PA 208 Course Syllabus

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National College of Public Administration and Governance

University of the Philippines

Course Syllabus


2nd Semester 2010-2011

(A) T 5:40-8:30PM

Instructor: Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao, Dr. Eng.

Consultation Hours: WF 4:00PM-5:30PM, RM 303-J
Th 2:30PM-5:30PM, RM 303-J

1. Course Description:

This course deals with the nature, processes and dynamics of the Philippine Administrative System
(PAS) and its role in national development. It will cover the significant frameworks, contexts,
structures and processes, dynamics, and critical issues in the PAS and the transitions and major
changes in the governance and administration of the PAS. The course also highlights the role of
various forces – internal and external, that act as pressure on the design and performance of the
Philippine Administrative System.

2. Course Objectives:

At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:

1. Develop an awareness and appreciation of the historical roots of, the indigenous values that
underlie and the national and international context (social, cultural, political, and economic)
that shape and influence the Philippine Administrative System;
2. Describe and analyze the formal structure, processes and internal dynamics confronting the
Philippine Administrative System and determine how the administrative system can better
respond to the changing needs and dynamics of Philippine society; and
3. Develop communication and analytical skills used by planners, policy analysts and public
administrators to tackle contemporary issues on the Philippine Administrative System.

3. Course Requirements:

Attendance/Participation 15%
Book/Article Review 20%
Mid-Term Exam 30%
Term Paper and Oral Report 35%

4. Grading:

Score Grade Score Grade

Equivalent Equivalent
92-100 1.0 68-71.9 2.5
88-91.9 1.25 64-67.9 2.75
84-87.9 1.5 60-63.9 3.0
80-83.9 1.75 55-59.9 4.0
76-79.9 2.0 Below 55 5.0
72-75.9 2.25 Good standing but INC
with deficiencies
Note: DRP will only be given to a student who officially drops the course and returns the
dropping slip to the instructor.

5. Course Outline:

A. Introduction

B. Paradigms and Frameworks in the Study of Public Administration and Its Relevance on
the Philippine Administrative System
1. Public administration as a field of practice and as an academic field of study
2. Overview of the paradigms and frameworks in public administration and relevance to the
3. Sociological and cultural roots of the PAS
C. The Contexts and Their Effects on Philippine Public Administration
1. The state and political system
2. Society and culture
3. State of the economy
4. Global system
D. The Philippine Public Administration System as Enabler Framework: Components and
Power Base
1. Components of an Enabling PAS
2. Sources of power of the PAS
3. Desirable characteristics of the PAS
4. PAS as en enabling institution
5. Community Empowerment
6. Accountability
E. Structures and Processes in the PAS
1. Provisions in the Constitution
2. E.O. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987)
3. Types of institutions within the PAS
4. The PAS structure and component organizations
5. The PAS and reorganizations
6. The national development goals and the policy and planning sub-system
7. The service delivery subsystem
8. The regulatory subsystem and constitutional commissions
9. The accountability subsystem
F. Innovations in Government Policies & Services
1. Civil Society, NGOs, People’s organizations, voluntary organizations, Non-profit

2. State and civil society relations: impact on the public administrative system
3. Multi-sectoral collaboration of government, NGOs, private sector
4. Devolution, national-central and local relations, impact on the Philippine administrative
5. Metropolitan Governance
6. Others
G. Challenges to Public Administration, Innovations in Practice, Knowledge Generation and
Use (From Theory to Practice)
1. Climate change, environmental degradation, sustainable development
2. Food security vs. fuel
3. Urbanization, metropolitan development and poverty
4. Globalization and trade
5. Debt and structural adjustment
6. Privatization
7. Political stability
8. Economic development and poverty (problems that go with urban development and
metropolitan development)
9. The civil service system and graft and corruption: ethics in public service
10. Reorganization and the PAS
11. Reinventing government: organization development, systems development
H. Integration

6. Main References

Alfiler, Ma. Concepcion (1999) The Philippine Administrative System, U.P. Open University, Quezon

Bautista, Victoria et. al (2003) Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines: A Reader,
National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines Diliman.

Carino, Ledevina V, ed. (1995) Conquering Politico-Administrative Frontiers: Essays in Honor of

Paul P. de Guzman, Quezon City, UP College of Public Administration and UP Press.

Corpuz, Onofre D. (1957) Bureaucracy in the Philippines, Institute of Public Administration,

University of the Philippines.

De Guzman, Raul, et. al (1989) Public Administration in a Changing National and International
Environment, Manila, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration.

Tapales, Proserpine and Nestor Pilar (1995) Public Administration by the Year 2000: Looking Back
into the Future, Quezon City, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University
of the Philippines Diliman.

7. Important Dates to Remember:

Mid-Semester – January 21 (Fri)

Deadline for dropping subjects – February 16 (Wed)
End of Classes – March 22 (Tue)

Final Exam Period – March 24 (Thu) to March 26 (Sat)
Deadline for Submitting Grades – April 5 (Tue) for Graduating Students
April 12 (Tue) for Other Students

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