php 3,000,000.00 
Canal Lining at
8. Cala Lining and  Php 2,000,000.00 
Concreting of
Alleys at
 Construction of a  Php 
Multipurpose 200,000,000.00
Coliseum to serve
as main evacuation
center during
Environmental  Conduct river  Php 100,000.00 
Management cleanup activities to
rehabilitate polluted
 Conduct  Php 50,000.00 
cleanups to clear
other waterways
and drainage lines
 Strengthen waste  1,000,000.00 
collection thru (annually)
improvements of
SWM programs
thru saturation of
participation of
programs such as
Basura Palit Gamit
 Improve industrial  Php 125,000.00 
waste management (monitoring only –
 Conduct  Php 500,000.00 
greenhouse gas
emission inventory
and reduction
 Implement air-  Php 1,500,000.00 
related programs (annually)
such as ASBU

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

 Establishment of  Php 50,000.00 

monitoring team for
Industrial Parks
that will oversee
their environmental
performances vis-
à-vis national and
local regulations
 Conduct greening  Php 550,000.00 
activities as carbon (annually)
measures through
the Puno ng Bayan
 Installation of LED  Php 10,000,000.00 
lights for offices
and other
including LED
Street lights at
various barangays
(mainroad &
 Establish a water  Php 30,000,000.00 
impounding dam at
Pasong Buhangin
 Establish rainwater  Php 5,000,000.00 
harvesting system
in all government
buildings and
facilities and
promotion among
residential and
commercial sectors
 Source other water  - 
sources such as
Laguna de Bay
Economic  Conduct Farmer’s  Php 150,000.00 
Services Forum on CCA
 Adopt rice/crop  Php 3,000,000.00 
breeds resilient to
climate change
 Implement an  Php 150,000.00 
Integrated Pest (annually)
Management (IPM)
 Revise and/or  Php 1,000,000.00 
develop new
planting calendar
and/or farming

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

DEVELOPMENT MEASURES/ Short Medium Long Term Continuing
Term (1- Term (4-6) (7-above)
TARGETS 3) yrs) yrs) yrs)

 Repair and  Php 5,000,000.00 

communal irrigation
 Construction of  Php 15,000,000.00 
water impounding
dams (low land),
harvesting facility
and water storage
 Replacement of  Php 2,000,000.00 
existing pumps with
more energy
efficient ones
 Establishment of  Php 1,000,000.00 
Industrial mapping
and information
 Conduct capacity  Php 60,000.00 
development for (annually)
marketing and
 Conduct investor  Php 400,000.00 
related activities (annually)
such as trade
investor’s night
 Conduct seminar  Php 30,000.00 (as 
about PEZA/TIEZA the need arises)
 Conduct quarterly  Php 75,000.00 
consultation (annually)
meeting with
private business


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024


As defined in the UNFCCC Monitoring & Evaluation Synthesis Report, monitoring and evaluation of projects,
policies and programs form an important part of climate change adaptation process. Ultimately, successful
adaptation will be measured by how well different measures contribute to effectively reducing vulnerability
and building resilience. Lessons learned, good practices, gaps and needs identified during the monitoring
and evaluation of ongoing and completed projects, policies and programs will inform future measures,
creating an iterative and evolutionary adaptation process.

A primary concern of program implementation is that to insure that objectives are met and that the planned
outcomes and impacts should be the result of adaptation interventions. Shown below is the monitoring and
evaluation guide for the local climate change adaptation plan.

The CCA Working Committee shall serve as the Monitoring and Evaluation Team of this LCCAP.

Table 31. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for the LCCAP 2015-2024.


t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
Education and  Improvement of  DepEd   Number of
Manpower preparatory  DepEd- facilities improved
Development facilities for Carmona  Number of
children 6 years  LGU beneficiaries
below  Sangguniang
Bayan (SB)

 Strengthen and  LGU  Number of

expand  SB students granted
scholarship with scholarships
grants: and graduated

1. Iskolar ng 
Bayan ng
Cavite 
2. Expanded
 Implement  LGU   Number of OSY
Alternative  SB benefiting
Learning  DepEd-
System (ALS) Carmona
for Out-of-
School youths
 Recognize  LGU   Number of
exemplary  SB exemplary
individuals thru


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
the Annual individuals
Gintong Butil recognized
 Implement other  LGU   Number of
education-  SB programs
related program  LGU-MSWD implemented
under the  DepEd-  Number of
ABOT-ALAM Carmona beneficiaries
Program:  DepEd
1. ALS for
2. Informal
3. Project
4. Computer-
5. Open High
 Implementation  LGU-   Number of
of a school- MENRO programs
based  DepEd- implemented
education Carmona  Number of
program such beneficiaries per
as YES-O Club program
that will
climate change
Health,  Improvement of  LGU-MHO   Number of health
Nutrition and health and and medical
Population medical services
Control services of improved
Municipal  Number of
Health Office individuals
(MHO) and benefitting
Health Stations
 Implementation  LGU-MHO   Number of people
of the  DOH immunized
Program on
(EPI) to prevent
infectious and


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
diseases in
 Enrollment of  LGU-MHO   Number of
poor families to  LGU-MSWD families enrolled
PhilHeath thru to PhilHealth
the PhilHealth  Number of
para sa Masa families that were
program able to use
 Flu  LGU-MHO   Number of
immunization immunized senior
for senior citizens
 Increase in the  LGU-MHO   Number of other
provision of  Philippine services provided
Other Red Cross  Number of
Professional  DOH individuals
Services (OPD benefited
Doctors to
increasing out-
patient cases)
 Provision of  LGU-ITU   Number of
access to  LGU-MHO beneficiaries
PhilHealth  PhilHealth
online services
(e.g. Member
Data Record)
 Mass  LGU-MHO   Number of
Immunization immunized
for Measles, individuals
Rubella and
Oral Polio
 Food safety  LGU- MHO   Number of people
training for  LGU- trained
MSWD staff, MENRO  Incidence of food-
community  LGU- related diseases
members and MDRRMO decreased
others engaged
in preparing
food in special
where water
and electricity
are not
 Implementation  LGU-MHO   Decrease in
of Dengue  Pamahalaan Dengue cases
Prevention and g Barangay
Control program  NGOs
 Implementation  LGU-MHO   Additional stock
of 10% buffer inventoried

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
stock to be  LGU-
used during MDRRMO
calamities of
health and
services for
 Procurement of  LGU-MHO   Additional
medical, dental supplies
and laboratory inventoried
supplies as
10% buffer
stock to be
used during
 Improvement of  LGU-MHO   Number of BHS
BHS  Pamanahala improved
ang  Number of
Barangay beneficiaries
 Implementation  LGU-MHO   Number of
of beneficiaries
 Conduct  LGU-MHO   Number of
training of  LGU- trainings
Barangay MDRRMO conducted
Health  Office of the  Number of
Emergency Civil Defense participants
Response (OCD)  Number of
Team (BHERT)  National emergencies
Disaster Risk responded
 Provision of  LGU-MHO   Number of toilet
water and toilet  LGU- facilities provided
facilities to Engineering  Amount of water
communities Office supply provided
with none  Pamahalaan  Number of
g Barangay benefitting
 Establishment  LGU-MHO   Number of
of a Community  Barangay Community
Health Team Health Health Team
Workers organized and
(BHW) members
 Family  Number of
Health beneficiaries

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
 Pamahalaan
g Barangay
 NGOs
 Creation of an  SB   Ordinance
ordinance created
prioritizing  Number/sector
vulnerable benefiting
population for
Livelihood and  Provision and  LGU-PESO   PPEs purchased
Employment improvement of  LGU-  Number of
personal MDRMMO employees/
protective  DOLE  individuals
equipment  Carmona benefitted
(PPE) Business  Decrease in
Club (CBC) related accidents
 Individual
 Improvement of  LGU-Building   Decrease in
working areas Official (BO) accidents/ injuries
adaptive to  LGU-PESO related
climate  CBC
variability such  IIPA
as extreme low
and high
 Improvement of  DOLE   Number of
social protection  LGU-PESO additional social
schemes,  SB protection
including active  CBC schemes
labor market  IIPA  Number of
policies (e.g. benefitting
social security, individuals/sector
and job
 Promote and  DOLE   Number of
provide training  TESDA trainings and
and skills LGU-PESO skills provided
development for  Number of
workers beneficiaries
 Number of
individuals who
were able to use
such trainings


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
and skills
 Encourage  LGU-LEIPO   Number and
capitalists to  CBC amount of
have sound  LGU capitalists/
investments in investments
low-emission  Amount of GHG
and labor- emissions
intensive reduced
and sectors thru
incentives and
the like
 Provide capital  LGU-LEIPO   Amount of capital
for small and  LGU-MSWD provided
medium-scale  LGU-PESO  Number of
business  NGOs benefitting
opportunities  Banks and individual/sector
 Implement Self-  LGU-MSWD   Number of
employment beneficiaries
Kaunlaran –
 Conduct  LGU-MSWD   Number of
livelihood  LGU-PESO livelihood
trainings  TESDA trainings
 Number of
 Number of
individuals that
were able to use
such trainings
 Implement  LGU-MSWD   Number of Unlad
Unlad Pangkabuhayan
Pangkabuhayan programs
programs such implemented
as distribution  Number of
of pedicabs beneficiaries
Housing and  Provide  LGU-   Number of
Community affordable Municipal affordable
Development housing options Development housing units
and Housing provided
Office  Number of
(MDHO) families/
 SB individuals
 LGU-MPDC benefitting

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
 LGU-
 National
 Housing and
Land Use
 Provide  LGU-   Number of
guidelines for Municipal beneficiaries
climate change Development
proofing of and Housing
settlements Office
such as: (MDHO)
 SB
1. Incorporating  LGU-MPDC
protection  LGU-
against Engineering
flooding and  LGU-BO
storms  National
2. More Housing
efficient Authority
water (NHA)
systems in  Housing and
anticipation Land Use
of drought Regulatory
3. Cool areas Board
to minimize (HLURB
the need for
4. Heath
surfaces in
5. Damp
proofing to
 Assessment  LGU-MPDC   Total land area
and  LGU- assessed and
identification of MDRRMO identified
development  LGU-
areas for Assessor
settlements Office (AO)


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
 Develop and  LGU-   Number of early
install early MDRRMO warning systems
warning  LGU- installed
systems to Engineering  Number of
minimize Office beneficiaries
property  LGU-ITU
damages such  LGU-MIO
as CCTV, solar-
devices and
subscription to
on for massive
text alerts
 Develop plans  LGU-   Evacuation and
to evacuate and MDRRMC rehouse plan
rehouse where
settlements are
Social  Implementation  LGU-MSWD  Number of elderly
Security, of special social  OSCA beneficiaries
Social Service service for the
and Welfare Elderly under
RA 9994:

1. Munting 
Regalo Para
sa Kaarawan
2. Recreational
3. Celebration of
OSCA Month
4. Burial

 Participate in  PDAO   Number of

the National beneficiaries
 Participate in  PDAO   Number of
the National beneficiaries
 Conduct  PDAO   Number of
Summer Class beneficiaries
for Children with
Special Needs
 Implementation  PDAO   Number of
of Tatay Ko, beneficiaries

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
Nanay Ko
 Conduct of  PDAO   Number of
Speech beneficiaries
 Conduct of  PDAO   Number of
Community- beneficiaries
Based Physical
 Conduct of risk  PDAO   Risk map
mapping to  LGU-
identify MDRRMO
 Conduct of  PDAO   Number of
Nutrition nutrition
Programs programs
 Number of
 Conduct  LGU-   Number of
capability MDRRMO capability building
building programs
programs for conducted
DRRM Team,  Number of
Barangay participants
teachers and
 Acquisition of  LGU-   Number of
emergency, MDRRMO equipment
rescue and purchased
heavy  Number of
equipment beneficiaries
 Purchase of  LGU-   Number of PPEs
PPE for CCA- MDRRMO purchased
DRRM  Number of
 Conduct  LGU-   Number of
communication, MDRRMO activities
warning, conducted
information and  Number of
reporting of beneficiaries
DRRM related
 Implement flood  LGU-  Number of flood
control projects: MDRRMO control projects
1. Rehabilitation  LGU-  implemented
of Drainage Engineering  Number of
System at beneficiaries

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
Cabilang   Extent of flooding
Baybay resolved
2. Construction
of Box
Culvert at 
3. Construction
of Canal 
Lining at
4. Cala Lining
of Alleys at
 Construction of  LGU-   Multi-purpose
a Multi-purpose MDRRMO Coliseum
Coliseum to  SB constructed
serve as main  LGU-  Number of
evacuation Engineering beneficiaries
center during
Environmental  Conduct river  LGU-   Number of river
Management cleanup MENRO cleanup activities
activities to  Pamahalaan conducted
rehabilitate g Barangay  Number of
polluted rivers  NGOs participants
 POs  Extent of rivers
 Industrial cleaned
 Conduct  LGU-   Number of
community MENRO community
cleanups to  LGU- cleanup activities
clear other Engineering conducted
waterways and  Pamahalaan  Number of
drainage lines g Barangay participants
 NGOs  Extent of
 POs community
 Industrial cleanup
Establishmen conducted
 Strengthen  LGU-   Increase in waste
waste collection MENRO diversion
thru  Pamahalaan
improvements g Barangay
of SWM
programs thru
saturation of
participation of


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
programs such
as Basura Palit
Gamit Atbp.
 Improve  LGU-   Decrease
industrial waste MENRO pollution and
management  IIPA other related
 Conduct  LGU-   GHG inventory
greenhouse gas MENRO conducted
emission  IIPA  Number of related
inventory and  CBC programs
reduction implemented
programs  Amount of GHG
 Implement air-  LGU-   Number of air-
related MENRO related programs
programs such  CARTMO implemented
 Establishment  LGU-   Number of MMT
of Multipartite MENRO established
monitoring team  IIPA  Number of
for Industrial beneficiaries
Parks that will  Number of
oversee their concerns
environmental resolved thru
performances MMT
national and
local regulations
 Conduct  LGU-   Number of
greening MENRO greening activities
activities as  NGOs conducted
carbon  Industrial  Number of trees
sequestration Establishmen planted per land
measures ts area
through the  Pamahalaan  Number of
Puno ng Bayan g Barangay participating
Program groups/
 Installation of  LGU-   Number of LED
LED lights for Engineering related
offices and installations
other  Amount of
establishments electricity
including LED reduced
Street lights at  Amount of GHG
various emissions
barangays reduced
(mainroad &


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
 Establish a  Carmona   Dam established
water Water District with water
impounding (CWD) supplied
dam at Pasong  LGU
Buhangin  National
 Establish  LGU   Number of
rainwater  CWD functional RHS
harvesting  NGO
system in all  IIPA
buildings and
facilities and
residential and
 Source other  CWD   Additional
water sources  LGU source(s)
such as Laguna identified
de Bay
Economic  Conduct  LGU-MAO   Number of
Services Farmer’s Forum  LGU- farmers’ forum
on CCA MDRRMO conducted
strategies  Number of
 Adopt rice/crop  LGU-MAO   Number of
varieties/animal  DA variety/breed
breeds resilient  Carmona adopted
to climate Farmers’  Increase in
change Association productivity
 PhilRice
 Implement an  LGU-MAO   Number of
Integrated Pest  DA beneficiaries
Management  CFA  Decrease in Pest
(IPM) program
 Revise and/or  LGU-MAO   Revised planting
develop new  CFA calendar and/or
planting farming system
calendar and/or developed and
farming implemented
systems  Number of
 Increase in
 Repair and  LGU-MAO   Extent of
rehabilitate  LGU- communal
communal Engineering irrigation system
irrigation repaired and
system rehabilitated

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
 Number of
 Amount of
 Construction of  LGU-MAO   Number of water-
water  LGU- related supply
impounding Engineering facilities
dams (low  CFA constructed
land), rainwater  Number of
harvesting beneficiaries
facility and  Volume of water
water storage provided
 Replacement of  LGU-MAO   Extent of pumps
existing pumps  DOST replaced
with more  LGU-  Number
energy efficient Engineering beneficiaries
ones  Efficiency
 Establishment  LGU-LEIPO   Map and
of Industrial  LGU-AO information
mapping and  IIPA system produced
information  Number of
system beneficiaries
 Conduct  LGU-LEIPO   Number of
capacity  LGU-PESO capacity
development for development for
marketing and marketing and
product product
development development
training conducted
 Number of
 Number of
who were able to
utilized such
 Conduct  LGU-LEIPO   Number of
investor related investor-related
activities such activities
as trade conducted
exposition,  Number of
investor’s night beneficiaries
 Other quantitative
 Conduct  LGU-LEIPO   Number of
seminar about seminars
PEZA/TIEZA conducted

Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

t Term Term
TARGETS Term (4-6y) (7-up)
 Number of
 Number of
related concerns
 Conduct  LGU-LEIPO   Number of
quarterly  CBC participants
consultation  Number of related
meeting with concerns
private business attended/
stakeholders resolved


Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024



Municipality of Carmona Local Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2024

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