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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicações Lda.

Inglês 7º Ano – Present Continuous

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

a. I / not ask for / a lot of money. – I am not asking for a lot of money.
b. He / not listen / to me. – He isn’t listened to me.
c. I / not work / today. – I am not working today.
d. She / not wear / a coat. – She isn’t wearing a coat.
e. They / not learn / very much. – They aren’t learning very much.
f. We / not enjoy / this film – We aren’t enjoying this film.
g. You / not eat / much these days. – You aren’t eating much these days.

a. everybody / listen / to me? – Are everybody listening to me?
b. you / wait / for somebody? – Are you waiting for somebody?
c. your boyfriend / enjoy / the concert? – Is your boyfriend enjoying the
d. those men / take / our car? – Are those men taking our car?
e. it / snow? – Is it snowing?

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