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Ketua Himpunan AEELS 2018 Ketua Pelaksana EDUTALENT 2018


NIM. 165110507111042 NIM. 165110500111031




Millennial generation or familiarly called generation Y is a group of young people in

their teens to early thirties who was born in early 1980 to early 2000 (Suryadi, 2015).

As reported by Hasanudin Ali in Indonesia, studies and on millennial generation have

not been done, whereas the number of Indonesian population aged between 15-34 years is
currently very large, which is 34.45%. Compared to the previous generation, millennial
generation is unique. Research results released by the Pew Research Center, for example, in
his research he showed uniqueness millennial generation. What is striking from the millennial
generation than the previous generation is about the use of technology and pop culture.
Millennial generation's life can not be separated from technology, especially the Internet, has
become a staple of entertainment for this generation.

In this 21st century, technological progress is already very advanced. Technology can
be an opportunity to promote the Indonesian youth of this country. Obviously, if the youth
using the technology to dig up useful information. As we have seen, a wide range of
information already available on the internet. We just need to get rid of laziness us to dig up
the information.

Technology also allows us to interact with other countries, of course, this is an

opportunity for young people to get information from the outside world. For example, we
want to make an airplane, we can see the theories on which to base the aircraft-making
procedure on the internet, then we apply the theory. However, most of us are lazy to try and
lazy to innovate.

From there we know that the young people of Indonesia have the talent and potential
is extraordinary. Therefore, in the era of the 21st century, we as the future generation should
be more clever in exploiting loopholes and opportunities for us to advance this country. We
can make these opportunities using advanced technology present moment, so everything is a
challenge we can face and solve.

The government should also pay more attention to this millennial generation that
millennial generation is not carried away by the sheer pleasure that they forget their
responsibilities in leading Indonesia. Governments, civil society and education experts also
need to understand the full portrait millennial generation in Indonesia. By doing so, we will
have an overview, the views, aspirations and their perspective on all aspects of their lives, so
that the whole Indonesian development could be right on target because this millennial
generation who will shoulder the responsibility in determining the fate and future of

Developments in information technology brought about changes in our cultural life,

especially for the younger generation successor to the nation. Therefore, the development of
information technology is to be utilized as much as possible and still closely usable, so that
the younger generation does not fall on the cruelty of information technology that ultimately
damage the younger generation Indonesian culture. Parents should always supervise their
children in the use of information technology such as the internet, television, or mobile phone
in order to avoid the negative impact of IT advancement.

We as young people and the nation's future to be able to preserve the culture of our
nation which is now being eroded by the culture of other nations as a result of advances in
information technology and communications. And filter out negative cultures coming through
information technology.

Nama: Muhammad Ilyas Abdullah

NIM :185110500111013

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