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Unit 8
Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 1 / page 33
EGGS: boiled, fried, sliced, scrambled
FISH: grilled, boiled, fried
POTATOES: boiled, fried, sliced
RICE: boiled
SAUSAGES: grilled, fried
CARROTS: boiled, sliced
TOMATOES: boiled, sliced, scrambled

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 2 / page 33

1. boiled rice
2. sliced tomato
3. chopped onion
4. fried
5. baked fish
6. mashed potatoes
7. grated cheese

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 3 / page 33

Aici raspunsurile pot varia.
Potatoes: I like them fried in little oil and with a lot of
grated cheese on them.
Eggs: I like them boiled, cut in half and with ketchup
on them.
Fish: I like it fried with a little salt on it.
Cheese: I like it grated and put o a slice of bread with
some ham.
Carrots: I like them boiled or fresh.

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 4 / page 34

1. should do
2. shouldn’t leave
3. shouldn’t go
4. ought not to eat
5. ought to go out
6. ought to see

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 5 / page 35

1. don’t have to
2. must
3. mustn’t
4. Do you have to
5. does she have to do
6. must

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 6 / page 35

1. You should save some money and go to the cinema
some other time. You shouldn’t be upset if you can’t
go to the cinema this week.
2. You should practice a lot before jumping into the
pool from the top board. You shouldn’t jump from the
top board; it is too high for you.
3. You ought to stay on the beach a few minutes every
day. You ought not to stay on the beach for many
hours in one single day.
4. You ought to take it to the police. You ought not to
keep it because it doesn’t belong to you.

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 7 / page 35

1. must
2. should
3. ought to
4. has to
5. should
6. must
7. shouldn’t
8. ought to
9. must
10. don’t have to
Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 8 / page 36
1. Would you mind getting the bus to school this
morning? I have to leave the house early.
Sure. No problem.
2. Would you mind doing the washing-up? I have to
go to a parents’ meeting.
I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to go to my dance class.
3. Would you mind picking-up the dry-cleaning after
work? I have to work late this evening.
Sure. No problem.
4. Would you mind clearing the table for me? I have to
post some letters.
I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to wash my hair.

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 9 / page 36

Lynn : Tom, would you mind working late this
evening ? I have to go out.
Tom: I’m sorry, I can’t. I promised to help my mother
prepare for Jane’s birthday party.

Snapshot - Pre-Intermediate - ex 10 / page 36

1. Do you like white sliced bread?
2. Would you mind taking this book back to the
library for me?
3. You shouldn’t eat just before you go swimming.
4. We ought to stay in and work this evening.

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