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Combining Hoshin Planning with Current Lean practitioners believe busi-

ness processes should be organized and

the Balanced Scorecard to Achieve facilities should be arranged along “val-

ue streams.” There are two main types
Breakthrough Results of value streams: 1) the order fulfillment
value stream and 2) the new-product
By Gerald K. DeBusk and Chuck DeBusk value stream. The order fulfillment value
Many organizations today are adopting the Lean and Lean Six stream includes all the activities neces-
sary to bring a product or service from
Sigma tools and philosophies. Studies conducted by the authors
customer order to delivery. New-prod-
have revealed that four of every 10 organizations are using uct value streams comprise the steps
Lean or Lean Six Sigma. (Hereafter we will use the designation LSS necessary to develop a new product for
to refer to both Lean and Lean Six Sigma.) Earlier research we the market. Value streams cut across the
performed on LSS raised our curiosity as to what complementary traditional departmental organization
effects, if any, exist for organizations that adopt both LSS and structure and thus require new ways of
managing and measuring the business.
strategy or policy deployment tools such as the Balanced Scorecard
The value stream approach requires, to
(BSC) and Hoshin Planning, which originated in Japan. If such
the extent possible, dedicated resources
strategy deployment tools were being used in LSS organizations, (people and machinery).
would their use have an effect on LSS benefits? We surveyed more
Six Sigma was first developed at
than 200 members of the Execution Premium Community (XPC),
Motorola in the 1980s. Early adopters
asking them about their use of LSS and of the BSC and Hoshin included such firms as General Electric,
Planning. The results reveal that the combination of the BSC and Honeywell International, and Raytheon.
Hoshin Planning can be especially helpful for those organizations Six Sigma is a structured, data-driven
pursuing LSS. methodology for improving business
processes and quality. The name refers
What Is Lean Six Sigma? ment systems—with their emphasis on to the quality goal of 3.4 defects per mil-
Before defining Lean Six Sigma, we must departmental efficiencies and absorp- lion opportunities. Like Lean, Six Sigma
first define its separate components: tion of overhead—work, at least in part, focuses on providing customers the
Lean and Six Sigma. against Lean goals. products and services they desire.

The term “Lean” was first introduced in The most recognized and best example There are two submethodologies
the writings of James Womack and Daniel of a Lean system is the Toyota Produc- included in Six Sigma: DMAIC and DFSS
Jones in the 1990s.1 We define Lean as tion System. Many of those not involved (or DMADV). DMAIC (Define-Measure-
an overarching philosophy or system with Lean may fail to realize that the Analyze-Improve-Control) is used in
focusing on delivering value to the Toyota Production System originated existing processes to reduce variability.
customer, improving flow of products/ from the revolutionary automobile It includes collecting data to establish
services, eliminating waste, and respect- manufacturing practices Henry Ford de- baselines, performing statistical analysis
ing people. Often Lean is construed to veloped in the early 1900s. Today, Toyota to determine causality of errors, using
be mainly about downsizing or waste can claim a long track record (with only tools such as “Design of Experiments”
elimination. Many, including the authors, a few exceptions) of providing customer to improve processes, and monitoring
feel that waste elimination is secondary value by delivering high-quality, low-cost processes and improvement efforts to
to the main tenets of providing customer products. Waste, especially in the form ensure they remain under control.
value and improving flow. Lean organiza- of inventory, is kept low by increasing DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) is the more
tions concentrate on improving flow flow (reducing cycle times) and produc- common acronym for the second
of products and services through the ing to meet customer demand. Perfec- submethodology, but DMADV (Define-
entire system rather than optimizing in- tion is relentlessly pursued through Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify) is also
dividual and departmental performance kaizen, or continuous improvement used. DFSS is used for new-product
reports. Unfortunately, traditional efforts, throughout the organization. development with a focus on quality
accounting and performance measure- and meeting customer requirements.

1 D. Jones and J. Womack, Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth, Simon and Schuster, 1996.

n o v e m b e r – d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 : v o l u m e 1 3 , n u m b e r 6 7
number of responses: the lean six sigma adoption was... Organizations often combine Lean and Six
1 2 3 4 Sigma. Many feel that Lean is great for im-
Balanced Not Somewhat Very Total Average
Scorecard Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Responses Response proving flow and eliminating waste but does
Yes 1 8 18 17 44 3.16 little to reduce process variability. Six Sigma,
No 0 12 20 7 39 2.87 with its focus on reducing variability, can be
Total 1 20 38 24 83 3.01 used to not only improve quality but also
increase flow. However, Lean provides a more
Those who use the Balanced Scorecard are more than twice as likely to rate
all-hands-on-deck emphasis on flow that
their LSS adoption as “very beneficial” compared with non–Balanced Score- many prefer. Therefore, combining these two
card users. This finding reflects a benefit of using both approaches together. approaches allows an organization to better
achieve breakthrough performance results.
number of responses: the lean six sigma adoption was...
1 2 3 4 Survey
Adoption Not Somewhat Very Total Average The BSC has long been recognized as a strat-
Timing Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Responses Response
egy execution tool. But would the BSC or a
BSC Preceded 0 7 13 15 35 3.23
LSS Adoption similar strategy deployment tool be effective
or Adopted
Simultaneously in LSS organizations? Kaplan and Norton
BSC Adopted 1 1 5 2 9 2.89 discuss quality and process improvement
After LSS
methodologies in their book The Execution
Total 1 8 18 17 44 3.16
Premium: Linking Strategy to Operations for
Quality and process improvement projects
Organizations that adopted the Balanced Scorecard prior to or in conjunction
will generate the highest payoffs when
with adoption of LSS reported more successful LSS adoptions. This raises the
question “What is it about the Balanced Scorecard that aids users of LSS?” they are selected based on criteria linked
to the company’s strategic objectives. …
number of responses: the lean six sigma adoption was... [B]etter, faster, cheaper local processes
does not a strategy make. Companies
Scorecard 1 2 3 4 should emphasize improving those
for Strategy Not Somewhat Very Total Average
Deployment Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Responses Response processes that contribute the most to the
Yes 1 6 13 15 35 3.20
success of the company’s strategy. (p. 164)
No 0 2 5 2 9 3.00 Our experience in studying LSS organizations
Total 1 8 18 17 44 3.16 led us to inquire about the relevance of the
BSC and other strategy deployment tools to
STRATEGY DEPLOYMENT these new approaches to managing organiza-
Organizations that use both the Balanced Scorecard and LSS tend to see tions. With the much-appreciated assistance
more success with their LSS adoption. The Balanced Scorecard is an effective of the Palladium Group, Inc., we surveyed
mechanism to achieve strategy deployment and LSS can be more effectively members of its Execution Premium Commu-
leveraged using this approach. nity (XPC) about BSC and LSS use. We received
208 usable responses, with approximately
number of responses: the lean six sigma adoption was...
40% (83) of these organizations identifying
Planning 1 2 3 4 themselves as LSS users (using either Lean
for Strategy Not Somewhat Very Total Average alone or Lean Six Sigma). Service organiza-
Deployment Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Responses Response
tions (including finance, insurance, and real
Yes 1 0 2 7 9 3.78
estate plus public administration) were the
No 1 6 11 8 26 3.00
largest block of LSS organizations at 58%,
Total 1 6 13 15 35 3.20
followed by manufacturing firms at 27%.
Hoshin Planning can be an effective tool to augment the Balanced Scorecard
in deploying strategy in LSS organizations. Users of both Hoshin Planning and
Balanced Scorecard significantly outperform those only using the scorecard

2 R. Kaplan and D. Norton, The Execution Premium: Linking Strategy to Operations for Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business Press, 2008.

8 b a l a n c e d s c o r e c a r d r e p o r t
Effect of BSC on Perceived
The case studies outlined in The Execution Premium provide
Benefits of LSS
evidence that Hoshin Planning can be an effective tool for
Of the 83 LSS organizations, 44 also were
using the BSC. Survey participants were augmenting the BSC in deploying strategy in LSS organizations.
asked to evaluate their adoption of LSS Our survey supports that hypothesis. Nine of the 35 organizations
as “not beneficial,” “somewhat benefi- using the BSC for strategy deployment also used Hoshin Planning
cial,” “beneficial,” or “very beneficial.” for strategy deployment. The Hoshin Planning and BSC users sig-
We assigned a numerical score of 1 nificantly outperformed those using only the BSC.
(not beneficial) to 4 (very beneficial)
to these choices. The survey results
to deploy strategy tended to see more In TCB’s [Thai Carbon Black’s] Hoshin
provide strong evidence that those who
success with their LSS adoption, with an Kanri catchball process, department
combine the BSC with LSS receive more
average rating of 3.20, compared with a heads translated BSC measures into
benefits from their use of LSS. The aver-
rating of 3.00 for those companies that specific measures for their units; then,
age rating for those using the BSC was
did not use BSC as a strategy deploy- via catchball, they cascaded those
3.16, 10% higher than those who did not
ment tool. See Figure 3. down to the next managerial level
use the BSC. The difference was statisti-
within each department, and then
cally significant (p = .044 one-tailed). An Combining Hoshin Planning with down to supervisors and local em-
examination of the data reveals that the BSC in LSS Organizations ployee project teams. Each cascading
39% of BSC users rated their LSS adop-
Hoshin Kanri is a Japanese term that stage used two-way communication
tion as “very beneficial” compared with
many translate into English as “policy between managers and their direct
18% of non-BSC users. See Figure 1.
deployment” or “strategy deployment.” subordinates to agree on measures
We further subdivided the BSC users into Hoshin Kanri—also referred to as Hoshin and targets. This systematic cascading
two groups, those who adopted the BSC Planning—is a structured process using process created alignment through-
before or in conjunction with LSS and forms and rules for deploying strategic out the organization. (p. 169)
those who adopted the BSC after LSS. objectives throughout the organization
and executing strategy effectively. It is The case studies outlined in The Execu-
Those organizations with BSC adop-
data driven and based on the Plan-Do- tion Premium provide evidence that
tions preceding or in conjunction with
Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. A central tenet Hoshin Planning can be an effective tool
LSS had more successful LSS adoptions.
of Hoshin Planning is that business for augmenting the BSC in deploying
Their average rating on benefits was 3.23
fundamentals must be controlled first strategy in LSS organizations. Our survey
(on the same 1-to-4 scale) versus 2.89.
before breakthroughs can be achieved. supports that hypothesis. Nine of the 35
Nearly twice as many respondents rated
Business fundamentals involve tactical organizations using the BSC for strategy
their LSS as “very beneficial” if they did
decision making. Breakthrough plans deployment also used Hoshin Planning
not wait to adopt the BSC until after
involve strategic decisions. for strategy deployment. The Hoshin
adopting LSS. See Figure 2.
Planning and BSC users significantly
The above analysis should lead the Also central to Hoshin Planning is the outperformed (p = .007 one-tailed) those
reader to ask the questions, “What is “catchball” activity. Goals, objectives, using only the BSC. See Figure 4.
it about the BSC that aids LSS users?” and measures are effectively trans-
lated down and across the organiza- Seven of the nine organizations (78%)
and “Why do those organizations need
tion through a process of discussions using both Hoshin Planning and the BSC
the BSC in place when adopting LSS?”
and negotiations. The parties cannot rated their LSS adoption as “very benefi-
Organizations manage their business
proceed without agreement, which cial.” It appears from the information in
differently after adopting LSS. They are
helps achieve broad support for the Figure 4 that Hoshin Planning turbo-
pursing different strategies and using
plan. Kaplan and Norton in The Execu- charges the effectiveness of BSC efforts
different performance measures.
tion Premium outline how mobile-phone to deploy and execute strategy in LSS
Kaplan and Norton suggest the BSC is a organizations. The data suggests that
producer Information and Communica-
method of deploying strategy through- Hoshin Planning and the BSC combine
tions Mobile used the catchball process
out the organization. We asked LSS and to achieve maximum effectiveness of
to cascade BSC objectives (p. 166–68).
BSC users if they were using the BSC to LSS adoptions. Robert Guenard, senior
They also discuss carbon black producer
deploy strategy throughout the orga- strategic initiatives leader at Merck
Thai Carbon Black’s use of Hoshin Plan-
nization. Nearly 80% of the organiza- Manufacturing Division, states, “We are
ning and catchball to deploy objectives.
tions said yes. Those who used the BSC using the mind-sets, methodologies, and
Kaplan and Norton state:

n o v e m b e r – d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 : v o l u m e 1 3 , n u m b e r 6 9
number of responses: the lean six sigma adoption was... Chuck DeBusk is Vice Presi-
dent, Performance & Process
BSC and Hoshin Improvement for Universal
Planning 1 2 3 4
Usage/ Strategy Not Somewhat Very Total Average Health Services. DeBusk’s
Deployment (SD) Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Beneficial Responses Response current role is to provide
leadership in identifying and
BSC and Hoshin 0 0 2 7 9 3.78
Planning used realizing opportunities to
for SD reduce waste and rework,
BSC used for SD 1 6 11 8 26 3.00 enhance processes, and im-
without Hoshin prove execution. He has more
Planing for SD*
than 30 years of experience
BSC usage but 0 2 5 2 9 3.00 in process improvement and
not for SD**
is a Certified Lean Six Sigma
Hoshin Planning 0 3 4 0 7 2.57 Master Black Belt and a Regis-
usage without
BSC*** tered Professional Engineer.

Hoshin Planning 0 9 16 7 32 2.94 Gerald K. DeBusk is a UC Foun-

and BSC not used
dation Associate Professor of
Total 1 20 38 24 83 3.01 Accounting at The University
of Tennessee–Chattanooga.
* Two organizations in this category were using Hoshin Planning but not for SD. For simplicity, their results are
combined with others using BSC for SD. His nearly 30 years of
** Only one of the organizations is using Hoshin Planning in this category. For simplicity, their results are
experience include his recent
combined with other BSC users. years in academia, 15 years
*** Three of the seven organizations in this category did not indicate specifically that their Hoshin Planning usage in accounting departments
was for SD. Their results were slightly more favorable (average 2.67 compared with 2.50 for those claiming Hoshin of manufacturing firms—
Planning for SD). For simplicity, the results were combined into a single row.
which included positions
as a corporate controller/
secretary-treasurer, plant
controller, and cost account-
Organizations using only Hoshin Planning achieve mediocre benefits from adopt- ing manager—plus two years
ing LSS. But organizations that combined Hoshin Planning with the Balanced in public accounting with a
Scorecard achieved remarkable results. Hoshin Planning, alone, is not the answer. Big Eight firm.

tools for Hoshin Planning within the previously mentioned, the nine organi- To learn more
framework of the Kaplan and Norton zations that combined Hoshin Planning “Has Your Accounting Department Evolved?
Strategy Execution system, which we with the BSC for strategy deployment Accounting and the Use of Lean Six Sigma,” G. K.
DeBusk and C. DeBusk, Cost Management, 2011,
have already implemented.” achieved remarkable results. Seven of
25 (3), pp. 15–19.
the nine rated their LSS adoption as
Additional Analysis and Summary “very beneficial,” and the other two
“Characteristics of Successful Lean Six Sigma
Organizations,” G. K. DeBusk and C. DeBusk,
Prior literature on this topic and the organizations rated it as “beneficial” Cost Management, 2010, 24 (1), pp. 5–10.
authors agree that LSS organizations (average response was 3.78). See Figure 5.
“The Effects of Adopting the Balanced Score-
need a tool to deploy strategy in order
card on Shareholder Returns,” A. D. Crabtree
to achieve what Kaplan and Norton call Summary and G. K. DeBusk, Advances in Accounting Incor-
an “execution premium.” Unfortunately, The results illustrated in Figure 5 provide porating Advances in International Accounting,
2008, 24 (1), pp. 8–15.
our survey suggests those organizations strong evidence that combining Hoshin
using only Hoshin Planning achieve me- Planning with the BSC is extraordinarily
Reprint #B1111B
diocre benefits from adopting LSS. Seven effective in achieving breakthrough
organizations in our survey used Hoshin results in LSS organizations.
Planning without the BSC. Three of these
organizations rated their LSS adoption
as “somewhat beneficial,” and four rated
the adoption as “beneficial” (average
response was 2.57 on a scale of 1 to 4). As

“We are using the mind-sets, methodologies, and tools for Hoshin
Planning within the framework of the Kaplan and Norton Strategy
Execution system, which we have already implemented.”
— Robert Guenard, Senior Strategic Initiatives Leader, Merck Manufacturing Division

10 b a l a n c e d s c o r e c a r d r e p o r t

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