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Chapter II Unit Exams

I. Direction: Choose the best correct answer(s). Please write on your sheet of
paper the corresponding correct letter and word(s) phrase(s) only. Do not put any
mark on your test paper.

1. One of the characteristics of the surveyed related materials must be

important because:
a. technological changes*
b. scientific
c. economic
d. rapid changes
e. all of the above

2. However, there are exceptions to the rule which may also depend upon the
availability of related materials:
a. Universal treaties
b. mathematical laws and formulas
c. statistical procedures
d. natural and physical law
e. all of the above

3. Related materials reviewed must be:

a. distorted c. one sided
b. logically and valid * d. none of the above

4. Only related materials surveyed that have some bearing to the research
problem should not be reviewed.
a. yes c. not certain
b. No* d. none of the above

5. The knowledge obtain from the review of related literature and studies in
terms of sources, procedures, and results, represents essential orientation
a. definition of the problem*
b. selection of method
c. interpretation of findings
d. all of the above
e. any of the above

6. Kinds of related literature which are important for its contributions to make
to the research process:
a. search literature
b. conceptual literature
c. related literature
d. none of the above
e. any two of the above
7. These are several guides to use in the review of related literature:
a. comprehensive or general guides
b. Periodicals and serials
c. books and monographs
d. biographic
e. all of the above

8. The excellent reference materials which the researcher should read during
the review of related literature :
a. theses and dissertations c. educational index
b. encyclopaedias d. all of the above

9. Which literature does a researcher can go for his/her review of related

a. DepEd b .CHED c. National Library d. any of the

10. The review of related literature can be done in a situation where one
already has a topic and is now reviewing the related literature:
a. conceptual framework c. all of the above
b. theoretical framework d. any of the above

11. In reviewing research literature the investigator can refer a variety of

materials like:
a. various indexes b. abstracts of research studies
c. masteral theses d. doctoral dissertations e. all of the
12. When one reviews or relevant research investigation, the salient areas of
the study should include:
a. bibliographical entry
b. problems or questions of the research study being reviewed
c. research design
d. results, conclusions and recommendations
e. all of the above

13. To help the researcher in implementing the “library technique’’, the

researcher must focus on:
a. preparation of a working bibliography
b. the evaluation of material
c. primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information
d. the art of reading and the mechanics of note taking
e. all of the above

14. What constitute the chief of event of information among researchers:

a. libraries b. encyclopaedia c. on-line sources d. all of the above

15. In case of reference and books, the minimum of information on the

individual card would be:
a. author’s name and initials
b. brief title of the work
c. call-number in the most accessible library
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

16. For related articles in magazines, it is necessary to have:

a. author’s name and initials
b. brief title of the article
c. title of the periodical in which the title appeared
d. volume numbers, page, month or year
e. all of the above
17. Points to be checked when the researchers is evaluating material for the
review of related literature and studies:
a. accuracy and dependability
b. up-to-datedness’
c. suitability for specific requirements
d. authority
e. all of the above

18. What are the secondary sources of materials usually being used not on the
scene of the research’s survey:
a. historical storybooks c. historical records
b. general encyclopaedias d. all of the above

19. The art of reading review literature and studies, the researcher must read:
a. occasionally and summarizing the specific point’s
b. hastily thorough the whole book
c. reference paper to the portions or pages that scan important
d. the selected section a second time with care.
e. all of the above

20. One of the most important research activities of the researcher is:
a. note-taking b. summarizing c. evaluating d. all of the above

Part II-Unit Exam for chapter II- Review of Related Literature

1. Why is the review of related literature an important step in the research

process? Explain fully. 10%
2. What are the two kinds of related literature? What is the function of each? 10%

3. What is meant by ‘’sifting the bibliography’’?

Explain briefly. 10%

4. In what way a material being reviewed is considered as having accuracy and

dependability? 10%

5. What relation does the review of related literature have in connection with the
statement that effective research must be based upon past knowledge? 10%

6. Explain each of the following aspects in connection with the library technique.
10% each.
a. the preparation of a working bibliography
b. the evaluation of material
c. Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources
d. the art of reading
e. the mechanics of note-taking.

GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read carefully the following statements, select the correct answer(s) and
write on your yellow sheet of paper the corresponding letters and answer(s). Do not write
anything nor mark on the questionnaire.

1. A good research title should be;

a) Short
b) Reflective of the content, problem, and the main variables to be studied;
c) Free of value judgement
d) all of the above
2. A good introduction for research proposal should;
a) Tell the background of the problem
b) Show the rationale or justification for choosing the study;
c) Present the research gap that can filled by the study and therefore the study’s
d) All of the above mentioned.

3. A good research objectives should be;

a) Consistent with the research problem.
b) Able to include major variables;
c) Specific in citing variables that can be measured
d) clearly stated
e) All of the above sited

4. To help researchers make intelligent research about the potential value of the sources
the following are useful to consider;
a) The source should be relevant
b) The source must be current
c) The source should be comprehensive
d) The source should direct you to other sources
e) All of the above

5. There are sets of guidelines and short cuts to help researchers about the potential value
of the sources.
a) Locate annotated bibliography
b) Read book reviews
c) Obtain the advice of experts
d) Review the table of contents
e) Read the introduction
f) Browse through the index
g) All of the above

6. The purpose of the research on the problem involved showed be:

a) Clearly defined
b) its contents
c) its quality
d) either of these three
e) all of the above

7. The research procedure used should be:

a) Described in sufficient detail

b) to permit another researcher to replicate the research
c) To yield clear results
d) any two of the above
e) all of the above
8. The researcher should render written report with:
a) appropriate method of analysis
b) complete frankness
c) flaws in procedural design
d) all of the above
e) any of the aforementioned

9. Practically every field of endeavour require research to easily achieve their:

a) decision- making
b) happiness in life
c) goals and objectives
d) all of the above|
e) None of the above

10. Research is increasingly finding its own demand:

a) business and industry
b) Government and private sectors
c) education
d) Science and Technology
e) law and enforcement
f) all of the above-mentioned

11. Research has become an integral and indispensible part of our milti-sectoral
economy due to:
a) bring about drastic changes to be our betterment
b) upgrade present systems
c) searching further milestones
d) any of the above

12. Practically every facet if human endeavour, research is our important

ingredient in:

a) Laws and principles

b) systems and conditions
c) fashions and trends
d) any of the above mentioned
e) all of the above endeavour

13. Education likewise is a continuing process of searching for better methods

and strategies to:
a) growth and development of our people
b) upgrades its quality
c) makes the youth of our country better leaders of tomorrow
d) as all mentioned above
e) to be educated and be rich.
14. Most of our students nowadays usually have the misconception that do research
a) to copy every fact and information related to their topic
b) to do library work
c) have certain pages of books photo copied
d) to present and submit as if they were once who wrote it.
e) Agree to the aforementioned statements.
f) Strongly disagree to the above allegations.

15. Haphazard and sporadic researchers are being under taken now in the field of:
a) business and industries
b) politics and economics
c) law and enforcement
d) many others
e) fully agree to above cited
f) disagree to the afforecited facts.

NOTE: Please write a brief comments to the last item no.15 (above) if you agree, cite your
reasons. If not, why? Support your answer.

Good luck and thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Research Professor

Rank/Name___________________________________ Date______________________

Unit Assignment/Designation __________________________________________________

I. TRUE or FALSE. Please respond to each statement by writing “TRUE” or “FALSE” on the
space provided.

______T1. There are no hard and fast rules for handling most crises that arise in Hostage
_T____F2. The Stronghold can be a place like a vehicle from which the demands of the
Hostage-Takers are made.
______T3. Secondary Negotiator is the safety in charge for the Negotiation Team.
______F4. The Negotiator is the best person to execute an assault plan because he has the
knowledge of suspect’s location.
______F5. Exchange of hostages is allowed provided the Ground Commander is informed.
______T6. Debriefing of all participants in the resolution of a crisis is a post action of the
crisis management task group.
______T7. Many Hostages begin to identify with the Hostage Takers after a prolonged
period of time.
______T8. The negotiator can establish a high level of credibility with the hostage taker
when he is unarmed and unthreatening.
______T9. A news blackout may be ordered to the media while a hostage crisis is unfolding.
__T___F10. Generally, stalling for time is a desirable police action because of its
______F11. Once Negotiation started, the first Negotiator must see it through to the finish.
______F12. It is generally acceptable to allow hostage taker to leave the hostage scene.
______T13. A kidnapping case is also considered a hostage taking because of the
deprivation of liberty to the victim.
______T14. The PROCEDURES provides that a hostage situation must be immediately
______T15. Identity Syndrome refers to a group of psychological symptoms that occur in
some persons in a captive or hostage situation.
______F16. If demands or deadlines are given, the negotiator should give promises to
appease the suspect.
______T17. The negotiator must seek reciprocation for every concession made with the
hostage taker.
______T18. The On-Scene Commander may allow a substitute negotiator.
______F19. The Stockholm syndrome occurs when a hostage decides to act uncooperatively
toward the hostage-takers. This especially includes behavior such as debating the
ideology of the terrorist group involved, arguing with the hostage-takers, or
becoming physically challenging toward the hostage-takers.
______T20. Increase in the frequency of threats or discussion of violence can be a valid
ground for a tactical assault.
______T21. Delaying the negotiation process is not recommended in a hostage-taking
inside a jail facility involving inmates because it increases the opportunity of
the suspects to organize their actions.
______F22. Imposition of self-deadline is encouraged in hostage negotiation.
______T23. Open-ended questions are questions that are not answerable by “yes” or “no”.
______T24. The negotiation team shall be located separately from the other members of
the CMC but within the inner cordon. The team location should be strategically
located to provide the negotiators the general view of the stronghold.
______F25. Normally, the ground commander can negotiate with the Hostage taker
because he is the person in command.
______T26. One concern of the first officer on scene is take command of the incident until
relieved. This includes several areas, one of which is to establish perimeter
_______T27. Obtaining a detailed floor plan/location map of the incident is just one item of
intelligence that is necessary for future actions.
_______T28. Sending in the tactical team right away in a hostage taking situation is the
preferred option in dealing with this kind of crisis.
_______T29. Ideally, Hostage Negotiation Teams should encompass both male and female
members, a wide age group and, a variety of ethnic backgrounds.

_______F30. While speaking with the hostage taker, let them know that you are not going
to discuss their side of the issue, only your viewpoint.
_______T31. The Negotiator should never seek any demand from the hostage-takers nor
ignore them when one is declared.
_______T32. The secondary (or backup) negotiator assists the primary negotiator by
offering advice, monitoring the negotiations, keeping notes, and ensuring that
the primary negotiator sees and hears everything in the proper perspective.
_______T33. Ground Commander should not rush anything unless the loss of life appears
_______T34. A bad start by well-intentioned, but untrained, personnel can have negative
effects throughout the process.
_______F35. The negotiation team sets up away from the rest of the activity and maintains
communications with the command post via a liaison.
_______T36. While the need for a secure inner perimeter is obvious, hostage-taking
incidents also require an emphasis on a well-controlled outer perimeter.
_______T37. The press should be provided a designated gathering area away from the
perimeter and be briefed regularly regarding the status of the negotiations
_______T38. The Crisis Management Committee is headed by the local chief executive
concerned who shall be responsible for the development of a response plan to
different potential crises.
_______T39. While negotiating, show the hostage taker that you know what you are talking
about and that you have the answers and are indeed able to assist.
_______T40. All aspect of the delivery plan must be known and understood by all police
elements including all contingencies.
_______T41. Hostage reception party should not only compose medical personnel but also
investigators who briefed by the hostages regarding latest activity in the
_______T42. Terrorist hostage takers are known for their want of prestige and power or for
a collective goal or higher cause.

_______T43. Assault Plan, Delivery plan and other operational plans during hostage-taking
shall be reviewed by the Crisis Management Committee and approved by the
Chairman, CMC for effective implementation.
_______T44. Never make a statement that could be exposed as a lie. This will destroy your
honesty and credibility.
_______F45. Negotiator is allowed to make alternate suggestions not agreed upon in the
_______T46. The primary goal of hostage negotiation is to resolve the siege obtaining the
safe release of the hostages and the arrest of the hostage taker without the
loss of human life.
_______T47. Avoid directing frequent attention to the victim when talking to the hostage-
_______F48. As a general rule, outsiders or civilians may be allowed into the negotiation
_______F49. The negotiator and the On-Scene Commander can be one and the same
_______T50. Another reason for negotiating with the suspect is to delay and/or divert the
hostage takers' plans, intentions and actions.

Multiple Choice

1. Crisis came from the Greek word “Krises”, which means to

a) integrate b) divide c) initiate problems
-d) separate e) create chaos

2. It is a sudden condition or state of affairs calling for immediate action.

a) greenhouse effect -b) emergency c) climate change
d) catastrophic e) global warming

3. Crisis or emergency are either

a) natural and special -b) man-made and natural c) accidents and fire
d) calamity and disaster e) typhoon and drought

4. When a crisis arises out of man-made emergencies as described above, it is immediately

activated at the appropriate level to be the organizational body that shall primarily act on
the crisis situation.
-a) Peace and Order Council b) Command Post c) Emergency Center
d) Relief Center e) Rendezvous Point

5. The two phases envisioned to address crisis situation

a) Command and Control b) Analysis and Action c) Before and After
d) Supervision and Control -e) Proactive and Reactive

6. Which one is not a component of the 4P Crisis Management Model:

a) Prevent -b) Plan c) Prepare
d) Perform e) Predict

7. This stage involves foretelling of the likelihood of crisis through the continuous
assessment of all the possible threats and the threat groups, as well as the continuous
monitoring and analysis of the confluence of related events.

a) Prevent b) Plan c) Prepare

d) Perform -e) Predict

8. This stage involves the institution of passive and active security measures, as well as the
remedy or solution of destabilizing factors and/or security flaws leading to such
a) Prevent b) Plan c) Prepare
-d) Perform e) Predict

9. The actual execution or implementation of any contingency plan when a crisis situation
occurs despite the proactive measures is
a) Prevent b) Plan c) Prepare
-d) Perform e) Predict

10. The organization, training and stockpiling of equipment and supplies needed for such
a) Prevent b) Plan -c) Prepare
d) Perform e) Predict

11. As a matter of policy, natural calamities and disasters will be responsibilities of

d) POC e) OCD

12. Terrorist-based crisis/emergencies on the other hand will be the responsibility of

a) National Bureau of Investigation
c) Philippine Center for Transnational Crime
-d) Peace and Order Council
e) Office of the Civil Defense

13. Armed actions shall be employed in this manner only after exhausting all peaceful
means, using appropriate and necessary means commensurate to the situation.
-a) Justified b) Swift c) Violently
d) Commensurate e) Graduated

14. All terrorist-based crisis/emergencies which are basically police matters, shall be
handled as much as possible, at this ______ level and resolved at the earliest possible time.
a) Ground b) Equal c) Commander’s
d) Lowest -e) Highest

15. The ____ are primarily concerned with the formulation of crisis management
procedures, integration and orchestration of government, military/police and public efforts
towards the prevention and control of crisis incidents.
a) Local Government Units
b) Peace and Order Council
c) Barangay Intelligence Networks
d) National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
e) Crisis Management Committee

16. Any natural or manmade event, civil disturbance, or other occurrence of an unusual or
severe nature that threatens to cause or causes the loss of life or injury to citizens and or
severe damage to property.
a) Accident b) Chemical Incident -c) Critical Incident
d) Terrorism e) Fortuitous Event

17. Which of these best describe the word “Crisis”?

a) A crucial event or situation that requires a response by the police only.
b) A threat that involves massive casualties and mobilization of resources.
-c) A crucial event or situation requiring a special response to assure an acceptable solution.
d) A crucial event or situation that involves a death of a person.
e) A crucial event or situation that requires planning upon occurrence of an incident

18. What is the first step in resolving a critical incident?

a) Analyze b) Isolate c) Evacuate
d) Negotiate e) Contain

19. What is the last step in resolving a critical incident?

a) Contain -b) Rehabilitate c) Evacuate
d) Negotiate e) Investigate

20. The Chairman of the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) can be any of the
elected governor of the provinces or the mayor of highly urbanized city in the region, while
the chairman of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC) is
always the Regional Director of what government agency?
d) DILG e) PNP


1. How is the Ground Commander/On-Scene Commander selected?

A Ground Commander (GC) – is to be designated by the CMC based on the most senior officer of
the PNP unit present. He must possess the trust and confidence of the jurisdictional authority based on his
prowess to command and control. On-Scene Cmdr (OSC) - to be designated by CMC from among the senior
officers of the PNP Headquarters based on his ability to direct and supervise. On-Scene Commander (OSC) -
shall be responsible for everything happening to the crisis incident scene. All orders at the scene of the crisis
incident shall emanate from the On-Scene Commander only. He shall communicate and clear all his actions, if
necessary, with the CMC. However, OSC shall clear to Chairman CMC all actions that will cause death, injury,
destruction of property, political instability, endanger national security and publicity of any kind.
There is no significant difference between the two type commanders stated above only based on what
crisis have been responded to.

2. Who may be allowed to enter the cordon set-up by the police?

During the Incident: Negotiators (Negotiation Phase), Assault team (Final Option).

After the Incident: SOCO Team with Investigators and other personnel involved in the actual process as
properly authorized.
3. When may non-law enforcement officers be allowed to participate in the negotiation?

When language barrier is an issue/problem. When critical time constraint is a factor.

4. What are the options of the ground commander/On-Scene Commander in resolving a

hostage-taking situation?

MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 121, Updating the government's policy on terrorism, particularly on
hostage-taking situations, SECTION 1 Policy Guidelines, (c.2). Peaceful Means and other Options in the
Resolution of a Crisis. The government shall exhaust all peaceful means in seeking a resolution to a crisis to
minimize; if not prevent, the loss of life and destruction of property (FIRST OPTION). If all peaceful means
are exhausted, the government shall act promptly, decisively and effectively, choosing from the whole range of
police and military actions appropriate to the circumstances. Armed action (FINAL OPTION) shall, however,
be calibrated as required by the situation, to ensure the safety of victims and innocent civilians.

5. What composes the Crisis Management Committee?

In accordance with Executive Order 320, as amended, NPOC has constituted Crisis Management
Committees (CMCs) at all levels specifically to take decisive action in emergency situations. The CMCs are
primarily concerned with the formulation of crisis management procedures, integration and orchestration of
government, military/police and public efforts towards the prevention and control of crisis incidents. All actions
and decisions taken by the CMC shall be within the policies laid down by the corresponding Peace and Order
Councils (POC). Hence, PNP Regional/Provincial/City/ Municipal offices shall organize its own
complementary Critical Incident Management Task Group (CIMTG) in support to CMCs from the Regional
down to Municipal level.

6. Give five (5) basic responsibilities/functions of the ground commander/On-Scene


1. Ensures the accomplishment of the mission saving the lives of the hostages and the arrest of the
2. Directs, coordinates, supervises and controls the operations of all elements involved in the operation.
3. Selects, designates personnel and units to compose the command dealing with the hostage incident.
4. Prepares and submit to the Regional Director and After Operations Report after the culmination of the
5. Supervises the implementation of the crisis management plan.

7. Enumerate the four (4) Sub-Task Group in the Critical Incident Management Task
1. Investigation and Intelligence Sub-Task Group
2. Operations Sub-Task Group
3. Service Support Sub-Task Group
4. Public Affairs Sub-Task Group

8. Explain the delineation of responsibilities in the management of crisis.

For Man-Made Crisis, Executive Order 773 dated 05 January 2009 States that the SILG is mandated to be
the Chairman, National Peace and Order Council (NPOC) - Crisis Management Committee (CMC). The
Chairmanship of the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) - Crisis Management Committee (CMC) is
appointed by the SILG as approved by the President of the Republic. The Chairman of the Provincial Peace and
Order Council (PPOC) - Crisis Management Committee (CMC) is to be chaired by the Provincial Governor. The
City / Municipal Peace and Order Council (C/MPOC) - Crisis Management Committee (CMC) is chaired by the
City or Municipal Mayor.

For Natural Crisis, Republic Act Nr. 10121 known as the Philippines Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act of 2010, states that the SND is mandated to be the Chairman, of National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Committee. The Regional Director of the Office of Civil Defense is now mandated to be the
Chairman of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee.

9. What are the basic functions of the City/Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction

1. Approve, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the LDRRMPs and

regularly review and test the plan consistent with other national and local planning programs;
2. Ensure the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
into local development plans, programs and budgets as a strategy in sustainable development
and poverty reduction;
3. Recommend the implementation of forced or preemptive evacuation of local
residents, if necessary; and
4. Convene the local council once every three months or as necessary.

10. How does a Peace and Order Council (POC) differ from the Crisis Management
Committee (CMC)?

Executive Order 320, as amended, All actions and decisions taken by the CMC shall be within
the policies laid down by the corresponding Peace and Order Councils. Therefore, the CMC seeks advice
and guidance from the POC before it initiates any action taken.

POC serves as the operational or implementing arm of the standing committee for national crisis
management SCNCM at all political jurisdiction level. While CMC directs the mobilization of
government resources to assess the immediate resolution of the crisis. It also sets the mood of inter-
operability between agencies to ensure the operational demand is accomplished during crisis.

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