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Teacher Candidate: Jordan Lallemont

Content Area: Specific Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson:

ELA 8th Grade Literacy Narrative 50 minutes

WV Standard(s):
ELA.8.22 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

Learning Objective(s) a.k.a. SWBAT(s):

Students will be able to evaluate literacy narratives.
Students will be able to define the genre of literacy narratives.
Students will be able to plan their own literacy narrative.

Formative Assessment:
I will assess the students by walking around when they do their lists to see what they came up with. This will not be graded.
I will assess the students by reading their responses to the exit tickets. This will not be graded.


Bellringer journals/daybooks
Extra pens/pencils
Popsicle jar with students’ names
Sample papers

Brainstorm List:
Murray, Donald. Write to Learn. 8th ed., Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. p. 9.

Letter Activity:
Murray, Donald. Write to Learn. 8th ed., Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. p. 195.
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time 1. The following bellringer will be written on the

Introduction 10:00- board: How did you learn to read or write?
10:10 Describe at least one specific experience.
2. Students will answer the bellringer in their
3. I will have students share their answers with the
class. I will ask for volunteers but if no one
volunteers, then I will pick names out of my
popsicle jar.

Core Instruction Time

10:10- 1. I will write the words “literacy narrative” on the 1. Just by hearing the words
10:17 board. I will then ask students to brainstorm what “literacy narrative” what do
they think it means. I will write their responses on you think it means?
the board. Then, I will give them a brief definition
of the genre.

10:17- 2. I will disperse my past students’ literacy narratives 2. What sticks out from the paper I will make sure that my room is
10:37 around the classroom. Students will do a Gallery that you are reading? set up in a way that any students
Walk where they go around and look at different with a physical disability can get
parts of several papers. I will have a few examples around in the classroom.
of the introductions, bodies, and conclusions of
past students’ literacy narratives. I will hand out
notecards and students will write one thing they
would like to incorporate into their own narrative
and one thing they would do differently. They will
fill out a notecard for each sample paper that they

10:37- 3. Students will return to their seats and I will 3. What comes to your mind
10:44 explain that we will be doing a brainstorming when you think of your own
activity where we create a list of things that come literacy?
to mind about a certain subject. Students will 4. How did you become literate?
create their own brainstorming list on the topic of
their literacy. I will encourage students to not
worry about spelling or writing in complete
sentences but just to write whatever comes to
mind. I will set a timer for five minutes once they
begin brainstorming.

Closure Time
10:44- 1. I will explain to students that for homework they
10:50 will be writing a letter (but not actually send it)
about the narrative that they are going to write. I
will remind them that it’s okay to not have all
their ideas together yet and that actual activity of
writing the letter may help them come up with

2. Exit Ticket- Students will write about one thing

that they want to include in their literacy narrative
and why it fits that genre.
Contingency Time
1. If there is time remaining, students can go ahead
Time and start on their letters.
Teacher Candidate: Jordan Lallemont

Content Area: Specific Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson:

ELA 8th Grade Literacy Narrative 50 minutes

WV Standard(s):
ELA.8.22 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

Learning Objective(s) a.k.a. SWBAT(s):

Students will be able to discuss what they want to include in their own literacy narrative.
Students will be able to write their own literacy narrative.

Formative Assessment:
I will assess the students by reading their responses to the exit tickets. This will not be graded.


*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time

Introduction 10:00-10:10 1. I will split students up into groups by counting by 1. Which ideas from your peers I will make sure that my room is
fours. In their groups, students will discuss the interest you? Why? set up in a way that any students
letters that they wrote and their ideas for their with a physical disability can get
literacy narrative. around in the classroom.
Core Instruction Time
10:10-10:40 1. Students will return to their seats and I will pass If a student is unable to type or
out the class set of netbooks. Students will began write their narrative, I will record
working on their own literacy narrative. it for them.

I will give my students with

ADHD three sticky notes on
their desks. The sticky notes will
represent how many times they
are allowed to get out of their
seat during the activity.

Closure Time
10:40-10:50 1. I will have students upload their document to
2. I will explain to students that their homework is
to finish their literacy narratives and that 1. How is the writing process
tomorrow we will be doing a peer reviewing going so far?
workshop. 2. What do you think of your
3. I will ask students to read over their draft. For an draft so far?
exit ticket, students will write about how the 3. What do you want to change
writing process is going for them so far. I will also about your draft?
have them write a question that they would like 4. What is one thing that you
their peers to answer in the writing workshop want your peers to answer for
tomorrow. you after they have read your
Contingency Time 1. If there is extra time, students can continue
working on their drafts.
Time 2. If the computers don’t work, I will see if there are
Remaining any computer labs open. If not, students will hand
write their narratives.
Teacher Candidate: Jordan Lallemont

Content Area: Specific Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson:

ELA 8th Grade Literacy Narrative 50 minutes

WV Standard(s):
ELA.8.24 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,
focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of the Language standards up to and including grade
ELA.8.25 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing, present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently, and interact and
collaborate with others.

Learning Objective(s) a.k.a. SWBAT(s):

Students will be able evaluate their peers work.
Students will be able to use technology to work with their peers.

Formative Assessment:
I will assess students by looking at the comments they made on GoogleDocs. These will not be graded.

Popsicle stick jar

Workshop Activities:
Elbow, Peter & Pat Belanoff. Sharing and Responding. 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 2000. p. 7-8.

*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time

Introduction 10:00- 1. I will pass out the netbooks and students will pull 1. Was your question the same as
10:07 up their literacy narrative on GoogleDocs. what you wrote on the exit
Students will look over their drafts and type a ticket yesterday? Why or why
question that they want to ask their reading at the not?
end of the paper. This question can be the same
question that they wrote on their exit ticket from
yesterday. They will also share their paper to the
class folder.

Core Instruction Time

10:07- 1. I will explain that I will be splitting up students I will make sure that my room is
10:10 into threes. In their groups, students will choose set up in a way that any students
the first reader. Each student will pull up the with a physical disability can get
reader’s paper on their screen. The reader will around in the classroom.
read through their paper out loud once. Then, the
reader will read again out loud but the other Students that are unable to type
students will make digital comments. The or write will be allowed to just
students will be highlighting meaningful lines and give oral comments.
the center of gravity and then commenting on
why they chose these lines. Once the student
finishes reading, the students will have several
minutes to comment on the question at the
bottom of the paper and answer the question
what do you want to hear more about? Students
will briefly discuss their comments and then they
will move on to the next paper. Each student will
have 12 minutes before they switch.

2. I will split students up into groups of three by 1. What do you want to hear
pulling popsicle sticks from the jar and students more about in your peer’s
will begin working. narrative?
2. Where are parts in your peer’s
piece that are confusing and
need more explanation?
3. What lines seem to indicate the
center or main theme of the
piece? Why?
Closure Time
10:46- 1. I will explain that for homework, students write 1. Now that we have had this
10:50 one paragraph about the workshop experience. workshop, what is the first
They will be required to discuss what their peers thing you want to do to revise
commented on and what revisions they now want your piece?
to make.

Contingency Time 1. If there is extra time, students can begin to work

on their homework.
Remaining 2. If the netbooks aren’t working, I will see if there
is a computer lab available. If the internet isn’t
working, I will have the students pull up their
document that they typed in Word. Students will
have to write their comments on paper instead of
through GoogleDocs.

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