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Vanguardia Program

Questions Video 12

Name: Christian Coronel Tenesaca

Nowadays, research is conducted by organizations; it is conducted in

laboratories, in research centers, in research institutes and universities,
etc. Research is therefore mostly carried out by multiple persons who
collaborate in a structured way. Sometimes, the research organization is
extremely large (‘Big Science’).
 Discuss the consequences and implications of this for the conduct of
research, for the selection of subjects to be researched and for the
evaluation of the quality of the scientific knowledge that is generated.

Well, the ´Big Science´ born in the 20th century, and basically consists in many
number of researchers working with a same objective, following orders given by
the managers. Then the research is easier than when it is done by a single person
because each expert work in their own field, achieving a faster work and more
efficient. But this could carry out some problems, the results of each area could
not be verified for experts in others fields, so it is necessary to choose
researchers with excellent reputation and trust it in their knowledge.

This big group of researchers are usually financed by governments to satisfy a

needing from its social and economic context. When you search for or choose a
research topic using different disciplines you can originate very innovative and
different ideas. To evaluate the quality of scientific knowledge is before
publishing, the research results must be evaluated by the scientific community.

 Discuss the nature and the benefits and/or disadvantages of

multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, cross-disciplinarity in scientific
Multidisciplinarity: This way to do a research is necessary to achieve new
solutions that are not common, because you can find different results from
different disciplines. It is about using the tools provided by various disciplines to
facilitate reaching a goal. The problem is that each researcher is focused on his
field and sometimes they can´t understand the approach of other people from a
different discipline.

Interdisciplinarity: combination of several disciplines to create new areas or

new fields, to achieve a unique solution.

Cross-disciplinary: is very useful to explain different topics of one discipline in

terms of another. A disadvantage may be that it is not all aspects can be
expressed in terms of all disciplines, sometimes difficult to relate one discipline
to another.

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