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周寶彝 - 清宮舊藏作寶彝簋




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周寶彝 - 清宮舊藏作寶彝簋
Thursday 13 September 2018
at 11.00 am (Lot 888)

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front and back cover
Ink rubbing of the present Zuo Bao Yi
Gui by Li Zhi.
opposite page Rahul Kadakia (#1005929)
Xiqing gujian. Image copyright
©The Palace Museum. Library.

opposite table of contents

Portrait of Emperor Qianlong.
©The Collection of National
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The subdued gleam (from bronze vessels) enlightens
the splendor of the Three Dynasties.

Emperor Qianlong


三 之
代 光
以 穆
上 乎
規 可
模 見
乾 氣
隆 象

周寶彝 - 清宮舊藏作寶彝簋

on the collector

his is a collector, unusual in today’s world, of exceptional 此君慧眼識珠,好古敏求,世所罕見。君之收藏深
decisiveness and aesthetic acumen. His acquisitions over 通古意,亦富美感。因而能將作寳彝簋收入囊中。
the years have been both intellectually impressive and the
manifestation of a sparkling intuitive eye. 是簋也,上通三代禮器之華,下達清宮御藏之雅,著
This bronze gui is of exceptional quality and importance, both on account of its
calibre as a manifestation of Chinese bronze casting at its apogee, and the fact 與此君結交亦吾之幸也。廿載之中吾助其搜求名
that it was published in 1755 in the Xiqing gujian, the Qianlong Emperor’s grand 寳,君每以博古之識,審美之情全力赴之。
undertaking to catalogue the imperial collection of archaic bronzes.
It has been a pleasure knowing the present owner for two decades, which is
a relationship that has grown as I assisted his family in assembling a frst-class
collection of Chinese works of art. He has always collected with an astute awareness
of historical signifcance, rarity and above all of beauty. 彝簋等傑作。在其眼中,三代時期青銅技術凝聚國
He is a collector interested in a wide range of works of art from various
cultures, with his initial passion for bronzes ignited through his friendship with
the Sackler family. Subsequently, as a founder of a number of world-leading
Michael Goedhuis, 倫敦, 2018年
advanced technology companies, he developed a deep appreciation for the unique
achievement of early Chinese bronzes, an achievement that is so vividly expressed
by the technical virtuosity and aesthetic quality of the present gui. For him, bronzes
demonstrate the power of technology over the centuries to bring people together,
just as today his commitment to the most exciting new technology represents his
belief in the power of excellence.

Michael Goedhuis, London, 2018.

tradition transformed
a western zhou legged gui vessel


part from its bold decoration and fne patination, this magnifcent 此青銅簋 (食器) 端凝大氣,紋飾寫意灑脫,鏽色蒼
bronze gui 簋 food-serving vessel is art-historically important for its 翠喜人,且在傳統簋的樣式上添加四足,是藝術史
reinterpretation of the traditional gui form through the addition of 上繼往開來之作。綜而觀之,此器應屬西周初至中
four legs. As such, it joins a small handful of other legged gui vessels that were
produced in the early and middle Western Zhou periods (西周早期, 西周中期).
A vessel for serving cooked millet, sorghum, rice, or other grains, this bronze gui
comprises a traditional, circular gui form resting on four legs, each in the form of 銅簋採用傳統的圓體樣式,底承四蹄足。器身呈S
a hoofed animal leg. With its S-curved profle, the container portion of the vessel 曲線,口微撇,束頸,鼓腹略扁,下承四長足,使簋
has a lightly faring lip, a constricted neck, and a lightly compressed globular bowl 身舉高,四足上截與圈足平行相連。器足上方飾饕
set on a circular footring. Attached to and overlapping the footring, four long 餮獸面紋,下若獸足,底作蹄形,器足中段微凸,狀
legs descend to elevate the vessel. The top of each leg suggests an animal head 若膝蓋。頸側各飾一立耳,作獸首啣環狀,下端連接
in the form of a half-taotie mask 饕餮紋, while the shaft of each resembles an 簋底,其曲線與鼓腹呼應。器表紋飾可明確區分為
animal leg with a hoof at the bottom and a bulge at the middle representing a
knee. Issuing from a stylized animal head on either side of the vessel’s neck, two
opposed, vertically oriented, loop handles reconnect to the vessel at the bottom
of the bowl, their curvature echoing the bowl’s full, bulging form. The bowl’s 圈足均飾三層獸面紋,居中雙眼狹長,上沿飾翮狀
surfaces are divided into three clearly articulated decorative registers effectively 紋。頸部三層獸面紋飾帶內,尚有一對生趣盎然的
separated by narrow, unembellished bands. Bordered top and bottom by a thin 寫實有角羊首,恰好位於雙耳之間。器頸的羊首及
band of small rings, the principal decorative register, around the bowl’s bulging 主紋飾帶的乳釘,均立體如高浮雕,但器足的抽象
belly, features a diamond-and-boss pattern 方格的乳釘雷紋, while the registers 紋飾乃陰刻而成。
around neck and footring sport so-called “animal triple bands”, which are
centered on pairs of large rectangular eyes and lined by quills along the upper 時至商代,中國的青銅鑄造已自成體系,許多喪葬
edges. A pair of naturalistic, horned ram’s heads enlivens the animal triple band 儀式用的彝器應運而生。除了盛水用的器皿,這些
around the neck, each head rising in relief and appearing a quarter turn from the 作品中最常見的是食器和酒器,其下還可細分為貯
handles. Unlike the ram’s heads at the neck and the bosses 乳釘 in the principal 存、盛放、加熱、炊煮、飲食之器。簋用於盛放熟食
register, which rise in relief, the abstract decoration on the vessel legs appears in 類供品,最早見於商代 (約公元前1600至1030年),
intaglio lines.
周代 (公元前1030至256年) 仍製作不斷。
Bronze casting came fully into its own in China during the Shang dynasty
商朝 with the production of sacral vessels intended for use in funerary
ceremonies. Those vessels include ones for food and wine as well as ones for
water; those for food and wine, the types most frequently encountered, group
themselves into storage and presentation vessels as well as heating, cooking, and
serving vessels. A sacral vessel for serving offerings of cooked food, the gui frst
appeared during the Shang dynasty (c. 1600 BC–c. 1030 BC) and continued well
into the Zhou 周朝 (c. 1030 BC- 256 BC).

Fig. 1 Bo Gui, early Western Zhou dynasty. The Capital Museum Collection.
After Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji (Complete Collection of Chinese Bronzes), vol. 6:
Western Zhou 2, Beijing, 1997, no. 15.

圖一 西周早期 伯簋 首都博物館藏

Although standard vessel shapes and established decorative motifs both persisted 商亡之後,西周 (約公元前1030至771年) 雖承襲
after the fall of Shang, the people of Western Zhou 西周 (c. 1030 BC – 771 BC) 了其標準形制和既有紋飾,但很快便迭有創新,這
quickly introduced changes, perhaps refecting slightly differing religious beliefs
and ceremonial practices; in fact, some vessel types disappeared, while others
became more elaborate and thus more imposing. Except for its legs, this gui food-
serving vessel is conservative in shape, exhibiting the basic Shang interpretation 則日趨繁縟,外觀益發氣勢奪人。除四足之外,本
of the vessel form. Through its transformation by the addition of the four legs, 例盛放食物的青銅簋形制傳統,外觀大致不脫商簋
however, this vessel refects the new, post-Shang age in which it was produced. 本色。但其新添的四足,卻從側面反映了商滅周起
Typically resting on a circular footring, gui vessels of the Shang dynasty claim a
compressed, globular bowl, frequently with a lightly faring neck and two visually 商簋大多採用圈足,鼓腹扁圓,頸泰半微撇,兩側
substantial, vertically oriented, loop handles. A variant vessel form with deep 飾立式 環耳。這類器形有一種變奏,其腹深鼓,大
rounded bowl, often lacking handles but occasionally with a pair of horizontally
set, loop handles, is often categorized as a yu 盂; functionally and stylistically
related, both gui and yu vessels were used for serving cooked grains.1 Precise
distinctions between yu and gui vessels are diffcult to defne, and, according to 器。1 它們本身已難以明確區分,而羅森 (Jessica
Jessica Rawson, “even the evidence of vessels self-named in their inscriptions is Rawson) 更指出,「即便部份實例的銘文有提到
partly contradictory”. 2 器物名稱,當中亦不乏自相矛盾之處。」2
The standard Shang form of the gui continued into the Western Zhou, though 西周沿襲了商簋的標準樣式,但旋即在形制和紋飾
modifcations in both form and decoration soon ensued. The most obvious 上有所調整。以形制而言,最明顯的變化是加高器
alteration to the form involved elevating the vessel, often by presenting it on an 身,常用手法是設一連器合鑄的方底,3 但偶爾也會
integrally cast square socle, or base,3 but occasionally by setting it on four legs, as
in this excellent example. In rare instances, an entire group of vessels might be
raised by placing them on a bronze altar table, known in Chinese as a jin 青銅禁,
such as the example in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (24.72.1)4. 藏例(24.72.1) 。4 加高簋身的原因雖無據可考,
The reasons for raising the vessels remain unknown but could involve changes 但當中可能涉及宗教或禮制方面的沿革,或僅是為
in religious needs or ceremonial requirements, for example, or perhaps a simple 了追求更佳的視覺效果。
desire for greater visual impact.

Fig. 2 Ban Gui, middle Western Zhou dynasty. The Capital Museum Collection. After Fig. 3 Zi Gui, early Western Zhou dynasty. The National Museum of China
Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji (Complete Collection of Chinese Bronzes), vol. 6: Western Collection. After Wenwu, 1959, no. 12, p. 59.
Zhou 2, Beijing, 1997, no. 15.

圖三 西周早期 鼒簋 國家博物館藏
圖二 西周中期 班簋 首都博物館藏

In discussing the present vessel, Jessica Rawson commented, “Animal-like legs on 羅森論述本例時曾提到:「簋之獸足,似乎源於一
gui seem to have developed from elaborate handles used on a few gui… On later 小批簋的精美雙耳……其後,精美的簋耳已被省
gui the elaborate handles were omitted, attention being focused instead on the 略,重點已像本例般轉至與圈足相連的簋足。」5 觀
legs attached to the footring, as here.”5 Early examples of legged gui vessels vary
in the shape of the legs and their point of attachment. In some vessels, the legs are
columnar, in others they claim a geometric shape, and in yet others they assume a
zoomorphic form, whether the trunk of an elephant or the leg of an animal (as in 物,如象鼻、獸足 (如本拍品) 等,不一而足。(圖一
this gui vessel). (Figs. 1-3) In some instances, the number of handles was increased 至三)有些簋的雙耳增至四耳,而連器合鑄的四耳
from two to four, with the integrally cast legs descending from the bottom of 則延長為四足,就此可證諸哈佛大學藝術博物館藏
the handles, as seen in the columnar legs of the Chen Chen Fu Yi Gui 臣辰父 臣辰父己簋的柱形器足 (館藏號1944.57.8.a-b),6
乙簋 in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums (1944.57.8.a-b)6 or in the 香港佳士得於2003年拍出的清宮舊藏青銅簋之
columnar legs—albeit each with hoof at the bottom—of a gui that once was in 柱形足亦屬此例,惟其足底作蹄狀。7 (圖四)其後,
the Qing Palace collection and that was sold at Christie’s, Hong Kong, in 2003.7
(Fig. 4) Over time, the legs came to be attached to the footring and occasionally
照上海博物館8 、舊金山亞洲藝術博物館9 及普林
were reduced in number to just three, as evinced by a gui in the collection of the
Shanghai Museum,8 another in the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco (B60B893),9 斯頓大學美術館10 藏青銅簋。本拍品的器足造型
and yet another in the Princeton University Art Museum (y1965-57).10 In fact, 生動,接合點一目了然,與其上的雙耳簋身渾然天
the shapely legs, their clearly defned points of attachment, and their harmonious 成,誠屬有足青銅簋的精絕之作。
relationship to the handled bowl they support rank the present vessel among the
most aesthetically successful of the legged gui.
Although the taotie mask 饕餮紋 was the decorative motif most frequently 紋飾,商代青銅器還結合了各式各樣的抽象、幾何
encountered on bronze ritual vessels from the Shang dynasty, other motifs 及非具象圖案,從T形勾連紋、波折紋或燕尾紋,以
were popular as well, including long-tailed birds, dragon-like forms, and
even snakes. Apart from those “representational” motifs, a variety of abstract,
non-representational, geometric motifs also appear on Shang bronzes, from
interlocking T-forms and zig-zag, or chevron, patterns to vertical ribs and 題材基本上仍偏於傳統和保守,但其組合與表現
diamond-and-boss patterns. Long forgotten, the meaning of such decorative 形式亦略有調整。2012年3月22-23日,紐約佳士
schemes, if any, has been lost to the mists of time for both geometric and 得拍出一例商代晚期青銅簋 (拍品編號1507),器
representational types. 身飾斜方格乳釘雷紋,上下襯一道細窄聯珠紋,此

Fig. 4 Bonze four-legged gui, early Western Zhou dynasty. Christie’s Hong Kong, 7 July 2003, lot 624;
now in the Compton Verney Collection.

圖四 西周早期 青銅四足簋 香港佳士得2003年7月7日拍品624號;現藏Compton Verney

Many such motifs continued into the Western Zhou, the “representational” motifs 作堪稱西周近似例的原型。11 紐約佳士得於2017
often showing a distinct evolution, the abstract motifs generally remaining more 年3月17日拍出一例西周初年的青銅簋(拍品編號
traditional and conservative, even if presented in slightly new combinations and 1005),其斜方格乳釘雷紋上下亦飾一道細窄的聯
contexts. The late Shang gui with diamond-and-boss pattern, bordered above
and below by a narrow band of small rings, that sold at Christie’s, New York on
22-23 March 2012 (lot 1507) stands as the model from which the related Western
Zhou gui vessels derive.11 And the early Western Zhou gui with diamond-and-boss 商代和西周初年的青銅彝器為祭祖之用,通常刻
pattern, again, bordered top and bottom by a narrow band of small rings, that sold 有簡短的造器銘文。青銅器的「金文」,亦與當時的
at Christie’s, New York on 17 March 2017 (lot 1005) demonstrates the Western
Zhou continuation of the Shang type while also perfectly representing the type of
vessel to which legs were added to create the present gui vessel.12
Used in ceremonies honoring the spirits of deceased ancestors, bronze sacral 本拍品的內底鑄銘文「作寶彜」,應是指「製此
vessels from the Shang and early Western Zhou periods often bear short, 寶彜」,但未提及製作者 (或更確切地說是其
dedicatory inscriptions. The so-called bronze-script characters 金文字 are related 製作對象) 的名稱,所以無從得知此器用於何
to contemporaneous oracle-bone characters 甲骨文字—that is, characters carved 人的喪葬儀式。無巧不成書,名器「作寳彜」簋
on ox scapulae 牛肩胛骨 or turtle plastrons 龜腹甲 as part of a divination 也有相同的銘文,該例先後為希臘雅典H.E.
process employed in Shang times—and they are the direct ancestors of modern A.J. Argyropoulos及奧地利維也納Julius
written Chinese.
Integrally cast, a short inscription of three characters arranged in a single column
上海博物館藏「妅簋」與本拍品淵源尤深;14 事實
appears on the foor of this gui; it reads zuo bao yi 作寳彜 and may be translated
“Made [this] precious vessel”. As the name of the maker—more properly, the 上,兩者的斷代、風格和整體外觀皆如出一轍。
name of the person for whom the vessel was made—does not appear in the (圖五)妅簋鑄於西周初年,其四獸足無蹄,器形
inscription, we cannot know in whose funerary ceremonies this vessel was used. 為傳統簋式,鼓腹扁圓,圈足,頸微撇,卷唇。器身
Though likely no more than coincidence, the famous Zuo Bao Yi Gui 作寳彜簋 中段飾斜方格乳釘雷紋,蛇紋繞頸一匝,以雷紋為
formerly in the collection of Julius Eberhardt (of Vienna, Austria) and, before that, 地,圈足光素。妅簋雙耳不作簡單的環狀,其上端
in the collection of H.E. A.J. Argyropoulos (of Athens, Greece), bears the same 為象首,長鼻下垂,底端外捲,以橫片與腹底相連。

Fig. 5 Hong gui, early Western Zhou dynasty. The Shanghai Museum Collection. After Chen Peifen, Xia Shang
Zhou qingtongqi yanjiu (Research on Xia, Shang, and Zhou Bronze Vessels), Shanghai, 2004, vol. 4, pp. 84-85,
no. 231.

圖五 西周早期 妅簋 上海博物館藏

The Hong Gui 妅簋 in the collection of the Shanghai Museum is the vessel most 妅簋內底銘「妅作寳尊彜」,據種種跡象看來,
closely akin to the present gui;14 in fact, the two vessels are exceptionally close 「妅」字應是人名,因為它既是這句公式化銘文的
in date, style, and general appearance. (Fig. 5) Dating to the early Western Zhou 頭一個字,而緊隨其後的「作」代表製作,可見此乃
period and standing on four clawed, rather than hoofed, zoomorphic legs, the
Hong Gui claims a traditional gui form, with compressed globular bowl with a
circular footring below and a lightly faring neck with thickened lip at the top. Its 「妅」的記載,所以其身世、生卒年及境遇俱無從
midsection boasts a diamond-and-boss pattern, while the band around the neck 稽考。
sports a pattern of snakes 蛇紋 set against a leiwen 雷紋 ground; the footring is
undecorated. Instead of simple loops, the handles of the Hong Gui have elephant
heads at the top with descending trunks that curve elegantly outward at the end
but that are anchored to the bottom of the bowl by a strut. The inscription on 《西清古鑑》,卷十四,頁7,繼而又於1887年前進
the foor of the Hong Gui reads Hong zuo bao zun yi 妅作寳尊彜 and may be 入晚清著名收藏家吴大澂 (1835–1902)的愙齋並
translated “Hong made [this] precious vessel”. Based on the context, the frst 著錄於《愙齋集古錄》,卷7,頁11。在二十世紀,本
character, which is read “Hong” 妅, is believed to be a personal name—i.e., 拍品又一度為名家仇焱之收藏,15,16 後納入趙氏山
based on its occurrence as the frst word in this formulaic inscription and on its 海樓青銅珍藏。17 其亦曾於底特律和紐約展出,經
placement immediately before the verb 作 zuo (made). Alas, so far as is known, 手此簋之重要中國藝術商行包括盧芹齋 (1880–
Hong is otherwise unrecorded, so Hong’s identity and life dates and circumstances
1957)、埃斯卡納齊以及 Michael Goedhuis等。
remain unknown.
The present gui claims the most impeccable, the most impressive of pedigrees. By
1749 it was in the Qing Imperial Collection, one of the bronzes collected by the 傳統形制的基礎上添加四足。由此看來,此器確然
Qianlong Emperor 乾隆 (r. 1736–1795); it is published in his Xiqing gujian 西清 無愧為西周青銅藝術史的標竿之作。
古鉴, the forty-volume catalogue of the ancient bronzes in his collection (vol. 14,
p. 7). Renowned collector Wu Dacheng 吴大澂 (1835–1902) had acquired it prior
to 1887, and it is recorded in catalogue Kezhai Jigulu 愙齋集古錄 (vol. 7, p. 11), 毛瑞 (Robert D. Mowry)
which was published posthumously in 1918. In the twentieth century this gui
was owned by celebrated collector Edward T. Chow 仇焱之15, 16 and subsequently 哈佛大學藝術博物館亞洲部榮譽主任暨
by acclaimed collectors Bella and P.P. Chiu (趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器).17 佳士得高級顧問

The present Zuo Bao Yi Gui as documented in the Xiqing gujian (Mirror of Antiquities [prepared in
the] Xiqing [Southern Study Hall]), Imperial Printing Ofice in the Wuyingdian (Hall of Martial Valor),
Forbidden City, Beijing, 1755, vol. 14, p. 7. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing.
Image copyright © The Palace Museum. Library.


Featured in exhibitions in Detroit and New York, this gui has also passed through
the galleries of such prominent art dealers as C.T. Loo 盧芹齋 (1880–1957),
Eskenazi Ltd. and Michael Goedhuis Ltd.
A strikingly beautiful bronze and one with an exceptionally distinguished
provenance, this gui is art-historically important for its reinterpretation of the
traditional gui form through the addition of four legs. In fact, it is a major
monument in the history of Western Zhou bronzes.

Robert D. Mowry
Alan J. Dworsky Curator of Chinese Art Emeritus,
Harvard Art Museums, and
Senior Consultant, Christie’s

Ma Chengyuan, Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Oxford, Hong Kong, New York: Oxford 1
時學顏主編的馬承源著作《中國古代青銅器》英文版頁192 (牛津、香港、紐約:
University Press), 1986, ed. Hsio-yen Shih, p. 192. 牛津大學出版社,1986)。
For a discussion of this confusing nomenclature, see: Jessica Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual 2
關於名稱混淆之說,詳見羅森 (Jessica Rawson) 著作《Western Zhou Ritual
Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, vol. IIB (Washington, DC: The Arthur M. Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections》卷IIB,頁454-459,編號
Sackler Foundation, and Cambridge, MA: Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University), 59 (華盛頓特區:賽克勒基金會;麻省劍橋:哈佛大學賽克勒博物館,1990)。
1990, pp. 454-459, no. 59. 3
其中一例可參見哈佛大學藝術博物館藏西周簋 (館藏號1944.57.1),曾發表
For an example, see the Western Zhou gui in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums 於陳夢家著作《殷周靑銅器分類圖錄》編號A 219 (東京:汲古書屋,1977)
(1944.57.1), published in Chen Mengjia, Yin Zhou Qingtongqi Fenlei Tulu (A Corpus 。另外,請見 https://www.harvardartmuseums.org/collections/
of Chinese Bronzes in American Collections) (Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin), 1977, A 219. 陳 object/203788?position=31。此外,可參照著名的作寶彝簋,此簋先後納入
夢家, 殷周靑銅器分類圖錄 (東京: 汲古書屋), 1977, A 219. Also see: https://www. 希臘雅典H.E. A.J. Argyropoulos及奧地利維也納Julius Eberhardt珍藏;康蕊
harvardartmuseums.org/collections/object/203788?position=31. Also see the famous Zuo 君的德英雙語著作《Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst
Bao Yi Gui 作寳彜簋 formerly in the collection of Julius Eberhardt (of Vienna, Austria) / Collection Julius Eberhardt: Early Chinese Art》(香港:Magnum Ltd.
and, before that, in the collection of H.E. A.J. Argyropoulos (of Athens, Greece): Regina ,2004) 卷一頁96-97編號39,德文譯者為Stefan B. Polter;另可參照蘇富比
Krahl, Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst / Collection Julius Eberhardt: Early 《朱利思 • 艾伯哈特收藏重要中國古代青銅禮器》2013年9月17日的拍賣圖錄拍
Chinese Art (Hong Kong: Magnum Ltd.), 2004, vol. 1, pp. 96-97, no. 39, translated by Stefan 品編號3 (紐約:蘇富比,2013)。
B. Polter (bilingual, German and English); also see: Sotheby’s, New York, Magnifcent Ritual 4
Jessica Rawson,《The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection of Ancient
Bronzes, 17 September 2013, lot 3.
Chinese Bronzes》,香港,1988年,66頁,編號21。
Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Hong Kong),
1988, p. 66, no. 21. 趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器 (香港), 1988, 66 頁, no. 21.
羅森著作《趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器》頁66,編號21 (香港:1988)。

See: Chen Mengjia, Yin Zhou Qingtongqi Fenlei Tulu, A 230; Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai
Seidoki no Kenkyu [Research on Shang and Zhou Bronzes] (Tokyo:Yoshikawa Kobunkan), 時代靑銅器の硏究:殷周青銅器綜覽1》頁102,編號177 (東京:吉川弘文館,
Showa 59 [1984], vol. 1, In Shu Seidoki Soran [A Compendium of Shang and Zhou Bronzes], 昭和59年[1984]);及羅森著作《Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the
p. 102, no. 177. 林巳奈夫, 殷周時代靑銅器の硏究 (東京: 吉川弘文館), 昭和59 [1984], Arthur M. Sackler Collections》頁469,圖61.4。另可參見https://www.
殷周靑銅器綜覽, 1, 102頁, no. 177; Jessica Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the harvardartmuseums.org/collections/object/204107?position=0。
Arthur M. Sackler Collections, p. 469, fg. 61.4. Also see: https://www.harvardartmuseums.org/ 7
collections/object/204107?position=0 拍品編號624 (香港:佳士得,2003);林巳奈夫所撰《殷周時代靑銅器の硏究》卷
See: Christie’s, Hong Kong, The Imperial Sale: Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 7 July 一,頁108,編號235。
2003, lot 624; Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai Seidoki no Kenkyu, vol. 1, p. 108, no. 235. 林巳奈 8
夫, 殷周時代靑銅器の硏究, 1, 108頁, no. 235. 編號232 (上海:上海古籍出版社,2004)。
See: Chen Peifen, Xia Shang Zhou Qingtongqi Yanjiu: Shanghai Bowuguan Cangpin (Research
on Bronzes from the Xia Shang and Zhou Dynasties: Collection of the Shanghai Museum
(Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe), 2004, 1st ed., vol. 4, pp. 86-87, no. 232. 陳佩芬. 夏商 10
周靑銅器研究: 上海博物館藏品 (上海: 上海古籍出版社), 2004, 第1版, 第2編 [v. 3-4],
86-87頁, no. 232. 11
佳士得2012年3月22-23日《中國瓷器和工藝精品 (II)》拍賣圖錄拍品編號1507
See: Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai Seidoki no Kenkyu, vol. 1, p. 109, no. 237. 林巳奈夫, 殷周

時代靑銅器の硏究, 1, 109頁, no. 237. 12

See: Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai Seidoki no Kenkyu, vol. 1, p. 119, no. 305. 林巳奈夫, 殷周
時代靑銅器の硏究, 1, 119頁, no. 305. 唐蕊君著作《Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst /

Collection Julius Eberhardt: Early Chinese Art》卷一,頁96-97,編號39;

See: Christie’s, New York, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art (Part II), 22-23 March 以及蘇富比2013年9月17日《朱利思•艾伯哈特收藏重要中國古代青銅禮器》拍賣
2012, lot 1507. 圖錄拍品編號3 (紐約:蘇富比,2013)。

Christie’s, New York , Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 17 March 2017, lot 1005. 14

See: Regina Krahl, Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst / Collection Julius
12 15
關於仇焱之 (1910-1980年) 的資料,可參考https://www.freersackler.
Eberhardt: Early Chinese Art, vol. 1, pp. 96-97, no. 39; also see: Sotheby’s, New York, si.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09//Chow-Edward.pdf。
Magnifcent Ritual Bronzes, 17 September 2013, lot 3. 蘇富比曾於1980年11月25日、1980年12月16日及1981年5月19日在香港和倫

See: Chen Peifen, Xia Shang Zhou Qingtongqi Yanjiu, vol. 4, pp. 84-85, no. 231. 陳佩芬. 敦舉行三場專拍,仇焱之珍藏於焉各散東西;詳見蘇富比1980年12月16日《The
Edward T. Chow Collection – Part Two: Early Chinese Ceramics and
夏商周靑銅器研究, 第2編 [v. 3-4], 84-85頁, no. 231.
Ancient Bronzes》拍賣圖錄拍品編號338 (倫敦:蘇富比,1980)。
For information on Edward T. Chow (1910–1980), see: https://www.freersackler.si.edu/
The Edward T. Chow collection was dispersed by Sotheby’s through auctions in Hong
Kong and London on 25 November 1980, 16 December 1980, and 19 May 1981. This
gui vessel was sold at Sotheby’s, London, on 16 December 1980; see: Sotheby’s, London,
The Edward T. Chow Collection – Part Two: Early Chinese Ceramics and Ancient Bronzes, 16
December 1980, lot 338.

For information on the Chiu collection, see: Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu

Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Hong Kong), 1988. 趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器

(香港), 1988.

For information on the Chiu collection, see: Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu

Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Hong Kong), 1988. 趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器

(香港), 1988.


THE ZUO BAO YI GUI 西周早期 公元前十一至十世紀 作寶彝簋

A HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY RARE 敞口,束頸,鼓腹,高圈足下承四蹄足。口沿下飾一周四組列旗獸面紋,分別以獸

The vessel is raised on four tall hoofed legs, each decorated at the top in 高18.8 公分,口徑18.1 公分
intaglio with a taotie mask shown in profle, above a kui dragon, the legs 3020克
forming the four corners of the ring foot decorated between the legs with
a quilled triple band forming a taotie mask. The body is decorated with a
diamond-and-boss band between narrow borders of circles cast in thread
relief, and the neck with a further quilled triple band centered on two sides
by a small ram mask cast in relief and interrupted on the other two sides by a
pair of handles surmounted by horned animal masks and cast at the bottom
with hooked pendants. The bottom of the interior is cast with a three-
character inscription reading zuo bao yi. The surface has an attractive, milky
olive-green patina.
7¡ in. (18.8 cm.) high, 7¿ in. (18.1 cm.) mouth diam., cloth box Michael Goedhuis,紐約,1998年。
3020 g



Collection of the Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), by 1749.

Wu Dacheng (1835-1902) Collection, by 1887.
C. T. Loo & Co., New York, by 1940.
Edward T. Chow (1910-1980) Collection.
Sotheby’s London, 16th December 1980, lot 338.
Eskenazi Ltd., London, 1980.
Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection, by 1988.
Eskenazi Ltd., London.
Michael Goedhuis Ltd., New York, 1998.


Detroit, Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes Loaned by
底特律,《Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes Loaned by C.T.
C.T. Loo & Co., The Detroit Institute of Arts, 18 October-10 November 1940.
Loo & Co.》,底特律美術館,1940年10月18日至11月10日。
New York, Exhibition of Chinese Arts, C. T. Loo & Co., 1 November 1941-30
紐約,《Exhibition of Chinese Arts》,盧芹齋,1941年11月1日至1942年
April 1942.
By the order of Emperor Qianlong, Liang Shizheng, Jiang Pu, Wang Youdun,
et al., Xiqing gujian (Mirror of Antiquities [prepared in the] Xiqing [Southern 梁詩正、蔣溥、汪由敦等奉敕撰,《西清古鑑》,清乾隆二十年(1755)
Study Hall]), Imperial Printing Ofice in the Wuyingdian (Hall of Martial Valor), 武英殿刊本,卷14,頁7。
Forbidden City, Beijing, 1755, vol. 14, p. 7. 吳大澂,《愙齋藏器目》,1887年。
Wu Dacheng, Kezhai cangqi mu (List of the Objects Collected by Kezhai [Wu 吳大澂,《愙齋集古錄》,1918,卷7,頁11。
Dacheng]), 1887. 劉體智,《小校經閣金文拓本》,1935年,卷7,頁61。
Wu Dacheng, Kezhai jigulu (The Records of Collecting Antiques by Kezhai [Wu 羅振玉,《三代吉金文存》,1937年,卷6,頁19。
Dacheng]), 1918, vol. 7, p. 11 (inscription only). 底特律美術館,《Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes Loaned
Liu Tizhi, Xiaojiaojinge jinwen taben (Rubbings of Archaic Bronze Inscriptions by C.T. Loo & Co.》,底特律,1940年,編號25。
at the Xiaojiaojingge Studio), 1935, vol. 7, p. 61 (inscription only). 盧芹齋,《Exhibition of Chinese Arts》,紐約,1941年,編號12。
Luo Zhenyu, Sandai jijin wencun (Surviving Writings from the Xia, Shang, and Phyllis Ackerman,《Ritual Bronzes of Ancient China》,紐約,1945年,
Zhou Dynasties), 1937, vol. 6, p. 19 (inscription only). 圖版29。
The Detroit Institute of Arts, Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes 陳夢家,《殷周青銅器分類圖錄》,東京,1977年,編號A177(圖片)及R363
Loaned by C.T. Loo & Co., New York, 1940, no. 25. (銘文)。
C.T. Loo & Co., Exhibition of Chinese Arts, New York, 1941, no. 12. 周法高,《三代吉金文存著錄表》,台北,1977年,編號1303。
Phyllis Ackerman, Ritual Bronzes of Ancient China, New York, 1945, pl. 29. 周法高,《三代吉金文存補》,台北,1980年,編號363。
Chen Mengjia, Yin Zhou qingtongqi fenlei tulu (In Shu seidoki bunrui zuroku; 孫稚雛,《金文著錄簡目》,北京,1981年,編號1735。
A Corpus of Chinese Bronzes in American Collections), Tokyo, 1977, nos. A177 嚴一萍,《金文總集》,台北,1983年,編號1909。
(illustration) and R363 (inscription). 林巳奈夫,《殷周青銅器綜覽》,卷一(圖版),東京,1984年,頁110,簋248。
Zhou Fagao, Zhang Risheng and Huang Qiuyue, Sandai jijin wencun zhulu biao Thomas Lawton,’An Imperial Legacy Revisited: Bronze Vessels
(Contents of Literature of Surviving Writings from the Xia, Shang, and Zhou from the Qing Palace Collection’,《Asian Art》,卷1,編號1,1987-8,
Dynasties), Taipei, 1977, no. 1303 (inscription only). 頁51-79。
Zhou Fagao, Sandaijijin wencun bu (Supplements of surviving writings from Jessica Rawson,《趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器》,香港,1988年,編號21。
the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties), Taipei, 1980, no. 363 (inscription only). 中國社會科學院考古研究所,《殷周金文集成》,北京,1984年,編號3270。
Sun Zhichu, Jinwen zhulu jianmu (Brief Contents of Literature of Archaic 馬承源,《中國青銅器》,上海,2009年,頁122,圖23。
Bronze Inscriptions), Beijing, 1981, no. 1735 (inscription only). 吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,上海,2012,卷8,頁221,
Yan Yiping, Jinwen Zongji (Corpus of Bronze Inscriptions), Taipei, 1983, no. 編號3922。
1909 (inscription only). Giuseppe Eskenazi with Hajni Elias,《A Dealer’s Hand, The Chinese
The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yinzhou Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi》,倫敦,2012年,
jinwen jicheng (Compendium of Yin and Zhou Bronze Inscriptions), Beijing, 頁82,圖版71。
1984, no. 3270. (inscription only).
Minao Hayashi, In Shu seidoki soran (Conspectus of Yin and Zhou Bronzes),
vol. 1 (plates), Tokyo, 1984, p. 110, gui no. 248.
Thomas Lawton, ‘An Imperial Legacy Revisited: Bronze Vessels from the Qing
Palace Collection’, Asian Art, vol. 1, no. 1, Fall/Winter 1987-8, pp. 51-79.
Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes,
Hong Kong, 1988, no. 21.
Ma Chengyuan, Zhongguo qingtongqi (The Chinese Bronzes), Shanghai, 2009,
p. 122, fg. 23.
Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng (Compendium
of Inscriptions and Images of Bronzes from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties),
Shanghai, 2012, vol. 8, p. 221, no. 3922.
Giuseppe Eskenazi with Hajni Elias, A Dealer’s Hand, The Chinese Art World
Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London, 2012, p. 82, fg. 71.

Let the ritual vessels when completed…
be able to boil without kindling, to hide
themselves without being lifted, and to
move themselves without being carried.

Mozi (470-391 BC)


陶 昔
而鑄 者
自之 夏
臧於 后
不昆 開
遷吾 使
而 蜚
自 廉
行 不 折
炊 金
而 於
墨 自 山
子 烹 川

1755 The frst catalogue raisonné of Qianlong’s bronze collection, Xiqing 1868 Wu Dacheng passes the
gujian, is published. The present Zuo Bao Yi Gui is included in vol. 14 of imperial examination and is
Xiqing gujian. selected as a Bachelor at the
乾隆青銅收藏的第一部圖錄《西清古鑑》刊印,其中包括本件作寶彝簋。 Imperial Hanlin Academy.
1736 Emperor Qianlong
accedes to the throne.

1730s 1740s 1750s 1760s–70s 1780s 1790s–1850s 1860s 1870s

1745 The frst catalogue raisonné of Qianlong’s 1776-1793 Three supplements to the Xiqing gujian
calligraphy and painting collection, Shiqu baoji are completed.
chubian, is completed. 《西清古鑑》的續集《寧壽鑑古》、《西清續鑑甲編》
乾隆書畫收藏的第一部目錄《石渠寳笈初編》成書。 、《西清續鑑乙編》陸續成書,合稱「乾隆四鑑」。
1890 Wu Dacheng completes a compen- 1940 C. T. Loo (1880-1957), prominent The Zuo Bao Yi Gui is 1980 The Zuo Bao 1988 The Zuo Bao 1998 The Zuo
dium of ink rubbings of bronze inscrip- dealer of Chinese art, exhibits the in the Edward T. Chow Yi Gui is acquired Yi Gui is published Bao Yi Gui is
tions, Kezhai jigu lu, which includes Zuo Bao Yi Gui at the Detroit Institute Collection. by distinguished in The Bella and P.P. acquired by the
an ink rubbing of the present Zuo Bao of Arts. 本件作寶彝簋為仇焱之 Chinese art dealer, Chiu Collection of current owner
Yi Gui. 盧芹齋在底特律美術館舉辦青銅器展覽,本 所藏。 Giuseppe Eskenazi. Ancient Chinese from Michael
吳大澂作《愙齋集古錄》,遍收當日所見 件作寶彝簋第一次在西方公開展出。 本件作寶彝簋為著名 Bronzes. Goedhuis.
彝器銘文拓片,其中包括本件作寶彝簋的 中國藝術品行家埃斯 本件作寶彝簋為趙不 本件作寶彝簋由
銘文拓片。 卡納齊購藏。 波所藏,著錄於《趙 Michael Goedhuis售
氏山海樓所藏古代青 予現藏家。

1880s 1890s–1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

1883 Wu Dacheng publishes his seminal 1944-1947 Chen Mengjia

work on epigraphy, Shuowen guzhou bu. (1911-1966), a leading
吳大澂作《說文古籀補》,以先秦鐘鼎彝器銘 Chinese antiquarian,
文補正許慎《說文解字》。 visits the U.S. and com-
piles a comprehensive
1970 The Metropolitan
survey of Chinese archaic
Museum of Art, New York
bronzes in American
holds the exhibition The Great
collections, including
Bronze Age of China, present-
the Zuo Bao Yi Gui.
ing 105 bronzes, jades, and
陳夢家訪美,遍訪包括本件 terracotta objects found in
作寶彝簋在内的美國公、私 recent archaeological
收藏青銅器。 discoveries and loaned by the
Chinese government for the
frst time outside of China.
紐約大都會博物館舉辦《The Great
Bronze Age of China》大展,由中
While appreciating them as objects of
art, (bronzes) also evoke my profound
thoughts about ancient history.
This is such an elegant pursuit in this
peaceful and prosperous age.

Emperor Qianlong


遠 藝
思 之
亦 余
足 功
稱 寄
昇 鑑
平 古
乾 雅 之
隆 尚
皇 云

Hongli guzhuangxiang zhou (Portrait of Emperor Qianlong in Ancient Costume),
Qianlong period (1736-1795). Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing.
©The Palace Museum, Beijing. Photographer 孫躍 Sun Yue.

清乾隆《弘曆古裝像》軸 故宮博物院藏
Hongli shi yi shi er tu (One or Two? [Portrait of Emperor Qianlong surrounded by antiques from the Imperial
Collection]), Yangxindian (Hall of Mental Cultivation) version, Qianlong period (1736-1795). Collection of the
Palace Museum, Beijing. ©The Palace Museum, Beijing. Photographer 李凡 Li Fan.

清乾隆《弘曆是一是二圖》 軸 養心殿本 故宮博物院藏

Xiqing gujian (Mirror of Antiquities [prepared in the] Xiqing [Southern Study Hall]), Imperial Printing Ofice in
the Wuyingdian (Hall of Martial Valor), Forbidden City, Beijing, 1755, in which the Zuo Bao Yi Gui is included,
vol. 14, p. 7. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing.
©The Palace Museum, Beijing. Photographer 劉志崗 Liu Zhigang.

清乾隆二十年(1755) 武英殿刊本《西清古鑑》 故宮博物院藏

Archaic vessels emerge and disappear over time.
If I do not document them on paper, how can
scholars in the future study them?

Emperor Qianlong

者其奚取徵焉 ?


The present Zuo Bao Yi Gui as catalogued in the original imperial printing of the Xiqing gujian (Mirror of
Antiquities [prepared in the] Xiqing [Southern Study Hall]), Imperial Printing Ofice in the Wuyingdian
(Hall of Martial Valor), Forbidden City, Beijing, 1755, vol. 14, p. 7. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing.

Pre-eminent late Qing dynasty scholar-oficial Wu Dacheng (1835-1902), whose renowned collection once
included the Zuo Bao Yi Gui, depicted amongst his bronzes on the frontispiece of the Kezhai jigu tu (Scroll
of Collecting Antiques by Kezhai [Wu Dacheng]), 18th year of the Guangxu reign (1892). Collection of the
Shanghai Museum.

清光緒十八年(1892) 陸恢,胡琴涵《愙齋集古圖》 上海博物館藏

Title page of the Kezhai jigulu (The Records of Collecting Antiques by Kezhai [Wu Dacheng]) by the
prominent painter and calligrapher Wu Changshuo (1844-1927) whose artistic style was infuenced
by Wu Dacheng and his collection.


If we can learn from ancient bronze and seal
inscriptions, we will be able to expel the bad habits
(of calligraphy) of recent days.

Wu Dacheng



The inscription of the Zuo Bao Yi Gui published by its second owner Wu Dacheng in Kezhai
jigulu (The Records of Collecting Antiques by Kezhai [Wu Dacheng]), 1918, vol. 7, p. 11,
with annotation by Wu Dacheng praising the Zuo Bao Yi Gui as the “best of its type.”
The table of contents is shown on the left.


The frst Western publication and exhibition of the Zuo Bao Yi Gui, in An Exhibition of Ancient
Chinese Ritual Bronzes Loaned by C. T. Loo & Co. , Detroit, 1940 no. 25

本件作寳彜簋在1940年底特律美術館展覽圖錄《An Exhibition of Ancient Chinese

Ritual Bronzes Loaned by C. T. Loo & Co》中的著錄。圖錄中指出此簋為乾隆及

appendix i

Ink rubbing of the Zuo Bao Yi Gui by Li Zhi. (李穉拓)

Zuo 作
The character zuo (work or manufacture)
depicts cutting plants with a sickle,
symbolizing all kinds of labor and can be
used as the verb ‘to manufacture’.

Bao 寶
The character bao (treasure) depicts a house
flled with jade, a cowry shell (used as
currency), and a pottery vessel, symbolizing
the wealth of a household.

Yi 彝
The character yi (ritual vessel) depicts
two hands grasping a tied, bleeding bird,
symbolizing sacrifce and the ritual vessels
used in sacrifces.

appendix ii

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