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Report on Neng Han’s incident

I was explaining some questions regarding the concept of ‘Push and Pull’ on the board. At that time
Risqi, Hao Bin and Neng Han were making noise and disturbing the class.

I warned them several times but they continued disturbing the class. To make them frighten, I used a
small ruler to him them lightly. On that day, I used the ruler as usual on these three boys. After
hitting, Risqi and Hao Bin turned quiet. But Neng Han kept on making noise and teasing me by
imitating my voice.

This made me to hit him again. Consequently, he told me that my hits were not making him pain
anywhere. This made the class laugh at me. So, this time I hit him several times.

If I was not mistaken, my several times of hitting might have hurt him. But I really felt very sad and
upset after seeing his hand on the next day morning. I hope and promised to myself not to repeat
this mistake anymore.

Thank you.

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