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The papers are graded at Livingston Research for Content, Structure, Language, and Format.

Check the requirements for

each of these sections to make sure your writing deserves an A grade.

Client’s Requirements Met:
1. Break down the instructions into parts. Make sure each is equally addressed. E.g.: the paper for the task “answer
3 questions related to a novel/film/social problem in 4 pages (1 page = 300 words)” will have the following
Introduction (10%) – 120 words;
Main body (80%) – 960 words (320 words per each question);
Conclusion (10%) – 120 words.
2. Avoid irrelevant content/generic information. Answer the questions directly.
3. Use the required sources.
4. Incorporate international examples or the ones specific to the Client’s country. Do not mention any of your
personal information.
No Plagiarism
1. Include in-text citations for outside information.
2. Direct quotations should not exceed 10% of the required word count.
3. Missing or fake references are considered as plagiarism issues.
Appropriate sources
1. Sources mentioned in the instructions and/or attached by the Client are obligatory to use.
2. Up-to-date (published within the last 5-7 years).
3. Credible (use , , , etc).
Do NOT use Wikipedia, Sparknotes, blogs.
4. Avoid .com domains.
Appropriate Word Count
1. Calculate your word count from the first word of introduction to the last word of conclusion (the title page,
abstract, reference page are not counted).
2. Make sure that footnotes (if any) are excluded.

1. An Introduction (10% of the required word count):
a. Presents a brief overview of the problem/background information;
b. Finishes with a strong thesis statement. Check the examples: .
2. Each paragraph:
a. Begins with a topic sentence and finishes with a transition sentence;
b. Is dedicated to one idea;
c. Contains from 3 sentences (minimum) to 200 words (maximum). Check for more details: .
3. A Conclusion (10% of the required word count):
a. Restates the thesis statement;
b. Contains no new information, no references;
c. Summarizes the key points of the essay.
4. Subheadings are required for 5+ page orders.

1. The Paper is Proofread:
a. No repetitions; use to find synonyms;
b. No punctuation issues (avoid exclamation and question marks);
c. No spelling mistakes. Use MS Words automatic Spelling & Grammar checker or .
2. No Grammar Mistakes:
a. No shifts between tenses. E.g.: The author depicts in the novel how two people met meet each other and
fell fall in love.
3. Subject-predicate agreement. E.g.: One of the million reasons for you to continue attending lessons is your
tendency to switch tenses accidentally.
4. Writing Style is Academic:
a. No personal pronouns (unless required in the instructions);
b. No colloquialisms / informal expressions (and l tell ya);
c. No contracted forms (doesn’t, won’t);
d. No phrasal verbs (give up, move in);
e. No idiomatic expressions (out of the blue, a piece of cake, to miss a train);
f. No rhetorical questions (What is happiness?);
g. Sentences are neither too short (up to 10 words), nor too long (more than 35).

1. MLA, APA, Harvard and Chicago are the most frequently required formats. You can download the templates
from the system (section Help) delete sample information, and write the paper in the already formatted
document. Do not forget to rename the title of the MS Word doc, it should coincide with the number of the
order + _final. E.g. “AN20180509-1_final”.
2. Use to find even more examples and guidelines per each of the
formatting styles.
3. If the style is not specified in the instructions, use MLA.
4. Examples of in-text citations can be found in the Templates. Please note: if you use an electronic source that
contains no pagination, include “N.p.” (i.e. “no page”) instead of a page number.
a. E.g. in MLA with pagination: (Smith 45).
b. E.g. in MLA with no pagination: (Smith N.p.).
5. If you use an electronic source with no date, include “N.d.” (i.e. “no date”) instead of the year of publication.
a. E.g. in APA, direct quote: (Smith, N.d., p. 45).
b. E.g. in APA, indirect quote: (Smith, N.d.).
6. All sources that are mentioned in the body of the paper should be included in the Reference/Works Cited page.
Use an automatic Reference Generator to save your time and omit typical

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