Halloween AND NEW YEAR

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 October 2, 1968: In Mexico City occurs the 1968 Movement in Mexico called → La matanza de
Tlatelolco ←
 October 4, 1824: The first Federal Constitution of the Republic is enacted.
 October 5, 1910: Francisco I. Madero subscribes to the San Luis Plan.
 October 7, 1851: The first telegraphic line is installed between the D.F. and Puebla.
 October 7, 1913: Belisario Domínguez is assassinated by orders of the dictator Victoriano Huerta.
 October 9, 1830: Ignacio L. Vallarta was born in Guadalajara (Jalisco).
 October 11, 1876: General Porfirio Diaz uprising against President Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada.
 October 11, 1990: Octavio Paz is awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
 October 11, 1995: Mario J. Molina is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
 October 13, 1955: General Manuel Ávila Camacho dies, who had been president from 1940 to 1946.
 October 15, 1521: He is subjected to torments.
 October 17, 1953: The Mexican woman acquires equal rights with men, before the Political
Constitution of the United Mexican States.
 October 18, 1866: General Porfirio Diaz defeats the French in the "Battle of the Carbonera."
 October 19, 1945: Plutarco Elías Calles dies, who had been president of Mexico between 1924 and
 October 19, 1970: Die General and Politician, Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, who had been president of
Mexico from 1934 to 1940.
 October 21, 1865: Republican General José María Arteaga Magallanes, also known as one of the
Martyrs of Uruapan, is shot in Uruapan, Michoacán.
 October 22, 1814: The Act of the Constitution of Apatzingán is promulgated.
Halloween is a celebration observed
in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of
the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It
begins the three-day observance of All Hallowtide,
the time in the liturgical year dedicated to
remembering the dead, including saints (hallows),
martyrs, and all the faithful departed.

Halloween activities
include trick-or-treating (or the related guising), attending
Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-
lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games,
playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary
stories, and watching horror films.

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