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October 9, 2018

Members of the Graves County Sheriff's Office have been asked by numerous people for the
facts of the case involving Sheriff Redmon. So far, the facts have not been presented to the
public, the tax payers and the voters of Graves County. Therefore, we the undersigned members
of the Graves County Sheriff’s Office, attest to the following information as being true and
complete. This information is being provided so the public will be aware of what has happened
and is happening with their Sheriff's Office.

 Sheriff Redmon is currently under felony indictment through Graves County Circuit
Court for the charges of Possession of a Controlled Substance 1st degree (a Class D
Felony) and Official Misconduct 1st degree (a Class A Misdemeanor). These charges
stemmed from Sheriff Redmon taking and using prescription pain medication from the
drug drop box at the Sheriff's Office. This box was meant as a means for the public to
drop off prescription medications to be disposed of properly.

 Sheriff Redmon was originally not in charge of the drug drop box at the Sheriff’s
Office; another employee at the Sheriff’s Office was. Approximately a year and a half
to two years ago, Sheriff Redmon took possession of all keys to the Sheriff’s Office
drug drop box and took over moving disposed drugs from the drop box to the storage
area where they were kept until proper disposal took place.

 On July 6, 2018, Captain Jeremy Prince of the Sheriff’s Office observed a pill bottle in
the pants pocket of Sheriff Redmon with the word “pain” written across the top of it.
This took place in the parking lot of a local business where Captain Prince was sitting
in a vehicle and Sheriff Redmon was standing outside of the vehicle. When Sheriff
Redmon returned to the Sheriff’s Office, the pill bottle was no longer in his pocket. A
probable cause search of his Sheriff’s Office, county-owned vehicle, was conducted.
The pill bottle with “pain” written on the lid and an empty pill bottle were found in the
center console of Sheriff Redmon’s county-owned vehicle. Both prescription bottles
had the name of other individuals on them. Neither bottle was prescribed to Sheriff
Redmon or a family member. The pill bottle with “pain” written on the lid contained
pain medication. The other pill bottle had contained pain medication but was now
empty. The writing on the top of the pill bottle was matched with writing on other pill
bottles of non-pain medication that had been turned in for disposal. The pill bottles
with matching writing were found in the storage area. They had been moved from the
drop box to the storage area by Sheriff Redmon.

 Once Sheriff Redmon realized that the bottle of medication was missing, he questioned
deputies as to if any of them had seen a pill bottle lying on the ground outside of his
Sheriff's Office vehicle. He then stated that a female had approached him outside of the
court house and had given him some bottles of medication to destroy. This female was
later questioned and stated that she did not give the pill bottles she brought for
destruction to Sheriff Redmon. Instead, she had dropped them into the drug drop box
 Due to the seriousness of this situation and the fact that only Sheriff Redmon had access
to the drug drop box, the information was turned over to the Kentucky State Police on
the evening of July 6, 2018. This was not done out of spite for Sheriff Redmon or for
anyone to get a “leg up” or “move up the ladder” at the Sheriff’s Office. Law
enforcement officers take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of this Commonwealth. Sheriff Redmon was not abiding by the oath
he took and the promise he made to God and the people of Graves County. Captain
Prince was not going to violate the oath he took and the promise he made before God
and the people of Graves County; therefore, he had no choice but to contact the State
Police with the information.

 At that time, the Kentucky State Police began an investigation into this case. On July
18, 2018, Sheriff Redmon was interviewed by the Kentucky State Police. Sheriff
Redmon admitted to stealing pain medication from the Sheriff’s Office drug drop box
numerous times. Sheriff Redmon was also offered treatment for his drug addiction, but
he stated that he did not need any help because he did not have a problem.

 Sheriff Redmon left the Sheriff’s Office on July 18, 2018, and maintained little to no
contact with Sheriff’s Office employees for the next several days. A meeting was held
by supervision at the Sheriff’s Office to tell all employees about the situation, as Sheriff
Redmon had not explained anything to anyone before he left. On September 5, 2018,
he was arraigned in Circuit Court. He was court-ordered to refrain from exercising his
law enforcement duties until further direction of the court. He was allowed to continue
to assist in tax collection and estate-related business. The first day Sheriff Redmon
returned to the Sheriff’s Office to complete these duties during business hours was
Friday, September 28, 2018.

 Once a Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Police Officer, State Trooper or other law enforcement
officer has violated their code of ethics and their oath, their ability to do their job has
been compromised. Their integrity, trustworthiness and character are now in question.
Law enforcement officers are held to a higher standard, as they should be. They are the
guardians of their communities, and they must conduct themselves in such a manner.
Once a person commits crimes, no matter the reason, they can no longer be respected
and trusted in a law enforcement role.

 A Sheriff can only be removed from office by resignation, retirement, conviction of a

felony crime or a crime such as official misconduct, or death. Under his current term,
Sheriff Redmon will be the Graves County Sheriff through January 6, 2019. We are
concerned that many people are not aware of the implications of this happening during
an election year. Sheriff Redmon is still on the ballot as a candidate for Sheriff. There
are also write-in candidates. If Sheriff Redmon is elected to serve a third term starting
in 2019, the court-ordered conditions will not change. He will continue to be restricted
from law enforcement duties, and will only be allowed to perform the duties of tax
collection and estate- related business. If Sheriff Redmon is convicted or pleads guilty,
he will have to retire/resign or he will be removed from office as per state law. If this
occurs, a special election will be held after he vacates the office.
 As the undersigned members of the Sheriff's Office, we understand that Sheriff
Redmon has/had an addiction. We stand ready to do anything we can for him and his
family in relationship to that addiction.

Thank you,

Jeremy K. Prince
Davant Ramage
Dale Mason
David Warner
Steve Halsell
Richard Edwards
Michael Riley
Brad Lamb
Brandon Collins
Brendan Weldon
Brooke Nelms
Sandy Ellegood
Kim Sanders
Kaite Beth Clapp
Wade Heatherly
David Nemish
Ashley Thompson
Russ Cotter

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