Ancient Civilizations Geography Questions Answers

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Ancient Civilizations Geography Questions

1. Name the two rivers that flowed through the Fertile Crescent? Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

2. What is the name of the land area between the two rivers from question 1? Mesopotamia

3. What is silt and why is it important? sedimentary rock that is carried by water such as creeks and rivers. It is used for
growing crops as it is rich, and fertile soil.

4. What two larger bodies of water are located north and south of the Fertile Crescent? Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf

5. Name 4 disadvantages city-states in Mesopotamia had to deal with? (I gave you 3, think of another disadvantage for
living near rivers) Unpredictable flooding, no natural barriers, limited natural resources, accidental deaths

6. Why didn’t Sumer need as many farmers anymore? (Hint: think surplus) Because the Sumerians had extra food
supplies, they didn’t need as many farmers to grow crops anymore and people were able to have different jobs
other than hunters and gatherers.

7. The area where Mesopotamia was located is now called what modern time? Iraq

8. What was the ziggurat made from? Mud/Clay

Why was it not made from wood or steel? Not enough trees around
Where was it most likely located and why was it placed there? Away from the rivers where it would not be destroyed
because of flooding. To keep it from collapsing.

9. Define cultural diffusion AND give me 2 examples of it in modern times.

The spread of elements of one culture to another people, generally through trade. Food, Music, Clothes, etc.
10. Why does “Gift of the Nile” mean?
The Nile provided many things for the Egyptians to survive
11. Because the Nile’s flooding was predictable, how could that help a civilization? They would know when to plant and
harvest crops.

12. What physical features made Egypt isolated? Desert

13. The area where Indus Valley Civilization was located is now called what modern time? Pakistan and western India

14. The Indus Valley civilizations rivers were unpredictable, what problems would that have on this civilization?
It would be difficult to plant and harvest crops, also houses near the rivers would be destroyed
15. What is a monsoon?
a weather condition that is actually defined as a season. A seasonal shift in wind direction. It can cause heavy
rainfall during the summer and dry spells in the winter.
16. Name 3 physical features that isolated China? ocean, desert, high mountains

17. Because China was isolated, what would be 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage from this?
They could protect themselves from invaders, they’re culture would remain intact (no diffusion).
18. What countries and bodies of water surround Greece?
Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea
19. What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of Greece’s location? Trade/Natural Barriers, Hard to grow
20. Explain why Greece’s city-states fought against each other, in your answer include why Greece’s location impacted it.
There was little land to grow things, so city-states fought each other over the land. Also because the terrain was
hilly/mountainous, many city-states were isolated from each other which caused conflict when others came into
their area.
21. Why was it difficult to farm in ancient Greece? Rocky soil is not good for farming and not enough flat land to farm on.

22. Why did the Greeks depend heavily on trade? They could not make all of the things they needed so they traded with
other groups of people to get what they needed.

23. How is the way the Greeks found food to survive different with that of the Mesopotamians or Egyptians? The Greeks
had to trade a LOT for food and supplies to survive, whereas the Mesopotamians/Egyptians could grow the food
they needed.

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