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Individual Assignment

To prepare the subsequent session you have to interview two persons, male and
female who is not a student of this class who has bought a product bringing
personal identity, like Jeans, perfume, or shoes. You have to interview them one
by one by yourself. The interview question will need around 30 to 60 minutes.
The goal of this exercise is to broaden and deepen your understanding of
consumer behavior, especially in identifying the decision process of the product.
The information you collected will be very important to develop a marketing

The list of questions is the general guideline in interviewing. You can alter the
sequence and add some questions. Keep in mind that after the interview you
ought to be able to describe (a) how your respondent decided and (b) the
external factors (environment) that affect the respondent. Basically, you audit
the decision making process.

As a ticket to enter the class discussion you have to write a report in a maximum
2 pages of A4, which summarized your findings and thoughts. Please write your
report at and bring one printed report to the class.

General Guidelines

This is only a general guideline, you should improve so you can describe (a) how
your respondent decided and (b) the external factors (environment) that affect
the respondent.

1. Who was the Buying Center or Decision Making Unit?
• Who purchased the product?
• Who played a role in the decision-making? What are their roles?

2. What motivated the buying?
• What problems did the product solve? What functions does the product
• What are the important attributes of the product?

3. Characterizing the Decision.
• Is it the first decision? If not, please review previous decisions. Is it a
careful decision or just a casual one? Was the amount of thinking
sufficient for the decision?

4. Characterizing the decision-making.
• What triggered the process?
• Did the respondent search for information? How did s/he search? Please
describe the amount of information collected. What sources are
consulted? Please define the timing of information search within the
decision-making process.
• How many alternatives were evaluated? Describe.
• How was the final decision concluded?

5. Place or Product
• Where did the purchase take place?
• Which came first: what to buy or where to buy?

What is the brand of the product?

Please write your report at and bring one printed
report to the class.

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