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Latin I Midterm Exam Review Nomen ______________________

I. Nouns. Be able to decline 1st and 2nd declension nouns in singular and plural. Be prepared to make Latin
adjectives agree with their nouns. Here are some nouns for practice:

1) patria, patriae (f) 2) colonus, coloni (m) 3) ager, agri (m) 4) socius, soci (m) 5) bellum, belli (n)
6) free horse 7) famous sailor

II. Verbs. Translate verbs from Latin to English and from English to Latin.
1) amāmus _____________________ 4) you (pl.) are _______________________________
2) debuistī _____________________ 5) they will be ________________________________
3) maturāre ____________________ 6) movebit ___________________________________

III. Review All Notes. Review your notes so you’ll be prepared to translate a Latin passage. Examples:
1) Which case is used for the direct object?

2) Which mood makes a command?

3) Identify the case of the following word: Marce.

4) An infinitive is the _____________ principal part of a verb.

5) The PERFECT stem comes from which principal part?

IV. Translate Latin Passage. You will be given a Latin passage to translate into English. Be as literal as
possible. You will need to identify grammatical constructions in the passage.

V. Deity Identification. Multiple Choice: domains, characteristics and names of gods and goddesses.

VI. Sentence Translation. Translate a sentence from English to Latin.

VII. Vocabulary Review. Multiple Choice: Lesson 1 – 16.

 decline three nouns
 translate verbs
 translate an English sentence
 identify descriptions/definitions about gods and goddesses
 translate a passage from Latin to English
 answer grammar questions about passage
 read the remainder of the passage and answer questions about it
 multiple choice: grammar and vocabulary
 Lessons 1 - 16

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