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UM-10 SUMMONS (ofS OESEE ere (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Emanuel Arellano, an individual; Evelyn Pascual, an individual; Additional Parties Attached Form is Attached, Son BRR YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFI sopgiinl ne (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Irene Melendez, heir and successor-in-interest to Timothy John Cortinas, OCT -9 2018 deceased ort R. Carter Exoouve OtoodGork [ ROTICET Vou Rave ben sad The cout iay doce agaist You witout Your BONG Roar UGS YOU repponein ersCReaie oration below ee Bees ‘You have 90 CALENDAR DAYS aftorhis summons and gal papers are served on you ole a writen respon: served on the pail. lettor or phone cal wit net protect you, Your wile response must bein proper legal frm f you want fhe court to Near your tase. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You ean fd these court forms and more information athe Calforna Cours, Online Sel-Help Center (, our county law Horary, or the courthouse nearest yout you cannot pay the ling lee, ask ‘he court clerk fora fe walver form. you donot fie your response on tie, you may loge tho case By default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without ther warring fom the cour. ‘There are other legal requirements, You may want fo call an atomey right away. If you donot know an storey, you may want call an attorney referral servis. f you cannot afford an atoney, you may be eligible fr fee egal seroes from a nonprofit legal servicos program. Vou can locale these nonprofit groups atthe Calfoia Legal Services Web site (wnt lawhelpealforia. or), the Galfomia Courts Online Sei-Help Center (oni gov'seltei), or by conlacing your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a salvar len for waWvod foes and oes on any setlement ar arbitration award of $10,000 or more I acl case, The court's en must be pald efre the cout wl dsmiss the case, IAVISO! Lo han demandado. Sino respande dentro de 30 alas, la corte puede decid en su conta sin escuchar su versisn, Lea la formacion eontiuaain, Tine 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entreguen asta ctacién y papele legates para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o une llamada felef6nica nolo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tens que estar ‘on formato logal correcta si dasea que procesen su caso an ls core. Es posible que haya un formuario que usted pueda usar para Su respuesta Puade encontrar estos formularios dela corte y mis iformacisn on el Cento de Ayuda de las Cortes de Calton (wu gov) of. bioteca de leyes de su condado oan fa corto que le quade mas cerca. Sino puede pagar la cuota de presentacio, pide al serotana def cote {Ue fe 06 un formutano do exencion do page de cuotas. Sino presenta su respuesta a Uempo, puede perder el ease por incumpmieno y la corte 1b Podré quar su sueldo, cnaro ybienas sin mas advetencia, Hay ors requisites legales. Es recomendabio que llame a un abogado Inmedlataments. Sino canace a un abogado, puede tamer 8 un servicio de ‘remisin a abogades. Sino puede pagar aun abogade, es posible ue cumpla con los requlslos para obtener servicios legals gatos do un programa de servicios lagales sin fines de luro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de luaro en! sito web de Calfomia Legal Sarces, (, on of Canto do Ayuda de las Cortas de Calforia, (wew, Ges) 0 pontindase en contact con la corte © al colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ey, la care tane derecho a reclamar las cual ys costoeexentos por Imponer in gravaman sobre ‘cualquier recuparacion de $10,000 6 msde valor recbida mediante Un acuerdo @ une concesién de arbre en un caso de derecho Cul Teno que agar ol gravamon de la corte antes de que ls corte puods desechar 0! casa. at his court and have copy "The namie and address of ho cout (Einombrey dreccén dela core 89; Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Central District (Spring Street Courthouse); 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 T8STCVO0081 ‘The name, adress, and telephone number of plitfsatomey,o plant without anatomy, is 7 {Einombrs, 1a drecciony ef numero ao tléfono del abogade del domandarte,o del demanarte que no tone abogade, 23) H, Dean Aynechi, Esq., 350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 3325, Los Angeles, California 90071;(213) 927-3700 ARSZ N ALvAR DATE: October 5, 2018 9 MB ane (Fecha) ocr 0 SHERRI RY 0) ‘aehuney {ForprooT of sanvce oF Wis summons, Use Prost of Serves of Summons (form POSOT {Para procbs do enroga do esta ctaién uso el formulario Proot of Service of Summons, (POS-010)) NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served +. J as an individual defendant. 2. [5] 88 the person sued under the ftitious name of speci) ay 3. [1 on behalf o (specify under: C2] cop 416.10 (corporation) [J cc 416.60 non TS cee 416.20 Getunct corporation) ES}. C6 416.70 (conservatoe) TS) cee 416.40 (association or partnership) E=] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) () other (specity): 4. (7) by personal delivery on (date): ‘SUMMONS: ‘rare Gu Pm 220, eee ‘SUM-200(A) ‘SHORT TITLE: CADE NONE, |_ Melendez v. Arellano, et al. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE + This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space does not permit the lsting ofall parties on the summons. > Ifthis attachment is used, inser the following statement inthe plaintf or defendant box on the summons: "Additional Parts Atlachment form is attached.” List additional parties (Check only one box. Use a separate page for each type of party, [C) Praintitt — [7] Defendant [=] Cross-Complainant [7] Crose-Defendant Holy Family Children's Care, Inc., a California Corporation; EASTER SEALS, INC, DBA Easter Seals Foundation DBA Easter Seals, an llinois Corporation; San Gabriel/Pomona Valleys Developmental Services, Inc. DBA San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center, a California Corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive Poge of ye ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT ‘site any 7 ‘Attachment to Summons Neama Rahmani (State Bar No. 223819) H, Dean Aynechi (State Bar No. 292229) ‘Sam N. Simantob (State Bar No. 312103) WEST COAST TRIAL LAWYERS, APLC 350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 3325 Los Angeles, California 90071 Telephone: (213) 927-3700 Facsimile: (213) 927-3701 Raymond Babaian (State Bar No. 232486) Kamran M. Shahabi (State Bar No. 276194) VALIANT LAW OCT -9 2018 4150 Concours, Suite 260 Ontario, California 91764 Shert R. Caro, Executive Otcen Cork Telephone: (909) 677-2270 By Nancy Alvarez, Deputy Facsimile: (909) 677-2290 | Cooter apex Bétity Attorneys for Plaintiff IRENE MELENDEZ, heir and suecessor-in-interest To TIMOTHY JOHN CORTINAS, deceased SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANCrLES 18S 7 Cy00081 IRENE MELENDEZ, heir and successor-in- | Case No.: interest to TIMOTHY JOHN CORTINAS, deceased, COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES Plaintiff, Negligence (Wrongful Death) 2. Negligent Hiring, Retention and Supervision v, EMANUEL ARELLANO, an individual; 3. Neglect (Welf, & Inst. Code § 15610.57 EVELYN PASCUAL, an individual; HOLY 4, Dependent Adult Physical Abuse FAMILY CHILDREN’S CARE, INC., a (Welf. & Inst, Code § 15610.63) California Corporation; EASTER SEALS, INC, | 5, False Imprisonment. DBA EASTER SEALS FOUNDATION dba 6. Negligent Infliction of Emotional EASTER SEALS, an Illinois Corporation; SAN GABRIEL/POMONA VALLEYS DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, INC. DBA SAN GABRIEL/POMONA REGIONAL CENTER, a California Corporation; and DOES 1) through 50, inclusive, Distress 71. Negligence (Survivor Action) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Defendants. ‘COMPLAINT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL

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