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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of sound;

2. Explain how they are produce, transmitted, and propagated;
3. Understand the different characteristics of sound.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Sound

B. Materials: Visual aids, pictures, handkerchief, cotton balls

C. Reference: Exploring Life Through Science Series by : Josefina

Ferriols-Pavico ,Genevieve Darvin-Faraon, John Donnie A. Ramos, Anna
Morales-Ramos, Aristea V. Bayquen, Angelina A. Silverio, Gloria De
Castro-Bernas (pages 189- 194)

D. Values: To appreciate the importance of sound.

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good Morning class.” “Good Morning Sir.”

“Before we start our lesson, let us

pray first.” (The students will pray.)

“Class let’s all stand up.”

“Okay! Is everybody present today?” “Yes Sir, everybody is present

“Very Good! So are you ready for
our new lesson?”

B. Review “Yes, we are ready Sir!”

“Before we proceed to our lesson,

let’s have a review about our
previous lesson.”

“What is a wave?” “Sir, A wave is a disturbance that

transfers energy through matter or
space, with little or no
associated mass transport. Waves
consist of oscillations or vibrations of
a physical medium or a field, around
relatively fixed locations.”

“Very good!”

“What are the two main types of “Sir, the two main types are
waves?” mechanical and electromagnetic.”

“Yes. That’s correct!”

C. Motivation

“Class let’s have an activity.”

“This is called How Good Is Your Hearing?”

“I need 5 volunteer to please come in front

and follow my instructions.”
(Five students will go in front and do
Procedure: the activity.)

1. Blindfold a volunteer.

2. Some of the students will stand forming a

circle around the volunteer.

3. The students will take turn making gentle

noises, such as a clap, a click of the
fingers, a whisper or a quiet call.

4. After each sound, the person with the

blindfold should point to where they think
the sound is coming from.

5. Try it again and this time with a cotton

ball on the ears of the blindfolded volunteer.

6. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

“What have you noticed or observed on this “Sir, we have noticed that even if you
activity?” cannot see, you can still locate the
where the sound comes from.”

“Okay, very good.”

“What else do you observe?” “Sir, if we cannot see and hear it’s
hard to tell where the sound comes
“Okay, very good.”
D. Lesson Proper

“First let us know the definitions of some

of the difficult terms.”

vacuum – an empty space in

which there is no air or other gas (students read)

larynx – part of the throat that

contains the vocal cords

frequency – the number of

occurrences of a repeating event per unit of

audible – loud enough to be heard

“Now class, what is sound?”

“Sound is a longitudinal wave created
by vibrating objects capable of
producing a sensation in our auditory
system. It requires medium to
propagate and it cannot travel in a
vacuum. ”

“Sound is also called a pressure wave

because it consists of a series of high and
low pressure regions.”

Production of Sound

“The source of sound is any vibrating

object. The vibration of the vocal chords in
the larynx produces human voice and also

The Audible Range

“The audible range of frequency for

humans is from 20 – 20 000 Hz.”

“Animals have different audible range.”

Example :

Dog can hear from 50 – 45000 Hz

Cat can hear from 45-85000 Hz
Bats are essentially blind but can hear up to
120 000 Hz.

“What is infrasound?” “Sir, infrasound are sounds whose

frequencies are lower
than 20 Hz.”
Sources of infrasonic

Natural events: avalanches, earthquakes,

volcanoes, waterfalls, calving of icebergs,
meteors, and lightning

Animal communication: whales, elephants,

hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, giraffes,

“What is ultrasound, class?”

“Anyone?” “Sir, ultrasound are sounds with

frequencies higher than
20 000 Hz.”

“Yes, correct. Ultrasound are used by some

animals like bats
(Echolocation), insects, dogs, cats, and
Imaging is the most common use of
ultrasound in medicine.”

“Now let’s go to Characteristics of Sound.”

“There are 3 characteristics: pitch ,loudness

and quality “

”What is pitch?” “Sir, Pitch refers to the highness and

lowness of a sound. It depends on
“Yes, you are correct.” the frequency of the sounding object.”

“According to the basic wave equation, a

high frequency sound gives rise to a short
wave and a low-frequency sound, to a long
wave. Hence, a high-pitched sound must
be a high frequency sound consisting of
short waves and a low itched sound must
be a low frequency sound consisting of long

“What is loudness?” “Sir, Loudness refers to the loudness

and softness of a sound. It is closely
associated with intensity. Greater
intensity means louder sound.”

“Correct, the human ear can tolerate a wide

range of intensities. The faintest sound that
we can hear is called threshold of hearing.
The loudest tolerable but painful sound is
called the threshold of pain.
“The unit of sound intensity level is bel
(B).In honor of Alexander Graham Bell, the
inventor of the telephone.”

“A bel is a large unit most of the time we

use the smaller unit which is called decibel

1B = 10dB

“Here is a table of the Intensity Levels of

Common Sounds”

Sound Levels of different sound sources

Source of sound Level


Threshold of pain 120

Amplified rock music 115

Old subway train 100

Average factory 90

Busy street traffic 70

Normal conversation 65

Close whisper 20

Normal breathing 10

Threshold of hearing 0

“What is quality or timbre?”

“Sir, quality or timber is the property
of a tone that distinguishes it from
another tone of the same pitch and
intensity produced by a different

The Human Voice

“The human voice is regarded as the most

wonderful musical instrument. The vibration
of the vocal cords in the larynx produces its
notes. The accompanying vibrations of the
lips and tongue form the harmonics.
Changing the muscular tension in the vocal
cords changes the pitch of the singing or
speaking voice. The shape of the mouth
and the size of the throat and nasal cavity
determine the quality of the voice.”

E. Application
Imagine our world without sound. The world will be quiet and peaceful.
Picture yourself wherein there’s no The world will be boring.
sound at all. We cannot understand each other.
We will just use signs and symbols to
express our thoughts, feelings and

F. Generalization

What is sound?

Sound is a form of energy that travels

How does sound produced? in invisible waves created by vibrating

Sound is produced by any vibrating

What are the characteristics of sound? objects.

Pitch, loudness, and quality.

IV. Evaluation

On a ¼ sheet of paper answer the following questions:

1. A longitudinal wave that is created by vibrating objects.

2. Sounds whose frequencies are lower than 20 Hz.
3. Sounds with frequencies higher than 20 000 Hz.
4. Threshold of pain (dB).
5. Refers to the highness and lowness of a sound.
6. What is Hz?
7. What is dB?
8. Refers to the loudness and softness of a sound.
9. The most wonderful musical instrument.
10. The property of a tone that distinguishes it from another tone of the same pitch and intensity
produced by a different instrument.
V. Assignment

Bring any material that produces sound.

Read about the Human Ear and Noise pollution.

Prepared by: Ralph Daniel F. Bagaoisan


Presented to: Mrs. Emily Escobido

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