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NAME: ____________________________________


Time: 1.5 hour including 5 minutes reading time

Approved dictionaries and calculators may be used.

1. You will have 5 minutes to read the paper. You must not write in your
question booklets during this reading time but you may make notes on
For Marker’s
scribbling paper.
Use Only
Part A /31
2. You must complete questions in blue or black pen. Graphs and diagrams Part B /36
may be done using a sharp, dark pencil. Total

3. This paper consists of 45 questions.

4. There is no need to fill all of the space provided; clear well- expressed
answers are required. If you delete part or all of an answer you should
clearly indicate your final answer.

5. The total mark is 67.

Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)
1. Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and Australopithecus africanus belong to the

J. same species and same genus

K. same genus but different species
L. same genus and same family
M. same family but different species

2. Various types of organism, including native bushes, insects, small birds, and lizards, live in a small forest.
These organisms together make up:

J. a community
K. an ecosystem
L. a population
M. a habitat

3. Which one of the following statements mentions only one species?

J. Two different breeds of dog that are able to produce viable offspring.

K. A red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) and a grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) that live in the
same area.

L. A koala eats a leaf from a eucalyptus tree.

M. A tiger and a lion are able to breed and produce an infertile liger.
Refer to the following diagram of a food web in which the arrows represent the flow of energy.

4. Which one of the following numbers identifies the producer(s) in

this food web?

J. 8 and 13.

K. 8 only.

L. 2 and 8.

M. 3 and 13.

5. A collection of populations of different species that interact is called a ______________

J. Community K. Habitat

L. Population M. Ecosystem

6. Biotic factors are living factors within an environment. Which of the following is not a biotic factor?

J. Wind K. A log hollowed out for shelter

L. Microorganisms M. Young tree saplings

7. Deer share the open plains with other grazing animals as well as predators. Which of the following would
most likely lead to an increase in the deer population?

J. An increase in the K. A decrease in the number

predator population of grazing animals

L. A reduction in land M. Decreased regulations

on deer hunting
available to live in

8. What is the most accurate definition of an ecosystem?

J. A population unit consisting of plants, animals and micro-organisms in an area functioning together
with the abiotic factors of the environment
K. A biome consisting of plants, animals and micro-organisms in an area functioning together with the
abiotic factors of the environment
L. A biome consisting of plants, animals and micro-organisms in an area that functions separately from
the abiotic factors of the environment
M. A community consisting of plants, animals and micro-organisms in an area where there are no
abiotic environmental factors

9. Koalas are born with two opposable digits on each hand to aid in climbing. This phenomenon is best
described as a
J. Behavioural adaptation
K. Anti-predator adaptation
L. Structural adaptation
M. All of the above
10. Many corals contain algae within their tissues. The coral uses some of the carbohydrates produced by the
algae; the algae use some of the coral’s products, for example carbon dioxide as well as the coral providing
protection and habitat. This is known as
J. Parasitism
K. Mutualism
L. Predation
M. Competition

11. A pack of wolves is an example of

J. A population
K. A community
L. An ecosystem
M. An individual

12. Which of the following animals is correctly matched to its behavioural adaptation
K. Millipedes curl into a tiny
J. Bats have wings
ball when touched
to enable them to fly

L. Polar Bears have thick M. A Fennec Fox has

white fur to keep them big, long ears to help it
keep cool

13. Which of the following is not an example of an ecosystem?

J. Pond K. Forest

L. Niche M. Grassland
14. Which interaction best illustrates the concept of parasitism

J. Lions eating baby gazelle

K. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules of a bean crop
L. Infectious worms living in the gut of a human being
M. Rabbits and Hares competing for the same grasses

Use the following food web to answer question 18-20

15. Which animal(s) competes with squid for tiny water animals

J. Producers other than diatoms

K. Killer whales
L. Krill
M. Both krill and producers other than diatoms

16. If an oil spill occurred and poisoned all of the fish, who else might also be poisoned

J. Killer whale
K. Penguin
L. Leopard seal
M. All of the above
17. Which of the organisms shown are tertiary consumers?
J. Diatoms, tiny water animals and producers other than diatoms
K. Leopard seal, fish, penguin
L. Krill and squid
M. Killer whale, penguin and leopard seal

18. Which of the following environmental factors are not needed for an ecosystem to be maintained:

J. Producers
K. Water
L. Sunlight
M. None of the above

19. A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce is called a(n)

J. Mutation
K. Selection
L. Adaptation
M. Variation

20. When two different species occupy the same area at the same time, they are
J. Unaffected by one another
K. Depending on one another
L. In co-operation with one another
M. In competition with one another

21. The process of water diffusing into or out of a cell is known as:
J. Active transport
K. Facilitated diffusion
L. Megafauna
M. Osmosis
22. Active transport is a way for molecules to move across the cell membrane. When active transport is
used to move molecules, what is required?
J. Concentration gradient
K. Very small molecules
L. Energy that the cell provides
M. Osmosis

23. Diffusion is when molecules of a substance move from a higher concentration to a lower
concentration. Which of the following factors do NOT affect the rate of diffusion?

J. Particle colour
K. Particle size
L. Temperature
M. Concentration gradient

24. Red blood cells contain a 5% solute concentration, what would happen if you gave a patient an IV of
pure water?
J. Their blood cells would shrink
K. Their blood cells would burst
L. The patient would slowly become rehydrated
M. I would be promoted for my outstanding level of medical

25. In the scenario described in the previous question, which way would water be moving?
J. Into the blood cells
K. Out of the blood cells
L. Both into and out of, but with no net change
M. Water would not be moving
26. If someone sitting at the other end of a restaurant smokes a cigarette, you may still breathe in some
of the smoke. The movement of smoke through the air of the restaurant is an example of what type
of transport?
J. Osmosis
K. Diffusion
L. Plasmolysis
M. Active transport

27. Which one of the following statements is correct?

J. Prokaryotic cells do not possess a cell membrane

K. Eukaryotic cells contain internal membranes
L. Prokaryotic cells contain internal membranes
M. Prokaryotic cells possess both a cell membrane and nuclear membrane

28. Endosymbiotic theory states that:

J. All mammals evolved from a single ancestor

K. Eukaryotic cells may have evolved when multiple cells joined together into one
L. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
M. The end of all life is imminent.

29. What method of transport across the cell membrane does the diagram below show?

J. Active transport
K. Facilitated diffusion
L. Simple Diffusion
M. Osmosis
30. Which one of the following combinations correctly identifies a cellular structure, its function, and the
type of cell in which it is found?

Type of cell in
Cellular structure Function
which it is found

J. circular loop of DNA contains information for the synthesis eukaryotic

of proteins

K. ribosome the site of protein synthesis prokaryotic

L. chloroplast Allows for the movement of large, prokaryotic

charged ions into the cell

M. endoplasmic reticulum the site for the packaging and eukaryotic

secretion of proteins

31. Which of the following is true for cell division?

J. Allows unicellular organisms to reproduce

K. Creates new cells in multicellular organisms to replace dead and damaged cells
L. Transmits genetic information from generation to generation
M. All the above
Part B: Short Answer Questions.

Please answer all questions in the space provided.

32. Refer to the following diagram, which shows the carbon cycle in a stable woodland community.

Carbon dioxide in the air

Organic compounds in
plants and animals


a) By looking at the diagram, what do decomposers make in the carbon cycle? (1 mark)


33. Fires are common in these stable woodland communities. (2 marks)

b) Explain how a fire could lead to the establishment of a different community after the fire.

34. Refer to the following diagram, which shows a pair of guard cells. Guard cells are specialised photosynthetic
cells found on the leaf surfaces of many green plants.

The volume of the guard cell varies with different environmental conditions.

Refer to the following table, which shows the results of an investigation to determine the change in volume of one
guard cell over a 24-hour period, beginning at midnight.

Time (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
(midnight) (midnight)

Volume 3000 4000 4750 5000 4750 4000 3000

of guard
cell (µm2)

The data in table above has been displayed in a graph to show the change in volume of the guard cell over the 24-
hour period.

Figure 1: The change in guard cell volume over a 24 hour


Guard cell volume (um2)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (24 hour period)
a) Describe the change in volume of the guard cell over the 24-hour period. (2 marks)




b) State the dependent variable (measurable variable) in this investigation. (1 mark)


35. Define the following terms. Use an example: (6 marks)

Competition ____________________________________________________________________________________



Predation _____________________________________________________________________________________



Symbiosis _______________________________________________________________________________________


36. In the following diagram the areas enclosed show the range of temperature and rainfall in which species 1, 2

and 3 can exist on the basis of the information shown:

a. Which species can survive over the greatest temperature range? (1 mark)


b. Explain why species 2 and species 3 are more likely to compete with each other than with species 1.

(1 mark)


37. The food web below represents some of the feeding relationships in an agricultural ecosystem.

If the mouse population was effectively wiped out by a disease:

a. Explain two reasons why the shrew numbers might fall. (2 marks)





b. What possible effect could this have on grasses in the ecosystem? Explain your reasoning. (2 mark)





38. Explain why competition for resources is usually greater between members of the same species, compared

to competition with different species. (2 marks)




39. List 3 characteristic functions of ALL living things:




(3 marks)

40. Examine the diagram below that shows photos of a Venus flytrap at two different time periods, Time
1 and Time 2:

Do the above pictures show a living thing? Why or why not?


(2 marks)

41. The diagram shows a partly labeled drawing of a cell. Is the cell a prokaryote or eukaryote cell? How
do you know?





(2 marks)

42. Circle the incorrect structure-function pairs:

J. Ribosome – to store food for the cell

K. Nucleus – control of the cell’s overall function

L. Golgi Body – To package and secrete proteins

M. Mitochondrion – Site of aerobic respiration

(1 mark)
43. Draw a line to match the cellular feature to the type of cell it is found in:

Chloroplast Bacterial Cell

Mitochondria Plant Cell

Nucleoid region Animal Cell

(2 marks)

44. Put the following example of mitosis in order (1 – 6)

(3 marks)

45. Assign numbers to the following organelles of the prokaryote cell:

Cell membrane _______ Cytoplasm _______

Cell wall _______ Chromosome _______

Flagellum _______ Pilus _______

Capsule _______

(3 marks)

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