Report On Telangana

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Reported by:

V Venkateshwara Rao, Convener S.A.C.I.R(09849064309)

Jagadish Bondugula, Member - JAI TELANGANA FORUM(NRI) (0017038626752)
Shekar Vemuri, Member - JAI TELANGANA FORUM(NRI)
Ram Muppala, Member - JAI TELANGANA FORUM(NRI)
Dr. Shaik Khaleel Rahman, Member - JAI TELANGANA FORUM(INDIA)
Dileep Kalakonda, Member - JAI TELANGANA FORUM(INDIA)
A report on Telangana by SACIR and Jai Telangana NRI Forum

Social Audit council on information right (SACIR) is one of the popular organizations,
working on the implementation of RTI Act. It is the only organization to announce
awards every year to all the stake holders of RTI in A.P for its better implementation,
since the RTI Act is introduced in the state. SACIR is working in association with Jai
Telangana NRI forum from USA and Canada. Members of this forum are intellectuals
working in different fields such as software, medicine, engineering and others fields that
are interested in empowerment of Telangana region. Together, we have taken initiative to
conduct a study and do the survey on these deaths and suicides in Telangana, for

After the recent agitation, in continuation of post 29th November Telangana agitation, the
State of AndhraPradesh has witnessed a critical situation, unparalleled to any other State
in the history of our country.

After the hunger strike called by the TRS president for separation of Telangana, the
situation got aggravated and unmanageable as agitated Telangana people came on to the
roads conducting rely hunger strikes, Rasta Rokos. Most prominent and unwarranted
suicides by Telangana youth combined with all the above lead to the declaration by
honourable Union Home minister Mr. Chidambaram on 9th Dec2009 to initiate the
process of forming separate Telangana State.

An artificial agitation (Samaikyandhra) was launched to counter the genuine 54 years old
struggle and to put pressure and mislead the central government to keep the State of
AndhraPradesh in its current state. It is evident that this agitation was created by the
elected representatives of Andhra region from all political parties. They succeeded in
forcing the Union Home minister Mr. Chidambaram to make a second statement about
wide ranging consultations indicating delays on the decision for separation of Telangana
and finally SriKrishna committee was constituted to assess the facts, situation and
opinions of people.

Never before, in the history of any other democratic country on the globe, the agitation
for self rule by separation of State has witnessed more than 340 suicides in the 10
districts of Telangana. It now has become a big challenge to the Indian democracy to
tackle this situation. Neither the State nor the Central governments seem to understand
and show any concern on such a big issue. They need to address this issue immediately as
it is a human rights issue as well at this time.

Most (90%) of the suicides reported so far in the news media were for Telangana State
and were endorsed by the police department as well as the collectorates of respective
districts. Recent comparisions of Telangana suicides to the bogus suicides after former
AP CM, YSR are ridiculous as Telangana issue is very genuine and helpless Telangana
people out of despair committing suicides despite all our sincere efforts to educate and
impress upon people not to think and commit suicides. We, as groups of intellectuals, are
trying to do everything in our hands to educate people and we hope we can save our
innocent Telangana students and people.

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A report on Telangana by SACIR and Jai Telangana NRI Forum

The purpose of the study is to generate, document and submit a report on Telangana
suicides to SriKrishna committee. This report is prepared after conducting an extensive
survey on suicides. This report should give some valuable information to the committee
members on the suicides for Telangana in terms of reasons for the suicides, factors
influencing their decision to committing suicides and why people think their suicides
might bring their Telangana dream will come to life. A separate report on complete study
along with the book would be submitted later in continuation of this report.

First, we collected the data from news media from which some sample cases were
identified to conduct the survey. So far, the survey is done in five (5) districts of
Telangana. Our team visited the villages and towns of the students that committed the
suicides to inquire about all the factors leading to these suicides. We interviewed family
members, friends from their schools, colleges, colleagues from their work places. We
also talked to the political party leaders at the grass route level, local media persons.
Our inquiries and interviews reveal that almost all of these suicides were committed out
of frustration and despair. They seem to think their deaths might open the eyes of the
Central government.

This report is presented in to two parts.

Part 1) Reasons for frustration in Telangana – The real problems

Part 2) Results of frustration in Telangana (collection of data of all the

deaths from 29th Nov 2009 and some sample cases reported after survey)

Part I: Reasons for frustration and the real problem

Why Suicides?

We never justify suicides. It is very unfortunate and disturbing that the innocent and
emotionally upset young students die of despair and frustration. They are the victims of
barbarous attacks by police, silence of governments and perpetuation of selfish and
power-centric politics. We constantly appeal to the students not to commit suicide
through HMTV, a Telugu TV news channel. This channel is successfully conducting live
program of airing the views of people from many major towns of AndhraPradesh through
their iconic program “AndhraPradesh Dasha-Disha”. Time and again we requested the
agitated Telangana students not to give up life but fight peacefully for the out justified
Telangana cause. It is always been our sincere appeal to our future generations of
Telangana, “Do not think of death. Live and fight peacefully”. We hope not to see even
one more death for Telangana.

Separation / demerger demand of Telangana people:

Separation/demerger of Telangana from AndhraPradesh is the only acceptable solution
acceptable to the people of Telangana. Demerge will help prevent resource diversion,
illegal allocation of jobs and industries, focus on development of the region, irrigate the

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lands of Telangana which now mostly dependent upon the underground water and finally
will help restore and protect the interests of our present and future generations of
Telangana in every aspects of life.

Death of political credibility, executive commitment and constitutional safety and

justice delivery

This presentation is made to highlight the injustice heaped on Telangana employees,

explain how the agitations were manipulated, judicial pronouncements rendered into
mere papers, constitutional provisions reduced to dead letters, GOs made useless and all
commitments violated. As history clearly shows, in the face of obvious violation of all
kinds of agreements, terms, schemes, promises, manifestos, speech of President(s) made
in Parliament, Governor‟s assurance in Assembly, false assurances of Telangana by
political parties, poll adjustments on plank of Telangana etc, the people in Telangana are
not in a position to believe any of the promises for development and safeguards etc. The
credibility of political parties and their leaders is at the lowest ebb of all times to come in
AndhraPradesh, pertaining to Telangana. Though part of blame for this trust deterioration
has to be shared by Telangana leaders, it should not be allowed to become basis for
deprivation of the rights of the people of Telangana and their aspirations for separation.

Whenever legislature failed and political heads denied justice to their people, the courts
of justice came to the rescue of common people and helped secure their fundamental
rights. Thus the judiciary, despite of mounting arrears of cases without disposal and
increasing allegations of corruption besides affected by various kinds of local, national
and international lobbying, remained a credible institution where in the innocent people
repose confidence. I hope and believe that judiciary will continue to keep up the
confidence of the people.

Diversion and deprivation of Resources of Telangana

However, the experience of people of Telangana in the corridors of justice is mixed and
at one point of time very disappointing; it is not solely because of the judiciary, but due to
the treacherous role of political governments and lobbying of business-centric political
leaders with vested interests in land and power. Time and time again, some stinking rich
politicians, including MPs from coastal Andhra region and very few from Telangana,
were sold out and acted against the interests of the people of Telangana. Cheating,
powerful lobbying to retain their hold on the properties and gain power positions drive
these unscrupulous elements. This unbecoming behavior of some politicians led to the
capture of Telangana in 1956 and since then led to the perpetual exploitation and
diversion of Telangana resources to Andhra. These diverted resources include both
natural resources such as water, minerals and derivative resources such as revenue, jobs,
industries, government, education etc.

Judiciary Upholds but Politicians Deny: Employment to people of Telangana

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In this representation we would like to explain how the politicians with vested interests
and economic dominance tried to deny employees of Telangana the fruits of long drawn
judicial battle. When politically Telangana people were about secure the promised gains,
Andhra vested interests approached the Judiciary to upset the gains and whenever
Judiciary came to rescue of Telangana, they resorted to cooked-up agitations and
manipulated unrest to deny those fruits as well. When more than half century agitation
has been countered by these unscrupulous politicians, the fruits of agitation and litigation
were stolen as if the morsel of food was snatched just before hand took it to mouth. As a
result, despaired and frustrated young kids of Telangana and resorting to suicides hoping
that could make a difference and the governments would realize the intensity and
magnitude of their aspirations. (Please see the second part „Result Frustration: Suicides‟)

Real Apprehensions and Unreal Assurances

When Telangana was merged with the economically, educationally advanced Andhra
region against the wishes and interests of people of Telangana, in the name of „same
language‟, apprehensions were ripe about grabbing of all government employment
opportunities and Telangana lands wherever they are fertile at a throw away price. False
promises were made to remove these apprehensions and the Central government was
lobbied by Andhra high profile leaders of that time and finally they succeeded in buying
out some politicians and occupy Telangana.

Is AP a real Linguistic State? How Telangana Telugu language was suppressed?

For the most part of the modern history, Telangana Telugu was under linguistic
suppression. Under the rule of Nizam, before independence, Urdu was the official
medium of teaching and Telugu was not taught in schools. Reading Telugu newspapers
was considered an anti-State act and was prohibited. During Nizam‟s time, M S Acharya,
reported news in Telugu for a Telugu Newspaper Andhra Patrika and sold 1200 copies of
that newspaper in Warangal everyday, defying the Nizam‟s prohibition. There was no
scope for Telangana people to learn Telugu. After the independence, Telugu was
introduced in the independent State of Hyderabad. We got very little time to even enjoy
our freedom, leave alone learning Telugu as a language. Andhra influential were ready to
grab Hyderabad State as soon as their dream State of Andhra was separated from Madras
State in 1952. Telangana people, due to their lack of Telugu language writing skills failed
the job tests and requirements and thus lost their jobs to their counterparts from Andhra.
Almost all of the high paying and high profile jobs were stolen by Andhra people and
Telangana people got whatever left over, low profile and low wage jobs. The Andhra
Assembly from Kurnool promised that it would protect the people of Telangana and their
interests, by not insisting for Telugu exam qualifying, imposing requirement of prior
permission for purchase of lands in Telangana, and providing protective clauses for
employees of Telangana. Poor and innocent Telangana people were made to believe this
resolution as a commitment which later took the shape of Gentlemen Agreement in the
presence of national leaders. We all know the fate of this agreement, a big lie and broken
promise. AndhraPradesh is a big failure, as linguistic State as there was never integration

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between the two slangs of Telugu. Coastal Andhra continued spew venom and hate
against Telangana Telugu accent, which was insulted, disregarded and rejected as inferior
quality. The media dominated by the individuals of coastal Andhra region and also
manned by them was perpetuating the slang, accent and culture of those districts
disregarding the Telangana slang. The venom against Telangana slang went to the extent
of denying Great Poet Pothana‟s originality at Warangal, because his Telugu
Bhagavatham is an undeniable and phenomenal literary work of 15th or 16th Century. In
fact Telangana Telugu is the most closest to the bookish standards of Telugu language
with one exception of mix of some Urdu words. Visalandhra, a State integrated on the
plank of language could not remain a linguistically integrated State as the hostility is deep
rooted and insults continued resembling subjugation of a culture of occupied territory by
expansionist regime. Assurance of protection of employees not to hold qualifying
examination in Telugu was one among several promises that were violated with all
impunity. In fact these assurances were made with a concealed plan to violate
immediately, which Telangana representatives could not notice or they were induced to
believe that assurances would be realized.

Gentlemen Agreement: Not enforceable

Those who agreed might be gentlemen, but they after the agreement did not remain
gentlemen or those who ruled thereafter were not gentlemen. Gentlemen agreement does
not mean that those who signed it were gentlemen, but it means that both the parties
should implement it without fail and with all sincerity. Gentlemen Agreement is not
enforceable in courts of law like a provision of constitution or enactment. One of the
assurances of Gentlemen Agreement is positions of CM and Deputy CM. It was agreed
that one region should get CM post while the other one gets the Deputy CM post. This
was the first of the all the broken promises and was very clear on the very first day of the
new AP government. The then CM Mr. Neelam SanjeevReddy compared the deputy CM
post to be like sixth finger and is not needed. The deputy CM post was conceded and
literally did not exist except for the first couple of months. It was defied, starting the
plethora of denials.

Land Bakasuras – False promise of Telangana Regional Board or Committee:

One of the major assurances was creation of Telangana Regional Board or Committee.
Telangana Regional Committee (TRC) has to be constituted to oversee Telangana
development and decide on the applications seeking permission for Andhra people to
purchase lands in Telangana. TRC, which was supposed to be developed as independent
and autonomous council with powers, though was constituted once or twice, was starved
of funds and looked down as a useless institution. None cared for seeking permission to
purchase of lands and none knew that such a board or committee existed. This proved
disastrous to Telangana and one example is, two acres of fertile land on the banks of
Godavari was purchased by a Coastal Andhra migrant from a tribal in Etur nagaram
mandal of Warangal district for just Rs. 7/- (Rupees Seven only). Even if this Rs 7 is
extrapolated to today‟s standards, it proves that the land was grabbed from Telangana
poor for dirt cheap prices. This explains then pathetic life conditions of poor tribal

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peasants in remote areas of Warangal District. Similar land on the other side of Godavari,
i.e., in Godavari districts of Coastal Andhra was priced at least 100 times more. Is it a fair
purchase or land grabbing? There are some well maintained Tanks in Telangana
constructed during Kakatiya times, provide irrigation for lands, which are purchased by
Coastal Andhra persons for throw away price. One will find such settlements every
where, where water is there.

Employment linked to Telugu

Coming to employment, contrary to the resolution by Andhra assembly, Telugu

examination as qualifying test was conducted immediately after formation of so called
Visalandhra, which became a bane and curse for employees and people of Telangana as
most of them could not qualify and thus lost their rightful jobs, while Andhra employees
grabbed the opportunities and started ruling from the government offices as well. This
exploitation continued and finally led to the movement for separate Telangana State in
1969 in which officially 370 students were shot dead by the government forces. There
were many unaccounted deaths and were comparable to British Raj.

Mulki rules - Entangled in Litigation

When the agitation was assuming serious proportions, some Andhra persons took to
courts to deny the residence based reservation in government jobs disputing the
protections on equality clause of Constitution of India. Please see the paradox. Local
reservation for in-equal Telangana employees is in-equality and violation of Article 14!

AndhraPradesh High Court struck down the Mulki rules (local reservation) as
unconstitutional (Annexure I). It just did not bother about the background, backwardness
and historical assurances that are defied. Of five judges Bench four favored striking it
down with one judge dissenting. The dissenting judge belonged to Telangana while other
hail from coastal Andhra. Is it an accidental conclusion or exhibition of deliberate bias?
The answer can be found in Supreme Court in 1973 (See Annexure II) which in appeal
reversed the judgment of AP High Court and approved all the points emphasized by
dissenting judge.

Between 1969 and 1973, more than three hundred agitating young persons died in police
firing. Dr. M. Chenna Reddy was riding the crest of popularity in Telangana. General
elections in 1971 wherein people all over the country were in euphoria to elect Indira
Gandhi led Congress party after great Indian victory in East Pakistan, gave different
result in Telangana. Telangana Praja Samithi candidates won 11 out of 14 seats defeating
the Congress party manifesting their strong desire for Telangana State. Defeating
Congress at that time was unthinkable. How else people of Telangana could speak,
except through ballot? But a treacherous game- plan was hatched by strong and powerful
lobbyists of Coastal Andhra influencing decisions of High Command at Delhi, which led
to inducing Chenna Reddy into Congress for a Governorship and giving some plum
cabinet posts to other leaders. People of Telangana were cheated. Lobbying succeeded
and unscrupulous people secured unprecedented victory. At that point of time Supreme

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Court delivered the judgment confirming the constitutionality of Mulki rules, a legal
victory for Telangana cause besides a political victor that was proved in 1971 elections.

When Supreme Court granted the justice to deprived Telangana on Mulki rules, coastal
Andhra started an agitation for separate Andhra State. Though it was in the name of
separation, it was camaflog for pulling down Telangana leader holding the chair of Chief
Minister, who was none else than P V Narasimha Rao, who efficiently lead the nation
with minority strength for full five years as Prime Minister in 1991. But he was not
allowed to rule for a full term in AndhraPradesh. Second treacherous aim of separate
Andhra agitation leaders was to neutralize benefits of the Supreme Court judgment. In the
name of assuaging the „feelings‟ of coastal Andhra (no one knows when they were hurt)
center has come out with a via-media formula to institute zone based quotas and
reservations where persons from other regions could not be considered for jobs. An
apparent and name sake demand for separate Andhra was given up and domination of
Andhras continued with same tinge of exploitation.

All those protective rules, though they are Presidential Orders, were defied, a proof for
which could be seen in Girglani Report (see its summary in Annexure III). Zones were
disturbed left, right and center by corrupt leaders. A diluted, shrunk and limited
protection GO no. 610 emerged in place of unimplemented protection orders, which was
also not implemented so far. We are not providing the statistics and descriptions because
they all of that can be found from papers from other sources.

The exploitation and injustices continued unabated. You can clearly see what is
happening even today on GO 610. Some police department employees challenged the GO
610 before the tribunal, which ultimately reached the apex court, where a division bench
held that Hyderabad was a „Free Zone” for Police jobs (Annexure IV). The Division
Bench of Honourable Supreme Court even refused to review the order recently. This
proves that the benefits of reservations based on mulki within a region of combined State
will not be allowed under any circumstances. Even if the Assembly resolves unanimously
it is again prone to litigation where the protection is doubted.

If you look from the point of view of few constables to circle inspectors, it appears not
justified to shift them but it defies all protections, opens up everything, and removes the
restrictions on influx of migrant employees at the cost of resident locals. This broke the
very basic promise given to woo Telangana people to agree for the merger of Hyderabad
and Andhra States opens doors for further jobs exploitation by Andhras in Telangana. As
it is you can witness majority of Andhra migrant employees in every department of
government in every district and most predominantly in Hyderabad.

Legal History of Illegal denials

We would like to present the law regarding the affirmative actions in AndhraPradesh in
case of employees as a case study.

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Preamble + Directives of Constitution provides base of affirmative action: Article 37

requires State to strive to secure social order with social and economic justice and
equality of opportunity. Article 41 directs State to securing the right to work. It is
Fundamental Right under Article 14 saying equality before law & equal protection of

Article 15(1) says that the State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only
of religion, race, caste, sex, and place of birth or any of them. As per Article 16(1) there
shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or
appointment to any office under the State.

Articles 15(1) and 16(1) together provide that no citizen shall on grounds of only of place
of birth or residence, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of any
employment or office under the State. Expression „residence‟ is not provided in Article
15, but mentioned in Article 16(1) Added by amendment to draft const.

There is an Exception to this: 16(3) Parliaments and Parliament alone can prescribe
residential qualification for jobs under the government of „a State‟ or a local or other
authority within „a State”. Exception is an attempt to reconcile the conflicting claims of
equality based on concept of single citizenship and justifiable local demands for local

Constituent Assembly Discussion

Member of Constituent Assembly Jaspat Roy Kapoor moved the amendment to the draft
to include „residence‟ as a prohibited ground for restriction and the other amendment (by
Alladi Krishna Swamy) to enable Parliament to make the necessary exception thereto.
Both were adopted at same time. Referring to deprecated cries of Bengal for Bengalis and
Madras for Madrasis, etc., Dr B R Ambedkar made the following remarks:

…you cannot allow people who were flying from one province to another as mere birds
of passage without any roots, without any connection with that particular province, just
to come, apply for posts and, so to say, take the plums and walk away (Constituent
Assembly Debates at page 700)

Mr. Tope commented that if the protections are not provided, the services in the
backward states might be flooded with aspirants from advanced states.

Domicile reservations became a historical requirement of almost all regions. Domiciliary

qualifications were felt needed in princely States where there was no all round
development. Mulki Rules existed in Nizam and 13 other similar dominions in pre-
Independence era. Ambedkar suggested a uniform law to be made by Parliament to
protect the interests of natives.

Bihar, Bombay, Madhya Bharath, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Saurashtra, Vindhya Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura had rules providing employment for

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natives. Article 35b made a transitional protection to these laws till Parliament made
another replacing law.

Joshi Case

In D.P. Joshi v Madhya Bharath AIR 1955 SC 334 exemption from capitation fee to
native students (with 5 yrs of residence) was upheld. The rule was sustained as it has
reference to residence and not place of birth. Justice Jagannadh das dissented and held the
rule void as “original domicile” could be interpreted as those who were born in Madhya

Jayanthilal case

In Jayanthilal v Saurashtra (AIR 1976 Sau 54) a rule granting free education in
government schools only to persons who were residents within jurisdiction of the old
Limbdi State merged in Saurashtra, or who owned immovable property in that State was
upheld as the property could be acquired by outside persons also.

History of Mulki Rules in Telangana

During 1910-18 youth in Hyderabad State agitated against Nizam‟s policy to employ
people from North India and marginalizing the local youth. In 1919 Mulki Rules were
promulgated by Nizam‟s Farmana says only local region people were entitled to be

Third paragraph of Nizam‟s farmana says who the Mulki is:

“A person shall be called Mulki who was a permanent resident of the Hyderabad State
for at least 15 years and has abandoned the idea of returning to the place of his
previous residence and has obtained an affidavit to that effect on a prescribed form
attested by a magistrate.”


This Farmana was violated by Nizam himself, Mulki rules were never implemented,
according to Star of Allahabad an English Daily newspaper, 1931-32, Group I posts (all
84 Hyderabad Civil Service) were given to North Indians, which led to another agitation
by native youth in 1934.

The Jameeyath Refayam-e-Nizam (Nizam subject league) with motto of Hyderabad is for
Hyderabadis agitated against this denial of employment to locals. Even after Nizam rule,
from 1948-1952 when Hyderabad State was under military administration non-Mulkis
were appointed. Hyderabad Hith Rakshana Samithi and Osmania University students
launched agitation in 1952 against employment of 5000 non-Telangana people. When
people from all regions are benefited, that would be called integration, but if people of

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one region are totally denied their basic rights including employment, it would mean
occupation or suppression or expansionism.


Justice Fazal Ali Commission constituted for States Reorganization was represented to
consider educational and social backwardness due to historical reasons in Telangana
which could not be made to compete with counterparts with better educational facilities
they had in Madras State. The apprehension that Telangana might be converted into a
colony was one of the principal causes of opposition to Visalandhra.

Nehru’s Comments on Visalandhra

In Indian Express 17th October 1953, Nehru was quoted to have said: “there is an
underlined expansionistic and imperialistic design in the argument of Visalandhra slogan
of Andhras”.

Influence of Persian/Urdu

Qutub Shahis and Asaf Jahi‟s imposed either Persian or Urdu as language of instruction
over 92% of Telugu speaking population. It was an offence to read Telugu Newspaper

Andhra Assembly resolves to safeguard Telangana interests

Then Andhra Assembly made resolutions offering safeguards to Telangana in the matter
of employment and development. Resolution dated 25th November 1955 Para 3 stated:

“…they would have due reservation in respect of appointments and on par with
their population and that we have absolutely no objection to concede to them
their due share in other respects also.”

Another Resolution on February 1, 1956 essentially said that “we would not touch
your 1/3 share in employment”.

SRC’s recommendations

State Reorganization Commission recommended disintegration of Hyderabad State and

continuance of Telangana region as separate State. However, an agreement was
hammered out between the elders of Andhra and Telangana regions to allay the fears of
the underdeveloped people and to assure reservations in public employment, which did
not happen.

Gentlemen’s Agreement

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Several assurances and safeguards were incorporated in Gentlemen‟s Agreement, to

convince Telangana over Visalandhra which include right of employment to the
unemployed Telangana youth. Paragraph 3 says:

…existing educational facilities including technical education in Telangana

should be secured to the students of Telangana and further improved.

The immediate fall out after formation of composite State was pay scales of Telangana
employees were brought down on the pretext of parity. The imposition of Telugu
Language test caused serious promotion implications. The government has retrenched
staff on the grounds of excess numbers. Thereafter Mulki limit was truncated from 15 to
12 yrs.

Art. 371 has provided for the constitution of the Telangana Regional Committee. The
Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, inter alia, substituted a new Article 371
for the old, the relevant part of which reads as follows: (extracted from dissent judgment
of Madhav Reddy, J.,)

Hyderabad State was one among the several other Princely States of India. Due to
Political conditions and Historical reasons the State remained isolated. There were
no adequate Educational facilities afforded to the People of the State, in the result,
there were very few opportunities available to the people of the Region to enter public
service in competition with others from outside the State.

Another contributing factor in this behalf was the use of Urdu, which was not the
language of nearly ninety per cent of the people, as the Official Language in the
entire administration of Hyderabad state. Similar conditions prevailed in a few other
States as well. So much so, that these people were not in a position to compete with
others in the matter of employment even in their own State, if no protection was
afforded to them in this behalf on the basis of residence within that State.

Guarantee from Constituent Assembly:

"the Constitution Assembly while guaranteeing fundamental rights in the matter of

employment under the State, took notice of this vast disparity in the development of
various States and felt it imperative to continue that protection in the matter of
employment afforded on the basis of residence within the State and made provision
under Article 35 (b) of the Constitution for the continuance of those laws."

Public Employment (Requirement as to Residence) Act, 1957, received the assent of the
President on December 7, 1957. The Preamble reads: "An Act to make in pursuance of
clause (3) of Article 16 of the Constitution special provisions for requirement as to
residence in regard to certain classes of public employment in certain areas and to repeal
existing laws prescribing any such requirement." This Act repealed all earlier laws.
PEAct made a provision for five years for residential rules of a similar character for three
Union Territories and the Telangana Region (Section 2 of Act, which came into force on

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March 21, 1959). The Mulki rules are not valid and operative after the formation of the
State of AndhraPradesh. In any event, they do not revive and cannot be deemed to be
valid and operative in view of the decision of the Supreme Court in A. V. S. Narasimha
Rao's case, AIR 1970 SC 422.

In 1969 a massive movement launched against breach of safeguards and to protest 22000
non-Mulki appointments in Telangana region. Govt. called for an all party meeting which
resolved to relieve all those who were posted in vacancies reserved under AndhraPradesh
Public Employment (Requirements as to Residence) Rules 1959 for domiciles.

Legal Battle against GO Ms 36

On 21st January 1969 GO Ms 36 was passed assuring relieving of non-Mulkies from

Mulki posts and filling them with or waiting till the qualified Mulki candidates come up.
All those relieved non-Mulkies have to be accommodated in their respective regions.
This GO Ms 36 was challenged in AP High Court as unconstitutional. In judgment
reported in AIR 1971 AP118 the GO was quashed by AP High Court with 4:1 majority
which resulted in further intensification of agitation with a demand for separate state.
Then Mrs Indira Gandhi Government responded and started planning to change formulas
to reserve posts for domiciles in Telangana.

Committee of Jurists

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi appointed a Committee of Jurists with KN Wandor, ex CJI,
MC Setalwad, ex-AGI, Niren De, Attorney General to suggest constitutional safeguards
to Telangana (The Hindu April 12, 1969), meanwhile the Mulki case went in appeal to
SC where five member bench upheld the validity of safeguards to Telangana by GoMs
36. The Supreme Court has reversed the verdict in case reported AIR 1973 SC 827. The
apex court held that the Hyderabad Civil Service Regulations (1337H) comprising Mulki
Rules prescribing requirements as to residence were saved and continued in force by
Article 35(b). The Supreme Court agreed with AP High Court judge, Justice Madhav
Reddy‟s dissent and extensively quoted him in SC judgment tracing the history of mulki.

It referred to happenings in Constituent Assembly, which felt that it was imperative to

continue previous law with protective measures in the matters of public employment
(falling under article 16(3) because of existing vast disparity in the development of
various states. The Regional Standing Committee of the State Assembly for Telangana
was also agreed upon by the Supreme Court.

Question of Territory

Whether the Mulki rules can be considered „law in force‟ immediately before the
commencement of the Constitution in the territory of India? Were they continued in force
by Art 35b? Did they continue in force after the Const of the State of AP under
Reorganization of States Act, 1956? To these questions the Supreme Court answered

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Another question was: Has Parliament in exercise of its powers under Article 35 (b) read
with Article 16(3) altered or repealed or amended the impugned rules? Until then the
Mulki rules would be valid. Reorganization of states under Art 3 and 4 of making
Telangana a part of a new State has to be ignored under Art 35b, which is part of
Fundamental Rights and cannot be taken away by Reorganization Act 1956. Parliament‟s
intent was revealed by its law called Public Employment (Requirement as to Residence)
Act 1957, which received President‟s assent on December 7, 1957. Preamble of which
stated that Section 3 (c) enabled the Centre to make any notification as to the residential
qualifications in Telangana. Section 4 provided for Parliamentary scrutiny of rules also.
Section 5 says all rules shall cease to have effect after five years, which was later
increased to 15 years. In pursuance of this, the AndhraPradesh Public Employment
(Requirements as to Residence) Rules, 1959 were made. Whole history of the legislation,
its object, title and preamble point to the intention of Parliament to continue the rules,
which was held by the apex court as declared policy of Parliament. The Supreme Court
has also decided that the rules were valid. The question whether the Mulki rules were
justified or not was for the Parliament to decide and not for the Supreme Court (Para 31
of the Judgment).

In the context of Articles 35(b) and 372, what has to be seen is not whether a particular
State was part of India before the commencement of the Constitution but whether its
territory is included in India after its commencement. Same test applies to old provinces
of British India or part of them as held by Supreme Court in case reported in AIR 1951
SC 124. Mulki Rules have prescribed requirements as to residence within whole of
Hyderabad State and hence are saved and continued in force by Art 35(b).

Like Section 3, Section 2, in so far as it dealt with Telangana area, is also bad but the
valid portion can be separated from the invalid portion and the section in so far as it dealt
with Telangana region can be given an independent existence as held in case reported in
AIR 1957 SC 628.

After constitutionality of Mulki rules was unequivocally established by this judgment

dated 7th October 1972, the politicians from non-Telangana region worked out an anti
Telangana agitation that rocked AP. This is the agitation by lobbying mechanism by anti-
Telangana forces which was considered as an excuse by the Center to review entire
protective scheme under the pretext of five point formula.

By 32nd Amendment Act, the Constitution was amended in 1973 changing 371-D
pertaining to public employment in AP, which authorized the President to make special
provisions. The President issued order with GO Ms No 674 on 18-10-1975 outlining the
modalities for the implementation of 6 point formula.

Six point formula

Following are the salient features of the six point formula which are nothing but diluted
and shrunk rules of earlier schemes of protection:

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1. Local status was reduced from 12 to 4 years

2. State was structured into 6 zones
3. For District level cadre 80% reserved
4. For Zonal level cadre 70% reserved
5. For Gazetted posts 60% are reserved
6. 20%, 30% and 40% are to be kept open and were filled by non-locals as if they
are reserved for them (proved by Govt. records)

Go Ms 675
A nail was driven by AP Public Employment Order which made Presidential Order not
applicable to the posts above the rank of LDC in Government offices with state-wide
jurisdiction such as secretariat etc. Virtually the protections were reduced to LDC level
positions in violation of all the promises and approved schemes including Presidential
Order. How can a State order amend the Presidential Order? But all these norms were
violated left right and center. In Andhra and Rayalaseema zones (I to IV) the quota for
non-locals were filled by locals of that region. AP Government officers invented a new
zone “free zone” designating as Zone VII where non-locals could be appointed which is
not in tune with 6 points formula. In respect of the posts above LDC the „principle of fair
share” proportionate to the region wise population has to be followed, which also was not

Principle of Fair share

According to the statement of TNGOs to the Officers Committee in 1983-84, around 58

thousand non-locals were appointed in posts reserved for local people. N T Ramarao
Govt appointed an enquiry committee to study violations of 6 points, with senior officers
of Government, Jaya Bharath Reddy, Kamalnadhan and Umapathi. The committee
pointed out lapses and departures from six point formula and suggested rectification.
Thereafter the Govt. issued GO Ms No 610 on 30.12.1985. It ordered repatriation of
employees from different regions to their own, action against bogus registrations in
employment exchanges.

Presidential Order amended

In 2000 the Presidential Order was amended by an order by Ministry of Home Affairs.
These amendments were given effect to with retrospective effect from 1st of January,
1994, legitimizing all lapses in direct recruitment and allocation. Mr Girglani was
appointed to reexamine the lapses in implementation of 610 GO. In 2001 the Girglani
Committee submitted report confirming the lapses in implementation of GO 610. After a
heated discussion in Assembly a House Committee was appointed, which submitted a
report on 17.3.2003 pointing out several violations of the Presidential Order and further

This was the time around when the agitation for Telangana has been started by Telangana
Rashtra Samithi. Simultaneously there was another spate of litigation by some employees
who are transferred under the 610 GO. It reached the High Court of AndhraPradesh,

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where the claim that Hyderabad capital area should be treated as separate zone free from
other zones to be without any restrictions.

Reversal of High Court judgment

High Court‟s judgment on the status of Hyderabad was reversed by the Supreme Court on
an appeal by Andhra representatives. The AP High Court full bench held that separate
cadre for Hyderabad was not created for police and no separate cadre had been organized
for the City of Hyderabad within the meaning of paragraph 3(6) of the Presidential Order;

The Supreme Court opined:

The reason why special status was given to the posts located in the specified
departments of Hyderabad City, which is capital of the State, was that there
should be no monopoly of candidates belonging to any particular area of the
State in the matter of recruitment etc. against those posts and all eligible
candidates must get opportunity to compete for selection and appointment.

Unfortunately there is no basis for this opinion of the Supreme Court except the
contention of the appellants which was nothing but a desire. Monopoly and other
expressions used in the Judgment are drawn from the claimants. The Supreme Court
division Bench has not looked into the historical reason for six point formula and
consequential GOs but simply went on its own wisdom and delivered a judgment which
provided enough reason for the intensification of separate Telangana State movement.

Supreme Court said: “It is also significant to note that after promulgation of the
Presidential Order, Hyderabad City has throughout been treated as an independent zone
or free zone till the impugned judgment was pronounced and recruitment to the post of
Police Officer as defined in Section 3(b) of the Hyderabad Act was made separately. This
was the categorical stand taken by the official respondents before the Tribunal while
contesting the appeal of the private respondents”. The question is, if at all there was such
treatment as an independent zone, was it in tune with the Presidential Order and GOs?
Supreme Court has conveniently left out the question. There was not a proper
representation before the Supreme Court on behalf of State Government, for reasons of
sub-region wise division of the bureaucracy.

It is unfortunate that the Supreme Court gave primacy to the Hyderabad Police Act and
other old legislations over and above the Presidential Orders and consequential protective
reservations, which are diluted forms of Mulki Rules.

Recently (March 17, 2010), the Supreme Court has refused to hear the review petition,
closing all options of securing justice for the Telangana cadre. The ball is thrown back to
the political arena of troubled State where the policy of each political party is divided
based on the subregional political opportunities rather than a uniform well proclaimed
policy of political party as a whole. AP Legislative Assembly passed a resolution
requesting the Center to recommend to President to modify Presidential Orders to re-

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affirm that Hyderabad would be part of sixth Zone and not independent Zone as opined
by the Supreme Court.

By 1973 Judgment Supreme Court upheld the affirmative actions for protection of all
regional employees equally for all three regions divided into six zones, but the 2009
judgment of Supreme Court declaring as Hyderabad is departure from the earlier
judgment and not in tune with any protective or affirmative action. The legal advocacy of
sections opposed to Telangana prevailed and injustice resulted.
When Telangana agitation resulted in favorable protective orders for Telangana
government employees, Andhra leaders took the issue to courts, and when Courts
declared them as constitutional, Andhra leaders resorted to anti-Telangana agitation and
strong lobbying. In the result, Telangana was allowed to receive benefits neither from
judicial orders or fruits of agitation.
This was again manifested by the developments after 9th December 2009, the result of
which is the formation of Justice Srikrishna Committee. The strong, rich and influential
Andhra lobby will not allow any benefit for Telangana. No assurance or commitment will
be greater than Presidential Order or Supreme Court Judgment. Even those were rendered
useless with their powerful advocacy by hook or crook (totally crook). Only way is the
demerger of Telangana. Telangana people manifested their separate state demand in
1971, 2004 and 2009 electoral politics. During the last two General Elections all the
political parties including Congress and Telugu Desham made deliberate commitments in
favor of Telangana and went back conveniently. Even a small party like Prajarajyam with
very little or no representation from Telangana promised Telangana and took a U turn on
their promises. It is very interesting to see how the politically illiterate PRP leader
changes his mind to support Andhra at the expense of Telangana. Some Andhra
politicians say that TRS should be the only winner if Telangana people really wanted
Telangana. How can one blame Telangana voter for the division of votes between parties
as they all cheated the Telangana voter with Telangana promise. The electoral results
were conveniently protracted to talk against the Separate Telangana demand but we all
know the underlying cheating by parties, “they all know that they can get votes by openly
supporting Telangana at the time of elections”.

All of the above factors become the basis for demand for Separate Telangana State.
Separation of Telangana cannot be called disintegration. It is the formal de-merger of two
un-integrated pieces which were once separate states. We would like to submit the non
realization of constitutional protective provisions, Supreme Court Judgment, and all other
political commitments including the statement of Union Home Minister as the reasons for
Telangana people‟s frustration.

These reasons for frustration among the youth, especially among the students of
Telangana, reflected in suicides notes. It is very sad that students with bright futures and
best career paths from prominent universities like Osmania University and Kakatiya
University and others chose the unfortunate decision, to commit suicide. Telangana
people obviously feel cheated; see no hope with all these opportunistic political parties
and their leaders‟ false promises. They feel that their death might open the eyes of
governments to the sentiment Telangana and hoped to make a change.

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2) Result of Frustration: Continued agitations and Unfortunate suicides

Deaths reported so far in Telangana during the agitation from 29th of


List of Suicides in Telangana Agitation 2009-2010 starting 29-11-2009

This list is current as of 27-Feb-2010

Warangal Dist:
1. Nov.30,2009 *Sri Bhukya Praveen (Age: 24 Years) Suicide by Hanging
Gopya thanda, H/o Pedanagaram village, Narsimhulapet mandal, Wgl District
Contact No:
2. Dec.03, 2009 *Sri Mallaboina Raj Kumar, Suicide by Hanging
Thimmapur village, Venkatapur mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
3. Dec.04,2009 Sri Pesaru Kattaiah by Heart Attack
Lenkalapally village, Nallabelli mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
4. Dec.04,2009 *Sri Bolla Omkaar by Suicide
Bollavanipally village, Nallabelli mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
5. Dec.05,2009 *Sri Cheruku Anjaneyulu Goud (32) Suicide by hanging on
electric line Valvidi village, Palakurthy mandal, Warangal District.
Contact Cell: 9866599479
6. Dec.05,2009 Sri Sri Katha Balamallu (50) by Heart Attack
Komuravelli village, Cherial mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
7. Dec.06,2009 *Sri Mukkera Janardhan (45) by Suicide
Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
8. Dec.06,2009 *Sri Todeti Nagaraju (20) by Suicide, B.Com (Computers) S/o
Roshaiah, Pavanapally village, Kuravi mandal, Warangal District.
Contact No:
9. Dec.07,2009 Sri Vaakita Butchaiah (42) TRS leader, by Heart Attack
Jaggaiahpet village, Regonda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
10. Dec.08,2009 *Sri Vitagani Madhukar (11), S/o Yakaiah, Suicide by kerosene
flame Kantayapalem village, Thorrur mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact Cell: Palle Sarvaiah : 9618747563
11. Dec.09,2009 Smt. Devulapally Shantamma (46) by Heart Attack
Regonda village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
12. Dec.09, 2009 Sri Gundeboina Bondaiah (52) by Heart Attack when he was
watching TV Regonda village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
13. Dec.09,2009 *Sri Guvva Prabhakar (45) suicide by taking pesticides

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Neredupally village, Shayampet mandal, Warangal Dist.

Contact No:
14. Dec.09,2009 Sri D. Ravi (30) by Heart Attack
Palampeta, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
15. Dec.09,2009 *Sri Vangala Raju (24) S/o Kumaraswamy, a TRS Leader by
Suicide with burning Veldi village, Raghunathpally mandal, Warangal District
Contact: Srinivas: 9963862214
16. Dec.09, 2009 Sri Sarva Sreenu (30), a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Palampeta village, Venkatapuram mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
17. Dec.09, 2010 Sri Faqruddin (65), a KCR fan, by Heart Attack by watching TV
Stn. Ghanpur village & mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
18. Dec.11, 2009 *Sri Jatoth Somla Naik (40) Suicide by jumping from Tree
Chinna Vangara village, Kodakandla mandal, Warangal Dist
Contact No:
19. Dec.11,2009 Sri Manda Sayanna (35) by Heart Attack
Anepuram village, Maripeda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
20. Dec.12,2009 *Sri Gujja Shankaraiah (52) by Suicide
Malkapur village, Stn. Ghanpur mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:Gujja Dayakar: 9849378845
21. Dec.14,2009 *Sri Ponnaboina Ashok (25)S/o Yadagiri, Suicide by
taking pesticides Mansanpally village, Bachannapet mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No: Narsimhulu: 9603765661
22. Dec.17,2009 Sri Guda Srinivas Reddy (40) by Heart Attack
Veldanda village, Narmetta mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
23. Dec.17,2009 *Sri Pokala Bhikshapathi (62) 1969 leader, by Heart
Attack Toorpu Kota, Khila Warangal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
24. Dec.17,2009 Sri Baskula Yadagiri (35), S/o Venkataiah by Heart
Attack Chagallu village, Ghanpur Stn. Mandal,
Warangal Dist.
Contact No:Narsimha Reddy :9849212438
25. Dec.20,2009 *Sri Bethelli Komura Reddy (40) Suicide by Pesticides
Kunoor village, Zafargad mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
26. Dec.20, 2009 Sri Nalike Sambaiah (50) by Heart Attack
Shayampet village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
27. Dec.20, 2009 Sri Eesampally Ailaiah (55) by Heart Attack
Janpahad village, Geesukonda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
28. Dec.21,2009 *Sri Vangapally Ramesh (22) Suicide by Pesticides
Abbapur village, Mulugu mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
29. Dec.21,2009 *Sri Rayarakula Prudviraj (22), a Degree student suicide by
Hanging Laxmipuram village, Duggondi mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:

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30. Dec.21,2009 *Sri Bairi Ramulu (38), a TRS Cadre, suicide by Hanging
Unikicherla village, Dharmasagar mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
31. Dec.21,2009 Sri Pingali Komuraiah (48) by Heart Attack
Tidugu village, Zafargadh mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
32. Dec.21,2009 Sri Gottiparthy Ashok (32) by Heart Attack
Laknepally village, Narsampet mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
33. Dec.22,2009 *Sri Manda Srinivas (32) suicide by continue pasting
Athmakuru village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
34. Dec.22,2009 Sri Jelagam Babu Rao (40) a TRS cadre, by Heart Attack
Jangoan Town, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
35. Dec.23,2009 *Sri Balle Komuraiah (35) suicide by pesticides
Pamnur village, Stn. Ghanpur mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
36. Dec.24,2009 Sri Tirupathi Raghupathi (45) a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Sarvapuram village, Mulugu mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
37. Dec.24,2009 Sri Kalvala Sammaiah (50) by Heart Attack, laticharge on
students on watchin TV Jakaram village, Mulugu mandal,
Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
38. Dec.24,2009 Sri Ireddi Krishna Reddy (50) by Heart Attack
Narsapuram village, Venkatapuram mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
39. Dec.24,2009 Sri Bathini Narasimhulu (50) by Heart Attack
Gabbeta village, Raghunathpally mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
40. Dec.25,2009 Sri Chintha Kumaraswamy (35) TRS cadre, by Heart Attack
Devannapeta village, Hasanparthy mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
41. Dec.30,2009 Sri Burugu Rammurthy (36) by Heart Attack
Thatikonda village, Stn.Ghanpur mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
42. Dec.30,2009 *Sri Guguloth Ramulu Naik (40) suicide by Pesticides (Jai
Telangana) Chapla Thanda, Thallavukallu village, Maripeda
mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
43. Dec.30,2009 Sri Arsham Nadipi Veeraiah (55) by Heart Attack
Nerukulla village, Athmakur mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
44. Dec.31,2009 Sri Kurathota Butchaiah (45) by Heart Attack
Duggondi village & mandal, Warnagal Dist.
Contact No:
45. Dec.31,2009 Sri Dulam Ramdasu (45) by Heart Attack
Machapuram village, Geesukonda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:

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46. Jan, 01,2010 *Sri Boora Ramesh (30) a weaver, suicide by Jumping in Well with
TRS Flag Athmakuru village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
47. Jan,01,2010 Sri Akula Chinna Kumaraswamy (41) by Heart Attack
Narlavai village, Sangem mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
48. Jan,01,2010 Sri Enugula Rajaiah (55) by Heart Attack
Vechareni village, Cherial mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
49. Jan,03,2010 *Sri Pendela Rajaiah (35) suicide by taking Pesticides
Bhagirthipeta village, Regonda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
50. Jan,03,2010 Sri Jinuka Kristopher (38) by Heart Attack
Lakshimipuram village, Duggondi mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
51. Jan,03,2010 Sri Eedula Yakaiah (48) by Heart Attack
Pattipaka village, Nekkonda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
52. Jan,03,2010 Sri Tammadi Sathyam (35) by Heart Attack
Mustiyal village, Cherial mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
53. Jan,07,2010 *Sri Veldandi Suman (24), by overcome to Intercity Exp. with
wearing TRS Flag New Shayampet, Hunter Road, Hanamkonda,
Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
54. Jan,18,2010 *Sri Domala Shankar (50), a TRS Cadre suicide by jumping from
Train Hasanparthy village & mandal, Waragnal Dist.
Contact No:
55. Jan,21,2010 *Sri Pilli Ravinder (35) Suicide by Kerosene Flame
Ameenapet village, Chennaraopet mandal, Warnagal Dist.
Contact No:
56. Jan,23, 2010 *Sri Musuku Karunakar (23), a student, suicide by Kerosene Flame
Vangapad village, Hasanparthy mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
57. Jan,23, 2010 Sri Sailu (65), a CPI Cadre by Heart Attack
Dardepally village, Palakurthy mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
58. Jan,27, 2010 *Sri Balaji (21), MCA Student (KU), S/o Biksha Naik, suicide by Train
(Kerala Ex) Gandhipuram Thanda, Mahbubabad mandal,
Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
59. Jan.27, 2010 *Sri Kadavendi Raju (20) a Student, S/o Veerachary, suicide by
jumped in Chervu Pragati Singaram village, Shayampet mandal,
Warangal District
Contact No:
60. Jan,28, 2010 **Sri Raj Kumar Chary (22), a Student, suicide by Flame
Narsampet village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
61. Jan,31, 2010 Smt. Bandari Shyamala (26) suicide by Pesticides
Cherial village & mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:

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62. Feb.01, 2010 Sri Gaddameedi Ramesh (35), suicide by Kerosene Flame
Warangal District
Contact No:
63. Feb.02, 2010 *Sri Halavath Rajender (17) a Inter Student, suicide by Pesticides
Dasru Thanda, Nandanaik Thanda, Geesukonda mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
64. Feb.03, 2010 *Sri Bogi Ramesh (25), S/o Komraiah, a Lorry cleaner, suicide by
Flame Shayampet village & mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
65. Feb.04, 2010 *Sri Devarakonda Praveen (30) suicide by Train
Gadhinagar, Warangal Town, Warangal District.
Contact No:
66. Feb.06, 2010 * Sri Yakaiah (38), a Telangana Activist, Suicide by jumping from
the Building Palakurthy village & mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
67. Feb.10, 2010 Smt. K. Andalu (35), W/o Srihari, Suicide by Pesticides
Kallem village, Lingala Ghanpur mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
68. Feb.10, 2010 Sri Sampath Rao (25), by Suicide
Rangapur village, Mogullapally mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
69. Feb.11, 2010 Sri Mothe Venkataiah (45), S/o Mallaiah, by Heart Attack
Kondapur village, Stn. Ghanpur mandal, Warangal Dist.
Contact No:
70. Feb.14, 2010 *Sri S. Parameshwar (40), a Tailor(TRS), Suicide by Train at
Secunderabad Station. Ramannapet village, Warangal District.
(Note to KCR to give it Sonia)
Contact No:
71. Feb.14, 2010 Sri Yedula Prabhakar (28), a M.Sc.Student, by Heart Attack
Jogampally village, Shayampet mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
72. Feb.15, 2010 *Sri Mamnuri Sandeep (22) attempt suicide in Flame, Dead in
MGM Warangal Taherpur village, Shayampet mandal,
Warangal District
Contact No: S/o Bikshapathi
73. Feb.16, 2010 Sri Arelli Srinivas (25), a JAC, Degree Stundent, by Heart Attack
Vardhannapet village & mandal, Warangal District
Contact No:
74. Feb.16, 2010 *Sri Daramsot Halya Naik (40), a Auto Driver, suicide by taking
Pesticides Bandamidi Thanda, Manubothulagadda village,
Khanapur mandal, Wgl Dist.
Contact No:
75. Feb.20, 2010 *Kakkerla Srinivas (35) a RMP Doctor, suicide by taking Poison
Enumamula village, (NTR Nagar), Hanamkonda mandal, Wgl. Dist.
Contact No: Santosh (Brother) : 9849610274
76. Feb.22, 2010 *Sri Sagar (22), a Student, Suicide by
Vangapahad village, Hasanparthy mandal, Warangal District
Contact No: (explained in note that going to die for Telangana)
77. Feb.22, 2010 * Bashapaka Bhaskar (23), a Inter (II), Suicide by taking Pesticides
for Telangana Gavicherla village, Sangem mandal, Warangal

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Contact No:
Karimnagar District:
78. Nov.30,2009 Sri Bolli Laxminarayana (Age: 55 Years) by Heart Attack by
watching TV Gundaram village, Ellanthakunta mandal,
Karimnagar District
79. Dec.02,2009 *Sri Dandika Prudvee Raj (Age:22 Years) Suicide by
Hanging Valgonda village, Mallapur mandal, Karimnagar District.
Contact: Ramdas, Cell:9704508294
80. Dec.05,2009 *Sri Inukonda Prabhakar Reddy (Age: 22 Years) by
Suicide Kothapally village, Thimmapur mandal,
Karimnagar District
Contact No:
81. Dec.05,2009 *Smt. Manjula (25) Suicide by taking Pesticides
Katkoor village, Vemulawada mandal, Karimnagar
Contact No:
82. Dec.06,2009 Sri Naluka Rajaiah (50) by Heart Attack
Thimmapur, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
83. Dec.06,2009 *Sri Barigela Ashok (27) Suicide by Kerosene Flame
Narayanapur village, Yellareddipet mandal, Karimnagar,
Contact Cell: 9440525408
84. Dec.06,2009 *Sri Arelli Krishna (18) by Suicide (by taking poison)
Pochapally village, Jammikunta mandal, Karimnagar
Contact No:
85. Dec.07,2009 Sri Cheekatla Komuraiah by Heart Attack
Gunipathy village, Kamalapur mandal, Karimnagar
Contact No:
86. Dec.07,2009 *Sri Bolli Saraiah (40) by Suicide
Baswapur village, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
87. Dec.07,2009 Smt. Kadari Yellamma (36) by Heart Attack
Uppal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
88. Dec.07,2009 Sri Kodipunjula Shankaraiah (50) S/o Lingaiah by Hear Attach
Kothapeta village, Velgatur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No: 9441738666, C/o MLA Dharmapuri
89. Dec.08,2009 *Sri Bairi Sudharshan by Suicide
Nittooru village, Peddapally mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
90. Dec.08,2009 *Sri Kola Ravi (25) by Suicide
Yellareddipally, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
91. Dec.08,2009 Enuganti Lachaiah (45), S/o Bakkaiah by Heart Attack
Velichala village, Ramadugu mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
92. Dec.12,2009 *Sri Guggilla Sridhar (17), a Intermediate student by
Suicide Desaipet village, Medipally mandal,
Karimnagar Dist.

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Contact No:
93. Dec.12,2009 *Sri Goli Srinivas (40) Suicide by taking pesticides
Rangapur village, Peddapally mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
94. Dec.12,2009 *Sri Anasa Ramesh (35) Suicide by taking pesticides
Chandapally village, Peddapally mandal, Karimnagar
Contact No:
95. Dec.12,2009 Sri Dommati Bapu (48) by Heart Attack
Rayapatnam village, Dharmapuri mandal, Karimnagar
Contact No:
96. Dec.14,2009 Sri Alaveni Bheemaiah (38) S/o Yellaiah, by Heart
Attack Godavarikhani Town, Karimnagar Dist.
#14-3-162, Jawaharnagar, Godavarikhani.
Contact Nol: 9849312317
97. Dec.18,2009 *Sri Kesugani Srinivas (24) S/o Lingaiah by Suicide with taking
Pothgal village, Mustabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact Cell: 9440869314
98. Dec.18,2009 Sri Kadire Balanarsu Goud (55) S/Mallaiah by Heart Attack
Maddikunta village, Mustabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact Cell: 9440257730
99. Dec.18,2009 Smt. Sirigiri Lachamma (52) W/o Chandraiah by Heart Attack
Cherlapally village, Velgaturu mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No: 9000283524, C/o MLA Dharmapuri
100. Dec.24,2009 Sri Vankudoth Danji Naik (40) by Heart
Attack Pegadapally village, Mahamuttaram mandal,
Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
100. Dec.24,2009 24) *Sri Mallesham, a Rythu, suicide by taking pesticides
Anathagiri village, Ellanthakunta mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
101. Dec.24,2009 25) *Sri Nyathari Raju, suicide by Kerosene flame
Itharajupally village, Sulthanabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
102. Dec.25,2009 26) Sri Pamula Narsaiah (28) by Heart Attack
Tunguru village, Sarangapur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
103. Dec.25,2009 27) Sri Todeti Lingaiah by Heart Attack
Bhupalapatnam village, Choppadandi mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
104. Dec.25,2009 28) Sri Pittala Laxmirajam by Heart Attack
Dongaturthy village, Dharmaram mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
105. Dec.26,2009 29) *Sri Macha Gattaiah (24) suicide by Hanging
Rayadandi village, Ramagundam mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
106. Dec.26,2009 30) Sri Kanakam Shankar (38) by Heart Attack
Gattududdenapally village, Manakondur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:

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107. Dec.27,2009 31) Sri Tumma Mogili (42) by Heart Attack

Kammarikunta village, Julapally mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
108. Dec.27,2009 32) Sri Muniganti Mondaiah (55) by Heart Attack
Kasimpeta village, Bejjanki mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
109. Dec.27,2009 33) Sri Boini Mallaiah (48) by Heart Attack
Mahmadapur village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
110. Dec.27,2009 34) Sri Katkuri Chandu (30) by Heart Attack
Moodapally village, Chandurthy mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
111. Dec.27, 200935) Sri Banoth Naresh (23), S/o Kishan by Heart Attack
Chervumundu Thanda, Akkannapet village,Husnabad mandal,Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
112. Dec.28,2009 36) Sri Pittala Shankar (30), S/o Rajaiah by Heart Attack
Rayapatnam village, Dharmapuri mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
113. Dec.30,2009 37) *Sri Bheemari Shankar (36) suicide by pesticides
Racherla Timmapur village, Yellareddipet mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
114. Dec.30,2009 38) *Sri Kommu Lingaiah (50) suicide by Hanging
Mallapur village & Mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
115. Dec.30,2009 39) Sri Mudraveni Gangi Rajaiah (60) by Heart Attack, on watching
TV Rampur village, Huzurabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
116. Dec.30,2009 40) Sri Mudraveni Rajaiah (65) , by Heart Attack, on watching TV
Rampur village, Huzurabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
117. Dec.30,2009 41) Sri Pochaveni Balaiah (35) TRS Cadre by Heart Attack
Tagudu village, Sircilla mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
118. Dec.30,2009 42) Shaik Saheb Hussain (54) by Heart Attack on watching TV
Gundi village, Ramadugu mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
119. Dec.30, 2009 43) Sri Kashipaka Mallaiah (50) S/o Pochaiah by Heart Attack
Killa Wanaparthy village, Dharmaram mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
120. Dec.31,2009 44) Sri Kallem Mallesham (22), PTS cadre, by Heart Attack
Telgupally village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
121. Dec.31,2009 45) Sri Gadagoni Rajaiah (37) by Heart Attack
Govardhanagiri village, Husnabad mandal, Karimangar Dist.
Contact No:
122. Dec.31,2009 46) Sri Kompelli Mogili (50) by Heart Attack
Mahmadapur village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
123. Dec.31,2009 47) Sri Vengala Laxminarayana (43) by Heart Attack
Julapally village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

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Contact No:
124. Dec.31,2009 48) Sri Dharmapuri Mangaiah (45) by Heart Attack
Sulthanabad village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
125. Dec.31,2009 49) Sri Cherala Mallaiah (42) by Heart Attack
Odela village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
126. Dec.31,2009 50) Sri Kashepaka Mallaiah (50) by Heart Attack
Botla Wanaparthy village, Dharmaram mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
127. Jan,01,2010 51) Sri Varidelli Devaiah (45) by Heart Attack
Chittapur village, Mallapur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
128. Jan,02,2010 52) *Sri Nallagonda Swamy (20) suicide by taking pesticides
Ogulapur village, Ellanthakunta mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
129. Jan,02,2010 53) Sri Shanigaram Komuraiah (40) by Heart Attack
Kanukula village, Sulthanabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
130. Jan,02,2010 54) Sri Nyalapatla Hanmaiah Goud (55) by Heart Attack
Ganukula Kondapur village, Bejjanki mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
131. Jan,03,2010 55) *Sri Kasturi Srikanth (25) suicide by Hanging
Potlapally village, Husnabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
132. Jan,03,2010 56) *Sri Gaddam Ramana Reddy (27) suicide by taking pesticides
Bojannapet village, Peddapally mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
133. Jan,03,2010 57) Sri Todeti Lingaiah (45), S/o Narsaiah, a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Bhupalapatnam village, Choppadandi mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No: Galanna TRS: 9395593366
134. Jan,07,2010 58) *Sri Kekkerla Madhusudhan (23) a TRS Cadre, suicide by Pesticides
Begumpet village, Manthani mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
135. Jan,7,2010 59) *Sri Narsingoju Rajender (26) suicide by taking Pesticides
Eklaaspur village, Kamanpur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
136. Jan,16,2010 60) *Sri Puthala Chandrashekar (24) suicide by Kerosene Flame
Maddulapally, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
137. Jan,18,2010 61) Sri Ramancha Sammaiah (34) by Heart Attack
Narsingapur village, Veenavanka mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
138. Jan,18,2010 62) Sri Todeti Shankar (24) by Heart Attack
Narayanapur village, Yellareddipet mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
139. Jan,21, 2010 63) Sri Nalla Gangadhar (25) by Heart Attack
Nakkalapally village, Dharmapuri mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
140. Jan,21, 2010 64) Sri Vasigolla Gopal (52) by Heart Attack

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Bejjanki village & mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

Contact No:
141. Jan,21, 2010 65) Sri Busaveni Nayakaiah (50) by Heart Attack
Lingannapet village, Gamhiraopet mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
142. Jan,22, 2010 66) *Sri Karre Rajesh (25) Suicide by Hanging
Gopalapur village, Elkathurthy mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
143. Jan,22,2010 67) *Sri Raju, (35), a Sarpanch, attempt suicide on 15th & dead on 22nd at Hyd
Dacharam village, Ellanthakunta mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
144. Jan, 28, 2010 68) *Sri Chirra Jeevan Kumar (20) suicide by Fan Hanging
Gadhinagar, Jagtial Town, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
145. Jan,28, 2010 69) *Sri Karmati Raghupathi (50), E.O. Dubbarajeswara Swamy Temple,
Suicide Khanapur village, Sarangapur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
146. Jan,31, 2010 70) *Sri Gotte Kalyan (Ashok) (19), a student, suicide by pesticides
Konaraopet village & mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
147. Feb.02, 2010 71) *Kum.Avaneni Jyothy (15) a Student, suicide by Pesticides (Suicide Note)
Ramannapet village, Konaraopet mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
Contact No:
148. Feb.04, 2010 72) Sri Chandaboina Rambabu (35) Suicide by Pesticides
Marripellygudem village, Karimnagar District
Contact No:
149. Feb.07, 2010 73) *Sri Rondla Satish Reddy (17), a SSC Student, Suicide by Pesticides
Muppidipally village, Karimnagar District
Contact No:
150. Feb.12, 2010 74) *Kum. K. Swapna (17),a Inter Student, by Kerosene Flame on 6 th dead
today Sanjaynagar, Godavarikhani Town, Karimnagar District
Contact No:
151. Feb.12, 2010 75) *Sri Mettupally Bhumaiah (50), attempt Suicide on 25th Jan. dead today
Dabbaka village, Ibrahimpatnam mandal, Karimnagar District
Contact No:
152. Feb. ,2010 76) Sri Ramagiri Tirupathi (35), Ex-Army man, a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
#20-3-549, Suryanagar, Godavarikhani Town, Karimnagar District
Contact No:
Medak District:
153. Dec.30,2009 1)*Sri Vunuguru Srikanth (20) S/o Chandraiah , Suicide by
Hanging Duddeda village, Kondapaka mandal, Medak District
Contact No: 9440157641
154. Dec.02,2009 2) Smt. Voddera Lakshmi (40) W/o Parashuramulu by Heart
Attack Kondapaka village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: Kanaka Ramulu : 9949173373
155. Dec.04,2009 3) Sri P. Vinay (21) S/o Late. Sri Ramesh, dead in Accident at Rally
Pragnapur village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: Subhadra (Mother): 9704724509
156. Dec.05,2009 4) *Sri Gangaraboina Guruvaiah (48) Suicide by Hanging S/o Narsaiah
Mudiraj Mugdhoompur village, Nangunuru mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact MPTC Lingam Cell: 9963320409, Chakrapani (Sarpach) :9989807797

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157. Dec.06,2009 5) Sri Narsimhulu (32) by Heart Attack

Bhoompally village, Mirdoddi mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
158. Dec.06,2009 6) *Sri Narsing Naik (54) Suicide by Hanging
Mamidipally Thanda, Sangareddy mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
159. Dec.06,2009 7) Sri Puduri Narender Goud (35)S/o Kista Goud by Heart Attack
Gouraram village, Vargal mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: Srinivas Goud: 9866845905
160. Dec.07,2009 8) *Sri Varala Venkatesham (32), by Suicide
Ande village, Mirdoddi mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: Narsimhulu (brother) : 9951062410
161. Dec.15,2009 9) *Sri Nomula Shankar (40), a tailor, Suicide by Hanging due to
PRPdecision Sanjeevanraopet village, Narayankhed mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
162. Dec.16,2009 10) *Sri Kanneboina Ailaiah (25), S/o Ailaiah, (TRS) attempt suicide in flame on 8th,died
on 16th Kondapaka village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: Kanaka Ramulu : 9949173373
163. Dec. 16,2009 11) Sri Kanche Srinu (35) S/o Yellaiah by Heart Attack
Erravalli village, Kondapaka mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: C/o Ram Reddy 9908145452
164. Dec.16,2009 12) Sri Patti Hanmanthu (28), S/o Narsaiah by Heart Attack
Vardarajpur village, Jagdevpur mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: 9849238814
165. Dec.9,2009 13)*Rangaboina Ramesh H/o B. Laxmi (28) by Heart Attack, TRS Cadre
Dharmaram village, Mirdoddi mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: 9849163562
166. Dec.10,2009 14) *Sri Dabbeta Narsimhulu (32) H/o Padma by Heart Attack, TRS Cadre
Elagurthy village, Dubbaka mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: 9948535628
167. Dec.24,2009 15) *Sri Nagaraju (37) suicide by taking pesticides
Hoti (ke) village, Zaheerabad mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
168. Dec.24,2009 16) *Sri Muddapuram Rajaiah (37) a TRS Cadre, suicide by taking
Pesticides Kondapaka village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No: Laxma Reddy, MPTC: 9989967357
169. Dec.24,2009 17) Sri Bucha Malla Reddy (60) by Heart Attack
Chinnagundavelli village, Siddipet mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
170. Dec.24,2009 18) Sri Namra Naik (60) by Heart Attack
Challagidda thanda, Narayankhed mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
171. Dec.24,2009 19) Sri Todeti Yadagiri (35) by Heart Attack
Mulugu village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
172. Dec.27,2009 20) Sri Kottakapu Narayana (50), a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Fareedpur village, Medak mandal & District
Contact No:
173. Dec.30,2009 21) Sri Narayana Reddy (50) a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Valluru village, Manoor mandal, Medak Dist.

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Contact No:
174. Dec.30,2009 22) Sri Bakka Reddy (34) a Congress Cadre, by Heart Attack
Algolu village, Zaheerabad mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
175. Jan,01,2010 23) Sri Bhoom Reddy (45), Ex-Vice Sarpanch, by Heart Attack
Mupparam village, Medak mandal & Dist.
Contact No:
176. Jan,02,2010 24) Sri Sana Jaggaiah (60) by Heart Attack on watching TV
Ambajipet village, Chinna Shankarampet mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
177. Jan,02,2010 25) Sri Katkuri Yellaiah (65) a SC leader, by Heat Attack
Dubbaka village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
178. Jan,06,2010 26) *Sri Mandala Kanakaiah (22) suicide by Hanging
Padmanabhunipally village, Dubbaka mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
179. Jan,12,2010 27) Sri Ponduri Satyam (36), S/o Ilaiah by Heart Attack
Marpadaga village, Kondapaka mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
180. Jan,16,2010 28) *Sri Chintha Narender (46), a Tailor, suicide by Kerosene Flame
Zaheerabad Town, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
181. Feb.01, 2010 29) *Sri Murali (25), a Photographer, Suicide by Poison
Dubbaka village & mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
182. Feb.03, 2010 30) Kum.Akula Mounika (13) a 8th Student, by Heart Attack (on Com.
Formation)Chellapur village, Dubbaka mandal, Medak District
Contact No:
183. Feb.04, 2010 31)* Sri Nagaraju
(23), attempt suicide by Kerosene Flame on 1st, dead on
4 Sulthanapur village, Patancheru mandal, Medak Dist.
Contact No:
184. Feb.07, 2010 32) Sri Ramulu (39) by Heart Attack
Thandkapally village, Siddipet mandal, Medak District.
Contact No:
185. Feb.14, 2010 33) Sri Narasimha Reddy, Suicide attempted was dead on 14, Gandhi
Hospital Vemulghat village, Medak District.
Contact No:
186. Feb.22, 2010 34) *Sri R. Swamy Chary, a 10th Student, Suicide by taking Pesticides in
Temple Dubbaka village & mandal, Medak District
Contact No:
Nalgonda District:
187. Dec.01,2009 1) Sri D. Yadaiah by Heart Attack
Appajipet mandal, Nalgonda mandal & District
Contact No: Danamma (Wife): 9959405665
188. Dec.03,2009 2) **Sri Kasoju Srikanth Chary (23), S/o Venkatachary by Suicide in Petrol
Flame Podichedu village, Mothkur mandal, Nalgonda District
Contact No: 9160013209
189. Dec.04,2009 3) *Sri Pabba Eshwaraiah (75) by Suicide
Madhapuram village, Nalgonda District
Contact No:

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190. Dec.05,2009 4) Sri Dosapally Sathaiah by Heart Attack

Singaram village, Rajapet mandal, Nalgonda District
Contact No: Smt. Gongidi Sunitha
191. Dec.06,2009 5) *Sri Dharavath Sudhakar Naik (23), ST-Engg. Student suicide by Hanging
Rampur, Gogulagutta Thanda, Turkapally mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
192. Dec.06,2009 6) *Sri Sattu Veeranagulu (26) by taking pesticides in Telangana
Rally Palavaram village, Nadigudem mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No: Mandapally Srinivas Goud: 9
193. Dec.07,2009 7) *Sri Gunti Satish Yadav (30), Suicide by hanging
Raigir village, Bhongir mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No: Alimineti Krishna Reddy: 9866347228
194. Dec.17,2009 8) *Sri Pottabattula Narender (34) S/o Laxminarayana, Suicide by
pesticides Kattangur village & mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact Cell: 9248791979
195. Dec.17,2009 9) *Sri Y. Dayakar Reddy (35) Advocate, suicide by Hanging
Dacharam village, Mothkur mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact Cell: 9347090909
196. Dec.06,2009 10) *Sri Shiva Charan P/H (24) Suicide by kerosene flame
Ramajipet Village, Yadagirigutta mandal, Nalgonda Dist
Contact No:
197. Dec 05,2009 11) Sri Gyara Jagadish (35) s/o Yadagiri by heart attack
Patelgudem village, Alair mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
198. Dec.06,2009 12) Sri Yelagandula Laxminarayana (60) S/o Balakishtaiah by Heart Attack
Tangutoor village, Alair mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
199. Dec.26,2009 13) Sri Yadaiah (45) a CPI Leader by Heart Attack
Ramannapet village & mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
200. Dec.30,2009 14) Gaddapati Ramalingaiah (43) by Heart Attack
Khalimora village, Kattanguru mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
201. Jan,03,2010 15) Sri Vanguri Ramulu (35) by Heart Attack
Janampally village, Ramannapet mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
202. Jan,04,2010 16) *Smt. Bandari Rajanai (19) D/oNarayana,a B.Sc III yr student by Kerosene
flm Peddapadishela village, Gundala mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
203. Jan,05,2010 17) *Smt. Kola Dhanamma (30), W/o Venkataiah suicide by Kerosene Flame
Banda Kothapally village, Gundala mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
204. Jan,13, 2010 18) *Nama Natraj (21) a Degree Student,(Nizam College) by Bike Accident
Gollepally village, Valigonda, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
205. Jan,18,2010 19)*Sri K. Venugopal Reddy, (24) MCA, student, Suicide by Kerosene Flame
Dosapadu village, Penpahad mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
206. Jan,21, 2010 20) *Sri Alavakuntla Dasharath (38) Suicide by Hanged with Fan
IDA, Suryapet Town, Nalgonda Dist.

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Contact No:
207. Jan,29, 2010 21) *Sri Badri Ramulu (23) a MRPS Cadre, Suicide by Pesticides
Bhudanpochampally village & mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
208. Feb.01, 2010 22) *Sri Shaik Anwar (29), Suicide by Hanging
Choutuppal village & mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
209. Feb.10, 2010 23) *Sri Kavadi Krishna (33), by Suicide
Guduru village, Bibinagar mandal, Nalgonda Dist.
Contact No:
210. Feb.20, 2010 24) Yenagandula Srinivas (22), a Egg. Student, suicide by taking Pesticides
Kranthinagar, Aleir Town, Nalgonda District
Contact No:
Adilabad District:
211. Dec.04,2009 1) *Sri Allamkonda Chinna Bapanna (38), S/o Komraiah, by Heart Attack
Surzapur village, Khanapur mandal, Adilabad District
Contact No:Gangavva (Wife): 9441460310
212. Dec.04,2009 2)*Sri Nampally Bhaskara Chary (Age: 35 Years) Suicide by jumping in
Suddavagu Project S/o Shankaraiah, Bhainsa Town, Adilabad District.
Contact Cell: Ravi : 9948783001
213. Dec.09, 2009 3) *Sri Mutyala Raja Goud (Bapa Goud) (55), by Hanging with wear TRS Flag
Chennur village & mandal, Adilabad District (TRS Mandal Vice President)
Contact No:
214. Dec.09, 2009 4) Sri Boddu Krishna (41), a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Tilaknagar, Mancherial Town, Adilabad District
Contact No:
215. Dec.18,2009 5) Sri Mamidala Narayana (40) S/oRajamallu, by Heart Attack
Laxettipet village & mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:Tirupathi MPTC : 9849158350
216. Dec.24,2009 6) Sri Karan (30) suicide by Hanging
Dhanora village, Indravelli mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
217. Dec.24,2009 7) Sri Chenigarapu Srinivas (38), a Linemen, by Heart Attack
Vidyanagar, Khanapur Town, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
218. Dec.25,2009 8) *Sri Narsaiah (30) suicide by taking pesticides
Lingala village, Kadem mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
219. Dec.27,2009 9) Sri Borlakunta Linganna (32) by Hear Attack
Degama village, Bazarhatnoora mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
220. Dec.30,2009 10) Sri Budde Suman (17), a Inter student, suicide by Pesticides
Konurunagaram village, Kasipeta mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
221. Jan,06,2010 11) *Sri Enugu Bhooma Reddy (24) suicide by Hanging in Hyderabad
Bhorigama village, Ichoda mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
222. Jan,06,2010 12) *Kum. Dharavath Swetha (20) suicide by taking Pesticides
Ankena village, Khanapur mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:

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223. Jan,07,2010 13) *Sri Katterla Ravi (25) Suicide by taking Pesticides
Sirikonda village, Ichoda mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
224. Jan,07,2010 14) *Sri Vamanrao Surya (27), Suicide by taking Pesticides
Sonala village, Boath mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
225. Jan,21, 2010 15) Sri Peerthy Gopal (45) by Heart Attack
Degoan village, Bhaimsa mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
226. Jan,23, 2010 16) Sri Ravi Kanth (22) by Heart Attack
Utnooru village & mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
227. Jan,23, 2010 17) Sri Shankaraiah (45) by Heart Attack
Mandamarri village & mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
228. Jan,31, 2010 18) Sri Janardhan (31), Suicide by Pesticides
Sonala village, Bazarhatnoor mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
229. Feb.02, 2010 19) Sri Dhood Ram (65), by Heart Attack
Pittala Wada, Adilabad Town, Adilabad District
Contact No:
230. Feb.03, 2010 20) Smt.Shobha Rani (22), a House Wife, Suicide by Pesticides
Adilabad District
Contact No:
231. Feb.05, 2010 21) Sri Ravi (22), Suicide by taking Pesticides “for Telangana” in Note in
Marati Korvagalli Street, Bhaimsa Town, Adilabad District
Contact No:
232. Feb.05, 2010 22) Sri Gourang Datt (35), Suicide by Hanging
Mahalakshmi Wada, Adilabad Town, Adilabad District
Contact No:
233. Feb.05, 2010 23) Sri Melki Mahesh (30) a Auto Driver, by Heart Attack in Shanti Rally
Dabbarampally village, Chennur mandal, Adilabad District
Contact No:
234. Feb.07, 2010 24) Sri Cherla Sudarshan (38), a Employ, by Heart Attack
Koda village, Adilabad District.
Contact No:
235. Feb.07, 2010 25) Sri Pawar Praveen (31), a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack
Utnoor village & mandal, Adilabad District
Contact No:
236. Feb.08, 2010 26) *Sri Krishnapally Satish Kumar (21), a B.Sc Student, Suicide by Hanging
Barampur village, Thalamadugu mandal, Adilabad District
Contact No:
237. Feb.10, 2010 27) Sri Siraj Ahmed (45), by Heart Attack
Laxettipet village & mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
238. Feb.21,2010 28) *Sri Katlakunta Rajeswar (35) suicide by taking Pesticides
Badankurthy village, Khanapur mandal, Adilabad Dist.
Contact No:
Nizamabad District:
239. Dec.01,2009 1)*Sri P. Kishtaiah Mudiraj (Age:40) Police Constable by Suicide with his

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Weapon,Shivaipally village, Biknoor mandal, Nizamabad District

Contact No. Padma (Wife): 9676162546
240. Dec.07,2009 2) Sri Aindla Lingaiah (45) by Heart Attach
Issaipeta village, Machareddy mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No: Vishnu(Son) : 9652386374
241. Dec.09, 2009 3) Sri Kashaiah (55) a TRS Cadre, by Heart Attack by watching TV
Uttanur village, Gandhari mandal, Nizamabad District.
Contact No:
242. Dec.15,2009 3) *Sri Akula Anjaiah (42) S/o Kailash, by Heart Attach
Gandhari village & mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No: 9492208831
243. Dec.15,2009 4) *Sri Basanth Kumar/shivakumar, S/o Sarvappa (30) by jumping in Well
Yellareddy village & Mandal
Contact No: 801990990
244. Dec.15,2009 5) Sri Badavath Mothiram (46), a TRS leader, by Heart Attach
Chervumundu tanda, Dammannapet village, Dharpally mandal, Niz-bad Dist.
Contact No:
245. Dec.14,2009 6) *Sri Gula Sailu (35) by Heart Attack on TRS Vijayotsava Rally
Narsingraopally village, Nizamsagar manda, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact Cell: 9803139119
246. Dec.22,2009 7) *Sri P. Gangadhar (48), a Police Constable suicide with his service weapon
Maklur village & mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:
247. Dec.24,2009 8) Sri Nomula Yadaiah (45) by Heart Attack
Bikkanur village, Yellareddi mandal, Nizmabad Dist.
Contact No:
248. Dec.26,2009 9) *Kum. Kummari Sunitha (12) Suicide by Hanging
Gandhari village & mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:
249. Dec.26,2009 10) Smt. Bibi Yabi (48) by Heart Attack
Rudruru village, Nizamabad mandal & Dist.
Contact No:
250. Jan,02,2010 11) Sri Jangam Prabhakar (36) a Contractor, by Heart Attack
Adluru Yellareddy village, Nizamabad mandal & Dist.
Contact No:
251. Jan,07,2010 12) Sri Balaiah (23) a Vidya Valetere, by Heart Attack
Lingampalli village, Nizamsagar mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No: 9912100773
252. Jan,21, 2010 14) *Kum. Boosa Sumalatha (23) a B.Ed. Student, Suicide by Hanging
Dichpally Khilla, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:
253. Jan,21,2010 15) *Sri Kadem Naresh Kumar (24) Suicide by Hanging
Kamareddy Village & mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:
254. Jan,21,2010 16) Sri Naveen (32) by Heart Attack
Sirpur village & mandal, Nizmabad Dist.
Contact No:
255. Jan,21, 2010 17) *Sri Gangadhar (40) Suicide by Kerosene Flame
Pedda Valgote village, Sirikonda mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:

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256. Jan,22, 2010 18) Sri Kadluram Yerranna (42)a Telangana Singer,by Heart Attack after prog.
Ghanapur village, Dichpally mandal, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:
257. Feb.03, 2010 19) Kum. Rajitha (17), a Student, by Heart Attack
Tukkojiguda village, Sadashivanagar mandal, Nizamabad District
Contact No:
258. Feb.06, 2010 20) Sri Harilal (50), a Sarpanch, by Heart Attack
Amrad village, Maklur mandal, Nizamabad District
Contact No:
259. Feb.07, 2010 21) Sri Kethavath Srinivas (17), a Inter Student, suicide by Pesticides
Dharmareddi Thanda, Nizamabad District
Contact No:
260. Feb.07, 2010 22) *Sri Oddenna (35), suicide by jumping in River
Gunjili village, Makluru mandal, Nizamabad District
Contact No:
261. Feb.07, 2010 23) Sri Gundla Sayanna (55), by Heart Attack
Abbapur village, Nizamabad District.
Contact No:
262. Feb.10, 2010 24) Sri Rajeshwar Reddy, Suicide by taking Pesticides
Devaipally village, Nizamabad Dist.
Contact No:
Mahbubnagar District:
263. Dec.06,2009 1)*Sri M. Shiva (20) S/o Srinu, by Heart Attack by watching T.V., a TRSV-JAC
Achampet village & mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.
Contact Cell: 9912541255
264. Dec.23,2009 2) Sri Velugu Rangaiah (45) S/o Narayana, by Heart Attack
Kondanagula village, Balmur mandal (Achampet), Mahbubnagar Dist.
Contact: Balaswamy 9490143196
265. Dec.24,2009 3) Sri Bestha Rangaiah (35) by Heart Attack
Kondanagula village, Balmur mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.
Contact No:
266. Dec.26,2009 4) Smt. Padmamma (45) by Heart Attack
Narayanpet village & mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.
Contact No:
267. Jan,01,2009 5) Sri Chinna Ramaiah (55) a JAC Jagan father, by Heart Attack
Srirangapur village, Kondurg mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.
Contact No:
268. Jan,20,2010 6) *Kum. Suvarna (20) a Student, Suicide by Kerosene Flame
Mirasipally village, Kothakota mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.
Contact No:
269. Feb.16, 2010 7) *Sri Mallesh (24) by Suicide
Jadcherla village & mandal, Mahbubnagar Distr.
Contact No:
Khammam District:
270. Dec.24,2009 1) Smt. Madala Anasurya (60) by Heart Attack
Garla village & mandal, Khammam Dist.
Contact Cell:
Ranga Reddy District:
271. Dec.30,2009 1) *Sri Vinod Kumar (23) a Home Guard, suicide by Hanging
Keruru village, Jogipet mandal, Rangareddy Dist.
Contact Cell:

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272. Jan,01,2010 2) Sri Naregudem Kistaiah (45) a MIM cadre, by Heart Attack
Chittgidda village, Ranga reddy Dist.
Contact No:
273. Jan,27, 2010 3) *Sri Shekhar Reddy (24), a Driver, suicide by Kerosene Flame
Behind of Ward Office, LB Nagar, Hyderabad
Contact No:
274. Feb.20, 2010 4) **Sri S.Yadaiah(19),a Inter Student,Suicide by Flame at OU Assembly
Muttadi Nagaram village, Maheswaram mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist.
Contact No:

275. Feb.22, 2010 5) *Kum. Arige Saritha (19) a Inter Student,Sindu College,M.patnm by
Hangng Ajeejnagar village, Moinabad mandal, Ranga Reddy District (Chevella Const.)
Contact No: D/o Narsimha (wrote a letter to CM for Telanana cause)
276. 1)*Sri Narasimha dead in Latti Charge in Hyderabad
Contact No:
277. 2)*Sri Eedaiah by Suicide in Hyderabad
Contact No:
278. Dec.6, 2009 3) Sri Bommideni Rajender (49) by Heart Attack
Gynani Jailsingnagar, Filmnagar, Hyderabad
Contact No:
279. Dec.25,2009 4) Sri Samuel (70) by Heart Attack on watching TV
West maredpally, Secunderabad, Hyd
Contact No:


280. Sri Devaraya Ramesh, (24) attempt to Suicide and Condition is serious on 06-12-2009
Katkoor village, Bachannapet mandal, Warangal District.

281. Sri Karne Bikshapathi, TRS leader attempt suicide by hitting his head on 07-12-2009
Bhagirthipeta village, Warangal Dist.

282. Miss. Jana Bai (16) attempt suicide on 07-12-2009

Gouraram village, Gandhari mandal, Nizamabad Dist.

283. Sri Kadagandla Tirupathi (TRS Leader) attempt suicide by Kerosene flame on 07-12-2009
Venkatraopally village, Ellanthakunta mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

284. Sri Dandem Rathan Kumar, TRSV President, Narsampet Division attempt suicide on 8th, Dec
Narsampet village & mandal, Warangal Dist.

285. Kumari Bommagani Bhavani, Degree Student, attempt suicide on 8th Dec, 2009
Deekshakuntla village, Nekkonda mandal, Warangal Dist.

286. Sri Tudum Shankar, S/o Balaiah (30) attempt suicide

Ande village, Mirdoddi mandal, Medak Dist. 9618930169

287. Sri Bandaru Mallesham (30), S/o Mallaiah attempt suicide & still in Hospital
Koluguru village, Gajwel mandal, Medak Dist.

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288. Sri Neeradi Sanjeevulu (16)

289. Miss. Parchaaki Lalitha, a student, attempt suicide by taking Hair Dye
Chirrakunta village, Asifabad mandal, Adilabad Dist.

290. Sri Chiluveru Mahesh (18) attempt suicide by pesticides

Vangapally village, Kamalapur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

291. Sri Nagaraju (20), a Inter student, attempt suicide by Kerosene

Vankeswaram village, Amrabad mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.

292. Sri Vishwanadula Yadagiri (45) attempt suicide by leaking Gas Cylender
Shivaramnagar Street, Nalgonda Town

293. Sri Guddati Raju (17) attempt suicide by Kerosene

Vankeswaram village, Amrabad mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.

294. Sri Kattekola Laxman, Single Window Director, attempt suicide by Kerosene flame
Choppadandi village & mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

295. Sri Battula Tirupathi, attempt suicide by Pesticides on 26-12-2009

Maddikunta village, Mustabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

296. Sri Swamy attempt suicide by taking pesticides

Pothapally village, Laxettipet mandal, Adilabad Dist.

297. Sri Bajjepadige Raji Reddy, attempt suicide by taking pesticides

Moraipally village, Karimnagar mandal & Dist.

298. Sri Nevuri Raju (36) attempt suicide by Kerosene flame

Aitharajupally village, Sulthanabad mandal, Karimnagar Dist.

299. Sri Gaddam Anil (16), a Student, attempt suicide by Kerosene flame
Togarrai village, Sulthanabad mandal, Karimnagar dist.

300. Sri Chiluveru Mahesh, a student, attempt suicide by taking pesticides

Vangapally village, Kamalapur mandal, Karimnagar Dist.
301. Sri Sudharshan (25) attempt suicide by Kerosene flame
Chandampally, Nalogonda Dist. On Jan, 01,2010

302. Sri Upparapally Arun (28) attempt suicide by handling Electric Line on Transformer with shouting “Jai
Telangana”. Nasarpura, Siddipet Town, Medak Dist. On 02-01-2010

303. Sri Kotaiah (33) attempt suicide by taking pesticides on 03-01-2010

Venkatapuram village & mandal, Warangal Dist.

304. Sri Narender (38) attempt suicide by Kerosene Flame on 07-01-2010

Nizamabad Town, Nizamabad Dist.

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305. Sri Uppalaiah (35) jumped on House on Jan,21,2010

Mahabubabad Town, Waranagal Dist.

306. Sri Ghouse Miya attempt suicide by taking pesticides on Jan, 21, 2010
Kyathampally village, Damaragidda mandal, Mahbubnagar Dist.
307. Sri Uttej (26) a BJYM leader, attempt suicide by Kerosene Flame
Armoor village & mandal, Nizmabad Dist.

308. Sri K. Ashok (22) attempt suicide on Jan, 23, 2010

Ghanapur village, Marpally mandal, Rangareddy Dist.

309. Sri Gandam Purnachander (15) attempt suicide by Kerosene Flame (S.Note) on 02, Feb, 2010
Balajinagar, Warangal

310. Sri Chanda Anji Reddy, a Activist attempt by self stabbing at Aata-Pata prog. On 03,Feb, 2010
Halia village & mandal, Nalgonda District.

311. Sri Srinivasa Chary (35)rd S/o Venkataiah, attempt suicide by handling Electric main Line
Balapur, Hyderabad on 3 December, 2009. Cell : 9399911537

312. Sri Ponugoti Karunakar (22) S/o Rama Rao, attempt by Sleeping pills on watching Srikrishna committee on
TV, Koppolu village, Gurrampodu mandal, Nalgonda District.

313. Sri Mohd. Sharfuddin, M.Com, OU Student JAC, attempt suicide by Mosiquito Killer Liquid
Potharam village, Narmetta mandal, Warangal District

314. Kum. MD. Savera (19) a Degree Student, attempt suicide on 20-02-10
Papaiahpet village, Chennaraopet mandal, Warangal District

315. Sri Sarangaphani (21), a Auto Driver, attempt suicide by kerosene flame on 27-02-2010
Yeshwanthapur village, Jangaon mandal, Warangal District.

Analitical survey of the deaths from the data collected

District wise number of deaths:

District Number of deaths
Warangal 90
Karim nagar 87
Nalgonda 38
Medak 37
Adilabad 29
Nizamabad 27
Mahaboobnagar 11
RangaReddy 7
Hyderabad 6
Khammam 3

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Percentage of deaths - age wise grouping:

Age group Percentage of deaths
10 to 20 yrs 10%
20 to 30 yrs 29%
30 to 40 yrs 36%
40 to 50 yrs 21%
50 to 60 yrs 14%
60 to 70 yrs 10%

Death occurred by different ways;

By Number of deaths
Consuming poison 44
Hanging 31
Burning 26
Jumping from trees and buildings 11
Jumping in to well 6
Jumping from train 3
Catching electric wires 3
Shooting with pistol 2
Heart Attacks 126

Number of students died-----48

Number of political party workers died----36 (TRS, Congress, BJP, CPI, MIM etc)
Number of artisans died----20

So far we surveyed 13 sample cases of suicides reported during Telangana agitation, with
different socio economical and educational and living conditions.

Sample case-1: Laxmaiah(27) (Hoti-B, Medak Dist)-suicide by kerosine

Sample case-2: Sai kumar( 21)(Kodada village, Nalgonda Dist)-suicide by hanging
Sample case-3: Srinivas(22) (Aler town, Nalgonda district)-suicide by poison
Sample case-4: MD. Savera(19) (papayyapeta of Chennarao Pet mandal, Warangal)
by kerosine
Sample case-5: Sunil kumar(22) (HNK, WGL), PG in Journalism- suicide byhanging
Sample case-6: pavani,(19) ( siripuram village of Ramannapet, Nalgonda)-suicide by
Sample case-7: Anil kumar(22) (Aleir mandal, Nalgonda dist) - suicide by hanging
Sample case-8: Karunakar (Vangapahad village, Warangal district)- suicide by
Sample case-9: Interviews with the K.U acadamissions.
Sample-case-10: Viswanathula yadagiri(45) (Nalgonda town)-suicide by gas cylinder.
Sample-11: Shiva Charan(50)(Aler, Nlgonda dist)- suicide by kerosine
Sample-12: Rajkumar(22)(Narsampet town, Warangal)- suicide by kerosine

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Sample-13: Shaik Anwar, 29yrs, Choutuppal village & mandal, Nalgonda Dist, suicide by


Laxmaiah (Hoti-B, Medak Dist, 27 years, Male, BC, ITI, Unmarried, Working in a
private company as Turner) suicide on 25/2/2010
Only bread earner for family of 6 members with 2 brothers, 1 sister and parents
from a poor agriculture family in a draught prone village.
He is very dedicated, skillful and hardworking. His main dream was to get a job
in BHEL, Hyderabad. In his first attempt five (5) yrs ago, he passed written test
but failed in interview. Second time he passed both; but BHEL HR told him that
they messed up with name, and offered the job to some other Laxmiah. With this,
he was completely frustrated for almost 6 months. Again in Jan 2010, he appeared
for the test, for the third time. BHEL announced result of this tests on only 1000
candidates whereas 10,000 took the test. They gave some flimsy reasons when
asked for explanation. Sensing some conspiracy, he, along with local politicians,
MLA, other unemployed youth have organized hunger strike out side BHEL in
the month of Jan 2010. Unable to justify their acts, BHEL HR finally agreed to
cancel the test and re-conduct the test again.
He ended his life by burning with kerosene in front of BHEL Admin main gate.
He wrote a 17 pages of suicide note. We can understand that he was working on
his note for at least three (3) days based on the dates on the suicide note. He raised
several questions to all the concerned people and the managements of the both
public sector and private companies and touched all aspects of current agitation –
such as lathi charge on OU girls, home minister being a lady, lathi charge on
Lawyers, events during 11/29- 12/9. Subsequent events in Seema Andhra areas,
Promises made by MLAs, Ministers Geetha Reddy, Damodar Reddy, Jana Reddy,
Komati Reddy Venkat Reddy of congress party and Nagam Janardhan Reddy of
TDP and some other local leaders etc.
He wrote how BHEL is exploiting Telangana employees and giving Telangana
share to Andhra
He was a great fan of Chiranjeevi. He donated his blood to Chiranjeevi blood
bank, three times in one year. He also donated his eyes. He voted to Prajarajyam
based on Chirnajeevi‟s Samajika Telangana slogan. He had couple of photographs
with Chiranjeevi. He tore apart one of these photos frustrated by Chiranjeevi‟s U-
turn on Telangana
He wrote an article (in English) about the education and Child Labor.
He had very good writing skills that are on par with a mid-level journalist.
According to suicide notes, FIR, Panchanama report etc., he has ended his life for
the cause of Telangana state.
His suicide underscores the frustration in Telangana youth from rural areas
of Medak district as they were deprived of employment opportunities in
public sector companies like BHEL which is in his native district.

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Survey team interacting with the family members, friends and villagers of Laxmaiah at
Hothi-B village. All the certificates, photos, press clipping etc are spread on the floor.

V.V.Rao (SACIR)(wearing black pant pants),Jagadish(JTNRI Forum, wearing white

pants) ,Shekar (JTNRI Forum, wearing blue jeans) with family members of Laxmaiah
along with Lakshmaiah‟s photo hanging behind on the wall.

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Villagers and sarpanch meet with the survey teem in center of the Hoti-B village

Place of Laxmaiah dead body was buried in Hoti-B village

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Place of Laxmaiah committed suicide in front of the BHEL administrative building, we

can see the half burnt remaining of his clothes & the garlands to his photo.


Sai kumar; Kodada village,Nalgonda District; age 20 years, Yadava caste,

Only son, completed his education up to inter in kodada village. At the time of his
suicide, Sai kumar was a final year student of engineering collage of Osmania university
campus. He is from a middle class agricultural family with his mother and grandfather
helping him to study. He was a very bright student, secured 67th Rank in EMCT and got
selected in engineering program at the prestigious Osmania University, Hyderabad.
He was a hard working and merit student. His professors acknowledge that he is a very
intelligent student.
Sai kumar friends say that he used to talk about Telangana and the problems faced by
different people. He actively participated in Telangana agitation rallies, processions, relay
hunger strikes etc.
Frustrated by the false statements of the political parties‟ leaders he committed suicide by
hanging himself with a plastic wire in his room in the hostel of O.U campus. In his
suicide note, he appealed to 3.5 crores of Telangana people not to believe in political
party leaders and their false promises. He asked Telangana youth to lead the agitation to
success. His final wish was to take his final funeral procession to the State assembly.
His death has given a message how the mertoriuos and self esteemed students are
worried about the irresponsive behaviour of the political party leaders and their ill-
effects on the society. He wanted everyone to take notice of this and requested to
encourage new leader ship for coming generations.

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Suicide note of Saikumar, Student of Osmania University, Hyderabad

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Mother, Grandfather and Grandmother of SaiKumar

The survey team addressing the media on Telangana suicides at Kodad, Nalgonda

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Srinivas (Aler, Nalgonda district, age-22 yrs, Male, Padmashali caste, B. Tech –
Final year student) – He was the eldest child of the family. He has one brother and
one sister. The whole family went to bed after dinner as usual. He got up again in the
middle of the night and watched the TV at low volume. He drank some poison and
started vomiting. This is when the family got up and found that he was committing

He told them that he will be getting job soon and all their problems will be solved. He
was a class topper and hard working student. He was from a poor weaver family and
their only source of income was the hand weaving machine. He believed that separate
State is the only solution to get employment to Telangana youth.

In his suicide note, he wrote that the central government is playing delay tactics on
separate Telangana State. He wrote that there are no chances of Telangana youth
securing jobs without separation and his suicide should help open the eyes of
politicians. He wished his death will pave the way for Telangana separation and
future generations will get jobs in independent Telangana State

His death clearly suggests that the students studying in technical education are
very much worried about their future in combined State of A.P and do not see
any rays of hope.

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Family members of Srinivas, a final year engineering student from Aler,

Nalgonda district.

The traditional weaving machine “Maggam” is the only source of income to the
family of Srinivas


MD. Savera; (papayyapeta village of Chennarao Peta mandal, Warangal

dist),19 years age, Female, Muslim, Inter 2n year student) – Mother along with
Saver and her younger brother came to this village after father deserted her
mother when they were kids. Mother is living with his brother. Her mother is
working as labourer while her brother is studying ITI. This girl was active in
Telangana movement, for the last 2 years. She encouraged entire village folks to
participate in supporting activities of Telangana agitation such as bonalu, vanta-
vaarpu etc.

She committed suicide by burning with kerosene in her house when no one was
around. This happened exactly after couple of hours of Yadaiah self-immolating
in OU. Everyone believes that she was watching the TV9 and got emotional and
took the extreme step. Recently, couple of journalist from New York Times
visited this family.

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Mother and brother if Md. Savera of NarsamPet, Warangal district

TV played a big role in Md. Savera‟s suicde. She was frustrated by the games the
politicians and parties were playing and dealying the formation of separate
Telangana State

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Village Sarpanch blaming the irresponsible political parties for unfortunate

suicides by youth.


Sunil (Hanumkonda, WGL, 22 years, Male, BC, PG in Journalism) – Sunil‟s father

died 10 years ago. He lived with his mother and elder brother who work in a mutton
shop. They own a small house near Kakatiya University gate, Warangal. He worked for
Prajashakthi news paper as a reporter. He started his life as paper boy, mostly self-
financed his entire education and was very active in the Telangana movement. He always
used to be in the fore-front for any Telangana related activities. He committed suicide by
hanging himself in the house, when his brother and mother went to temple.

In his suicide note he wrote that as a reporter he was unable to take active role in the
Telangana movement. He was not happy with his job as the situations in his work place
were not permitting him to write about the political parties and felt that he is not in a
position to do justice. He says, Telangana movement is at its peak and no one can stop
the separation of Telangana. He requested the political party leaders to immediately
resign from the jobs .He got frustrated with the behavior of the leaders and decided to
commit suicide. He wrote that his death should influence the leaders to get Telangana.

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Suicide note by Anil, journalist from Warangal near Kakatiya University

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Mother and Grandmother of Sunil talking to the survey team


pavani,(19) ( Siripuram village of Ramannapet, Nalgonda) – Pavani committed

suicide by hanging herself with frustration and despair over injustices to Telangana and
delayed separate statehood to Telangana

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This foundation stone laid by late Chief Minister of Hyderabad State in 1957 at the
Government degree college, Nalgonda. Pavani was frustrated by these false promises
which ultimately led to her suicide for Telangana.

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The teaching staff and students of NG College, Nalgonda sharing their experiences and
feelings on Telangana movement and sucides


Anilkumar (Aler, 22 years, Male, SC, Inter) – Anil‟s father works for South Central
Railway (SCR). He has 2 sisters and 1 bother. One sister got married and other one
completed nurse training and was trying for a job. Anil was in school and also used to
take care of their agriculture, cows etc. He committed suicide by hanging himself near
their paddy field. He was so attached to his mother. His mother has been crying all the
time since his death.

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Anil Kumar‟s family

Anil‟s mother with Survey members

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Karunakar from Vangapahad village, Warangal district, 22 years, Male, BC

from dommari casts. Karunakar studied up to 6th class and lost his parents in his
childhood. This family is virtually is un-educated. He has a younger brother (10
years) and a sister (14 years). He lived with his grandparents. Brother is working
as a labourer in a local wine shop. According to his grandparents and neighbors,
he always talked about Telangana, nothing but Telangana. He committed suicide
by burning himself with kerosene himself, right in the middle of the road in broad
day light.

Those who are from Warangal areas would know the uniqueness of this village.
This boy belonged to Dommari caste. This caste used to be under ST category
until 1983. During NTR govt they were moved to BCs and were not aware of it
until 1995.This boy always wanted to help his community to grow big, prosper
and get respect in the society. The village is very proud of his sacrifice. They have
erected several large flexies in the village. They also organized Dhoom-Dham in
memory of Karunakar.

It is very clear from his suicide that irrespective of backwardness, caste

Telangana is asking for liberation from Andhra. Separation and Self
governance to Telangana was the main message from Karunakar.

Life size cut-out of Karunkar belonging to Dommari caste in Vanga Pahad

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Karunakar‟s sister,brother and grand father

Karunakar committed suicide in front of his work place,the wine shop, while a big
procession is going on for Telangana agitation.

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Interviews with Kakatiya University academicians:

Prof. Shobha of Kakatiya University, Warangal sharing her views on the most significant
sacrifices from Telangana people and students

Prof. Sambaiah demands the political parties to take responsibily for the suicides.

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Prof.Seetha Rama Rao and Prof. Papi Reddy say that the suicides are mostly from
weaker sections of the society. Prof. Swarna Latha feels that the emotional disturbances
are the root cause for these suicides.


Viswanathula yadagiri(45) (Nalgonda town)-suicide by gas cylinder

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Family members of Vishwanathulu Yadagiri of Nalgonda with S. Yadagir, famous writer

and other survey team members


Shiva Charan (Ahmad Nagar, Yadagiri gutta mandal), 50 years, Male, SC-Mala
caste, Intermediate completed) . Shiva Charan was a strong follower of TRS. He has been
working with TRS for the last 3 years. He committed suicide in the backyard of his house
burning with kerosene. After having dinner with his family; entire family members were
watching the TV. After sometime he went to backside of the house.
He was moved to Gandhi hospital doctors advised wife to move to private hospital. He
died after 3 days. He leaves behind wife; and 5 kids (3 girls, 2 boys). One is doing nurse
training, 3rd girl is in 10th but did not appear the exams b/c of the incident. The two boys
are 4th and 5th grades.

He was a student of AG collage Hyderabad, completed his degree in 1980 and a

victim of not getting reservation as he is from mala community. He was telling
everyone that mala community in Telangana was not given priority and the caste
reservation is upgraded and he lost the opportunity get a job while he was in college.
He always felt that only Telangana separation would help the future generations.

Family members of Shiva Charan of Ahmad Nagar, Yadagiri Gutta mandal.

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Rajkumar (Narsampet, Warangal, 22 years, Male, Padmashali, Inter studied) -

A boy from goldsmith community from Narasmpet town who committed suicide.
His father is slightly mentally retarded; and does not work. Younger brother does
not have one eye. Mother has not been doing well. They have no assets. The only
income to the family was from Rajkumar's goldsmith work that is no longer alive

Cut-out of RajKumar in Narsampet town

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TJAC banners:
1. Demanding to introduce Telangana bill in the Parliament immediately
2. Requesting students not sacrifice their lives

Mother and brother of RajKumar sharing their agony

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Shaik Anwer, Choutuppal village & mandal, Nalgonda district, was the only earning member of
the family with a tire puncture shop in choutuppal town. He spent one lakh to send his
brother to Dubai for employment but failed to repay the loans as he was sent back from
gulf. He is now trying to find a job in choutuppal industrial area. He says, only
TELANGANA separation could help his family earn livelihood.

Family member for Shaik Anwar, Chottuppal, Nalgonda district.

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Final conclusions and our sincere and humble plea:

This report will be submitted to you in the form of book at a later date. We can provide
you with more details of our surveys from all the districts.

After analyzing these death reports and interacting with family members, friends,
political party leaders at village and mandal level, it is evident that these deaths are
suicides out of frustration and despair during the Telangana agitation.

From the media reports and interaction with several bureaucrats and police at mandal
level it is found that several reports have been sent to the State secretariat with copies of
FIRs, Forensic reports, Panchanamas, suicide notes, death declarations and reports of
Mandal Revenue officers to present the facts to the government.
But it is unfortunate that the government has not even made an attempt to produce this in
assembly to discuss and take appropriate steps to help families of the victims. There was
no word of condolence from the government.

We request the SRIKRISHNA COMMITTEE to kindly go through all the evidential

documents available in the government to ascertain and understand how these deaths are
linked to Telangana separate Statehood.

In view of the continued, justified 54 plus years of struggle, despair, frustration and
helplessness of the Telangana people, we request you to recommend the demerger of
Telangana and Andhra states with immediate effect.

We request you for the gift of freedom, self-rule and self-respect to the
people of Telangana.
Jai Telangana!

Jai Telangana NRI Forum


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