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J Comp Physiol A (2000) 186: 181±191 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000


H. RoÈmer á M. Krusch

A gain-control mechanism for processing of chorus sounds in the

afferent auditory pathway of the bushcricket Tettigonia viridissima
(Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae)

Accepted: 20 November 1999

Abstract The representation of alternative conspeci®c

acoustic signals in the responses of a pair of local
interneurons of the bushcricket Tettigonia viridissima
Acoustic advertisement signals in orthopteran insects
was studied with variation in intensity and the direc-
are used to attract mates from a distance, or in com-
tion of sound signals. The results suggest that the
petitive interactions between males. However, signalling
auditory world of the bushcricket is rather sharply
often occurs in groups (choruses) of many individuals of
divided into two azimuthal hemispheres, with signals
the same and/or di€erent species. Whatever the proxi-
arriving from any direction within one hemisphere
mate and ultimate causes for chorusing may be (for re-
being predominantly represented in the discharge of
views see Alexander 1975; Otte 1977; Thornhill and
neurons of this side of the auditory pathway. In ad-
Alcock 1983; Green®eld 1994), the result of such ag-
dition, each pathway also selects for the most intense
gregations is a complex sonic and ultrasonic background
of several alternative sounds. A low-intensity signal at
over which individuals must then communicate. Thus,
45 dB sound pressure level is quite e€ective when
each species faces a trade-o€ between optimum broad-
presented alone, but completely suppressed when given
cast conditions and the problem of detecting and dis-
simultaneously with another signal at 60 dB sound
criminating individual conspeci®c signals against a high
pressure level. In a series of intracellular experiments
background noise.
the synaptic nature of the intensity-dependent sup-
Temporal segregation of calling activity (Gogala and
pression of competitive signals was investigated in a
Riede 1995) or the partitioning of calling frequencies
number of interneurons. The underlying synaptic
(Narins 1995) may represent solutions to reduce inter-
mechanism is based on a membrane hyperpolarisation
speci®c song interference, but insects may also sing in
with a time-constant in the order of 5±10 s. The sig-
dense populations of conspeci®c individuals, where more
ni®cance of this mechanism for hearing in choruses,
than one signaller is within hearing range of a potential
and for the evolution of acoustic signals and signalling
receiver. For example, the maximum hearing distance
behaviour is discussed.
for the calls of male bushcrickets Mygalopsis marki was
estimated at 25 m, a distance which, combined with a
Key words Bushcricket á Chorusing á Intensity á
map of male spacing in the habitat, suggests that more
Gain-control á Inhibition
than ten receivers may be within the active space of the
signal (RoÈmer and Bailey 1986). The temporal overlap
Abbreviations EPSP excitatory postsynaptic
of several songs arriving from di€erent directions may
potential á PSTH peristimulus time histogram á
result in a severe masking of the individual temporal
SPL sound pressure level
song pattern at the position of the receiver. Under such
conditions any estimation of the species-speci®c tempo-
ral properties, for example syllable or chirp duration or
intersyllable intervals, may be extremely hard to ac-
complish. The question, therefore, is how many of the
signals within hearing range of a receiver, if any, can be
H. RoÈmer (&) á M. Krusch evaluated in such choruses?
Karl-Franzens-University Graz, UniversitaÈtsplatz 2,
A-8010 Graz, Austria By mimicking part of such complex chorus situation
e-mail: in the laboratory, Pollack (1988) discovered a neuronal
Tel.: +43-316-380-5596; Fax: +43-316-380-9875 gain-control mechanism in one of the pairs of omega

neurons (ON1) of the cricket that could selectively code Laboratory studies
the more intense of two simultaneously presented sound
signals, analogous to the `cocktail party phenomenon'
familiar to humans (Cherry 1966). The intensity dif- Males or females were anaesthetised with CO2, and after removal
ferences between the competing sound signals used in of the wings, mid- and hindlegs, were mounted ventral side up on
Pollack's study were 20 dB. The distribution of signal- a small metal holder using dental wax. The prothoracic legs
bearing the hearing organs were ®xed in a position 90° to the
ling males in populations of crickets and bushcrickets longitudinal body axis. The prothoracic ganglion was exposed, the
(Clark and Evans 1954; Campbell and Shipp 1979; gut underneath removed and replaced by a small piece of cotton
Thiele and Bailey 1980; Schatral et al. 1984; Forrest to prevent movement of the ganglion during long-term recordings
and Green 1991; Arak and Eiriksson 1992) would from the bilateral pair of omega cells. These cells are local neu-
suggest, however, that the acoustic situation for either rons in the prothoracic ganglion, receiving direct excitatory input
from most receptors in the hearing organ (RoÈmer et al. 1988; see
male or female receivers in such populations may be far Fig. 3A). The extracellular spike activity of the pair of cells was
more complex in both the number of possible sound recorded with glass-insulated tungsten electrodes (resistance
sources within hearing range and the intensity di€er- 1±3 MW) inserted into the anterior part of the ganglion. By po-
ences that need to be discriminated. The aim of the sitioning the tip of the electrode close to the crossing segments of
both cells and slightly o€ the ganglionic midline, we obtained
present paper is therefore twofold. First, we con®rm spike recordings of both cells with reliably di€erent amplitudes
and detail a synaptic mechanism similar to the one (Fig. 3A; for similar results with the pair of ON1 neurons in
described in the cricket and in the bushcricket Tetti- crickets see Wiese and Eilts 1985). The crossing segments of the
gonia viridissima (RoÈmer 1993). Second, we employ two cells form the so-called omega tract, with no axon or dendrite
of other auditory cells entering (Wohlers and Huber 1985). As a
®eld data from populations of the same insect to apply rule the soma-contralateral cell had the larger action potential
a more natural signal situation in neurophysiological amplitude, which was controlled by changing the position of the
tests for the functional signi®cance of such a neuronal speaker from one side to the other. It is still unknown why the
mechanism in nature. The results of both ®eld and contralateral omega cell always exhibits the larger action poten-
laboratory studies on the representation of competitive tials in extracellular recordings. Despite intensive extra- and in-
tracellular recordings made in the prothoracic ganglion of
acoustic signals provide further evidence for the exis- bushcrickets in our laboratory over many years, we know of no
tence of a mechanism for the suppression of responses other pair of cells that allows simultaneous spike recordings with
to the weaker of two or more sounds. The reported an extracellular electrode at this position. Thus, although our
proximate mechanisms of sensory processing in the recordings were only extracellular and no systematic morpholog-
ical identi®cation of the recorded cells were made, we are con®-
a€erent auditory pathway have important implications dent that all extracellular recordings were made from the pair of
for the evolution of acoustic communication in this omega neurons.
group of insects. Once the di€erence in spike amplitude was large enough for
separate analysis of the two cells, the opening in the cuticle was
sealed with Vaseline to prevent desiccation of the ganglion. The
preparation was placed in the centre of an anechoic chamber such
Material and methods that echoes at the position of the preparation were more than
32 dB less intense than the signal. Thus, with a standard SPL of
60 dB used in the experiments, echoes would be just at the
Field studies
threshold level of the omega neurons.
In a second series of experiments the omega cell and a number
Measurements of acoustic conditions for male or female receivers
of other interneurons responding to sound were also recorded in-
were performed in three populations of the bushcricket T. vi-
tracellularly to study the synaptic events underlying the mecha-
ridissima, between July and September 1990 and 1993. The popu-
nisms of selective responses to particular sound signals.
lations were selected because the type and density of the vegetation
Morphological identi®cation of the cells was by subsequent stain-
was rather similar. The study sites were either in the vicinity of the
ing with lucifer yellow using conventional techniques (Steward
Ruhr-University Bochum, or Karl-Franzens-University of Graz,
1978). Sixteen omega cells and 18 other interneurons were studied
each with an area of about 1 ha. The vegetation consisted of a
fairly homogeneous layer of grass (<0.8 m), interspersed with
patches of taller vegetation with a maximum height of 2.5 m.
We censused the three sites during periods of continuous sun-
shine, between 1600 hours and 1830 hours, which usually was Sound stimulation
about 2 h after the initiation of singing. At this time, most of the
males had established their preferred singing sites. Three people The three song models (Fig. 1C; patterns 1±3) were constructed
located a singing male from a distance, as well as up to four of its from recordings of the calling song of an isolated T. viridissima
nearest neighbours without disturbing their singing activity. After male, using a 1/4¢¢ microphone (Bruel & Kaer, type 4136), pre-
the positions of the focal and surrounding males had been identi- ampli®ed through a sound level meter (Bruel & Kjaer, type 2209).
®ed, one person silenced the focal male and measured the sound The signal was digitised from the tape recorder (Racal store 4D)
pressure level (SPL) of the songs of each neighbouring male at the on a custom-made AD/DA converter (12 bit, sampling rate of
focal male's position, using a portable sound level meter (Bruel & 125 kHz). The song consists of a train of double syllables, re-
Kjaer Model 2009, 1/2¢¢ microphone, type 4133; RMS fast reading). peated monotonously over long periods of time (Fig. 1A). When
SPL values are expressed in decibels re. 20 lPa. For each mea- analysed close to the male, the power spectrum of the song re-
surement the microphone pointed in the direction of the respective veals a broad energy distribution between 8 kHz and 50 kHz
singing neighbour. In those cases were the singing activity of one (Rheinlaender and RoÈmer 1980; Keuper et al. 1988; Arak and
neighbour interfered with the SPL measurement of another, we Eiriksson 1992). However, at the distances corresponding to
either silenced one male or waited for intervals within the long- normal spacing of the males, excess attenuation reduces the rel-
lasting trills of sucient length to obtain reliable SPL readings for ative amplitudes of the higher ultrasonic components (Keuper
the desired individual. and KuÈhne 1983; RoÈmer and Lewald 1992). We therefore used a

carriers (2±50 kHz, standard duration 50 ms; repetition rate 1 s)1)

were generated to study the tuning of each cell with ipsilateral
stimulation. Stimuli were ampli®ed and attenuated in steps of
10 dB or 1 dB (Akustischer Stimulator II, Burchard). The thresh-
old was determined according to a procedure described in detail by
Rheinlaender and RoÈmer (1980). The symmetry of the directional
responses was studied in a single stimulus paradigm, in which a
single temporal pattern (usually pattern 1) was presented from
di€erent speaker positions in the frontal hemicircle. Increments of
30° (in the frontal zone 15° and 7.5°) were used.

Data analysis

Action potentials were recorded on a tape recorder (TEAC A-

3440) in parallel with the trigger(s) for the stimuli. The discharges
of both cells were detected by a window discriminator and ana-
lysed as peristimulus time histograms (PSTHs; bin width 2 ms). In
controls we estimated the error in discriminating action potentials
of both cells due to superposition of two spikes to be in the order
of 1% of the total spike activity. For the construction of histo-
grams each stimulus con®guration was presented for 50 s, where
the analysis of spike trains was restricted to the last 40 stimulus
presentations within a series in order to prevent any e€ects re-
sulting from ongoing activity after periods of silence. In prelimi-
nary experiments 40 stimulus representations turned out to be
sucient for the construction of PSTHs and reliable correlation
analysis. The similarity between the temporal pattern of a given
Fig. 1A±C Oscillogram of the calling song of a male T. viridissima. stimulus and the recorded spike train of the pair of omega neurons
Scale bar in A and C 100 ms. Song models (patterns 1±3) used in was quanti®ed using correlation analysis (for details of the method
playback experiments (C) were constructed from digitised songs as see Pollack 1988). The value between 0 and 1 gives a quantitative
shown in A with di€erent syllable intervals. The low-amplitude measure of the degree to which a given stimulus pattern is rep-
hemisyllables as a result of opening the wings (small amplitude pulses resented in the spike pattern of a neuron. For example, if the
in A) were omitted in the model songs. B Power spectrum of the song neuron is just responding to random noise the correlation coe-
models. For further explanation see text cient with one of the stimulus patterns usually was between 0.08
and 0.12.

song model with a spectral composition re¯ecting intermediate

distances (Fig. 1B).
One of the double syllables in the song was digitally cut and Results
repeatedly copied into a series of ten double syllables. By using
di€erent intersyllable intervals, we constructed three di€erent pat- Field measurements
terns of song which were identical in energy, spectral composition
and total length (675 ms), but di€ered in their temporal pattern
(Fig. 1C). These di€erent temporal patterns facilitate the identi®- The results of the ®eld measurements are summarised in
cation of response patterns in complex stimulus con®gurations Fig. 2, in which data for the three populations are
using correlation analysis. In a series of control experiments we pooled. SPLs of neighbouring males as received by a
con®rmed that the omega cell shows no preference for any of the focal male are shown in Fig. 2A; they reveal a broad
three temporal patterns, given the SPL is the same (for similar
results with the omega neuron in crickets see Schildberger 1984). distribution between 50 dB and 84 dB SPL, with a mean
Pattern 1 was broadcast at a rate of 1/s through the D/A converter of 62 dB SPL. The intensity di€erence between the sig-
of the PC (12-bit resolution; 125-kHz sampling rate), while patterns nals of neighbouring males appears to be important for
2 and 3 were recorded on tape (Racal Store 4D) at periods of the receiver's ability to distinguish between these. Al-
1010 ms and 990 ms, respectively. Thus, when pattern 1 was
broadcast together with pattern 2 or 3 this resulted in a quasi-free, though di€erences of up to 20 dB were recorded, they
¯oating phase relationship between stimuli, when a stimulus con- are usually rather small (mean 4 dB; Fig. 2B).
®guration was repeated 40 times for later correlation analysis of the
action potential discharges (see below).
Each song pattern was broadcast through separate wide-band Laboratory experiments
ampli®ers (Akustischer Stimulator II, Burchard) and speakers
(TW8 special), mounted on holders which could be moved from
outside the anechoic chamber in calibrated steps of 7.5°, 15° or 30° The degree to which di€erent spatially separated sound
in the anterior semicircle surrounding the preparation, at a distance stimuli are represented in a bilaterally organised sensory
of 45 cm. In a three-stimulus paradigm, a third speaker was either system depends very much on the morphological and
placed at a given angle in the anterior hemicircle, or at a height of
40 cm above the preparation, in order to present a stimulus sym- neuronal symmetry of such a system. Peripheral or
metrical for both sides. The SPL of each signal, controlled by central nervous asymmetries may result in a false rep-
separate attenuators and measured at the position of the prepara- resentation of such stimuli and thus misleading phono-
tion, is given as root-mean-square (RMS, fast reading) SPLs (re: tactic behaviour or discrimination between signals. One
20 lPa).
In 10 of 26 recordings of the pair of omega neurons the sym-
measure of auditory symmetry comes from the sensory
metry of tuning and directionality was investigated before each thresholds of bilaterally homologous elements within the
two-stimulus experiment. Sound pulses with di€erent pure tone central nervous system. We therefore compared auditory

stimulus was broadcast at a medium intensity of 60 dB

SPL from the ipsilateral side of the left omega neuron
and then at various angles in the frontal hemicircle of
the preparation up to the ipsilateral side of the right
omega neuron. Analysis of the simultaneously recorded
responses of both cells indicates a strong preference in
response magnitude of the neuron stimulated from its

Fig. 2 A Sound pressure levels (SPLs) of neighbouring males as

perceived by a focal male, pooled from three populations (n ˆ 132).
They reveal a broad distribution between 50 dB and 84 dB SPL, with
a median value of 62 dB SPL. B Intensity di€erence between the
signals of neighbouring males at the position of a focal male (mean
4 dB). C Masking of the temporal pattern of neighbouring males at
the position of a female. Upper line: three nearest neighbours singing;
lower line: two of the three neighbours were silenced

threshold curves in ten pairs of omega neurons.

Thresholds of right and left omega cells are usually very
similar; in eight of the ten preparations thresholds did
not deviate by more than 2 dB at any frequency. The
maximal di€erence in the remaining two preparations
was 12 dB.
The symmetry of directionality of both cells was
studied in a single-stimulus paradigm. A conspeci®c

Fig. 3 A Schematic diagram demonstrating the method of recording
and discriminating the spike activity of the pair of omega neurons.
Action potentials of di€erent amplitude were obtained from the
crossing segments of the cells within the so-called omega tract
(Wohlers and Huber 1985) using an extracellular tungsten electrode of
low resistance (1±3 MW). The soma-contralateral cell was generally
the one with the larger spike amplitudes in the extracellular
recordings. The camera lucida reconstruction of the cell was obtained
from an intracellular staining with lucifer yellow. Scale bar 100 lm.
B Symmetry of directional responses of a pair of omega cells, as
revealed by a conspeci®c stimulus presented at 60 dB SPL from
various angles of sound incidence in the frontal hemisphere of the
preparation. In this and the following ®gures a schematic diagram of
the stimulus con®guration is given on top. Note the symmetrical,
mirror-image response behaviour of both cells along the longitudinal
body axis, and the steep change in response magnitude within a
narrow frontal zone (stimulus angle of ‹15°). Signi®cantly di€erent
responses occur with stimulus angles as small as 7.5° on either side of
the longitudinal body axis. Seven other pairs of omega cells were
tested in the same way and revealed similar results regarding the steep
slope and switch in activity in the frontal zone of the insect. However,
the symmetry axis coincided only in three out of eight preparations
with frontal stimulation, whereas in the remaining pairs this axis could
be shifted by 10° to either side of the body. C The peristimulus time
histograms (PSTHs) of the responses indicate that the temporal
features of the stimulus are faithfully encoded in the omega neurons
stimulated ipsilaterally

respective ipsilateral side, with a rather symmetrical, encoded in the omega neurons stimulated ipsilaterally,
mirror-image response behaviour of both cells along the irrespective of whether the stimulus angle was 90° or 30°.
longitudinal body axis (Fig. 3B). More importantly, the In a two-stimulus paradigm we tested the ®delity of
steepest slope of the curves occurs with a frontal stim- temporal pattern encoding in the pair of omega neurons,
ulus angle of ‹15±30° and signi®cantly di€erent re- and how this ®delity is a€ected by changes in the spatial
sponses were recorded with stimulus angles as small as con®guration of the stimuli (Fig. 4). When two stimulus
7.5° on both sides of the longitudinal body axis. The patterns are presented simultaneously, one on each side
PSTHs of the responses in Fig. 3C further indicate at right angles to the body axis, the ipsilateral stimulus is
that the temporal features of the stimulus are faithfully faithfully represented in the spike pattern of the omega
neuron on that side. This is also demonstrated qualita-
tively in the PSTHs for other stimulus angles of 30°, 15°
and 7.5° in Fig. 4B, in which pattern 1 is encoded in the
left omega neuron, and pattern 2 in the right omega
neuron even when the two sound sources are separated
by stimulus angles as small as 7.5° o€ the longitudinal
body axis. The quantitative measure of the correlation
coecient reveals almost no change in the quality of this
representation up to an angle of 15°, although even with
a total angular separation of only 15° in the frontal zone
there is still a signi®cantly better representation of ipsi-
lateral stimuli in the discharge of the omega neurons
(Fig. 4A). This is also evident in the PSTH of the right
and left omega neuron discharges with the angle of 7.5°.
A further complication of the receiver situation was
tested using an additional signal to the stimulus para-
digm, and quantifying the representation of all three
sound signals in the spike discharge of both omega
neurons (Fig. 5). In these experiments, the SPL of each
signal was again kept at 60 dB. Two speakers, broad-
casting patterns 1 and 3, were positioned 90° ipsilateral,
while pattern 2 was presented from varying angles of
sound incidence in front of the preparation. The quan-
titative measure of the correlation coecient for the
quality of signal representation reveals a mirror-image
when the pattern 2 signal is switched from left to right.
For example, there is an almost exclusive representation
of pattern 1 in the left omega neuron, when both other
patterns are broadcast from the right side (Fig. 5A).
When pattern 2 was broadcast as well from the left side,
the representation of both patterns is almost equal
(correlation coecient of 0.5). By contrast, the repre-
sentation in the opposite omega neuron mirrors that of
its counterpart (Fig. 5B): almost exclusive representa-
tion of pattern 3 when both pattern 1 and 2 were given
Fig. 4A, B Representation of two sound signals (patterns 1 and 2) in on the left side of the animal, and equal representation
the spike discharge of the pair of omega neurons recorded for both when they are on the right side. Signi®cant
simultaneously (n ˆ 8). The SPL of each signal was 60 dB, the di€erences in the representation of two ipsilateral signals
position of the two speakers was varied from 90° right and left to 7.5° do occur when one is broadcast from within an 15° angle
in front of the preparation. In this and the following ®gures the
stimulus patterns are presented simultaneously, but due to their of sound incidence in front of the preparation, and the
slightly di€erent intervals are shifting in time relative to the others. other one at 90° (arrows in Fig. 5).
A The correlation coecient gives a quantitative measure of the The ®ndings summarised in Figs. 4 and 5 suggest that
degree of similarity between the spike discharge and the temporal the auditory world of T. viridissima is rather sharply
pattern of the signals. Note the consistent representation of the
ipsilateral signal in the spike trains, even with an angular separation of divided into two azimuthal hemispheres, with signals
only 15° in the frontal zone. This is also evident in the PSTH of the arriving from any direction within one hemisphere being
right and left omega neuron discharges with an angle of 7.5°. predominantly represented in the corresponding side of
B PSTHs of the responses of both cells, triggered with either signal the auditory pathway. A direction-selective representa-
pattern 1 or 2. Note the reliable temporal coding of the ipsilateral
signal with a stimulus angle of 7.5°. The patterned response to the tion such as this suggests a signi®cant contribution of
respective contralateral signals is due to their inhibitory action on the side-dependent binaural inhibitory interactions, which
spike discharge are known to play a major role in the directionality of

Fig. 5 Representation of three

sound signals (patterns 1, 2 and
3) in the spike discharge of a
pair of omega neurons (left A;
right B) recorded simulta-
neously (n ˆ 7). The SPL of
each signal was 60 dB, the
position of two speakers (pat-
terns 1 and 3) was kept constant
at 90° ipsilateral, while pattern
2 was presented from varying
angles of sound incidence in
front of the preparation. Note
the identical quantitative mea-
sure of signal representation
when two signals of the same
SPL are presented on the ipsi-
lateral side. For further expla-
nation see Fig. 5 and text

auditory neurons in grasshoppers and crickets (review

by Pollack 1998). We therefore investigated the
responses of the omega neuron in a two-stimulus para-
digm, when the auditory input to the contralateral side
was eliminated by cutting the leg nerve carrying the
a€erent axons of auditory receptors. The results obtained
in eight preparations indicate that even in the unilateral
system the sound pattern broadcast ipsilaterally is sig-
ni®cantly better represented compared to a simultaneous
pattern on the contralateral side (Fig. 6). This is true for
all angles of sound incidence tested up to 7.5°.
The situation for a receiver in a population of many
calling males may, however, be more complicated than
just separating two sounds from opposite directions.
Two or more sound signals may arrive from di€erent
distances and thus with di€erent SPL, but from direc-
tions within one hemisphere of the animal. We therefore
conducted a series of experiments where two song pat-
terns of di€erent SPL were broadcast from the same
direction, and the representation of these patterns within
the spike trains of the ipsilateral omega neuron was
again investigated using correlation analysis. Figure 7A
shows the result of one typical experiment with one song Fig. 6 Representation of two sound signals (patterns 1 and 2) in the
pattern broadcast at a constant intensity of 60 dB SPL, spike discharge of one omega neuron, after the contralateral auditory
system was dea€erented by cutting the contralateral leg nerve (n ˆ 8).
while the playback SPL of the other pattern was varied SPL of each signal was 60 dB, the position of the two speakers was
from 30 dB to 70 dB. Both patterns were broadcast varied from 90° right and left to 7.5° in front of the preparation. For
from the same 90° direction, so no direction-selective further explanation see Fig. 5
component can be involved in the responses. This would
mimic a situation in nature where one male is closer to

Fig. 7A, B Representation of

two sound signals (patterns 1
and 2) in the spike discharge of
one omega neuron, when both
signals are presented from the
same, ipsilateral side. The SPL
of pattern 1 was maintained at
60 dB, while that of pattern 2
was varied from 30 dB up to
70 dB. A Bilateral intact sys-
tem; B unilateral system after
cutting the contralateral leg
nerve (n ˆ 8). The correlation
coecient of the spike dis-
charge in response to pattern
2 at 45 dB SPL presented alone
is given for comparison
(arrows). Note the almost com-
plete suppression of the less
intense signal between 30 dB
and 45 dB SPL when there is a
competitive signal at 60 dB SPL

the receiver than another, or is calling from an elevated cellularly recorded responses from an omega neuron
perch and thus more e€ectively, but both from the same stimulated with long-lasting signals (pattern 1). The
direction. When the low-intensity song was broadcast synaptic events resulting in suprathreshold spike activity
with SPLs between 30 dB and 45 dB simultaneously consist of two components; excitatory postsynaptic po-
with another song at 60 dB SPL, the representation of tential (EPSP) activity induced by each train of syllables,
the former was completely suppressed, although the low- and an additional inhibitory component most prominent
intensity song was quite e€ective at 45 dB SPL (or more) at higher intensities as a slowly developing increase in
when presented alone. This is evident in the di€erence of the membrane potential of the cell. Starting from a
the correlation coecient for the representation of pat- resting membrane potential of )52 mV, the cell is
tern 2 at 45 dB SPL when broadcast alone, compared to hyperpolarized by 9 mV to )61 mV after about 5±10 s
simultaneous broadcast with pattern 1 (arrow in of stimulation. The time-course of the inhibition is
Fig. 7A). At still higher intensities the correlation coef- extremely slow and it may take more than 10 s of intense
®cient for pattern 2 increases continuously, and with the stimulation to reach the maximum amplitude of the
same SPL of 60 dB as pattern 1, exhibits the same inhibition. Similarly, at the end of stimulation, it may
quantitative value for its representation within the dis- require 15 s or more to re-establish the resting mem-
charge of the ipsilateral omega neuron. Remarkably, brane potential and the level to elicit spontaneous action
below 60 dB SPL intensity di€erences as small as 2±5 dB potentials, depending on stimulus intensity and time of
resulted in a signi®cantly better representation of the stimulation (see Fig. 8; 70 dB SPL). Maximal values of
more intense signal compared to the less intense signal.
Above 60 dB SPL, however, the di€erences in the ®-
delity of representation were less pronounced even with
intensity di€erences of 10 dB.
Since the two song patterns were broadcast from the
same, ipsilateral direction it is very unlikely that lateral
inhibitory interactions could be responsible for this kind
of selectivity. Indeed, control experiments with the uni-
lateral system (contralateral leg nerve with tympanal
a€erents cut) revealed the same degree of selectivity for
intensity di€erences in the order of 2±5 dB (Fig. 7B). In
these unilateral experiments the dea€erented omega cells
exhibited little spontaneous activity (less than 2 APs/s
on average), and therefore its in¯uence on the activity of
Fig. 8 Intracellularly recorded activity of an omega neuron in
the cell of the intact side through reciprocal inhibition response to a model of a conspeci®c song (pattern 1) at 40 dB and
should be of no relevance. 70 dB SPL. Spikes are truncated to emphasise the biphasic synaptic
In a series of intracellular experiments we investigated events underlying the response. Note the development of the slow
the synaptic nature of the intensity-dependent suppres- membrane hyperpolarization at the onset of the signal, and its decay
when the signal is switched o€. Note also the low membrane noise at
sion of competitive signals in the omega neuron, and the end of the stimulation period (arrow in the upper recording) and
several other interneurons of the prothoracic ganglion. its increase with the return to membrane resting potential (compare
Figure 8 shows two representative examples of intra- with Fig. 9C)

this hyperpolarizing potential varied from 5 mV to EPSP and tonic spike discharge, as well as a moderate
12 mV between omega cell recordings. The intensity- increase in membrane potential of 4±5 mV when the
dependent expression of an inhibitory potential under- preparation was stimulated for 14 s with a conspeci®c
lying the additional excitation of the neuron would song (pattern 1) at 55 dB SPL. Through a second
explain why, in a competitive situation of two or more speaker the preparation was continuously stimulated
sound signals, the most intense signal is favoured in the with pure-tone, 20-kHz sound bursts at a rate of 5 s)1, at
response of the neuron (see extracellular results in 50 dB SPL, which resulted in EPSP and spike activity
Fig. 7). In a situation of strong membrane hyperpolar- before and after the conspeci®c song was switched on.
ization it is only those EPSPs which are elicited by the When the two sound signals coincide in time, however,
most intense sound signals which may reach spiking the EPSPs evoked by the low-intensity signal are both
threshold of the neuron, whereas those induced by the reduced in amplitude and prevented from reaching the
less intense signal(s) remain subthreshold. spiking threshold due to hyperpolarization of the
In the course of our intracellular experiments we also membrane. This can be seen most clearly at the end of
recorded activity from a number of interneurons as- the stimulation series with the high-intensity stimulus
cending to the brain, which were tested in a similar way (see inset in Fig. 9B), where the amplitudes of EPSPs
with simultaneously presented sound signals of di€erent evoked by the tone bursts are small and remain sub-
SPL. For the purpose of this study they were roughly threshold under the activated hyperpolarized situation,
categorised into tonic cells which represented the long- but increase continuously until they reach normal spik-
lasting conspeci®c song pattern in their spike response, ing level.
and phasic neurons which habituated rapidly after few Further indications for the inhibitory action of the
double syllables of the song. As a rule, all tonically re- slow membrane hyperpolarization comes from obser-
sponding cells exhibited the same kind of biphasic re- vations of spontaneous PSPs at the membrane resting
sponse as the omega cell, i.e. they responded with EPSPs potential before stimulation, and when the cell is hy-
(and spikes), but also with a long-lasting underlying perpolarized due to prolonged activation with a con-
hyperpolarizing potential. The degree of hyperpolariza- speci®c signal (Fig. 9C). In the resting state the neuron
tion varied between interneurons, but even a moderate shows membrane ¯uctuations as a result of spontaneous
hyperpolarization showed the e€ect of suppression of an PSPs with amplitudes up to 2±3 mV (Fig. 9C, upper
alternative, low-intensity sound signal in the supra- line), whereas immediately at the end of a 5-s period of
threshold spike response. In Fig. 9A the responses of stimulation with conspeci®c song such PSP amplitudes
such a neuron demonstrate the biphasic character, with are completely absent (lower line). Finally, we injected
0.8-nA negative current pulses (duration 2 ms, rate
100 Hz) through the intracellular recording electrode
and a balanced bridge circuit into the neuron. We thus
observed an increase in membrane conductance at the
end of a long period of stimulation with conspeci®c
song, in comparison with the pre-stimulus situation.
Such increase in membrane conductance is a further
indication of the inhibitory nature of the membrane


Field measurements in populations of the bushcricket

T. viridissima revealed that the problem for a receiving
insect may be quite complex, requiring them to dis-
criminate the individual calls of up to four nearby males
and more than ten others within hearing range, some of
which are quite similar in amplitude. With this back-
ground information from ®eld populations, we studied
Fig. 9 A Intracellularly recorded activity of an interneuron (an2 after the response of auditory interneurons to playbacks mi-
RoÈmer et al. 1988) within the prothoracic ganglion with an axon micking the complex receiving situation in laboratory
ascending to the brain (OSG), in response to stimulation with a
conspeci®c song (pattern 1) at 55 dB SPL, and pure tone bursts at a experiments, extending those on cricket hearing per-
rate of 5 s)1 (20 kHz; 50 dB SPL) through a second, ipsilaterally formed by Pollack (1988). The technique of recording
placed speaker. Note the reduction in excitatory postsynaptic the discharges of both omega cells simultaneously
potential (EPSP) amplitude at the end of the stimulation series with (Wiese and Eilts 1985) enabled us to track the repre-
the more intense stimulus (B higher temporal resolution). C
Amplitude of spontaneous PSPs at the membrane resting potential
sentation of alternative signals on both sides of the au-
(upper line) and after prolonged activation with a conspeci®c signal ditory pathway. One result is that the auditory world of
(lower line) the bushcricket is sharply divided into two hemispheres,

with a pronounced separation along the longitudinal tract for the midline-crossing segment of the cell, and the
body axis. Even with an angular separation of only 7.5° pattern of connectivity with primary a€erents (RoÈmer
o€ the midline axis, two sound signals are signi®cantly et al. 1988) strongly suggest that it is homologous with
better represented in the spike discharge of the omega the omega cell in the prothoracic ganglion of crickets
neuron on that side. This separation is much stronger (Wohlers and Huber 1978; Selverston et al. 1985). This
than that of the cricket (Pollack 1988), probably as a would imply that the gain-control mechanism in the
result of a steeper peripheral directionality of the ear. A form of the slow hyperpolarization in this neuron is
change in the angle of sound incidence of 30° in the common to many, if not all, ensiferans with implications
frontal zone (15° left to 15° right) results in a relative for both intra- and interspeci®c communication, which
change of 2.5±3 dB in the SPL of a conspeci®c cricket have been discussed in detail by RoÈmer (1993).
signal (Rheinlaender 1984; Michelsen et al. 1994), Based on the properties of the gain-control mecha-
compared to 4.5 dB in the bushcricket T. viridissima nism in sensory interneurons we can make two
(Krusch 1991) and 5 dB for Leptophyes punctatissima straightforward predictions for the evolution of acoustic
(Rheinlaender et al. 1986). Except for the study by Mi- signals. First, we would expect that louder males will
chelsen et al. (1994) the peripheral directionality was attract a greater number of females simply because (1)
studied neurophysiologically using unilaterally dea€e- the active range of their signal is greater, and (2) their
rented preparations. This higher peripheral directional- signal inhibits the representation of competitive signals
ity, combined with the process of lateral inhibition, may if the di€erence in loudness is 2±5 dB. Thus, selection
be sucient to explain the highly developed side-de- would act on males to produce or broadcast more and
pendence of two sound signals within right and left au- more intense signals until the bene®t of increased loud-
ditory pathways. ness is balanced by the costs of producing the signals,
Although each auditory pathway is selectively lis- whatever these costs are. Di€erential attraction of fe-
tening to, and encodes the temporal pattern of males to louder calling songs is known for many insects,
predominantly ipsilateral sounds, each pathway also and also for frogs and toads. For example, one of the
selects for the most intense of several alternative sounds. few ®eld studies showed that the number of ¯ying male
The underlying synaptic mechanism, ®rst described in and female mole crickets (Scapteriscus acleatus) at-
the cricket omega neuron by Pollack (1988), is based on tracted to calling males in outdoor arenas was in¯uenced
the fact that the response of the omega neuron to a by the SPL of the song relative to that of others calling
calling song comprises two components. In addition to in the arena. Males calling more than 2 dB below the
exciting the neuron, the signal also causes an inhibition loudest male attracted fewer individuals per male than
which can be seen as a hyperpolarisation with a slow the overall average (Forrest and Green 1991). Virtually
build-up and decay time. The time-constant in the order all studies performed on acoustic insects support the
of 5 s is most probably the major reason for the late idea that there is strong selection on the signals or sig-
discovery of such a mechanism, despite extensive studies nalling behaviour to maximise broadcast range. Fruit-
on the auditory system of ensiferan insects. T. viridissima ¯ies, mole crickets, crickets and bushcrickets all
and a number of other bushcrickets and crickets produce preferentially approach the louder of two conspeci®c
highly repetitive songs which may last for very long signals (review by Ryan and Keddy-Hector 1992). Se-
periods of time, many seconds, minutes or even hours. lection has also favoured amplifying mechanisms for the
In most previous physiological experiments, however, signal and behaviour(s) which maximise calling range
our own included, although calling songs with ``natural'' (see Forrest 1994 and RoÈmer 1998 for reviews). Since the
syllable structure and frequency spectrum were used, gain-control mechanism enhances the di€erential repre-
these generally lasted only some 10±100 ms, which sentation of competitive signals as a result of di€erences
would preclude the identi®cation of the membrane hy- in their SPL as small as 2 dB, it may serve as an addi-
perpolarization. tional driving force for the evolution of intense signals.
The source of the inhibition is certainly ipsilateral, A second prediction for the evolution of acoustic
since it was also found in monaural preparations in signals comes from the unusually long time-constant of
which the contralateral leg nerve with the axons of re- the membrane hyperpolarization. This is of the order of
ceptor ®bres was cut (Fig. 7B). A molecular mechanism 5 s, and thus 1000-fold the time-constants of known
for the inhibition has been identi®ed in the omega neu- inhibitory potentials, e.g. from lateral inhibitory poten-
ron of the cricket Acheta domesticus as an increased tials reported in neurons of the auditory pathway
intracellular free calcium concentration in response to (Wohlers and Huber 1978; RoÈmer et al. 1981; Selverston
simulated cricket calling songs (Sobel and Tank 1994). et al. 1985; Wiese and Eilts 1985). Short-duration chirps
Evidence was obtained that the action of calcium is or syllables, or singing bouts of low duty cycle, would
through a calcium-dependent potassium conductance. have little or no e€ect in eliciting the suppression of
The time-constant of the increase in intracellular free competitive signals in a€erent interneurons. In a popu-
calcium correlates with the development of the slow lation of male T. viridissima competing for phonotacti-
hyperpolarization in the same neuron. The gross anat- cally responding females, long-duration singing bouts
omy of the omega neuron in T. viridissima and a number would therefore be favoured over short ones, since
of other bushcrickets, the existence of a separate omega only the former would be able to reliably initiate the

inhibitory e€ect. Any observed choice of females for relation to the morphology of the bushcricket. Bioacoustics 1:
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hearing in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. J Comp Physiol 175:
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evolutionary inappropriate responses (errors) in detect- pp 141±164
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helpful with a noisy transmission channel, or with J Neurosci 8: 2635±2639
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communication between widely separated individuals. RR, Popper AN, Fay RR (eds) Comparative hearing: insects.
T. viridissima produces a highly redundant signal, in Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 139±196
which simple phonatomes are repeated at a high rate, Rheinlaender J (1984) Das akustische Orientierungsverhalten von
often for many hours of the day or night. These highly Heuschrecken, Grillen und FroÈschen: Eine vergleichende neuro-
und verhaltensphysiologische Untersuchung. Habilitation
stereotyped repetitions allow the receiving insect to Thesis, Ruhr-University Bochum
predict the entire signal when part of it is lost on the Rheinlaender J, RoÈmer H (1980) Bilateral coding of sound direc-
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Acknowledgements We thank I. Bettkes for support in calculating sensitivity of the bushcricket ear: a behavioural and neuro-
the correlation coecient of action potential discharges; A. Zillmer physiological study of Leptophyes punctatissima. Physiol
for logistical support in the ®eld and for collecting insects; and Entomol 11: 309±316
H.C. Gerhardt and G. Klump for most valuable comments on an RoÈmer H (1993) Environmental and biological constraints for the
earlier draft of the manuscript. Funding was provided by the De- evolution of long-range signalling and hearing in acoustic
utsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through a Heisenberg Grant (HR). insects. Trans R Soc Lond B 226: 179±185
RoÈmer H (1998) The sensory ecology of acoustic communication in
insects. In: Hoy RR, Popper AN, Fay RR (eds) Comparative
hearing: insects. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York,
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