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3-Unit Design

Identifying Key Signatures

Goals (“I can” Statements):
- I can identify key signatures (HCI.1.3)
- I can sing major and minor scales (HCI.1.5)
- I can apply accepted criteria for evaluating works of music (HCI.8.3)

- “Identifying Key Signatures” pre-test
- “Circle of Fifths” Hand-out
- “Key Signatures” worksheet
- “Identifying Key Signatures” post-test
- White Board
- Dry Erase Markers
- Pencils
- Piano
- “Afternoon on a Hill” and “Baba Yetu” music scores


Day Before:
- Hand out “Identifying Key Signatures” for students to complete

Day 1:
- Students will be handed a worksheet to fill out
- Students will be asked if they remember the key signatures of C Major, F Major and G
o Instructor will write these on the white board
o Instructor will explain these are the three key signatures that must be
o Students will fill out the worksheet with these key signatures
- Instructor will explain the rule of sharps
o Go to the last sharp
o Go up one note and that is the key
o In the keys of F# and C#, a sharp must be added to name
 Explain the reasoning that F and C Major are different from F# and C#
o Students will fill out worksheet with the sharp major keys
- Students will practice by coming to the board and writing the key signature under a
given key

Day 2:
- Students will pull out the worksheet from the previous day
- Instructor will explain the rule of flats
o Go to the second to last flat
o That flat is the key
o Remember to put a flat next to each key name
o Students will fill out worksheet with the flat major keys
Day 3:
- Students will be handed the “Circle of Fifths” worksheet
- Students will practice coming to the board and writing the key underneath a given key
- Students will pull out worksheet from the days prior and complete the practice
questions on the back
- Instructor will walk around and assist students when needed

Day After:
- Students will be given “Identifying Key Signatures” Post- test

- Students will be evaluated informally by their ability to follow directions and display
effort through participation.
- Students will be evaluated formally by the “Identifying Key Signatures” pre-test and

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